Unexplored facts about the lymphatic system, which is useful to know everyone.
About lymphatic system know enough not only simple inhabitants. Even doctors do not pay enough attention to this difficult, but we need it for normal functioning of the system! After all, with the help of all the lymph toxins, harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi are eliminated from the body. If the lymphatic system is in order, a person is healthy! The problems arise when there is a failure in the removal of harmful substances. Lymph vessels are connected with all tissues, for it constantly circulate huge amounts of liquid. Passing through the lymph nodes, which are macrophages, T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, lymph cleared. Cancer occurs for a reason: it is due to the blockage of lymph nodes metastases occur. Take care of your lymphatic system to avoid dangerous diseases!
lymphatic system - the only system in our body, except the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, which throws matter to the outside through the mucous membranes. Once a person becomes ill, immediately there are problems with mucous: vaginal discharge in women from the urethra - of men. Runny nose, the mucus, which is released from the gut - and all the familiar signs of infection. Rather than treat the effects, it is necessary to know the cause and fight parasites inside. After discharge from the mucous membrane - that's the bodies of harmful bacteria, which has coped leukocytes. The main rule in the treatment of all diseases - strengthening the immune system, the only way a person can regain their health without the harmful effects. But modern medicine is not too worried about it, appointing another medicine that removes only a symptom, not healing and strengthening all body systems.
We all need to remember that a healthy man should sweat. It is through the lymphatic system brings sweat from the body of harmful substances. If there is a blockage of the sweat glands, the whole stuff is within the body. This does not mean that we should not use the means of hygiene. Of course, you! But should choose special deodorants which do not interfere with the natural sweat glands. If you have problems with the skin, decide this important question deodorant once and for all. People with disorders in the lymphatic system caused by blockage of the sweat glands, there are various skin disorders: eczema, acne, rashes of unknown origin. The body tries to bring harmful substances through the skin, but this, alas, is impossible. Here it is, the main cause of skin diseases. Women have the risk of mastitis and breast cancer is for this reason that contaminated lymph does not go out, accumulating in the breast. Who would have thought that the innocent, seemingly blocking sweat deodorants can cause cancer!
For the health of the lymphatic system is necessary to move a lot and actively stimulating perspiration. Also for the treatment of lymph occasional use stimulants: licorice, echinacea, celandine, magnesium sulfate, activated carbon, vitamin C. It is very difficult to find a sensible doctor who can advise you on this issue, but if you ask for, anything is possible. Drink plenty of fluids. Whenever you feel unwell, and poisoning is useful to clean the lymph - a lot of drinking, movement and fasting can work wonders. If you follow these simple rules, doctors do not need: a strong and clever body will cope with any ailments.
All brilliant - just. Tell us about this important information to friends, because it will help them get rid of any illness and does not get sick again!
via takprosto cc

lymphatic system - the only system in our body, except the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, which throws matter to the outside through the mucous membranes. Once a person becomes ill, immediately there are problems with mucous: vaginal discharge in women from the urethra - of men. Runny nose, the mucus, which is released from the gut - and all the familiar signs of infection. Rather than treat the effects, it is necessary to know the cause and fight parasites inside. After discharge from the mucous membrane - that's the bodies of harmful bacteria, which has coped leukocytes. The main rule in the treatment of all diseases - strengthening the immune system, the only way a person can regain their health without the harmful effects. But modern medicine is not too worried about it, appointing another medicine that removes only a symptom, not healing and strengthening all body systems.
We all need to remember that a healthy man should sweat. It is through the lymphatic system brings sweat from the body of harmful substances. If there is a blockage of the sweat glands, the whole stuff is within the body. This does not mean that we should not use the means of hygiene. Of course, you! But should choose special deodorants which do not interfere with the natural sweat glands. If you have problems with the skin, decide this important question deodorant once and for all. People with disorders in the lymphatic system caused by blockage of the sweat glands, there are various skin disorders: eczema, acne, rashes of unknown origin. The body tries to bring harmful substances through the skin, but this, alas, is impossible. Here it is, the main cause of skin diseases. Women have the risk of mastitis and breast cancer is for this reason that contaminated lymph does not go out, accumulating in the breast. Who would have thought that the innocent, seemingly blocking sweat deodorants can cause cancer!

For the health of the lymphatic system is necessary to move a lot and actively stimulating perspiration. Also for the treatment of lymph occasional use stimulants: licorice, echinacea, celandine, magnesium sulfate, activated carbon, vitamin C. It is very difficult to find a sensible doctor who can advise you on this issue, but if you ask for, anything is possible. Drink plenty of fluids. Whenever you feel unwell, and poisoning is useful to clean the lymph - a lot of drinking, movement and fasting can work wonders. If you follow these simple rules, doctors do not need: a strong and clever body will cope with any ailments.
All brilliant - just. Tell us about this important information to friends, because it will help them get rid of any illness and does not get sick again!
via takprosto cc
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