Psoriasis - a natural reflection of the emotional conflicts
Psoriasis - a chronic skin disease in which the body appeared red spots with scaly, flaky and itchy surfaces. Traditional medicine believes psoriasis is an autoimmune disease where the body begins to perceive some of their cells as foreign and produces antibodies to fight them.
That is beginning to struggle with himself. And according to experts in the field of psychosomatic disease it is a reflection of the conflict of the self, a person's inability to appreciate themselves and the presence of his disparaging thoughts about yourself.
The soul is reflected in the skin
As a corporeal shell, skin reflects a person's thoughts about themselves. Try to describe your skin - and you will realize that in fact think about yourself. The skin separates, isolates us from the outside world, and it also allows you to make contact with others. She we feel a gentle touch, coarse tremors, sexual arousal, pain and express our emotional state - blush with shame, turning pale with fear. From birth, by touch, we get a sense of security, acceptance and love, of tenderness, intimacy and security.
Skin the first time we feel the boundaries of his own body, aware of themselves as separate from the mother and from the world of the individual. Through the skin child feels emotions and feelings experienced by the mother in relation to it - and because of the lack of other available funds is the skin it reacts to the world around us. Coming out of infancy, despite the availability of adult means of expression of feelings, we continue to respond to the skin on the unconscious intrapsychic conflicts and external stressful circumstances.
It is believed that patients with psoriasis denies himself otshelushivaya part of yourself in the form of scaly plaques. He was so ashamed of himself that he refused to relationships with others, under the guise of their illness. He blames himself for experienced negative emotions and bad deeds, and more than anything else wants to change, just change your skin.
Psoriasis is a posttravma
How not rely on this opinion - a moot point. However, the relationship between stressful situations and psoriasis experimentally proved. Scientists of the University of Rijeka in Croatia, a study was conducted of patients with psoriasis and dermatological diseases nepsoriaticheskoy nature.
In the proposed questionnaire the subjects described the psychological traumatic experiences of the past -. Sexual, emotional or physical abuse, stress, alcohol and drug addiction, etc. As a result, it was found that in patients with psoriasis the frequency and intensity of adverse life events is much higher than that of people who suffer nepsoriaticheskimi skin diseases. And the psychological trauma received at a young age have a stronger effect on the body than the later events, and often entailed the development of skin diseases.
Win anxiety? Perhaps!
On the other hand, in itself causes disease in patients significant psychological difficulties. People with psoriasis are ashamed of their disease, characterized by disgust towards themselves and so give an excessive value the opinion of others about themselves, reject themselves and worry that they will offend or hurt. Increased anxiety causes new stress and strengthens the symptoms of the disease.
In order to break the vicious circle of "disease-stress aggravation" in the treatment of psoriasis, along with medical and physiotherapy treatment applied therapy of anxiety disorders, which allows the patient to identify and work through internal conflicts, to calm down, take yourself and learn to live with the disease. After all, these patients have to constantly overcome own complexes about skin defects and prove to themselves and others that the disease does not make them worse.
Expert opinion portal
Along with the help of the therapist to the patient self-care is needed. The patient can help auditory training and maintaining an active lifestyle. Hiding from the people in the expectation that it will take the aggravation - entirely wrong position. The more active a person manifests itself in your life, the more shifted its emphasis from a disease state in the products of his activity -. Great and wonderful
What does not kill you makes you stronger. In the end, the struggle for recognition of the environment makes psoriasis energetic and adapted to any difficulties. Among famous people who were ill with psoriasis, John D. Rockefeller, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Cameron Diaz, Britney Spears and Tina Karol. This is an excellent illustration of the fact that psoriasis - not a reason to not be successful, rich and beautiful.
That is beginning to struggle with himself. And according to experts in the field of psychosomatic disease it is a reflection of the conflict of the self, a person's inability to appreciate themselves and the presence of his disparaging thoughts about yourself.

The soul is reflected in the skin
As a corporeal shell, skin reflects a person's thoughts about themselves. Try to describe your skin - and you will realize that in fact think about yourself. The skin separates, isolates us from the outside world, and it also allows you to make contact with others. She we feel a gentle touch, coarse tremors, sexual arousal, pain and express our emotional state - blush with shame, turning pale with fear. From birth, by touch, we get a sense of security, acceptance and love, of tenderness, intimacy and security.
Skin the first time we feel the boundaries of his own body, aware of themselves as separate from the mother and from the world of the individual. Through the skin child feels emotions and feelings experienced by the mother in relation to it - and because of the lack of other available funds is the skin it reacts to the world around us. Coming out of infancy, despite the availability of adult means of expression of feelings, we continue to respond to the skin on the unconscious intrapsychic conflicts and external stressful circumstances.
It is believed that patients with psoriasis denies himself otshelushivaya part of yourself in the form of scaly plaques. He was so ashamed of himself that he refused to relationships with others, under the guise of their illness. He blames himself for experienced negative emotions and bad deeds, and more than anything else wants to change, just change your skin.
Psoriasis is a posttravma
How not rely on this opinion - a moot point. However, the relationship between stressful situations and psoriasis experimentally proved. Scientists of the University of Rijeka in Croatia, a study was conducted of patients with psoriasis and dermatological diseases nepsoriaticheskoy nature.
In the proposed questionnaire the subjects described the psychological traumatic experiences of the past -. Sexual, emotional or physical abuse, stress, alcohol and drug addiction, etc. As a result, it was found that in patients with psoriasis the frequency and intensity of adverse life events is much higher than that of people who suffer nepsoriaticheskimi skin diseases. And the psychological trauma received at a young age have a stronger effect on the body than the later events, and often entailed the development of skin diseases.
Win anxiety? Perhaps!
On the other hand, in itself causes disease in patients significant psychological difficulties. People with psoriasis are ashamed of their disease, characterized by disgust towards themselves and so give an excessive value the opinion of others about themselves, reject themselves and worry that they will offend or hurt. Increased anxiety causes new stress and strengthens the symptoms of the disease.
In order to break the vicious circle of "disease-stress aggravation" in the treatment of psoriasis, along with medical and physiotherapy treatment applied therapy of anxiety disorders, which allows the patient to identify and work through internal conflicts, to calm down, take yourself and learn to live with the disease. After all, these patients have to constantly overcome own complexes about skin defects and prove to themselves and others that the disease does not make them worse.

Expert opinion portal
Along with the help of the therapist to the patient self-care is needed. The patient can help auditory training and maintaining an active lifestyle. Hiding from the people in the expectation that it will take the aggravation - entirely wrong position. The more active a person manifests itself in your life, the more shifted its emphasis from a disease state in the products of his activity -. Great and wonderful
What does not kill you makes you stronger. In the end, the struggle for recognition of the environment makes psoriasis energetic and adapted to any difficulties. Among famous people who were ill with psoriasis, John D. Rockefeller, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Cameron Diaz, Britney Spears and Tina Karol. This is an excellent illustration of the fact that psoriasis - not a reason to not be successful, rich and beautiful.
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