The maintenance of the lymphatic system in Ayurveda
There are two very important drug, improves the circulatory system and detoxifying the body of people the summer type (pitt). One of the means is manjishta — used for the lymphatic system, the other — him — cleanses the blood, liver and skin. Both plants, removing toxins from the body fluids, eliminate the cause of the disease manifested by a rash on the skin.
Him for salvation
It is an extremely useful plant that helps to cleanse the blood, liver and skin and remove toxins from them. The Botanical name of neem is Azadirachta indica. Usually use the bark and leaves of this large leafy plants, as they have a bitter taste and a cooling effect. It is the most powerful tool to treat skin diseases, fever, and skin rashes.
Method of application neem
Its leaves can be brewed as a tea and applied directly on the area of skin rash or inflammation. Crushed leaves can be taken internally in capsules to cleanse the blood and skin.
The recommended ingestion dose is 250-500 milligrams of the crushed plant after every meal. The course lasts from one to three months for complete removal of toxins from the deep tissue, which can be a major cause of intractable acne and other skin irritations.
It has a very strong cooling effect, so be careful not to let his child experiencing the cold.
Manjishta and lymphatic drainage
Simpaticescom system is one of the most important in our body. This kind of building the immune system. When the lymphatic system becomes clogged, and simultaneously weakens the immune system. In a slow moving lymph immune cells move with great difficulty, in a similar way and stalling the car in traffic jam. This leads to the fact that they do not reach their destination.
The lymphatic system can become sluggish, not only due to poor digestion and accumulation of toxins, but also because of a sedentary lifestyle. Unlike the flow of blood, lymphatic fluid is not impelled with the help of a heartbeat, her whole body acceleration of muscle contraction. One of the most useful properties of exercise — improve movement of the lymph fluid. Everything that disrupts the lymphatic system, can undermine the ability of white blood cells to move, thereby reducing the immune system's ability to remove toxins from the tissues. When the lymph system cannot cope with the excretion of toxins, wastes accumulate in the muscles, joints, skin and other tissues of our body.
The most susceptible to the accumulation of toxins our skin. That's why skin diseases are an indicator of poor digestion or blockage of the lymphatic system, especially in children of summer type. Joints — another vulnerable area of the body, which, eventually, turns into the repository of toxins. Children rarely have problems with joints, but the roots of this disease in adults are in bad digestion and a clogged in children lymphatic flow.
Allergies are also connected with digestion, skin condition and lymph flow. When the lymphatic system fails to remove toxins, the body becomes hypersensitive to trudnootdelyaemoy food, dirt and pollen, leading to permanent severe allergic reactions. It helps to remove toxins from the skin, but if disrupted the lymphatic system, it will remain toxic. In many cases, you must use it together with Mangistau, plant known as a blood purifier, lymph and skin.
Manjistha removes blockages from the blood and lymph and is traditionally used for the treatment of tumors and stones. Mangusta has such profound healing properties that can be used to restore broken bones. This is due to improved lymphatic drainage, which significantly increases the body's ability to heal. The key to the improvement of any part of the human body lies in the blood: if the lymphatic system cleanses the body properly, new blood is unable to reach in need in the region.
Method of application manisty
Manjishta is a cooling agent and can be applied directly to skin rashes or skin that has lost its color. Cook the pasta, mix the chopped herb with honey and apply it on the damaged area.
Besides, Mengistu can be taken internally. The usual dose for a child is 300-500 milligrams of the drug with water two to three times daily after meals or on an empty stomach.
Indications manisty
The most common symptoms of contamination of the lymphatic system and indications for use manjishta are:
— puffy and swollen eyes, hands and feet,
— skin rashes,
— fatigue,
— pain in moving the joints,
— sore throat,
— pimples,
skin itching, worse after exercise. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.ayurvedaplus.ru/articles/211/255725/
Him for salvation
It is an extremely useful plant that helps to cleanse the blood, liver and skin and remove toxins from them. The Botanical name of neem is Azadirachta indica. Usually use the bark and leaves of this large leafy plants, as they have a bitter taste and a cooling effect. It is the most powerful tool to treat skin diseases, fever, and skin rashes.

Method of application neem
Its leaves can be brewed as a tea and applied directly on the area of skin rash or inflammation. Crushed leaves can be taken internally in capsules to cleanse the blood and skin.
The recommended ingestion dose is 250-500 milligrams of the crushed plant after every meal. The course lasts from one to three months for complete removal of toxins from the deep tissue, which can be a major cause of intractable acne and other skin irritations.
It has a very strong cooling effect, so be careful not to let his child experiencing the cold.
Manjishta and lymphatic drainage
Simpaticescom system is one of the most important in our body. This kind of building the immune system. When the lymphatic system becomes clogged, and simultaneously weakens the immune system. In a slow moving lymph immune cells move with great difficulty, in a similar way and stalling the car in traffic jam. This leads to the fact that they do not reach their destination.
The lymphatic system can become sluggish, not only due to poor digestion and accumulation of toxins, but also because of a sedentary lifestyle. Unlike the flow of blood, lymphatic fluid is not impelled with the help of a heartbeat, her whole body acceleration of muscle contraction. One of the most useful properties of exercise — improve movement of the lymph fluid. Everything that disrupts the lymphatic system, can undermine the ability of white blood cells to move, thereby reducing the immune system's ability to remove toxins from the tissues. When the lymph system cannot cope with the excretion of toxins, wastes accumulate in the muscles, joints, skin and other tissues of our body.
The most susceptible to the accumulation of toxins our skin. That's why skin diseases are an indicator of poor digestion or blockage of the lymphatic system, especially in children of summer type. Joints — another vulnerable area of the body, which, eventually, turns into the repository of toxins. Children rarely have problems with joints, but the roots of this disease in adults are in bad digestion and a clogged in children lymphatic flow.
Allergies are also connected with digestion, skin condition and lymph flow. When the lymphatic system fails to remove toxins, the body becomes hypersensitive to trudnootdelyaemoy food, dirt and pollen, leading to permanent severe allergic reactions. It helps to remove toxins from the skin, but if disrupted the lymphatic system, it will remain toxic. In many cases, you must use it together with Mangistau, plant known as a blood purifier, lymph and skin.
Manjistha removes blockages from the blood and lymph and is traditionally used for the treatment of tumors and stones. Mangusta has such profound healing properties that can be used to restore broken bones. This is due to improved lymphatic drainage, which significantly increases the body's ability to heal. The key to the improvement of any part of the human body lies in the blood: if the lymphatic system cleanses the body properly, new blood is unable to reach in need in the region.

Method of application manisty
Manjishta is a cooling agent and can be applied directly to skin rashes or skin that has lost its color. Cook the pasta, mix the chopped herb with honey and apply it on the damaged area.
Besides, Mengistu can be taken internally. The usual dose for a child is 300-500 milligrams of the drug with water two to three times daily after meals or on an empty stomach.
Indications manisty
The most common symptoms of contamination of the lymphatic system and indications for use manjishta are:
— puffy and swollen eyes, hands and feet,
— skin rashes,
— fatigue,
— pain in moving the joints,
— sore throat,
— pimples,
skin itching, worse after exercise. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.ayurvedaplus.ru/articles/211/255725/