Tour of the exhibition of military innovations of five centuries in Vienna
The exhibition "The military innovations of five centuries" held at the Vienna Military History Museum include rare prototypes and models of weapons legendary past. Today's photo essay author was able to visit this unique exhibition. Trench crossbow WWI.
Identification of many samples I have caused some difficulties, and I tried to find more information about the exhibition in the Internet, but except for a few photos from the official press release, there's nothing there. Therefore, I can say with absolute certainty that all the pictures below are unique and other pictures from this show you are now nowhere to find.
The exhibition begins with the layout of the desktop doctor Austro-Hungarian army, perhaps symbolizing the fact that everything I saw you on was created to kill people ...
Mannequin Austrian stormtrooper PMA protective cuirass and mantle result in the helmet, stands near anti-tank gun «Mauser Tankgewehr M1918» - the first anti-tank gun in world history.
Unicorn and layouts of various types dulnozaryadnyh guns - multi-barreled, and dvuhstvolny trehdulnye, XVI-XIX century.
From left to right:
* Gun with combined wick-flintlock system Montecuccoli, Caliber 18, 5 mm, 1690.
* Breech-loading carbine M1770 dragoon with silicon lock system Crespi, 18 gauge, 3 mm.
* Air Rifle «Windbüchse» Zhirandoni system M1779, 11 gauge, 5 mm.
Ornate breech-loading (?) Instrument more as it can not say anything.
From left to right:
* Prototype capsular pistol for officers of French infantry regiments.
* Prototype Jaeger socket with capsular store, caliber 13, 9 mm, 1820.
* A prototype of the Swiss infantry rifles Milbank-Amsler, caliber 17 mm 8, 1860 year.
* Prototype Prince bolt rifles, caliber 10, 5 mm, the 1850 year.
* Prototype breech-loading infantry rifle Lindner, 13 caliber, 9mm, 1860 year.
* Prototype Jaeger fitting breech-loading system Linder, 13 caliber, 9mm, 1867.
* Prototype Jaeger fitting with exhaust gate, caliber 15 mm, 1867.
An engineering prototype capsule gun-picks of Archduke Maximilian, caliber 17 mm 8, 1827.
From top to bottom:
* Prototype cavalry pistol with a fuse of Augustine, 16 gauge, 9 mm, 1851.
* Prototype cavalry pistol Ferdinand Fryuvirta, caliber 15 mm, 1861.
* Kavalleriysky pistol butt pristezhnym M1851 system Augustine, 16 gauge, 9 mm.
* Prototype cavalry pistol with a ramrod of Ferdinand Fryuvirta, 16 gauge, 9 mm, 1861.
Kartechnitsy Gatling - one of the first examples of a machine gun.
Mitrailleuse (kartechnitsy) Montigny arr. 1870.
Machine for charging the store mitrailleuse Montigny.
From right to left:
* A prototype rifles made of taken as a basis for the British infantry rifle, 1863-1866 gg.
* A prototype of breech-loading rifles made of taken as a basis for an infantry rifle of the Lorenz system, caliber 11 mm, 1865.
* A prototype of breech-loading rifles Niger and Engel-Wines, caliber 11 mm, 1860.
* A prototype of breech-loading rifles Niger and Engel-Wines, caliber 11 mm 2, 1860.
* Another prototype of breech-loading rifles Niger and Engel-Wines, caliber 11 mm 2, 1860.
* A prototype of breech-loading rifles of unknown caliber 17 mm 6, 1860.
In the top row various prototype helmet for officers dragoon and cuirassier regiments of the Austrian army (kk Armee), all dated 1850. In the bottom row of different samples ulanok (Tschapka fur Ulanen) privates and officers of the Austro-Hungarian army (kuk Armee), all dated 1876 year.
Installations for the missile launch, right - to run the installation of a 12-pound missile system Gel (Hale) caliber 7, 5 cm, 1860.
Various samples of missile design William Gele, 1860.
6-pound rocket M1864 caliber 12 cm and a plant for its launch.
. 3-pound mountain gun M1861 system Lenka.
The machine to carry or transport of parts of the mountain on mules gun M1861.
From left to right:
* Prototype Shulhofa infantry rifles, caliber 8 mm, 1882.
* Prototype slide Shpitalski rifles, caliber 11 mm 2, 1890.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Shulhofa, caliber 11 mm, 1882.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Shulhofa shop with accommodation in the butt, caliber 11 mm 2, 1882.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Shulhofa, caliber 11 mm, 1882.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Shulhofa caliber 8 mm, 1882.
Various samples of artillery ammunition of the XIX century.
Fortress gun on a steel carriage of the second half of the XIX century, and different patterns of protective cuirasses.
Protective breastplates during World (?), One of which with a dent from a direct hit.
Training mock gun M.07 / 12 Shvartsloze.
A prototype of the machine gun of Salvatore Dormusa caliber 8 mm, 1893.
Experimental 8 cm field gun M99.
From left to right:
* Prototype bolt rifles Ritter von Yurnitcheka caliber 8 mm, 1887.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles dish and Buhmyulnera caliber 8 mm, 1890.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Werndly, caliber 11 mm 2, 1888.
* The bolt rifle M1885 Mannlicher system caliber 11 mm.
* Prototype slide Mannlicher rifles, caliber 8 mm, 1908.
* The prototype automatic rifle M1892 Mannlicher system caliber 6, 5 mm.
* Prototype Project M1914 unified rifle, caliber 7mm.
* Prototype Project M1915 unified rifle, caliber 8 mm.
The central exhibits: a rotating spherical shell M1854 for smoothbore guns caliber 10, 5 cm, and the world's first self-loading pistol Laumana caliber 8 mm.
From left to right from top to bottom:
* Prototype Revolver Piper, caliber 8 mm, 1897.
* A prototype of the gun with unknown side ignition system, caliber 11, 6 mm, the 1860 year.
* A prototype self-loading pistol Roth Creek, 8 mm caliber, 1895.
* A prototype self-loading pistol M1894 system Salvatore Dormusa caliber 8 mm, 1895.
* Another prototype Piper Revolver caliber 8 mm, 1897.
* A prototype self-loading pistol C93 system BORCHARD caliber 7, 65 mm, 1895.
In continuation to the previous photo, left to right, top to bottom:
* A prototype self-loading pistol Passlera and Seidl, caliber 7, 5 mm, 1887.
* A prototype self-loading pistol Mannlicher-Winkler, caliber 7, 63 mm, 1894-1897.
* Prototype Revolver grow Gessar caliber 8 mm, 1900 year.
* A prototype self-loading pistol Shulhofa, caliber 9 mm, 1884.
* A prototype self-loading pistol M1894 system Salvatore Dormusa caliber 8 mm, 1897.
* Prototype long-barreled pistol M1907 self-loading system Roth Creek, 8 mm caliber.
* A prototype self-loading pistol Schoenberger, caliber 8 mm, 1888.
Front-line handmade wooden pistol, all of them bearing the date 1915. Bottom left - the prototype of pliers for a bite of barbed wire to Mannlicher rifle.
Trench maces for close combat during World War I, still known to us as "flails».
Various samples flamethrowers during World War II.
Makeshift Austrian Field Switch WWI.
Experimental mountain howitzer L11 / V, 10 gauge, 4 cm, 1912.
A prototype of an improvised gun Ignaz Shrnitsitsa made on the basis of an infantry rifle M1888 / 90 Mannlicher system caliber 8 mm, 1915.
Sample impromptu machine gun (automatic rifle -?) Based on the rifle Mannlicher, 1915. On the rifle mounted casing for water cooling, top shop leverage for quick reloading and lowering
Top prototype improvised gun made on the basis of an infantry rifle Mannlicher M1895, 1915.
Another sample of an experimental machine gun (automatic rifle -?) With water cooling on the basis of an infantry rifle of Mannlicher, 1915.
On top of the various prototypes helmets Austro-Hungarian army of 1915-1917., Bottom samples simplified ersatz equipment second half of the First World War.
7 cm mountain gun M9.
The experimental sample of 9, 5 cm field howitzer, 1914.
Roll broneschit and compact trench mortar WWI.
Various prototypes of uniforms and hats Austro-Hungarian Army arr. 1917.
Prototypes of the new insignia of the Austro-Hungarian Army arr. 1917.
Prototypes steel helmets for the Austro-Hungarian Army arr. In 1914-1917.
Various prototypes emblems on steel helmets.
The experienced 44-mm infantry gun mod. 1934.
4, 7-cm anti-tank gun M35 time of first Republic.
The evolution of the Austrian corps, left to right:
* Tunic M1916 Stabsfeldwebel Folksvera, 1919.
* Officers tunic times first republic.
* Austrian jacket with different signs of the Third Reich, the Wehrmacht used a few years after the Anschluss of Austria.
The prototype tracked armored A1 «Saurer».
Sample light tank SK-105 "Kürassier».
Modern samples of small arms.
Different versions of the famous StG.77 or Steyr AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr).
A prototype of carbine rifles based on the Mauser 98k under the gas cartridge, 1977.
Helmets Austrian army with the following experimental firing their penetrability.
MG-74 machine gun and a modified valve system Beretta.
The prototype floating wheeled armored OAF.
Prototypes insignia of the Armed Forces of Austria, in the center - the first sample cap mountain rifle parts of the 2nd Republic with a distinctive "Austrian Edelweiss" on the green-lined and turned into a "reverse" side.
Heavy sniper rifle MK3 "Cheetah", caliber 12, 7 mm.
And finally, the modern samples of the uniforms and weapons of the Austrian army, in the center - a heavy sniper rifle M82 A1, caliber 12, 7 mm.
Source: reibert.livejournal.com
Identification of many samples I have caused some difficulties, and I tried to find more information about the exhibition in the Internet, but except for a few photos from the official press release, there's nothing there. Therefore, I can say with absolute certainty that all the pictures below are unique and other pictures from this show you are now nowhere to find.

The exhibition begins with the layout of the desktop doctor Austro-Hungarian army, perhaps symbolizing the fact that everything I saw you on was created to kill people ...

Mannequin Austrian stormtrooper PMA protective cuirass and mantle result in the helmet, stands near anti-tank gun «Mauser Tankgewehr M1918» - the first anti-tank gun in world history.

Unicorn and layouts of various types dulnozaryadnyh guns - multi-barreled, and dvuhstvolny trehdulnye, XVI-XIX century.

From left to right:
* Gun with combined wick-flintlock system Montecuccoli, Caliber 18, 5 mm, 1690.
* Breech-loading carbine M1770 dragoon with silicon lock system Crespi, 18 gauge, 3 mm.
* Air Rifle «Windbüchse» Zhirandoni system M1779, 11 gauge, 5 mm.

Ornate breech-loading (?) Instrument more as it can not say anything.

From left to right:
* Prototype capsular pistol for officers of French infantry regiments.
* Prototype Jaeger socket with capsular store, caliber 13, 9 mm, 1820.
* A prototype of the Swiss infantry rifles Milbank-Amsler, caliber 17 mm 8, 1860 year.
* Prototype Prince bolt rifles, caliber 10, 5 mm, the 1850 year.
* Prototype breech-loading infantry rifle Lindner, 13 caliber, 9mm, 1860 year.
* Prototype Jaeger fitting breech-loading system Linder, 13 caliber, 9mm, 1867.
* Prototype Jaeger fitting with exhaust gate, caliber 15 mm, 1867.

An engineering prototype capsule gun-picks of Archduke Maximilian, caliber 17 mm 8, 1827.

From top to bottom:
* Prototype cavalry pistol with a fuse of Augustine, 16 gauge, 9 mm, 1851.
* Prototype cavalry pistol Ferdinand Fryuvirta, caliber 15 mm, 1861.
* Kavalleriysky pistol butt pristezhnym M1851 system Augustine, 16 gauge, 9 mm.
* Prototype cavalry pistol with a ramrod of Ferdinand Fryuvirta, 16 gauge, 9 mm, 1861.

Kartechnitsy Gatling - one of the first examples of a machine gun.

Mitrailleuse (kartechnitsy) Montigny arr. 1870.

Machine for charging the store mitrailleuse Montigny.

From right to left:
* A prototype rifles made of taken as a basis for the British infantry rifle, 1863-1866 gg.
* A prototype of breech-loading rifles made of taken as a basis for an infantry rifle of the Lorenz system, caliber 11 mm, 1865.
* A prototype of breech-loading rifles Niger and Engel-Wines, caliber 11 mm, 1860.
* A prototype of breech-loading rifles Niger and Engel-Wines, caliber 11 mm 2, 1860.
* Another prototype of breech-loading rifles Niger and Engel-Wines, caliber 11 mm 2, 1860.
* A prototype of breech-loading rifles of unknown caliber 17 mm 6, 1860.

In the top row various prototype helmet for officers dragoon and cuirassier regiments of the Austrian army (kk Armee), all dated 1850. In the bottom row of different samples ulanok (Tschapka fur Ulanen) privates and officers of the Austro-Hungarian army (kuk Armee), all dated 1876 year.

Installations for the missile launch, right - to run the installation of a 12-pound missile system Gel (Hale) caliber 7, 5 cm, 1860.

Various samples of missile design William Gele, 1860.

6-pound rocket M1864 caliber 12 cm and a plant for its launch.

. 3-pound mountain gun M1861 system Lenka.

The machine to carry or transport of parts of the mountain on mules gun M1861.

From left to right:
* Prototype Shulhofa infantry rifles, caliber 8 mm, 1882.
* Prototype slide Shpitalski rifles, caliber 11 mm 2, 1890.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Shulhofa, caliber 11 mm, 1882.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Shulhofa shop with accommodation in the butt, caliber 11 mm 2, 1882.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Shulhofa, caliber 11 mm, 1882.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Shulhofa caliber 8 mm, 1882.

Various samples of artillery ammunition of the XIX century.

Fortress gun on a steel carriage of the second half of the XIX century, and different patterns of protective cuirasses.

Protective breastplates during World (?), One of which with a dent from a direct hit.

Training mock gun M.07 / 12 Shvartsloze.

A prototype of the machine gun of Salvatore Dormusa caliber 8 mm, 1893.

Experimental 8 cm field gun M99.

From left to right:
* Prototype bolt rifles Ritter von Yurnitcheka caliber 8 mm, 1887.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles dish and Buhmyulnera caliber 8 mm, 1890.
* Prototype Infantry bolt rifles Werndly, caliber 11 mm 2, 1888.
* The bolt rifle M1885 Mannlicher system caliber 11 mm.
* Prototype slide Mannlicher rifles, caliber 8 mm, 1908.
* The prototype automatic rifle M1892 Mannlicher system caliber 6, 5 mm.
* Prototype Project M1914 unified rifle, caliber 7mm.
* Prototype Project M1915 unified rifle, caliber 8 mm.

The central exhibits: a rotating spherical shell M1854 for smoothbore guns caliber 10, 5 cm, and the world's first self-loading pistol Laumana caliber 8 mm.

From left to right from top to bottom:
* Prototype Revolver Piper, caliber 8 mm, 1897.
* A prototype of the gun with unknown side ignition system, caliber 11, 6 mm, the 1860 year.
* A prototype self-loading pistol Roth Creek, 8 mm caliber, 1895.
* A prototype self-loading pistol M1894 system Salvatore Dormusa caliber 8 mm, 1895.
* Another prototype Piper Revolver caliber 8 mm, 1897.
* A prototype self-loading pistol C93 system BORCHARD caliber 7, 65 mm, 1895.

In continuation to the previous photo, left to right, top to bottom:
* A prototype self-loading pistol Passlera and Seidl, caliber 7, 5 mm, 1887.
* A prototype self-loading pistol Mannlicher-Winkler, caliber 7, 63 mm, 1894-1897.
* Prototype Revolver grow Gessar caliber 8 mm, 1900 year.
* A prototype self-loading pistol Shulhofa, caliber 9 mm, 1884.
* A prototype self-loading pistol M1894 system Salvatore Dormusa caliber 8 mm, 1897.
* Prototype long-barreled pistol M1907 self-loading system Roth Creek, 8 mm caliber.
* A prototype self-loading pistol Schoenberger, caliber 8 mm, 1888.

Front-line handmade wooden pistol, all of them bearing the date 1915. Bottom left - the prototype of pliers for a bite of barbed wire to Mannlicher rifle.

Trench maces for close combat during World War I, still known to us as "flails».

Various samples flamethrowers during World War II.

Makeshift Austrian Field Switch WWI.

Experimental mountain howitzer L11 / V, 10 gauge, 4 cm, 1912.

A prototype of an improvised gun Ignaz Shrnitsitsa made on the basis of an infantry rifle M1888 / 90 Mannlicher system caliber 8 mm, 1915.

Sample impromptu machine gun (automatic rifle -?) Based on the rifle Mannlicher, 1915. On the rifle mounted casing for water cooling, top shop leverage for quick reloading and lowering

Top prototype improvised gun made on the basis of an infantry rifle Mannlicher M1895, 1915.

Another sample of an experimental machine gun (automatic rifle -?) With water cooling on the basis of an infantry rifle of Mannlicher, 1915.

On top of the various prototypes helmets Austro-Hungarian army of 1915-1917., Bottom samples simplified ersatz equipment second half of the First World War.

7 cm mountain gun M9.

The experimental sample of 9, 5 cm field howitzer, 1914.

Roll broneschit and compact trench mortar WWI.

Various prototypes of uniforms and hats Austro-Hungarian Army arr. 1917.

Prototypes of the new insignia of the Austro-Hungarian Army arr. 1917.

Prototypes steel helmets for the Austro-Hungarian Army arr. In 1914-1917.

Various prototypes emblems on steel helmets.

The experienced 44-mm infantry gun mod. 1934.

4, 7-cm anti-tank gun M35 time of first Republic.

The evolution of the Austrian corps, left to right:
* Tunic M1916 Stabsfeldwebel Folksvera, 1919.
* Officers tunic times first republic.
* Austrian jacket with different signs of the Third Reich, the Wehrmacht used a few years after the Anschluss of Austria.

The prototype tracked armored A1 «Saurer».

Sample light tank SK-105 "Kürassier».

Modern samples of small arms.

Different versions of the famous StG.77 or Steyr AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr).

A prototype of carbine rifles based on the Mauser 98k under the gas cartridge, 1977.

Helmets Austrian army with the following experimental firing their penetrability.

MG-74 machine gun and a modified valve system Beretta.

The prototype floating wheeled armored OAF.

Prototypes insignia of the Armed Forces of Austria, in the center - the first sample cap mountain rifle parts of the 2nd Republic with a distinctive "Austrian Edelweiss" on the green-lined and turned into a "reverse" side.

Heavy sniper rifle MK3 "Cheetah", caliber 12, 7 mm.

And finally, the modern samples of the uniforms and weapons of the Austrian army, in the center - a heavy sniper rifle M82 A1, caliber 12, 7 mm.

Source: reibert.livejournal.com