Cleansing of blood and lymph
Blood - a "liquid tissue" in our body that performs many important functions - breathing, and food, and the removal of waste products of metabolism. It transports hormones, maintains the water-salt metabolism, acid-base balance and constant body temperature. Protects us from all sorts of foreign agents (microbes, viruses, bacteria).
As can be seen from the above, the work of separate organs, systems and whole organism depends on the quality of your blood, the condition of the entire cardiovascular system in General. Cleaning of the blood allows to maintain it in great shape.
The best time to carry it out in the spring.
Lymph is a circulating form of intercellular fluid. It is in its composition very similar to blood and contains some of its integral parts that seeps through the walls of blood vessels.
The primary functions of lymph: trophic (nutritional) and safety. She plays a huge role in supplying cells with nutrients and removal of waste elements of the exchange, the dead white blood cells, phagocytes, bacteria, viruses, etc. it can easily penetrate the poisons and bacterial toxins, neytralizuya then in the lymph nodes.
Accelerating the flow of lymph increases the intensity and dynamism of metabolic processes, and slowing and stagnation of the lymphatic fluid, deadens the life of the cells and tissues.
When slagging of the organism is very large, the lymph nodes, spleen, filled with toxins, waste products, they cannot do their cleansing and protective functions. So limfocitarnaya great relief to people with pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal diseases and people with fatigue syndromes.
The best time to cleanse is spring.
Dig dandelion roots in the fall (preferably on the growing moon). Wash, chop and dry. They should be light or dark brown. You can dry the roots intact. The dried root is easily to break, not bend.
It is better to use the roots of the second year of life, they are more powerful.
For infusion take 1-2 tbsp. minced root and pour 1 Cup of boiling water.
Simmer on low heat 10 min., 40 min. to cool and drain. Make 1/3 to 1/2 Cup 3 times a day 15 min before meals in the form of heat.
Perform the procedure daily with new broth during the week. If after this period, the urine becomes the color of the water, the procedure can be stopped.
In 1/5 Cup of milk, add freshly prepared, the usual strong brew to fill a Cup 3/4 full volume. Up to 15 hours place in a bowl a pinch of salt, after 15 hours — sugar or honey (2 teaspoons).
Drink 2 to 4 times a day during the week, this drink is not eating anything else for food.
In a day to do enema.
This cleaning is a "shock", therefore, those who have bleeding problems, consult before its implementation with a physician (preferably a physician-homeopath, herbalist).
When this cleansing through the day and you take an enema to get rid of toxins, since the procedure allows to clean from the blood of all the salt and everything is washed into the intestines.
There is a grass — gruha nettle (deadnettle), winner of small white flowers. Collect its flowers and use as a blood-purifying agent:
1 tbsp. spoon flowers, dry or fresh, pour 1 Cup of boiling water. To insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain.
Take 1/2 Cup 4-5 times a day, or 1 glass 3 times per day in the form of heat.
Drink 7 to 10 days.
For this procedure, pre-stock up on 6 liters of photievoy or just melt prepared in the fridge (spring or passed through a filter) water.
On the day of the cleaning, prepare a mixture:
In the morning on an empty stomach, make an enema of 2 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar.
Then drink a solution of 1 tbsp. of Glauber's salt (sodium sulfate), 100 ml of water.
Well then take a warm shower or bath.
30 minutes after making a solution of Glauber's salt drink 200 ml of prepared mixtures of citrus.
You will immediately start to sweat, will the urge to the bowel. Then take 100 ml every 30 minutes until you have drunk the entire 4 liters of the mixture.
In the second and third day, the same as in the first morning enema, then a solution of Glauber's salt and again with 4 liters of a mixture of citrus juice.
This procedure of detoxification should be done 3 days in a row, nothing to eat, in addition to 4 l of a mixture of water and juice.
As a result of the body will be removed approximately 12 liters of toxic lymph and substituted the same amount of alkalizing liquid.
After the procedure on the 4th and subsequent days you should start to drink vegetable juices, eat vegetables and fruits only raw. Then go to a light porridge for 1-2 days — normal diet.
CONTRAINDICATIONS — ethe method should not be used in appendicitis or existing tendency to it.
You need to take:
Ready mix store in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Take 50 ml of the mixture, diluting it with 50 ml of warm water on an empty stomach for 10 days straight then 5 days break.
To repeat a 15 day cycle before the end of the prepared mixture. Purification of the lymph, experts recommend to do 2 times a year — fall and spring.
Tibetan doctors recommend cleansing the lymph in this way.
Take 150-200 ml of a mixture of freshly made juices - carrot or Apple in the mixture with beet in the ratio of 4:1, to take them food every day.
Simultaneously take alcohol tincture of celandine according to this scheme:
before Breakfast — 1 drop,
before lunch — 2 drops,
before dinner — 3 drops and so on
the dose is adjusted to 15 drops at a time, and then gradually reduce to 1 drop
To prepare the tincture take the herb celandine, grind and squeeze the juice, strain it through 2-3 layers of gauze and for every 450 mg juice to add 70 ml of rubbing alcohol.
Store the tincture in the fridge.
Apart from cleansing the lymph, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the body hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, low back pain.
For the prevention of disorders of the lymphatic system you must periodically clean it. An important element of treatment of the lymphatic system are the water treatments that it is advisable to complement the massage with a stiff brush.
Cleansing using dairy products.
Daily on an empty stomach drink 1-2 cups of whey. To 1 Cup add 1 tsp. (without top) salt. The procedure is designed for 2 days. Previously from the evening to clear the intestines with an enema. 1st day — drink only kefir (1-3 l) and nothing there; 2nd day — drink only fresh vegetable and fruit juices. In 3-4 weeks to repeat the procedure.
The plant-based substances:
• Apple cider vinegar thins, resolves hardened, improves lymph flow. It should be drunk by adding 1— 2 tsp per Cup of warm water 2-3 times a day, but not more than 30 g at a time. To hardened lymph nodes applying the lotion. Sometimes recommend pharmacy add a drop of Lugol's solution.
• Drink dandelion juice with the addition of honey — 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Dry dandelion roots grind into powder and pour 1 tbsp of powder to 1/2 liter of boiling water. Insist night, drink a glass 2-3 times a day. The course is 7 days.
• A tablespoon of herbs knotweed (knotweed) brew Cup of boiling water, to insist 30 minutes to Drink 1/4 Cup 4 times a day before meals.
• Infusion of garden hell on the water in 1:1 ratio to drink a teaspoon three times a day before meals for 10 days. The same infusion compresses on the lymph nodes if they are enlarged.
• A tablespoon of marjoram pour boiling water and insist night. Drink 1/4—1/2 Cup three times a day before meal, course — 3 weeks with one week break. Then repeat the course.
• Tablespoon of flowers and leaves fireweed pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, to insist night in a thermos to drink 1/2 Cup 5 times a day before meals.
• Daily consumption of fresh red beet juice and grape wine 1:1 to 1/2 Cup provides a remarkable effect in the treatment of the most severe diseases, including lymphosarcoma. Beet juice to use in an hour after cooking.
• Aspen bark is used either in powder form or in tincture form. For this, 400 g of bark pour 2 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes and infuse for 4-6 hours. In the broth add alcohol at the rate of 120-150 g per 1 l of the First 3 days drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day 1/2 hour after eating. The following 7 days drink 1-2 tbsp as well. Then do 5 days break and repeat.
• Cleans the lymph tea from herbs taken in equal proportions:
Blood purification methods of FOLK MEDICINE:
From viruses, bacteria, allergens, toxins, growth of malignant cells and many other diseases that interfere with normal functioning of the body, protects us the immune system blood.
A healthy immune system can defeat disease without drugs. Shatter resistance of the immune system long-term use of aspirin, sulfa drugs, antibiotics and other drugs, leading to dysbiosis and endocrine pathologies.
In addition to the many medicinal herbal remedies, purifying the circulatory system, is important in folk medicine, bloodletting was considered. When a dull headache, aches and pains in the lower back, pain in the liver, the joints were placed leeches. With their help it is possible to restore proper circulation, if it's broken, and clear the blood of substances, in violation of its normal composition.
Used as coffee.
The root washed, cut, dried and brewed with boiling water. Insist (soar) in an hour. On 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. crushed roots.
Drink 1/3 Cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
The course is 7 days.
Then one week break and repeat.
Dry grass wormwood ground into a powder and pinch her pour a glass of boiling water, infusing for 10 seconds. After straining drink 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day before meals.
Jerusalem ARTICHOKE.
Jerusalem artichoke Jerusalem artichoke juice not only cleans toxins from the blood and improves its composition. Take the juice 1-2 tbsp on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, and use the root raw in salads.
Even small amounts of red beet juice acts cleansing and improves the blood. Before drinking freshly prepared juice should defend 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. It is better first to mix it with carrot juice, gradually reducing the proportion of carrot juice. Take 1 glass a day for 1 month.
Effective preventive blood cleaning means, which removes from the blood the salt is black or green tea with fresh natural unpasteurized milk. In a glass pour 2 tablespoons of milk and add to the top of thick strong tea. Until 3pm drink with addition of a Cup a pinch of salt, after 3 hours, two teaspoons of honey.
Garlic juice is a good tool, cleaning blood from poisons, heavy metals, cholesterol, but the juice of garlic and products containing garlic juice should not be used in diseases of liver, kidney, urinary tract infections, acute gastro-intestinal diseases.
For cleaning of blood, lymph, blood vessels garlic is used in a mixture with lemon juice.
Take 400 g of peeled garlic, which is crushed in chesnokodavilke and mixed with juice 800 g chopped lemons. The mixture insist in a cool place, the use of vesbaltarve. Drink 1 tsp in a glass of water.
The tool to use, until the end, to repeat a course 2-3 times.
Tibetan recipe for blood purification, blood vessels and overall body is that using an alcohol tincture of garlic in 96% alcohol (parts 2,5:2,0) after a 10-day infusion in a cool dark place.
Drink the infusion boiled with milk 3 times a day in a specific pattern.
50 ml of milk the first day before Breakfast add 1 drop before lunch — 2 drops, before dinner — 3 drops. In the following days, increase the dose continued to increase up to 25 drops (11-th day). All subsequent days drinking 25 drops with milk, until the end of the tool. Repeat the course after 3 or 5 years depending on health and age.
As a blood-purifying agent used also borage (Borago) in the form of tea or wine, juice, cherry fruit, flax seeds, decoction or infusion of rose hips, series, bedstraw, burdock, quinoa, parsley, celery, strawberries, apples, Apple juice and Apple-tree leaves, and pine needles.
Needles cleans the blood and lymph.
It can help get rid of a lot of various diseases that may result slagging organism. Used the needles of pine, fir, cedar in the form of decoction (10 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water, boil 10 min), which is drunk warm.
Purification of blood by means of needles strengthens and revitalizes the immune system.
The cleaned blood is ginger tea.
1.5 g of powdered ginger pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, 20 minutes to keep on low heat. 5 minutes before removing to throw a pinch of ground black pepper. Cool and warm broth add 3 tbsp. of honey.
Take 1/3 Cup mixed with 1/3 Cup lemon juice and 1/3 Cup warm water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Infused with tea kept in a glass jar under the lid on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
The article is for informational purposes only and is not a call to self.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: malahov-plus.com/forum/topic_335
As can be seen from the above, the work of separate organs, systems and whole organism depends on the quality of your blood, the condition of the entire cardiovascular system in General. Cleaning of the blood allows to maintain it in great shape.

The best time to carry it out in the spring.
Lymph is a circulating form of intercellular fluid. It is in its composition very similar to blood and contains some of its integral parts that seeps through the walls of blood vessels.
The primary functions of lymph: trophic (nutritional) and safety. She plays a huge role in supplying cells with nutrients and removal of waste elements of the exchange, the dead white blood cells, phagocytes, bacteria, viruses, etc. it can easily penetrate the poisons and bacterial toxins, neytralizuya then in the lymph nodes.

Accelerating the flow of lymph increases the intensity and dynamism of metabolic processes, and slowing and stagnation of the lymphatic fluid, deadens the life of the cells and tissues.
When slagging of the organism is very large, the lymph nodes, spleen, filled with toxins, waste products, they cannot do their cleansing and protective functions. So limfocitarnaya great relief to people with pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal diseases and people with fatigue syndromes.
The best time to cleanse is spring.
Dig dandelion roots in the fall (preferably on the growing moon). Wash, chop and dry. They should be light or dark brown. You can dry the roots intact. The dried root is easily to break, not bend.
It is better to use the roots of the second year of life, they are more powerful.

For infusion take 1-2 tbsp. minced root and pour 1 Cup of boiling water.
Simmer on low heat 10 min., 40 min. to cool and drain. Make 1/3 to 1/2 Cup 3 times a day 15 min before meals in the form of heat.
Perform the procedure daily with new broth during the week. If after this period, the urine becomes the color of the water, the procedure can be stopped.
In 1/5 Cup of milk, add freshly prepared, the usual strong brew to fill a Cup 3/4 full volume. Up to 15 hours place in a bowl a pinch of salt, after 15 hours — sugar or honey (2 teaspoons).

Drink 2 to 4 times a day during the week, this drink is not eating anything else for food.
In a day to do enema.
This cleaning is a "shock", therefore, those who have bleeding problems, consult before its implementation with a physician (preferably a physician-homeopath, herbalist).
When this cleansing through the day and you take an enema to get rid of toxins, since the procedure allows to clean from the blood of all the salt and everything is washed into the intestines.

There is a grass — gruha nettle (deadnettle), winner of small white flowers. Collect its flowers and use as a blood-purifying agent:
1 tbsp. spoon flowers, dry or fresh, pour 1 Cup of boiling water. To insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain.
Take 1/2 Cup 4-5 times a day, or 1 glass 3 times per day in the form of heat.
Drink 7 to 10 days.
For this procedure, pre-stock up on 6 liters of photievoy or just melt prepared in the fridge (spring or passed through a filter) water.
On the day of the cleaning, prepare a mixture:
- 900 ml of juice of fresh grapefruit,
- 900 ml of fresh orange juice,
- 200 ml of lemon juice.
In the morning on an empty stomach, make an enema of 2 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar.
Then drink a solution of 1 tbsp. of Glauber's salt (sodium sulfate), 100 ml of water.
Well then take a warm shower or bath.
30 minutes after making a solution of Glauber's salt drink 200 ml of prepared mixtures of citrus.
You will immediately start to sweat, will the urge to the bowel. Then take 100 ml every 30 minutes until you have drunk the entire 4 liters of the mixture.
In the second and third day, the same as in the first morning enema, then a solution of Glauber's salt and again with 4 liters of a mixture of citrus juice.
This procedure of detoxification should be done 3 days in a row, nothing to eat, in addition to 4 l of a mixture of water and juice.
As a result of the body will be removed approximately 12 liters of toxic lymph and substituted the same amount of alkalizing liquid.
After the procedure on the 4th and subsequent days you should start to drink vegetable juices, eat vegetables and fruits only raw. Then go to a light porridge for 1-2 days — normal diet.
CONTRAINDICATIONS — ethe method should not be used in appendicitis or existing tendency to it.

You need to take:
- 2 kg of beet (borshchova),
- 2 kg of carrots,
- 2 kg of pomegranates
- 2 kg of cranberries,
- 2 kg of lemons,
- honey (to taste).
Ready mix store in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Take 50 ml of the mixture, diluting it with 50 ml of warm water on an empty stomach for 10 days straight then 5 days break.
To repeat a 15 day cycle before the end of the prepared mixture. Purification of the lymph, experts recommend to do 2 times a year — fall and spring.
Tibetan doctors recommend cleansing the lymph in this way.
Take 150-200 ml of a mixture of freshly made juices - carrot or Apple in the mixture with beet in the ratio of 4:1, to take them food every day.
Simultaneously take alcohol tincture of celandine according to this scheme:
before Breakfast — 1 drop,
before lunch — 2 drops,
before dinner — 3 drops and so on
the dose is adjusted to 15 drops at a time, and then gradually reduce to 1 drop
To prepare the tincture take the herb celandine, grind and squeeze the juice, strain it through 2-3 layers of gauze and for every 450 mg juice to add 70 ml of rubbing alcohol.
Store the tincture in the fridge.
Apart from cleansing the lymph, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the body hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, low back pain.

For the prevention of disorders of the lymphatic system you must periodically clean it. An important element of treatment of the lymphatic system are the water treatments that it is advisable to complement the massage with a stiff brush.
Cleansing using dairy products.
Daily on an empty stomach drink 1-2 cups of whey. To 1 Cup add 1 tsp. (without top) salt. The procedure is designed for 2 days. Previously from the evening to clear the intestines with an enema. 1st day — drink only kefir (1-3 l) and nothing there; 2nd day — drink only fresh vegetable and fruit juices. In 3-4 weeks to repeat the procedure.
The plant-based substances:
• Apple cider vinegar thins, resolves hardened, improves lymph flow. It should be drunk by adding 1— 2 tsp per Cup of warm water 2-3 times a day, but not more than 30 g at a time. To hardened lymph nodes applying the lotion. Sometimes recommend pharmacy add a drop of Lugol's solution.
• Drink dandelion juice with the addition of honey — 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Dry dandelion roots grind into powder and pour 1 tbsp of powder to 1/2 liter of boiling water. Insist night, drink a glass 2-3 times a day. The course is 7 days.
• A tablespoon of herbs knotweed (knotweed) brew Cup of boiling water, to insist 30 minutes to Drink 1/4 Cup 4 times a day before meals.
• Infusion of garden hell on the water in 1:1 ratio to drink a teaspoon three times a day before meals for 10 days. The same infusion compresses on the lymph nodes if they are enlarged.
• A tablespoon of marjoram pour boiling water and insist night. Drink 1/4—1/2 Cup three times a day before meal, course — 3 weeks with one week break. Then repeat the course.
• Tablespoon of flowers and leaves fireweed pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, to insist night in a thermos to drink 1/2 Cup 5 times a day before meals.
• Daily consumption of fresh red beet juice and grape wine 1:1 to 1/2 Cup provides a remarkable effect in the treatment of the most severe diseases, including lymphosarcoma. Beet juice to use in an hour after cooking.
• Aspen bark is used either in powder form or in tincture form. For this, 400 g of bark pour 2 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes and infuse for 4-6 hours. In the broth add alcohol at the rate of 120-150 g per 1 l of the First 3 days drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day 1/2 hour after eating. The following 7 days drink 1-2 tbsp as well. Then do 5 days break and repeat.
• Cleans the lymph tea from herbs taken in equal proportions:
- Melissa
- thyme,
- meadowsweet vyazolistny (Filipendula),
- Ivan-tea
- knotweed,
- marigold
- St. John's wort,
- hawthorn,
- birch leaves,
- licorice root.

Blood purification methods of FOLK MEDICINE:
From viruses, bacteria, allergens, toxins, growth of malignant cells and many other diseases that interfere with normal functioning of the body, protects us the immune system blood.
A healthy immune system can defeat disease without drugs. Shatter resistance of the immune system long-term use of aspirin, sulfa drugs, antibiotics and other drugs, leading to dysbiosis and endocrine pathologies.
In addition to the many medicinal herbal remedies, purifying the circulatory system, is important in folk medicine, bloodletting was considered. When a dull headache, aches and pains in the lower back, pain in the liver, the joints were placed leeches. With their help it is possible to restore proper circulation, if it's broken, and clear the blood of substances, in violation of its normal composition.
Used as coffee.
The root washed, cut, dried and brewed with boiling water. Insist (soar) in an hour. On 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. crushed roots.
Drink 1/3 Cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
The course is 7 days.
Then one week break and repeat.
Dry grass wormwood ground into a powder and pinch her pour a glass of boiling water, infusing for 10 seconds. After straining drink 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day before meals.
Jerusalem ARTICHOKE.
Jerusalem artichoke Jerusalem artichoke juice not only cleans toxins from the blood and improves its composition. Take the juice 1-2 tbsp on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, and use the root raw in salads.
Even small amounts of red beet juice acts cleansing and improves the blood. Before drinking freshly prepared juice should defend 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. It is better first to mix it with carrot juice, gradually reducing the proportion of carrot juice. Take 1 glass a day for 1 month.
Effective preventive blood cleaning means, which removes from the blood the salt is black or green tea with fresh natural unpasteurized milk. In a glass pour 2 tablespoons of milk and add to the top of thick strong tea. Until 3pm drink with addition of a Cup a pinch of salt, after 3 hours, two teaspoons of honey.
Garlic juice is a good tool, cleaning blood from poisons, heavy metals, cholesterol, but the juice of garlic and products containing garlic juice should not be used in diseases of liver, kidney, urinary tract infections, acute gastro-intestinal diseases.
For cleaning of blood, lymph, blood vessels garlic is used in a mixture with lemon juice.
Take 400 g of peeled garlic, which is crushed in chesnokodavilke and mixed with juice 800 g chopped lemons. The mixture insist in a cool place, the use of vesbaltarve. Drink 1 tsp in a glass of water.
The tool to use, until the end, to repeat a course 2-3 times.
Tibetan recipe for blood purification, blood vessels and overall body is that using an alcohol tincture of garlic in 96% alcohol (parts 2,5:2,0) after a 10-day infusion in a cool dark place.
Drink the infusion boiled with milk 3 times a day in a specific pattern.
50 ml of milk the first day before Breakfast add 1 drop before lunch — 2 drops, before dinner — 3 drops. In the following days, increase the dose continued to increase up to 25 drops (11-th day). All subsequent days drinking 25 drops with milk, until the end of the tool. Repeat the course after 3 or 5 years depending on health and age.
As a blood-purifying agent used also borage (Borago) in the form of tea or wine, juice, cherry fruit, flax seeds, decoction or infusion of rose hips, series, bedstraw, burdock, quinoa, parsley, celery, strawberries, apples, Apple juice and Apple-tree leaves, and pine needles.
Needles cleans the blood and lymph.
It can help get rid of a lot of various diseases that may result slagging organism. Used the needles of pine, fir, cedar in the form of decoction (10 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water, boil 10 min), which is drunk warm.
Purification of blood by means of needles strengthens and revitalizes the immune system.
The cleaned blood is ginger tea.
1.5 g of powdered ginger pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, 20 minutes to keep on low heat. 5 minutes before removing to throw a pinch of ground black pepper. Cool and warm broth add 3 tbsp. of honey.
Take 1/3 Cup mixed with 1/3 Cup lemon juice and 1/3 Cup warm water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Infused with tea kept in a glass jar under the lid on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
The article is for informational purposes only and is not a call to self.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: malahov-plus.com/forum/topic_335
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