The best herbs for cleansing
At any age, our skin needs constant care competent. What can we do to make it healthy, blooming and forever young? The answer is simple: use herbs to cleanse the face. They each available and easy to use. As is known, these gifts of nature contain a lot of useful components, and, if properly pick up a combination, depending on the skin type and goals, you can achieve a good result.
TURN has:
anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect, a blood cleansing remedy because of the large number of biologically active substances, so it is widely used for skin diseases, various forms of diathesis, accompanied by a rash of allergic nature, especially in children, abrasions, her treat neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea scalp (dandruff ).
Daisy has:
choleretic and diuretic, diaphoretic, normalizing influence of the chair,
the ability to treat diseases of the liver, bladder, kidney,
calming effect on the nervous system,
anti-allergic effect,
excellent cosmetology skills.
Chamomile - an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Therapeutic chamomile are used for diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, bladder, for colds, well proven daisy at a delay menstruation, for various allergies.
Calendula is used for medicinal purposes, as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent. Calendula is recommended for diathesis, acne, psoriasis. It is used for rinsing the mouth and throat with angina, stomatitis, for the treatment of poorly healing wounds and postoperative fistula.
Viola tricolor:
Broth violets help for dermatological diseases. In case of long non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, carbuncles, boils and boils. Also, the grass is used for skin eruptions caused by hypovitaminosis, dermatitis and psoriasis (applied to the affected sites pounded in a mortar dry material). Infusions and fresh plant juice is effective for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. Baths and lotions with grass are recommended for children with diathesis.
Skin diseases NO - what diseases are manifested on the skin
Skin - is one of the most mysterious bodies. Good dermatologists say skin diseases do not exist. All the diseases that we see are related to the internal organs. Main skin disease - it's scabies and tick bites. Everything else is associated with bowel disease, lymph and other internal organs.
The skin is the most powerful excretory organs. She saves the body from infection. If there were no lesions on the skin, then it all went to the inside. On the skin pours in fact, pus. Pus - a dead white blood cells from the lysed bacteria. It is of several types. Viral (rash herpes), such eruptions are usually very painful. The virus affects the nervous conductors, which are suitable for the places of rashes.
If something hurts when a rash, it is a virus. Bacteria behave differently. Bacteria are not transparent. If aureus white skin, then it will be white lesions. If this is Staphylococcus aureus, it will be green eels, affecting all five layers of the skin. In one type of skin rash, you can tell what a person bacterium.
Worms are not vegetarians. They do not eat fruits and vegetables. If they are not satisfied with the internal environment of man, they leave it. But if a person eats a lot of sugar, it will require worms.
We conducted dozens of experiments, when placed in closed corridors, labyrinths jars with sweets. And the cat, which had bovine tapeworm, unerringly found the jar. In other experiments, the cat is the product that is loved bovine tapeworm. It is well established that the parasites are controlled by man in terms of taste preferences. If your child has pinworms, it will be very sweet love, which is the light energy for worms. When a child is cured of worms, it is half reduce the consumption of sugar.
Carcinogenic types papilomovirusa cause cancer. If a lot of moles, warts from human skin, which means that the organism is present in the viral agent. By reducing the risk of immunity arises a serious problem of cancer.
The skin is very strongly protected. If papilomovirus lands on the mucous membrane (larynx, urethra, the vagina in women, the cervix), the process is exacerbated tenfold. If someone knows that he has produced a large number of moles, this tendency leads to polyposis. Polyposis dangerous cervix, uterus, stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to remove polyps or to conduct laser antiviral program.
Ospergilius Mushroom - it is a serious problem. It affects the bronchi. Every fifth inhabitant of the planet suffer from candidiasis.
Highlight individual physicians called kandidologami. Unfortunately, the white blood cells lack the enzyme that dissolves the candida and candida organism to virtually defenseless. If the immune system copes with viruses, it can not cope with candida. All that a child on the mucosal thrush, stomatitis - it's candida. In no case can not use chemical antibiotics. Bacteria fungi are in different compartments, and fungi feed antibiotics. If a person takes antibiotics (except leaf black walnut), it multiplies the fungus.
Skin is composed of cells and intercellular spaces, which are free floating mode, and blood vessels that pass through the intercellular space. In the other direction takes the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system - it channels that take the intercellular fluid, clean it
. For example, the skin punctured with something, and got the bacteria. Leukocytes are found in the blood. They do not live in the intercellular space. After vessel wall located leucocytes (macrophages, lymphocytes) and begin to lyse, i.e. destroy bacterial hotbed. As a result, there is pus.
Lymphocytes bacteria absorbed, they go through the skin into the lymph or blood. If the abscess is large, then all goes into the lymph.
Why is there a sore throat, a runny nose? Rhinitis is a yield-purulent lymph. In the lymph node has 10 inputs and one output. The lymph node is divided into sectors. In these sectors, there is a splitting bacteria. Then there is a way out to the top. On the next leg of the next lymph node of the second order, and then the third order, etc. The wider portion korrespondiruemogo intake, the greater the lymph node.
Situation: skin staph emerged. The infection went to the lymph node. Staphylococcus aureus is very difficult to destroy. Lymph node begins to destroy the staphylococci, but he can not cope.
What happens? Very slow outflow. And the nervous system will solve the issue of withdrawal of pus through the skin. There will preparatory conditions, will produce the track. Through this path will go leukocyte mass. There will be a hillock. If the white staphylococcus, the white hillock if gold, the green hillock. There will be a pimple.
If a person starts to squeeze out, it spreads infection throughout the intercellular space. If you scored a second-order node that is a pimple? He will increase. If clogged lymph node further, then the surface will increase even more.
If this fungus, the white blood cells will never lead him into the lymphatic system for one simple reason: the fungus comes in orderly rows and connected mycelium, so if leukocyte pull in a lymph node, the lymph node will be blocked if the second lymph node, it will lock the entire lymphatic system.
In the body there is a law: a fungal infection always reset through the skin. Therefore, everything that appears on the skin, flaky, cracked, itchy at all locations: on the palms, feet, on the interdigital spaces, on virtually any field, it's a fungal
. Because the lymphatic system of the fungus simply suffocating, dying. Notice where the child diathesis? It is observed in large area of the lymph nodes. It cheeks, flexor surface ladoshechki, wrist, groin folds or buttocks, tummy. Lymph is affected in the area of major lymph nodes.
Diathesis - is not a disease, is a fungal infection, mixed with impaired immunity and dizbakterioz. When diathesis in a child is always a fungus. We are wrong to call it an allergy. Allergies - is the wrong reaction to foreign proteins. But not the fact that these proteins go through the skin. But mushrooms always go through the skin. In immunocompromised children with bowel dizbakterioz developing fungal infection.
Mushrooms may be different from candida and ending aspergeliusami. If plus the struck lymph system, then there are bronchitis. First, adenoids, ie glands of the nose, then the amygdala - a larynx lymph nodes, then joins abstruktivny chronic bronchitis and is the fourth stage of bronchial asthma, and the child goes to a disability
. And it all begins with a banal diathesis. As soon as the skin is no longer cope, connect the other excretory system. There are three entry systems: respiratory, digestive and urinary plus skin. And five - exit. It turns out that skin diseases through the skin to heal is useless. Everything that is connected with ointments, cosmetologists - is not effective. Effectively: internal cleaning
. We have already said that psychology plays a role. Food plays a role. The lack of water and the presence of toxic fluids (juice, cocoa, tea, artificial juices), parasites, viruses, bacteria, drugs, heredity (birth mother transmits certain types of viruses, bacteria, such as papillomavirus). All natural health!
Author: Elena Sorochino
TURN has:
anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect, a blood cleansing remedy because of the large number of biologically active substances, so it is widely used for skin diseases, various forms of diathesis, accompanied by a rash of allergic nature, especially in children, abrasions, her treat neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea scalp (dandruff ).

Daisy has:
choleretic and diuretic, diaphoretic, normalizing influence of the chair,
the ability to treat diseases of the liver, bladder, kidney,
calming effect on the nervous system,
anti-allergic effect,
excellent cosmetology skills.
Chamomile - an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Therapeutic chamomile are used for diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, bladder, for colds, well proven daisy at a delay menstruation, for various allergies.

Calendula is used for medicinal purposes, as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent. Calendula is recommended for diathesis, acne, psoriasis. It is used for rinsing the mouth and throat with angina, stomatitis, for the treatment of poorly healing wounds and postoperative fistula.

Viola tricolor:
Broth violets help for dermatological diseases. In case of long non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, carbuncles, boils and boils. Also, the grass is used for skin eruptions caused by hypovitaminosis, dermatitis and psoriasis (applied to the affected sites pounded in a mortar dry material). Infusions and fresh plant juice is effective for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. Baths and lotions with grass are recommended for children with diathesis.

Skin diseases NO - what diseases are manifested on the skin
Skin - is one of the most mysterious bodies. Good dermatologists say skin diseases do not exist. All the diseases that we see are related to the internal organs. Main skin disease - it's scabies and tick bites. Everything else is associated with bowel disease, lymph and other internal organs.
The skin is the most powerful excretory organs. She saves the body from infection. If there were no lesions on the skin, then it all went to the inside. On the skin pours in fact, pus. Pus - a dead white blood cells from the lysed bacteria. It is of several types. Viral (rash herpes), such eruptions are usually very painful. The virus affects the nervous conductors, which are suitable for the places of rashes.
If something hurts when a rash, it is a virus. Bacteria behave differently. Bacteria are not transparent. If aureus white skin, then it will be white lesions. If this is Staphylococcus aureus, it will be green eels, affecting all five layers of the skin. In one type of skin rash, you can tell what a person bacterium.
Worms are not vegetarians. They do not eat fruits and vegetables. If they are not satisfied with the internal environment of man, they leave it. But if a person eats a lot of sugar, it will require worms.
We conducted dozens of experiments, when placed in closed corridors, labyrinths jars with sweets. And the cat, which had bovine tapeworm, unerringly found the jar. In other experiments, the cat is the product that is loved bovine tapeworm. It is well established that the parasites are controlled by man in terms of taste preferences. If your child has pinworms, it will be very sweet love, which is the light energy for worms. When a child is cured of worms, it is half reduce the consumption of sugar.
Carcinogenic types papilomovirusa cause cancer. If a lot of moles, warts from human skin, which means that the organism is present in the viral agent. By reducing the risk of immunity arises a serious problem of cancer.
The skin is very strongly protected. If papilomovirus lands on the mucous membrane (larynx, urethra, the vagina in women, the cervix), the process is exacerbated tenfold. If someone knows that he has produced a large number of moles, this tendency leads to polyposis. Polyposis dangerous cervix, uterus, stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to remove polyps or to conduct laser antiviral program.
Ospergilius Mushroom - it is a serious problem. It affects the bronchi. Every fifth inhabitant of the planet suffer from candidiasis.
Highlight individual physicians called kandidologami. Unfortunately, the white blood cells lack the enzyme that dissolves the candida and candida organism to virtually defenseless. If the immune system copes with viruses, it can not cope with candida. All that a child on the mucosal thrush, stomatitis - it's candida. In no case can not use chemical antibiotics. Bacteria fungi are in different compartments, and fungi feed antibiotics. If a person takes antibiotics (except leaf black walnut), it multiplies the fungus.
Skin is composed of cells and intercellular spaces, which are free floating mode, and blood vessels that pass through the intercellular space. In the other direction takes the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system - it channels that take the intercellular fluid, clean it
. For example, the skin punctured with something, and got the bacteria. Leukocytes are found in the blood. They do not live in the intercellular space. After vessel wall located leucocytes (macrophages, lymphocytes) and begin to lyse, i.e. destroy bacterial hotbed. As a result, there is pus.
Lymphocytes bacteria absorbed, they go through the skin into the lymph or blood. If the abscess is large, then all goes into the lymph.
Why is there a sore throat, a runny nose? Rhinitis is a yield-purulent lymph. In the lymph node has 10 inputs and one output. The lymph node is divided into sectors. In these sectors, there is a splitting bacteria. Then there is a way out to the top. On the next leg of the next lymph node of the second order, and then the third order, etc. The wider portion korrespondiruemogo intake, the greater the lymph node.
Situation: skin staph emerged. The infection went to the lymph node. Staphylococcus aureus is very difficult to destroy. Lymph node begins to destroy the staphylococci, but he can not cope.
What happens? Very slow outflow. And the nervous system will solve the issue of withdrawal of pus through the skin. There will preparatory conditions, will produce the track. Through this path will go leukocyte mass. There will be a hillock. If the white staphylococcus, the white hillock if gold, the green hillock. There will be a pimple.
If a person starts to squeeze out, it spreads infection throughout the intercellular space. If you scored a second-order node that is a pimple? He will increase. If clogged lymph node further, then the surface will increase even more.
If this fungus, the white blood cells will never lead him into the lymphatic system for one simple reason: the fungus comes in orderly rows and connected mycelium, so if leukocyte pull in a lymph node, the lymph node will be blocked if the second lymph node, it will lock the entire lymphatic system.
In the body there is a law: a fungal infection always reset through the skin. Therefore, everything that appears on the skin, flaky, cracked, itchy at all locations: on the palms, feet, on the interdigital spaces, on virtually any field, it's a fungal
. Because the lymphatic system of the fungus simply suffocating, dying. Notice where the child diathesis? It is observed in large area of the lymph nodes. It cheeks, flexor surface ladoshechki, wrist, groin folds or buttocks, tummy. Lymph is affected in the area of major lymph nodes.
Diathesis - is not a disease, is a fungal infection, mixed with impaired immunity and dizbakterioz. When diathesis in a child is always a fungus. We are wrong to call it an allergy. Allergies - is the wrong reaction to foreign proteins. But not the fact that these proteins go through the skin. But mushrooms always go through the skin. In immunocompromised children with bowel dizbakterioz developing fungal infection.
Mushrooms may be different from candida and ending aspergeliusami. If plus the struck lymph system, then there are bronchitis. First, adenoids, ie glands of the nose, then the amygdala - a larynx lymph nodes, then joins abstruktivny chronic bronchitis and is the fourth stage of bronchial asthma, and the child goes to a disability
. And it all begins with a banal diathesis. As soon as the skin is no longer cope, connect the other excretory system. There are three entry systems: respiratory, digestive and urinary plus skin. And five - exit. It turns out that skin diseases through the skin to heal is useless. Everything that is connected with ointments, cosmetologists - is not effective. Effectively: internal cleaning
. We have already said that psychology plays a role. Food plays a role. The lack of water and the presence of toxic fluids (juice, cocoa, tea, artificial juices), parasites, viruses, bacteria, drugs, heredity (birth mother transmits certain types of viruses, bacteria, such as papillomavirus). All natural health!
Author: Elena Sorochino