Lymph - the mirror of health!

If you long to sit at the computer or TV, no movement of lymph happens and does not happen as detoxifying.
Scientists have stated that 83% of all poisons and toxins are in the interstitial fluid - in the lymph, the amount of which is several tens of kilograms
. The lymphatic system, which is also called 'the white river of life, displays the body of bacteria, fungi and other corpses parasites and resulting from their actions toxins, poisons, and not only.
The lymph through the lymph vessels is always moving from the bottom up (from the ends of the fingers to the main lymphatic vessels in the breast), back it flow valves do not allow. How do you do the massage? If this happens from the top down, against the direction of movement of lymph, lymph system is broken edema and destroyed living in the lymph nodes of white blood cells, massage should be done because of the fingers, feet up, on the back from the bottom up.
The lymphatic system is like a swimming pool. In one channel the water is supplied by a second output, but the water in the pool must be perfectly clean. How is the cleansing of the lymph? Lymph cleaned passing through a lymph node. Each lymph node has 10 inputs and only one output. The lymph nodes live T- lymphocytes, macrophages that patrol the surrounding tissue by fighting bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites.
If they meet them, then eat them, and delivered to the lymph node. The lymph node is shared by all, and it's processed in the near future need to withdraw from the body. What then are the excretory path of lymph? Since lymph flows from the bottom up, the first lead-out path - a women RGANI female and male urethra. Discharge from the urethra female organs and suggests that the body entered uninvited 'guests' who killed white blood cells.
For example, thrush in women, it omertvlёnny fungus isolated organism, but it makes no sense to deal with a dead fungus, it is necessary to deal with those that lived and live in the tissues of the body. The second lead-out path of the lymph - intestinal tract, which contains tens of thousands of small lymph nodes through which releases massive amounts of toxins.
The third lead-out path - sweat glands, especially those who are in the basins of the armpits. Man must sweat, and what do we do? Correctly! We use deodorants. And where are the harmful substances? In the near the breast. So there are mastitis, clogged lymphatic breast pool. Do not use deodorants with exposure to 24 hours.
Fourth outcoupling by a nose. From nose snot flow - dead white blood cells and bacteria. The fungus through the nose will never stand out, it displays the lymphatic system through the skin.
The fifth pin path - Angina tonsils. Streptococcus always goes through the amygdala.
Six leads the way - the larynx. Chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis - people with these diagnoses have a chronic fungal infection or strep. The seventh pin path - the trachea (tracheitis). You tormented cough.
Eighth. Bronchi - bronchitis. Ninth - pneumonia, asthma. What is pneumonia? Causes barrage lymph nodes bacteria and fungi. Bronchial asthma - is not an allergic pathology, it causes a barrage of deep lymph nodes of the bronchi by fungi and bacteria. What is atopic dermatitis, psoriasis? This is a complete impermeability of the lymph nodes, which caused the fungus. He them literally '' cemented '', so the skin opens the '' emergency exits '' around the joints and in places where the outlet channels of the lymphatic vessels is concentrated most.
You have swollen joints? It seems strange that the same may swell here. The joint consists of two bones with a smooth surface, and around the joint capsule. Provided at the joints is large lymph node, and if that block bacteria, for example, beta hemolytic streptococcus, there is arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), infectious allergic polyarthritis - if affected many joints. What we usually do? Gray, smear various ointments, use different hormones. They help you? No. Because lymph clogged. Therefore it is necessary to clean the lymph.
If the lymph nodes are blocked, the output begins fungi, bacteria, toxins through the skin. On the skin there are various rashes and dermatologist puts us such diagnoses: eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, diathesis. Their nature depends on the fact that live in the lymph nodes. Most often, there are fungi (live in the lymph, are derived through the skin). Treating damage caused by fungal ointments will not help anything, because their development process takes place inside the body - in the tissues. Dermatologists treat us quite the other hand, without touching the main cause - clogged lymph
. If the heart was overworked and can not pump the blood in the legs while not delayed blood and lymph. Tumor associated with hand impermeability axillary lymph were swollen eyelids is the eye indicates that the lymph nodes are blocked by the face and jaw, is an indirect indication of renal function disorders. Plaque tongue, bad breath, swelling, frequent colds, runny nose and cough, sharp smell of sweat, unpleasant body odor - all this indicates lymph contamination. This occurred to clean your lymphatic system. The teeth we clean in the mornings and evenings, but breath is and remains. Some believe that the smell associated with dysbiosis in the intestinal tract, but in fact it is due to contamination of the lymph and the source of the smell - a cemetery of dead organisms near the bottom of the language in which conclusions have lymph
. How to clean the lymph? There are scientifically designed wastewater treatment program lymphatic system of the person. Her next entity. All the cells in our bodies live in the interstitial fluid, which is both a dining room and a toilet. The lymph has gialouranovye acid, which can be either a gel (like a thick pudding) or liquid consistency. This affects the temperature. Steam bath or sauna, lymph liquefies and begins sweating, so at least once a week go to the bath, but to the lymph flowing well, do not need more than 600C. To force the lymph to move, you can also use stimulants lymph, such as Licorice Root. When I drank a pill, lymph liquefied and sent to the output. This process is called lymph stimulation fasting and operate. Lymph moves on the output (into the skin, intestinal tract). If at this time too gets sorbent (activated carbon or any other, the binding of toxic compounds (absorption). Following the adoption of the sorbent at least an hour can not eat. Cleaning the lymph can last one day or even a month. Lymph need to be cleaned after chemotherapy, after X-rays, after a course of antibiotics, after a serious illness, etc. Unfortunately, along with the lymph binds and removes micro and macro elements, vitamins, and after cleaning the lymph system is necessary to feed them more in the time of Avicenna said:.. first of all that, to fast, drink some water and calm down. If it does not work, then go to the doctor. If you observe the first part of the sentence (clean the lymphatic and digestive tract), then the doctor will not have to go. So you can help doctors, freeing them from meaningless work .
What spoils the lymphatic system?
Let's look at least in the usual place of fast food in their menu. The most popular dishes - it's fried potatoes, ketchup, salad of pickled vegetables with the mayonnaise and the juice from exotic fruits. In nature, these products are very perishable. Purified potato darkens, tomato juice ferments, beaten eggs with milk powder quickly stink, vegetables will deteriorate, and juice to ferment. But this is not happening. This demonstrates the strong influence of antioxidants and preservatives. What's the connection with the lymphatic system? First hit gets exactly this system, since it is very sensitive to food. Lymph huge amount of enzymes, especially in lymph nodes. They destroy the pus, bacteria and viruses. E-agent enzymes very difficult to implement this significant feature. When the oppression of lymphocytes, which work on the basis of enzymes, there is no destruction of pus and a rash on the skin of bacterial nature. Reduced resistance to fungus and may appear dandruff, milk fungus, etc. Continuing to eat such dishes, as a result of dysfunction may protect the body - it will cease to fight viruses
. The lymphatic system is very sensitive not only to products, but to cold. We usually hear - the wind blew - started to hurt the ear, drank cold - the beginning of sore throat was a draft - a cold, etc. It would be better to say - the temperature in the lymph nodes decreased by 2-3 degrees, for lymph capillaries decreased by 2-3 times. White blood cells that destroy bacteria every second, do not fall into the right places and in bacteria the opportunity to reproduce. To locate the nest of infection, the body was forced to mobilize the immune system and raise the body temperature.
Temperature is a strong defensive reaction of the organism, and if the cause is serious, one will rise up to 380C. At this temperature, drastically reduced thermal conductivity of blood. Man does not sweat and does not give heat. This is the point of immunity, when they begin to multiply rapidly, in other words - duplicated leukocytes. They have to multiply in large numbers. All that follows from the nose is actually a dead leucocytes, bacteria and microbes. This natural cleansing of the body and the artificial slowing the process by medication does not help.
What happens in the clogging of the body?
If you get wet in the rain and caught a viral infection, does that mean that any internal organ is clogged? Exactly. As long as the body manages to cope with toxins, you have a slight fever, runny nose and cough, and the disease appears much heavier than in the case of a larger contamination. On Pollution of the body indicates the appearance: worsening hair growth, skin - pale and wrinkled, bleeding gums, stagger teeth, bags under the eyes, age spots, bad breath, persistent bloating (constipation), bad body odor, headaches, joint pain , an allergic rash, brittle nails, poor memory, depression, insomnia, weight gain. It's all signs of clogged organism.
Why do women live 10 years longer than men?
In the male appeared acids and harmful substances are displayed directly, so men often perspire. Thus, they are exempt from harmful substances. A sweat out -this minor physical properties. Male hormones, androgens deliver harmful substances to the base of the hairs, where they are the neutralization of trace elements. This is one of the most important reasons, due to which hair fall in men. US researchers have discovered the existence of a close link between bald men and cardiac infarction. Frequently, male already begins early hair loss and increased blood pressure. The result - a heart attack and stroke. This is often the cause of death as a result is not a healthy lifestyle. Female body during ovulation, and acid pollutants accumulate in the blood, lymph, and before menstruation, female hormones estrogen pollutants redirected into the uterus, from which they are output along with the blood once a month. Premenstrual syndrome, manifested in mild irritability, headaches, edema (acid dilution), nothing more than a high level of acids and harmful substances in the body. When the ability to deduce harmful substances and acids through the uterus to an end, it should be the first phase, for some time the female body acids and harmful substances is trying to bring through the skin (sweat and undulating fever), and if the woman continues the old way of life, drink coffee, do not feed the alkali products, under stress, then followed by a second phase, will soon appear diseases such as osteoporosis, varicose veins, rheumatism, swelling of legs, feet, progressing fungus nails and feet.
Why only women cellulite?
As mentioned, the female body acids and harmful substances in the body retains, in blood, lymph, intercellular fluid, and once a month during menstruation, displays. Contamination occurs if these harmful substances too. They are neutralized in slag, and settle on the hips and buttocks. This is called cellulite. Contribute to clogging of the liver and kidney disease, as well as fungal infections of the colon. And men pollutants output by the metabolism.
Diseases of the contaminated organism.
Leather. Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, diathesis and all allergies, the reason - fungi, fouling organism and water shortages
. Kidneys. Sand, stones; The reason - the lack of water and the pollution of the body. Liver. Also - sand (water scarcity, pollution)
. The lymphatic system. On its pollution indicate selection of female organs, throat, nose (viruses, bacteria, fungi).
Respiratory system - bronchial asthma (reason - fungi, parasites, water shortages, pollution), chronic bronchitis (causes - viruses, bacteria, parasites, pollution, lack of water). Those with a weakness in the body, headache (intoxication), fatigue, chronic constipation, varicose veins in the lower part of the body (cleanse the liver and intestinal tract), chronic cough with discharge without fever, itching, sweating at night - you need to clean the intestinal tract and the lymphatic system.
organism contamination.
In our body there are two guards beauty and long life. The first in importance - is the liver. The famous doctor Botkin said liver - Queen bodies. All other organs, even such as the brain, lungs and skin - only its servants. The second guard of beauty and health - colon. One of its main functions - cleansing the body of toxins. Fatty and fried, canned and sweet, synthetic products and products of genetic engineering overload the intestinal tract, and is going to a huge amount of food waste is not recycled, creating an enormous amount of toxins that are re-released into the bloodstream and poison the whole body.
Cleaning ability to decrease intestinal tract. It is interesting to study the doctors of the Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain. Inside the body you can find such toxic substances, which would envy chemical laboratory itself! Here are some of them: phenol, Agam, muscarinic, botulinum, ammonia, septin. And more and mucus, dead cells, parasites - the best poison can not think
! Seven stages of the organism contamination.
1. Outwardly healthy person feels a general fatigue, getting a little irritable, mouth unpleasant smell. It becomes indifferent to favorite activities. It is a testament started slagging nerve channels that will eventually lead to cervical degenerative disc disease.
2. Fatigue added headache, aching joints and muscles, fatigue, frequent colds, constipation or diarrhea, increased flatulence, bad body odor.
3. The emergence of a variety of allergic reactions. Stimulants can be a variety of allergens: pollen, household dust, animal dander, medications, food. Once zashlakovka organism exceeds permissible limits, a person can begin cough turns into asthma, mucus, sputum. There are changes on the skin: dryness, oiliness, cellulite, acne. Diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, diabetes. In women, there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle, discharge from the female organs.
4. In the body there are cysts, fibroids, papillomas, polyps, adenomas, thrombophlebitis, tumors. There are problems such as; weakness and pain in the area of the heart, chronic fatigue, prostatitis, hypertension, migraine, skin pigmentation, eczema, psoriasis and accelerated aging.
5. Man suffers such diseases as sciatica, kidney stones and gall bladder, rheumatism, arthritis.
6. Since the nerve channels are blocked, the transmission of signals on them becomes impossible. Because of this, there are paresis, paralysis.
7. Oncological diseases, first of all - bowel cancer. This is the final defeat of the immune system, when cancer cells grow unchecked.