10 best detox products of spring

In spring, nature literally recovers from hibernation, and about the same thing happens to our body. Slags and toxins accumulated during the cold season not only worsen health, but also affect the appearance - the skin loses its radiance and begins to peel, and the excess weight stubbornly refuses to go away. Our body just needs cleansing and its portion of care and attention!

Of course, the maximum harm was caused by the abuse of fried, smoked, too fatty and spicy dishes, refined foods and alcohol, so first of all you should just limit them. And the second step is the inclusion of detoxifying drinks and products that promote the activation of liver enzymes that cleanse the intestines and trigger metabolism. For today’s review, we have selected the 10 best seasonal products that will help our body get rid of all unnecessary and quickly come into good shape. Plus tips on how best to use these products. 1. It is commonly believed that beets are a leading “specialist” in liver cleansing, which, in turn, is the most important detox organ, so we trust this root vegetable with an honorable mission to open our list. In many ways, the detox effect of beet is the content of betaine, polyphenols and polysaccharides that stimulate the liver and activate the production of cleansing enzymes. For a more powerful and pronounced effect, beets are better to use fresh: as part of salads or drinks. However, it should be remembered that cleansing with beet juice is a serious practice, so it is best to start with a mixture with carrot juice.

2. Various herbal teas, decoctions and infusions are the basis of traditional traditional medicine, and a healthy alternative to caffeinated drinks that acidify the blood. The properties of herbs are quite well studied - we choose for spring tea fees with cleansing, anticosidant and antiviral properties and enjoy the result! Lime, nettle, mint, lemongrass, thyme, dandelion, rosehip and chamomile are always at your service, but do not forget that refined sugar is better to prefer honey, stevia or any other natural sweetener.

3. There are so many reasons to make friends with cabbage once and for all! This all-season vegetable helps cleanse the liver, reduces cholesterol, removes toxins and saturates the body with potassium, magnesium, calcium and folic acid. In addition, cabbage can be enjoyed without additional heat treatment, which guarantees a higher safety of all nutrients. To prepare a crispy salad brush, wonderfully cleansing the intestines, insert cabbage and mix with grated carrots. This salad is better to eat without adding salt and at least 30 minutes before the main course.

4. Due to the low calorie content, the ability to normalize metabolism and remove excess fluid from the body, celery has found a place in the list of allowed products of most diets. It is believed that celery also helps to increase the body's resistance to the effects of harmful additives and preservatives - for this special thanks to the rich mineral composition of the vegetable. To join celery is very simple - if you do not like its specific aroma, include it in the composition of light spring soups, vegetable cocktails with tomato or green mixtures with spinach.

5. This wonderful source of healthy fats, fiber and antioxidants perfectly protects vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques and cleanses the intestines. Add avocados to salads and vegetable rolls, cook homemade guacamole, cold cream avocado soup and even avocado-based puddings. However, do not forget that the most useful avocados are grown organically without the use of any chemistry.

6. Learn a simple but extremely useful habit to start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon juice or a small slice of lemon. The result can be felt immediately: feel how the body wakes up, the digestive work starts and the appetite that is often absent in the morning wakes up. Other advantages of this drink include liver cleansing, alkalization and activation of immunity with vitamin C.

7. Ginger Ginger is a great assistant in the off-season! Having a powerful bactericidal and antiviral effect, it protects us from colds and infections. Ginger also perfectly eliminates existing inflammation, cleanses the blood and activates the digestive system. It is believed that for a greater detox effect, it is best to chew ginger slices, but you can also prepare a cleansing tonic from water with the addition of lemon juice and pieces of ginger. And of course, do not forget about ginger tea, sauces and salad dressings.

8. Rich in fiber, vitamin C and natural antioxidants, grapefruit literally sets the whole body on a wave of cleansing. It works something like this: the liver is activated and produces the necessary enzymes, while all other organs receive their portion of nutrients. Grapefruit juice has also been found to help activate metabolism and speed up fat breakdown – another step towards slimness this spring! Just start with a morning fresh and consolidate the result by eating half a grapefruit as a snack or instead of dessert.

9. Help your liver, enhancing in a natural way the production of cleansing enzymes that remove toxins and slags, using watercress - miniature sprouts with a bright fresh taste. Include them in your morning smoothies and detox cocktails - with a competent combination of ingredients, the presence of greens will be almost imperceptible. For example, color and taste are easily overlapped by the addition of blackcurrant, blueberries, acai powder or cocoa. And if you like the taste of watercress in itself, you can safely include it in any vegetable dishes.

10. Unfortunately, dishes with algae extremely rarely fall on our table - the exception is only sushi using seaweed. Meanwhile, algae contain a lot of nutrients, healthy iodine, antioxidants and earned an honorable place in the list of the best foods that can be included in the detox program this spring. You can start with traditional salads and miso soup with kelp, and then you should try morning smoothies and green smoothies with the addition of chlorella powder and spirulina, which have a very powerful cleansing effect. published

Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/desyat-luchshikh-detoks-produktov-vesny


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