Broken lymph - we mean to spit through the skin
Usually, all the lymph in the body in a dense state. It moves from the bottom-up in one direction. It moves through muscle contractions. And all the way to the lymph from the tips of the toes to the head is held in about 3 months. If a person drinks water constantly, the lymph is more or less clean, but if the water is small, and instead of water to drink tea, juice, fruit drinks, soda, coffee, etc., then the lymph is converted into a stagnant swamp, which turns sour, and in which will develop anything.
The lymphatic system - the only system except the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract, which has a release through mucous membranes OUT
If lymph broken - we spit through the skin ... The release of toxins can only be through the mucous membranes, because they do not have a solid protective barrier of dead epidermis
. So, the first foothold lymphatic evacuation - the first landing place of the bodies of bacteria out? Remember that lymph flow is from bottom to top!
And because the first place - VAGINA (in women) and the urethra (men)
! Once in the body that something horrible - and once this "something" and is found HERE: immediately begin uncomfortable condition below, pain, cramps, something else ...
This means that something has got, or rather, not something, but someone (alive and growing!) - A fungus bacteria, viruses, parasites, protozoa, chlamydia, opisthorchis
! And we usually "fight" tooth and nail with what? - Correctly, with the release of there ...
And it is necessary to fight against parasites - bacteria, viruses, fungi, infection with ABCD
! But the main problem of our medicine - that there is no discharge, cough, runny nose
! And here you are a super-tabletochku insert into the vagina - and there is no selection, but where they go from one tabletochki? Kilometres of fungal colonies, which live in all tissues, the liver, the kidney, the intestine - well, where they will disappear if you insert into the vagina antifungal tabletochku ?! But tabletochku can be so strong that when it suck - and so sharahnet that fall off and liver
! As a rule, it turns out good: three days of no discharge - and then begin again (thrush, for example). What is thrush, which is emitted during the thrush? - It is the bodies of the fungus, which had been destroyed by the body with the help of leukocytes
! Therefore it is not necessary to deal with the corpses - they have already been killed
! Fighting should be living fungi!
A fight is only one way - lift the immunity
! Because other methods does not work: all living things in the body will not kill !!!
SECOND BOWEL beachhead landing, through it releases massive amounts of poisons! Someone says: "I have dysentery, and I in the stool - one big slime!»
. And what SLIME? - Yes the same pus - viruses corpses, bacteria, fungi, dysentery sticks, Salmonella and other ...
Lymph nodes that are open into the intestines, thousand - that they emit all
! THIRD bridgehead - go up to the floor above - it's sweat glands, especially in the armpits. The man simply has to sweat - all poisons (hormones, toxic poisons - middle molecules without pus) body through the skin takes
. And what we are doing, that they are not output ever? - Well-publicized 24-hour deodorant! And all the problems and then solved: even scare you, even ride a roller coaster - and the perspiration will no longer
! And where will poison ??? - In the nearest place - in the mammary gland
! Hence the breast, lymph pollution Basin: the lymph drove all out - and you sbryznuli (anointed) terrible mistake !!!
Never use a 24-hour deodorant! Only 6 hours, and then allow the body to perspire - and wash
! Unfortunately, the chemicals splashed on the skin, blood vessels constrict a given program - at 12-24-48 hours, and there are now super-deodorants -. 7-day
And then just have blocked the mechanism of the sweat glands - and generally end ...
That is all - the lymphatic system: all over the skin, all the joints
. Quite simply, that's the knee - two dice with a smooth bearing surface, and around them - the joint capsule (capsule). Some swollen joints ... it would seem, what is there to swell?
And it turns out, the back of the joint - a huge lymph node, and if it zatrombirovalo (bacteria, eg beta-hemolytic streptococcus.), Who lives in the blood - the here and get arthritis (rheumatoid, infectious and allergic polyarthritis - if many joints) <. br>
And what have the joints in general? Two dice, nothing suspecting, there are currently - and suddenly there TEMPERATURE, what is it? - Yes to fight bacteria
! Or swelling appears - Why? - And lymph node does not pass liquid
. What we do normally: Gray, ointments, smear mud, hormones, rubbing - and think, help
? Never! - Because first of all lymphomas should be cleaned
! But first it is necessary to see who lives there, how many of them - and then begin taking medication
. But so far we do not know who lives there - no joints, no skin, no buds you can not cure
! To get rid of different "citizens" need different drugs: for example, the fungus lives there - and we prescribe a course of antibiotics, anti-fungal and they absolutely do not work, and even fed him! And there is a powerful fungal arthritis, which is very difficult to cure!
And after him, and begins ankylosing spondylitis (when a person in a moment wagged all the joints) - and all you want ...
FOURTH bridgehead - the nose, through it displays the basic amount of airborne infection. Adenoids cut - killed a protective boundary
! FIFTH bridgehead - the tonsils. Constantly swollen, prevented - cut - and buried another defensive line
! SIXTH bridgehead - the larynx - a laryngitis
. SEVENTH bridgehead - Trachea - Development tracheitis
. EIGHTH bridgehead - Bronchitis - Bronchitis development
. NINTH bridgehead - LIGHT - pneumonia development
. All protective barriers no longer - and orderly "in the other world» ...
A person can be blocked or cut off EVERYTHING, that's just what he then will excrete pus - is completely incomprehensible
Most people who cut off the tonsils - develop chronic laryngitis, chronic pharyngitis, bronchitis with elements. And if the parasites giardia and viruses he left - it will flow even with osmatoidnym or obstructive component
. What is pneumonia? - A clotting lymph nodes, preventing the exit of fluid
. What is atopic dermatitis, psoriasis? - Is a complete obstruction of the lymph nodes due to fungal disease is a fungus that cemented all there - so the skin opens the "fire box" on the flexor surfaces (the child - buttocks, cheeks, belly - in the areas of the cluster nodes)
Why do those who are paying attention to the charging usually limfosistemy okay?
In humans, there is no separate hearts to the lymphatic system, but how to create a moving flow of lymph? Here lymphatic vessel, and around him - the muscles
! Muscles contract - the lymph is pushed, and it is not passed back to the valves in the lymph vessels. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work - why should the movement of lymph
?! You feel that tired - so stagnant lymph! Sitting accountant 8 hours for work, and can not understand where her "white cash", and where "black" - a drink of water, move, do gymnastics hidden - it will become clear
And that was not hemorrhoids - "jump" just 30-50 on the gluteal muscles - this massage the lymphatic collector pelvic
. And there will be a massage - is prostatitis, adenoma ...
The lymphatic system can not warm, forget quartz for life!
In the lymphatic system can not be no compresses, massaging the lymph nodes at the time of bypass side: there are living white blood cells, and if you will press them, pass upstream travel - you simply destroy ...
If you damage the lymph node under the knee - it is a lifetime will swell
! There is a disease elephantiasis - the lymph flowing from the inside, all the external procedure does not help! You can clean the inside of the lymph, but force it to move can only active movement, muscle contraction - gymnastics
. In my head there is no lymphatic vessels - there are lymph lake, where the lymph flows down just
. After cleaning the lymph node and pass 10 stages of "customs", clean the lymph (this is the same water, or ichor, this is the same part of the red blood cells, which do not have red blood cells) flows into the venous bed and mixed with venous blood, simultaneously purifying it.
And if the lymph nodes are scored - does not falls, and does not mix anything, begins to trickle out, because the body can not pass through lymph node lymph pyo - he throws it out - on the skin! And it will be eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, diathesis
... These symptoms depend only on who is out there in the lymph nodes, lives.
Most often there are found fungi (living in the lymph, affects the skin), followed by worms, on the third - BACTERIA, in fourth place - a virus (they are so small that they do not live in the lymph - they immediately go into the cage!).
Note: all antipsoriatic ointments present anti-fungal drugs, but the skin - it is very distant from the mold, because the process of its development is inside tissue
. With this recipe you will clear the skin and improve health, allergy pass, normalizes blood pressure, and many other things!
At first it may be worsening, as the body begins to greatly cleaned, but all will pass in a few days.
Such cleansing I advised many friends and all relatives. I myself was a chronic cough that lasted for years for no apparent reason. I surveyed many times but nothing the doctors could not identify, and cough remained. Now I do not cough at all. The Pope, too, decreased cough, did not pass at all, because he is smoking in large numbers 30 years. Also the Pope cleared the maxillary sinus, the whole life tormented with them, but we did not know at the time that the cause of muddy lymph, she was going there with the whole body, the more it feeds properly. And passed lifelong headaches he, too, caused by pollution. The pressure he was like a 20-year-old and keeps constantly. My mother passed allergies.
Also the lymphatic system cleans the bath and eating raw vegetables, fruits and berries.
Author: Olga Butakova
The lymphatic system - the only system except the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract, which has a release through mucous membranes OUT

If lymph broken - we spit through the skin ... The release of toxins can only be through the mucous membranes, because they do not have a solid protective barrier of dead epidermis
. So, the first foothold lymphatic evacuation - the first landing place of the bodies of bacteria out? Remember that lymph flow is from bottom to top!
And because the first place - VAGINA (in women) and the urethra (men)
! Once in the body that something horrible - and once this "something" and is found HERE: immediately begin uncomfortable condition below, pain, cramps, something else ...
This means that something has got, or rather, not something, but someone (alive and growing!) - A fungus bacteria, viruses, parasites, protozoa, chlamydia, opisthorchis
! And we usually "fight" tooth and nail with what? - Correctly, with the release of there ...
And it is necessary to fight against parasites - bacteria, viruses, fungi, infection with ABCD
! But the main problem of our medicine - that there is no discharge, cough, runny nose
! And here you are a super-tabletochku insert into the vagina - and there is no selection, but where they go from one tabletochki? Kilometres of fungal colonies, which live in all tissues, the liver, the kidney, the intestine - well, where they will disappear if you insert into the vagina antifungal tabletochku ?! But tabletochku can be so strong that when it suck - and so sharahnet that fall off and liver
! As a rule, it turns out good: three days of no discharge - and then begin again (thrush, for example). What is thrush, which is emitted during the thrush? - It is the bodies of the fungus, which had been destroyed by the body with the help of leukocytes
! Therefore it is not necessary to deal with the corpses - they have already been killed
! Fighting should be living fungi!
A fight is only one way - lift the immunity
! Because other methods does not work: all living things in the body will not kill !!!
SECOND BOWEL beachhead landing, through it releases massive amounts of poisons! Someone says: "I have dysentery, and I in the stool - one big slime!»
. And what SLIME? - Yes the same pus - viruses corpses, bacteria, fungi, dysentery sticks, Salmonella and other ...
Lymph nodes that are open into the intestines, thousand - that they emit all
! THIRD bridgehead - go up to the floor above - it's sweat glands, especially in the armpits. The man simply has to sweat - all poisons (hormones, toxic poisons - middle molecules without pus) body through the skin takes
. And what we are doing, that they are not output ever? - Well-publicized 24-hour deodorant! And all the problems and then solved: even scare you, even ride a roller coaster - and the perspiration will no longer
! And where will poison ??? - In the nearest place - in the mammary gland
! Hence the breast, lymph pollution Basin: the lymph drove all out - and you sbryznuli (anointed) terrible mistake !!!
Never use a 24-hour deodorant! Only 6 hours, and then allow the body to perspire - and wash
! Unfortunately, the chemicals splashed on the skin, blood vessels constrict a given program - at 12-24-48 hours, and there are now super-deodorants -. 7-day
And then just have blocked the mechanism of the sweat glands - and generally end ...
That is all - the lymphatic system: all over the skin, all the joints
. Quite simply, that's the knee - two dice with a smooth bearing surface, and around them - the joint capsule (capsule). Some swollen joints ... it would seem, what is there to swell?
And it turns out, the back of the joint - a huge lymph node, and if it zatrombirovalo (bacteria, eg beta-hemolytic streptococcus.), Who lives in the blood - the here and get arthritis (rheumatoid, infectious and allergic polyarthritis - if many joints) <. br>
And what have the joints in general? Two dice, nothing suspecting, there are currently - and suddenly there TEMPERATURE, what is it? - Yes to fight bacteria
! Or swelling appears - Why? - And lymph node does not pass liquid
. What we do normally: Gray, ointments, smear mud, hormones, rubbing - and think, help
? Never! - Because first of all lymphomas should be cleaned
! But first it is necessary to see who lives there, how many of them - and then begin taking medication
. But so far we do not know who lives there - no joints, no skin, no buds you can not cure
! To get rid of different "citizens" need different drugs: for example, the fungus lives there - and we prescribe a course of antibiotics, anti-fungal and they absolutely do not work, and even fed him! And there is a powerful fungal arthritis, which is very difficult to cure!
And after him, and begins ankylosing spondylitis (when a person in a moment wagged all the joints) - and all you want ...
FOURTH bridgehead - the nose, through it displays the basic amount of airborne infection. Adenoids cut - killed a protective boundary
! FIFTH bridgehead - the tonsils. Constantly swollen, prevented - cut - and buried another defensive line
! SIXTH bridgehead - the larynx - a laryngitis
. SEVENTH bridgehead - Trachea - Development tracheitis
. EIGHTH bridgehead - Bronchitis - Bronchitis development
. NINTH bridgehead - LIGHT - pneumonia development
. All protective barriers no longer - and orderly "in the other world» ...
A person can be blocked or cut off EVERYTHING, that's just what he then will excrete pus - is completely incomprehensible
Most people who cut off the tonsils - develop chronic laryngitis, chronic pharyngitis, bronchitis with elements. And if the parasites giardia and viruses he left - it will flow even with osmatoidnym or obstructive component
. What is pneumonia? - A clotting lymph nodes, preventing the exit of fluid
. What is atopic dermatitis, psoriasis? - Is a complete obstruction of the lymph nodes due to fungal disease is a fungus that cemented all there - so the skin opens the "fire box" on the flexor surfaces (the child - buttocks, cheeks, belly - in the areas of the cluster nodes)
Why do those who are paying attention to the charging usually limfosistemy okay?
In humans, there is no separate hearts to the lymphatic system, but how to create a moving flow of lymph? Here lymphatic vessel, and around him - the muscles
! Muscles contract - the lymph is pushed, and it is not passed back to the valves in the lymph vessels. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work - why should the movement of lymph
?! You feel that tired - so stagnant lymph! Sitting accountant 8 hours for work, and can not understand where her "white cash", and where "black" - a drink of water, move, do gymnastics hidden - it will become clear
And that was not hemorrhoids - "jump" just 30-50 on the gluteal muscles - this massage the lymphatic collector pelvic
. And there will be a massage - is prostatitis, adenoma ...
The lymphatic system can not warm, forget quartz for life!
In the lymphatic system can not be no compresses, massaging the lymph nodes at the time of bypass side: there are living white blood cells, and if you will press them, pass upstream travel - you simply destroy ...
If you damage the lymph node under the knee - it is a lifetime will swell
! There is a disease elephantiasis - the lymph flowing from the inside, all the external procedure does not help! You can clean the inside of the lymph, but force it to move can only active movement, muscle contraction - gymnastics
. In my head there is no lymphatic vessels - there are lymph lake, where the lymph flows down just
. After cleaning the lymph node and pass 10 stages of "customs", clean the lymph (this is the same water, or ichor, this is the same part of the red blood cells, which do not have red blood cells) flows into the venous bed and mixed with venous blood, simultaneously purifying it.
And if the lymph nodes are scored - does not falls, and does not mix anything, begins to trickle out, because the body can not pass through lymph node lymph pyo - he throws it out - on the skin! And it will be eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, diathesis
... These symptoms depend only on who is out there in the lymph nodes, lives.
Most often there are found fungi (living in the lymph, affects the skin), followed by worms, on the third - BACTERIA, in fourth place - a virus (they are so small that they do not live in the lymph - they immediately go into the cage!).
Note: all antipsoriatic ointments present anti-fungal drugs, but the skin - it is very distant from the mold, because the process of its development is inside tissue
. With this recipe you will clear the skin and improve health, allergy pass, normalizes blood pressure, and many other things!
At first it may be worsening, as the body begins to greatly cleaned, but all will pass in a few days.
Such cleansing I advised many friends and all relatives. I myself was a chronic cough that lasted for years for no apparent reason. I surveyed many times but nothing the doctors could not identify, and cough remained. Now I do not cough at all. The Pope, too, decreased cough, did not pass at all, because he is smoking in large numbers 30 years. Also the Pope cleared the maxillary sinus, the whole life tormented with them, but we did not know at the time that the cause of muddy lymph, she was going there with the whole body, the more it feeds properly. And passed lifelong headaches he, too, caused by pollution. The pressure he was like a 20-year-old and keeps constantly. My mother passed allergies.
Also the lymphatic system cleans the bath and eating raw vegetables, fruits and berries.
Author: Olga Butakova
Antiparasitic Cleansing - Personal Experience
Psoriasis - a natural reflection of the emotional conflicts