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Lymph — pure water in our body



The lymphatic system is one of the most complex and cleverly arranged systems. This system of withdrawal of toxins from the body, especially bacterial and fungal-parasitic poisons protozoa. Almost from this system depends on the human immune system, and immunity is Life! With the lymphatic system we call the most vulgar way – and it need only be "on You"!

The lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, lymph vessels, capillaries and interstitial fluid. She goes "bottom-up" and never in the reverse order! That is, from the fingertips to the thoracic lymphatic duct. Lymph in the interstitial fluid, like water in streams, bathes every cell of our body, then the lymph vessels-the rivers gets into the lymph nodes. Leaving your lymph nodes and merge together, the lymph vessels form the main lymphatic ducts from which the lymph re-enters the blood stream. Blood and liver end the processes of neutralization, initiated in the lymph nodes.

A key place in the lymphatic system is occupied by nodes. Lymph nodes — this treatment facilities of the whole organism. In our body every day naturally dies about 1 billion cells, at the same time the immune system destroys viruses and bacteria, and from food, air and water penetrate unnecessary toxic substances. All this is partly neutralized in the lymph nodes. At the exit of the lymph nodes appears already purified.

In lymph nodes produced by lymphocytes and antibodies that protect the body from infections.
Lymph nodes contribute to regular progress of the lymph vessels, facilitating the flow into the tissues of the internal organs of the nutrients necessary for cell activity.
In other words, the lymphatic system is responsible for the transport and the cleanliness of the internal environment of the body.

It is easy to imagine what happens when this cleaning system goes down. All wastes cells rush through additional ways, for example, the skin. As a result, you may receive the acne to worsen complexion and overall skin condition. Suddenly appearing on the skin redness and pigmentation spots can also be consequences of a malfunction of the lymphatic system.

In violation of the functions of the lymphatic system to 83% of the harmful substances accumulate in the extracellular space and the result is a pollution of the lymphatic stream — lymphotoxins. This increases the load on all the organs of elimination and detoxification: the liver, intestines, kidneys. It turns out that purity of the internal environment of our body is directly correlated with the network of lymph vessels.

All these toxic factors are not damaged cells need a constant flow of interstitial fluid, or drainage. How to help the lymphatic system to cope with ever increasing flow of our body of toxic substances?

Items of purification of the lymph

The lymphatic system is the only system, except the kidneys and digestive tract, which is release through the mucous membranes out!
This is a completely unique phenomenon, because in the skin there is nothing we throw away can't. The release of poisons can only be through the mucous membranes because they do not have a solid dead protective barrier of the epidermis.

So, the first foothold of lymph evacuation – the first landing place of the bodies of bacteria out the vagina (in women) and urethra (men)!
As soon as the body got something – just that "something" here is detected: starts an uncomfortable state at the bottom, pain, cramps, etc.

This means that something has hit, or rather not something, but someone (live and growing!) fungus bacteria, viruses, parasites, protozoa, etc.! And we usually "fight" struggling with secretions there... But must fight with parasites – bacteria, viruses, fungi with different infection! However, our medicine is the main problem – that there was no discharge, cough, runny nose! And here you are one super pill inserted in the vagina and no discharge but where do they go from one pill — kilometres of fungal colonies that live in all tissues, in the liver, kidneys, intestines... what's More, the pill can be so powerful that when you are absorbed, so the "fluttering" that and liver goodbye!

Usually it turns out well: three days of discharge there – and then start again (thrush, for example). What is a yeast infection what is discharge is thrush? is the "corpses" of the fungus, which was destroyed by our body with white blood cells.
Not so with the "corpses" must fight, with live fungi! And you can fight only one way – by raising immunity. Because other methods it will not work: all life in the body won't kill...

Second beachhead landing of the intestine, through it releases massive amounts of poisons! Lymph nodes that are open inside of the intestine, of thousands – so they allocate it all!

Third base – this is the sweat glands, especially in the armpits. People just have to sweat all the toxins (hormones, toxic poisons), the body removes through the skin.

What are we doing that they are not displayed never? Properly, the advertised 24 hour deodorant! And all problems are then solved: even scare you at least ride on the roller coaster – and the sweating is gone! And where will the poisons? The nearest place in the mammary gland!
Hence, mastitis, contamination of the lymph pool: lymph drove everything out – and you misted (anointed), and now you're fearless, never sweating (but potentially ill) James bond!

Never use 24-hour deodorant! Only 6 hours, and then allow the body to sweat and flush everything! Unfortunately, the chemicals splashed on the skin, constrict the vessels for a given program – 12 – 24 — 48 hours. And now, a super-deodorant – 7-day. Then you simply lock the mechanism of the sweat glands – and the end...

Quite simply here the knee joint – two bones with a smooth supporting surface, and around them – joint capsule (capsule). Some swollen joints... it would seem, what is there to swell?

As it turns out, the back of the joint, a huge lymph node, and if it stromerova (bacteria, for example, beta-hemolytic Streptococcus), who lives in the blood, there will be arthritis (rheumatoid, infectious-allergic polyarthritis – if the affected a lot of joints).

May have a fever, but ask yourself: what is it? Yes to fight bacteria!
Or there is swelling. Why? And the lymph node does not transmit liquid. What we do usually: gray, ointment-smeared mud, hormones, rubbing – and I think that will help? Never! because, first of all, it is necessary to clean the lymph!

But you first need to determine who was there "live". Until we know this, no joints or skin, or kidney cure do not fail! To get rid of various "residents" need different drugs: for example, there lives a fungus, and we prescribe a course of antibiotics, as they are against the fungus are not working and even fed him! And there is a powerful fungal arthritis, cure which is very difficult! And after it starts and Bechterew's disease (when a person is in one moment will twist all joints), and all you want...

The fourth springboard – nose, for the main number of airborne infection. Adenoids cut out – killed your defenses!

Fifth beachhead tonsils. Constantly swollen, hurt, cut, and buried another defensive line!

Sixth bridgehead – the larynx is laryngitis.

Seventh base – trachea – development of tracheitis.

Eighth bridgehead – the bronchi – the development of bronchitis.

The ninth base – lungs – pneumonia.

All protective barriers no more... Man you can block or cut anything, only than he will allocate poisons – is unclear!

Most people who have tonsils removed, will develop chronic laryngitis, chronic pharyngitis, bronchitis elements. And if the parasites Giardia and viruses, he had left – it will be leaking with even more severe consequences.
What is pneumonia? is the coagulation of the lymph nodes, preventing the escape of liquids.
What is atopic dermatitis, psoriasis? is complete obstruction of the lymph nodes due to a fungal disease, is a fungus that all there cemented, so the skin opens "fire window" on the flexor surfaces (the baby – ass, cheeks, belly: in zones of a congestion of lymph nodes).

The lymph is in order — thank you charge!

To purify the lymph, we need to purposefully influence not only on the lymphatic system, but also on the liver and intestines.

Our intestines are enveloped in a very rich lymphatic network. It passes through the transport of fats and fat-soluble substances is detoxification. In the liver actively in the process of disposal of substances brought by the lymph.

If malfunction of the intestine and liver intoxication may increase. As a result, lymph nodes may not be able to cope with the increasing flow and fail. In those parts of the body that are "serviced" these lymph nodes will be formed, stagnation of lymph, accompanied by swelling.

In 1955, a German physician G. H. Reckeweg formulated the theory of slagging of the human body. The gist of it is that sickness is a manifestation of the body's response to exposure to various toxins.

Why those who pays attention to charging, usually with the lymphatic system is everything okay? The person does not have a separate heart for the lymphatic system, but how is moving the flow of lymph? Here's a lymph vessel, and around it the muscle. Muscle contracts – the lymph is pushed in, but it is not passed the valves in the lymph vessels. But if the muscle around the vessel is not working, how to take the movement of lymph?..

Rules you need to know

First, never allow the lymphatic system to become clogged with toxins, as over time she is so zalaquett that to restore it would be very difficult. If the situation gets out of control, promptly contact a knowledgeable specialist.

Second, always check the condition of the small and large intestine, for their full and regular evacuation. To do this, strictly follow the diet. It is also useful to massage the middle area of the palms of the hands, where there are many biologically active points, connected with the abdominal organs. During evacuation it is useful to massage the entire intestine.

Thirdly, regularly, at least twice a year, conduct sessions limfodrenazhnogo massage — alone or, whenever possible, by qualified and experienced professionals. If this is not possible, regularly during the bath or when taking a hot bath with a stiff brush or sponge for 10 – 15 times with the effort spend on the body along the lymphatic system: the limbs, in the pelvic, abdominal and thoracic regions — from the bottom up and from outside to inside; on the head and neck from above downward and from behind forward. During self-massage you can use special massage creams, rubbing them into the skin with hands in a circular motion.

Fourth, periodically monitor your weight. With the appearance of excess weight it is necessary to pay attention to liver and gall bladder, small intestine and colon, it is necessary to strengthen physical movement to enhance the movement of stagnant lymph with toxins, and to balance food intake and expenditure of energy, without overeating. Remember that the appearance of excess weight is a sure sign of aging.

What not to do

The lymphatic system cannot be warm, forget about quartz for a lifetime!

On the lymphatic system do not place any compresses during the massage the lymph nodes around doing: there are live leukocytes, and if you kiss, walk against the direction of flow, you just destroyed...

If you damage the lymph nodes under the knee – it's swell! There is a disease like elephantiasis – lymph flows from the inside and all external procedures doesn't help. The lymph can be cleaned from the inside, but to make it move can only active movement, muscle contraction – exercises.

That the lymph does not stagnate

Very tired, sitting at work – so stagnant lymph! Who little moving arms and legs (concealed gymnastics for the body) – the muscles contract and there is a movement of lymph.

And in order to avoid hemorrhoids "jump" about 30 times — 50 on the gluteal muscles: this is a massage of the lymphatic collector of the pelvis. And would not this massage is prostatitis, adenoma.

Sex is also rhythmic and orderly movement, and if it is active, then comes testing of the lymphatic system, sweating...

Traditional methods of cleansing of the lymphatic system

Spend such a cleaning regularly: first time in three months, then every six months, and then once a year. The best effect is achieved in the spring. Especially useful to clean the lymph before the flu epidemic.

For prevention it is useful to periodically drinking a tea made from Apple cider vinegar. To do this, dissolve 1 — 2 tsp of Apple cider vinegar in 1 Cup of warm water, add some honey and drink 2 — 3 cups a day.

For purification of lymph a handful of the purple flowers of burdock brew in 1 liter of boiling water, cool and drink as a tea throughout the month. At first use eat 3 to 4 raw burdock root 1 celery root medium size. Cleansing the lymph helps the reception of broth partitions walnuts. 1 tsp of partitions walnut pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Boil 10 minutes, insist hour, strain and drink 1 tbsp 3 times a day.

100 g walnuts mince, mixed with 100 g of honey. The mixture insist 2 weeks in a cool dark place and drink 2 teaspoons 3 times a day before meals. And so 40 days.

The branches of the fir — 1 kg (ground into powder), raspberry forest, the roots (fall and spring) — 0,5 kg (powder). Mix. Then place in layers in a glass dish with honey. 1.5 kg of the mixture need 0.5 kg of honey and 200 ml of boiled water. Insist day, then simmer in a water bath for 8 hours, to insist 2 days. The juice is drained. Very fragrant, delicious drink.
To drink children under 14 years — 1 teaspoon, 5 times a day before meals. Adults — 1 tbsp 5 times before eating.
To use courses for 12 days: 12 days drinking — 10 days of rest, etc.

Tincture of garlic. 200 g young, juicy garlic mince and pour 200 ml of rubbing alcohol.
Cover tightly and place in a cool place for 10 days, then strain and squeeze.
Take on the scheme.
Day 1 – 20 minutes before Breakfast, 1 drop in 50 ml of milk, before lunch – 2 drops, before dinner – 3 drops in the same amount of milk.
Day 2 – take respectively 4, 5 and 6 drops before Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Day 3 – 7, 8, and 9 drops.
Day 4 – 10, 11 and 12 drops
Day 5 – 13, 14 and 15
(6 – 10) day number of drops reduce in the reverse order: 15, 14, 13 and so on till the tenth day. In the following days take 25 drops in 50ml of milk to use, all tinctures of garlic.

Cut 1 kg of shoots of coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar and larch) and dig up to 0.5 kg of roots raspberry. Rinse, dry, chop, mix and fold in the jar, adding 0.5 kg of honey. Put layers: a layer of vegetable mixture and a layer of honey. All this is pour hot water and let it brew day. 8 hours then simmer the mixture in a water bath on low heat again and allow to infuse for two days. Should take 1 tablespoon (children — 1 tsp) 4 — 5 times a day for 2 weeks in a row.

In diseases of the lymph nodes to strengthen the immune system helps infusion of the roots of marsh cinquefoil (100 g — 500 g of vodka, insist 8 days, take 30 drops 3 times a day). And for external use any good dry heat. The simplest and perhaps most effective is a dry cloth rag, grated soap. Attach it to the lymph nodes, cover it with something warm.

To maintain the lymphatic system in normal condition you need to eat right. Try to avoid food that cannot be processed by the body, which can start the intoxication of the organism through the intestines. To such food include all sorts of canned foods, artificial beverages, foods, polluted environment, vegetables and fruits that contain excessive amounts of nitrates.

Indicator cleaning the lymph is the reduction of tonsils, adenoids, ending runny nose and cough, reduction of skin rashes and secretions from the genital tract. But first it is necessary to remove from food excess slime substances: starch, bread, pork, sausage, whole milk.

Massages, baths and aromatherapy

To reduce swelling and enhance lymph movement effectively special forms of massage, especially with essential oils like geranium, juniper and rosemary. When the procedure should be performed long, the rosemary can be replaced with oil of black pepper, and some experts also include the oil of birch or patchouli.

Massaging should be in a direction from the fingertips to the collarbone area, where the lymph flows into the subclavian vein. Because massage increases the amount of lymph entering the blood stream, the amount of fluid secreted from the body also increases. As a result, after a lymph massage it is noted an increased excretion of urine, increasing more and due to the fact that the oils used have a diuretic effect.

This massage can be more effective if you combine it with a bath with the addition of some of the same oils. After the bath, you should massage the body with a dry brush in the same direction as in a normal massage, that is, in the direction from fingers to the clavicle. You might also need a cleanse.

Contraindication for lymphatic massage is cancer. The lymphatic system is the route by which the cells of a malignant tumor can move from one part of the body to another and cause secondary cancers (metastases). Therefore, any treatments that affect the lymphatic system, cancer is unacceptable.

Look at yourself!

From the point of view of psychosomatic problems in the lymphatic system — a warning that should refocus on the most important thing in life: love and joy. This censure, wine and great fear that the "good enough". Mad race to prove its I — as long as the blood does not remain substance to support yourself. In this race that you received, forget the joy of life. published

Source: http:// ilich.in.ua