Treatment of helminthiasis wormwood
Wormwood also known as wormwood, Artemisia abrotanum L. This procust with threadlike leaves strong and nice smell of lemon. In ancient times the beam of wormwood was hidden under the pillow, to seek love and good dreams. Wormwood grows on dry and Sunny places, but it can be grown in rock gardens. Used as a medicinal plant and as a spice. Collect leaves with flowers in July and August. It is necessary to dry in shade, Radoslav a thin layer. Can be stored 1 year.
Fifty one million fifty eight thousand five hundred sixty eight
The plant has an aromatic, bitter and slightly sugary taste. Used in fresh and dried form. Wormwood contains an essential oil (0,5—1,5%), magnesium compound, artemisinin, tannins. Has the same effect as quinine, that is, helps against fever, acts antisepticheskoe (including mold). In small doses, affect the secretion of gastric juice, bile, has a sedative effect for neurosis. In large doses there is toxic (due to the thujone content).
As a spice added to sour cream dips (roast sirloin in sour cream), fatty meats, a marinade for meat cooked on the coals, salads, mayonnaise. Fresh leaves are used in pickling cucumbers, tomato juices and liqueurs. Mugwort repels moths. It is added in soothing herbal baths. A tea made from two tablespoons of wormwood in 1 Cup of boiling water, drink in digestion. Wormwood also has diuretic properties.
Water infusion and alcohol tincture of herbs used to derive the roundworm, and bitter, stimulating appetite, enhancing the activity of the digestive organs, regulates the metabolism. It is also a great tool that reduces the excitability of the Central nervous system for insomnia, nervousness, neurasthenia, stress, depression, panic and anxiety. Can be used for fainting, leukemia, cancer of the liver, spleen, uterus, stomach, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, flatulence, chlorosis, anemia (anemia) and ascites.
Wormwood is a tonic and tonic for fatigue, General lack of energy, physical and mental fatigue. Wormwood is widely used against a variety of helminths, of which they say are characteristic symptoms.
The leaves of wormwood, collected in early spring, dried and milled into powder. This powder is placed in gelatin capsules to while taking sage there was no sense of bitterness. The maximum dose for a child – 1/4 tsp (you can mix it with honey), for adult – 1/2 tsp
It is impossible to do a break at least until the 7th day when adult parasites die. After the 14-day procedure, take a lump sum for 7 servings once a week for one year.
Infusion. 1 teaspoon of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 2 cups of boiling silicon water, to insist, wrapped, 20 minutes, drain. Take 1/4 Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating.
Tincture. 100 grams of dried herb wormwood pour 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol, insist in a dark place for three weeks, shaking occasionally, drain. Take 25-30 drops, with a glass of silicon water, 3 times a day before meals.
Externally a strong infusion of the herb is used to wash, compresses and lotions for skin lesions helminths during infection with worms in the brain, eye (compresses on the head and eyes). It can also be used as antiparasitic and cleansing enemas, and for mouthwash to kill bad breath, and also helminths, their eggs, larvae, who found "shelter" in the mouth.
Helminthiasis is useful inhalation gruel of fresh herbs of wormwood. This tool destroys any worms that reproduce in the lungs and other respiratory organs and nasopharynx.
To prevent accidental penetration of worms in the oral cavity and destruction of parasites in the human body useful for the treatment of wormwood oil. 0.5 kg of a slurry of wormwood pour 1 liter of crude oil cold pressed, to insist in a cool dark place 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Give the infusion to settle and carefully drain the upper part through a multi-layered gauze. Store in a cool dark place. Method of use: 1 tbsp oil to put in the front part of the mouth and suck like candy. Swallow oil not! The procedure is performed easily, without stress, for 10-20 min. First, oil thickens, then becomes liquid, like water. After that it should spit it out and thoroughly rinse your mouth with wormwood infusion. This procedure is useful to 3-4 times a day. It is useful to take in with a meal and 1 tbsp of wormwood oil.
In the spring, autumn and summer it is recommended to RUB a pulp of fresh herbs of wormwood in the body of the patient, affected with worms. Biologically active volatile wormwood in pure form absorbed by the skin and easy to hear through the blood and lymphatic system almost all human organs. This way of administering the medication promotes radical impact on the worms. Can be applied to the head with the pulp of fresh herbs of wormwood and secure it with a bandage. To change the wormwood of an application several times a day. It is useful to keep the application and night. Volatile easily communicated to the brain, affected with worms. Highly recommended the heel of an application with wormwood.
The juice of the herb wormwood mixed in the ratio 3:1 with honey, is excellent antiparasitic agent. It also reduces heaviness in the head, soothes the nervous system, eliminates insomnia, melancholy, depression, nervousness, irritability, and counteracts stress. Take 1 tsp., drinking silicon water, 3 times a day before meals and once before bed.
Antigelmintna extremely effective remedy is the syrup of wormwood. 50 g herb to soak in spring or well water for 1 day, boil in 0.5 l. of silicon water for 30-40 minutes on low heat in covered pot. Then carefully strain, add 400 g of sugar or honey and cook until thick. The syrup is indispensable when helminthiasis, diseases of the liver and stomach, spleen, urinary tract.
In the early spring to get fresh herbs of wormwood, squeeze out the juice, strain. Boil dry grape wine, add the natural honey and add the spring SAP of this plant in such quantity that its taste is not superseded by a taste of wine and honey.
From may to October is the most intensively make this drink based on wormwood. Drink it slowly, in small SIPS. This "Elixir of health" should drink a day 2-3 times a day 30-50 ml 30 minutes before food.
In modern medicine there is no analogue of the means to prevent the infection of worms, the occurrence and development of cancer.
The flowers of wormwood is another sedative. To get used to their bitterness gradually. First one flower (fresh or dry) you need to hold it in your mouth, slightly moistened with saliva and chewed to pulp. To swallow saliva first, then mush. After 1 hour, repeat the procedure, doing so during the day. On the second day every 2 hours to take two of the flower, the next day after 3 hours, three flower, on the fourth day – 4 hours four flower. Receiving flowers continues around the clock.
I got used to sage, you will be able longer to chew, hold in mouth to clean the teeth, gums and oral cavity. Well, who will not be able to get used to, let him try to swallow the grass, slapped it in a bread ball. On the second, third and fourth days of receipt of the flowers of wormwood is recommended to do cleansing enemas with infusion of the herb wormwood.
5 tablespoons of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 3 l of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain. To enter in a number, pleasant for the patient. The infusion should be warm (37-38° C) for best absorption in the intestinal wall.
At the end of the 4-day course of treatment – week break, then repeat 4-day course of treatment flowers of wormwood and cleaning procedures. Then again the week break and the course of treatment to repeat. It is necessary to conduct 3 such treatment. Repetition of courses required for the destruction of all forms of helminths: eggs, larvae, scolexes. If necessary the treatment should be carried out until complete destruction and elimination of all forms of parasites.
A decoction of the roots of wormwood are used in helminthiasis, malignant tumors of the stomach, rectum and uterus. 1 tbsp dried crushed roots of wormwood pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes, drain. Take 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
The internal use of wormwood as slaboyadovitym plants requires caution. Long-term consumption of the plant can cause convulsions, hallucinations and even mental disorders. The use of wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the plant.
Sagebrush treatment ("God's tree»)
The infusion of the wormwood herb is recommended for helminth infections, physical and mental fatigue, intracerebral hemorrhage, hysteria, shortness of breath, dizziness, diseases of the stomach, lung, malignant tumors of the stomach, liver, uterus.
Infusion. 2 tbsp of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 2 cups of boiling silicon water, infuse in a sealed container in a boiling water bath 15 min, cool at room temperature 45 min, filter. Take 3/4 Cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Bath infusion of herbs useful to take when infected skin worms, stress and depressive conditions, nervous irritability, nervous tension.
A decoction of the roots is used as a tonic and restorative remedy for helminthiasis, diseases of the nervous system. 1 tbsp dried crushed roots of wormwood pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, wait until cool, strain. Take 1/3 Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating.
Decoction, seed powder is recommended for helminth infections, physical exhaustion, anuria. 1 teaspoon of seeds mugwort, pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, boil in a sealed container on low heat for 30 minutes, to insist to cool, strain. Take 1/4 Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating. Seed powder, take 1/2 tsp 2-3 times a day before meal with silicon water. Most remedies with wormwood curative can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Wormwood paniculate
This species of wormwood has the most pungent, but pleasant smell, especially if it was collected in Sunny dry weather. The smell is most noticeable when crushed in the hands of dried twigs.
Infusion of herbs used in worms, intracerebral hemorrhage, neurasthenia, hysteria, dizziness, malignant neoplasm of stomach, uterus, liver, anemia, chlorosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Can be used as a tonic, tonic for loss of strength. 1 tsp. chopped dry grass pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. Most remedies with wormwood paniculate can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort)
Infusion of herbs used in worms and oncological diseases of different localization. Can be used as a diuretic in diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Infusion of wormwood is also considered to be tonic, tonic, stimulant. It regulates the metabolism, has a calming effect on the nervous system, depression, nervous exhaustion, neurasthenia, hysteria, headaches, migraines, dizziness, insomnia, chlorosis and anemia. Infusion of herbs used as an anticonvulsant for pain and cramps in the intestine, gastric and intestinal dyspepsia, bleeding of various etiologies.
Infusion. 2 tbsp of dry powdered herb wormwood, collected in the flowering period, pour into a thermos 0,5 l of boiling silicon water, infuse for 30 min – 1 hour, strain and drink 1/2 Cup half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.
Exotic antiparasitic tea is especially useful when the mood of "at zero": 1 tsp. dried crushed sage leaves pour a glass of cold silicon water, infuse, strain, add lemon and honey to taste. Warm up to a comfortable temperature. Drink immediately lift your spirits.
Infusion of roots of mugwort: 50 g of dried crushed roots, pour in an enamel pot 0,5 l of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain, pour into glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Drink warm 1/2 Cup 2 times a day (morning and evening for 20 min before meals) for 3 weeks.
After 2 weeks of break to continue treatment with tincture of wormwood:
50 g chopped dried roots of Artemisia pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place for 21 days, shaking daily, drain. Take 30 drops with 1/2 glass of warm silicon water 3 times a day before meals for 1 month. Then, in consultation with the doctor, make a tincture of the herb periwinkle. Collect the aboveground part of the plants need during flowering (may – June) and dry in the shade. 50 g of dried chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place 1 week, shaking occasionally, drain. Take 5-7 drops of warm silicon water 2 times a day (morning and evening 20 minutes before eating).
The plant is poisonous, so you must strictly follow the dosage.
To strengthen and support the force in the bot to help this balm:
A decoction of the roots of mugwort:
5 tbsp dry chopped roots pour 0.5 liters of hot silicon water, cook on low heat for 10 minutes, to insist 1-2 hours, then strain. To the resulting broth add 1 tsp of tincture smartweed (water pepper) and drink 30 ml (2 tbsp), adding 40-60 drops 10% of alcoholic extract of propolis, 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Treatment can be combined with receiving infusions of celandine, you should drink 10-15 minutes before decoction of the roots of mugwort (in a glass pour 50 ml of boiling silicon water, add the desired dose of tincture Chelidonium and drink). Tincture of celandine take the following pattern: in the first week – 10 drops per 50 ml of silicon water, the second 20 drops, in the third – 30 drops, the fourth week – 50 drops to make full use of all infusions (500 ml).
Method of preparation:
take a half-liter jar, half fill it with chopped grass celandine (collected in may), pour the brim with vodka, close the lid and to withstand 12-14 days in dark place, shaking occasionally, then strain. To 150 ml of this concentrated tincture to add 350 ml of vodka, and the drug is ready. The complex treatment of helminthiasis can be used and Conium maculatum. From it is prepared a tincture: take 2 pieces of leaves and seeds of Hemlock (not by weight, but volume), add 4 parts of 90% rubbing alcohol and put in a dark place for 12-14 days, then strain. Take 2 drops of tincture, dissolved in 1 tbsp water 2-4 times a day. Hemlock – a highly poisonous plant, so do not exceed the stated dose.
Dense alcoholic extract of the roots of the mugwort can take 15-20 drops 3 times a day before meals.
In a bad mood when there are unexplained pain, weakness, fears, depression, irritability, anxiety, depression, it is recommended to put under the tongue a small pinch of flowers of wormwood and hold them longer. At this point you need to imagine their physical and spiritual strength: vividly imagine that they are powerful enough to repel the attacks of all negative forces and negative energy. Repeat the treatment a week 1 time per day.
Baths with infusion of the wormwood herb is useful as a tonic, tonic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent. It normalizes metabolism, relieves virtually all diseases of the human body, eliminates unpleasant body odor.
Externally a strong infusion of the wormwood herb used to wash, compresses and lotions for the skin lesion with worms, in the form of douching with lesions helminths of the female reproductive organs, and regular enemas.
Most remedies with wormwood ordinary can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Preparations of wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy.
Wormwood Pontic
Infusion and tincture from this herb is recommended to be taken for the destruction of worms, as a sedative, a tonic, an appetite stimulant, improves digestion, expectorant for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen and nervous diseases.
Infusion. 1 teaspoon of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, for 30-40 minutes, drain. Take 1/4 Cup 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Tincture. 50 g of dry herb wormwood pour 1 liter of dry wine, to insist in a cool dark place for two weeks, occasionally shaking the contents, drain. Take 30 ml 2-3 times a day before meals. Another option: 10 g of dry herb wormwood pour 100 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place at room temperature for one week, occasionally shaking the contents, drain. Take 25-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.
Most remedies with wormwood Pontic can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Wormwood cold (stone)
Infusion of herbs used to kill worms, with various nervous disorders, as sedative. Can be used for pain in the stomach and intestines, as a tonic, tonic in case of severe General diseases and metabolic disorders.
Infusion. 1-2 teaspoons of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain. Take 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day before meals.
Externally a strong infusion of the herb is used to wash, compresses and lotions for skin lesions helminths, as a rinse with the defeat of the worms mouth, throat, tongue, in the form of douching with lesions helminths of female genital sphere, in the form of enemas.
Most remedies with wormwood cold can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Wormwood tsitvarnaya
Tsitvarnaya wormwood was known in ancient times. And now it is widely used in scientific and folk medicine. "Wormseed" (small seeds of Artemisia) is an effective sedative. From it is prepared the drug "Santonin" are used to expel from the body of round worms.
Internal use of Artemisia Cina as highly toxic plants and medications out of the sage requires great care and compulsory medical supervision.
Wormwood herb collected in the flowering period of plants, in the form of infusion is taken orally and used for enemas. Worms expel, accepting the infusion of the wormwood, fasting morning and evening before bedtime. After each administration of infusion is recommended to eat 1/2 Cup of fresh pulp of carrot. Warm infusion make the enema as long as possible delaying him in the gut.
Preparation of infusion: 1-2 teaspoons of dry powdered herb wormwood insist, wrapped, in a glass of boiling silicon water one hour, strain and drink 1/3–1/2 Cup of warm infusion in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.
Apply water extracts of Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort). Pour 1 tbsp crushed roots or stems 300 ml of boiling silicon water, soak 30 minutes, drain. The resulting volume of infusion is the recommended daily dose. To take it in 3 doses. The course of treatment is 2 days. In the evening each day of the treatment, it is necessary to take a laxative (for the second day necessarily salt). Children dose reduced in 2 times.
Mix equal proportions of leaves of wormwood and crushed pumpkin seeds. To put it into a bottle one third of the mixture and pour vodka to the brim. Insist week in a warm or in the sun, shaking occasionally, strain, wring out the residue. Make a tincture 2 times a day one glass on an empty stomach, it is better 30 minutes before lunch and dinner. Drink for several weeks until it is clear that the body is completely cleared of worms.
Enema of decoction of Artemisia Cina. 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry grass pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse 6 hours, do an enema (adults can use 1 Cup of broth for children, the recommended dose is 1/2 Cup). Repeat every 4-6 days. Tsitvarnaya wormwood is contraindicated in kidney diseases, acute gastrointestinal and febrile diseases. To side effects in the treatment of tsitvarnaya wormwood are xanthopsia, weakness, headaches, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cold sweat.
Flowering tops of wormwood grind and take 8-10 grams per day. The juice of this plant has a wonderful ability to destroy parasites. It is recommended to mix with vegetable oil in proportion 1:5. This mixture is to take doses of 50 ml. the Mixture is also used as an enema to eliminate the worms from the rectum.
Infusion flowering herb wormwood be ingested or used for enemas. Take the infusion should be in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before bedtime. After each administration of infusion is recommended to eat 1/2 Cup of fresh pulp of carrot. Warm infusion of wormwood do an enema, holding it for as long as possible in the intestine. To prepare the infusion: 1-2 teaspoons of dry powdered herb wormwood insist, wrapped, one hour in a glass of boiling silicon water, strain and drink 1/3–1/2 Cup of warm infusion in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.
30 g of dry powdered roots mugwort pour 0.5 liters of beer, boil 5 minutes, to insist, wrapped, 1 hour, drain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.
Effective remedy is the powder of the inflorescence tsitvarnoy wormwood, the active ingredient, which is santonin. Inflorescence grind in a mortar and give the patient mixed with honey, jam, semolina 3 times a day for 1.5–2 hours before eating in the following single doses: adults: 5 grams, children 1-3 years – 0,25–0,75 g; 4-6 years – 1-1,5 g; 7-9 years – 1,75–2,25 g; 10-14 years was 2.5 – 3.5 g; 15 years – 4 g. the Treatment is conducted for 2 days; on the evening of the second day, the patient is prescribed a laxative.
In folk medicine, there is an easier option receiving Cina seed: mix 1 tsp. of santonica seed with honey and eat on an empty stomach. Two hours later, repeat dose, but in between, nothing is there. Then you need to drink a laxative, and parasites will be released.
Enemas with infusion of Artemisia Cina: 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry grass pour a glass of boiling water, infuse 6 hours, do an enema with 1 Cup of infusion (for kids – 1/2 Cup). Repeat every 4-6 days.
Treatment santonino and flowers tsitvarnaya wormwood is contraindicated in renal diseases, acute gastro-intestinal disorders and fever. Pregnant and breast-feeding treatment is carried out at Antonina bedrest.
Possible side effects – xanthopsia, weakness, headaches, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cold sweat. Xanthopsia is not a contraindication to continue treatment with Antonina. With the development of other adverse events, medication overturned, washed stomach, do an enema, and prescribe a laxative, cardio-vascular equipment.
Preventive action
Every day, without even realising, we are dealing with sources of infection by worms. To protect yourself from their invasion, it is necessary to observe elementary rules of hygiene: wash hands with soap after visiting the toilet and before eating. The surface brought from the market or store vegetables, fruits, berries may be bursting with the larvae of Ascaris, so thoroughly rinse all vegetables and fruit under running water. For reliability it is useful to pour over them boiling water, from which the larvae instantly die. Unfortunately, not all berries such heat treatment is acceptable, since it can spoil their appearance. Wash berries with cool running water, but most carefully. To avoid infection with worms by eating greens, you need to place the bundles of greens in a pot of salted water and well they are there to talk to the larvae of Ascaris moved from the green into the water. After that, the greens should be thoroughly washed under running water and pour boiling water.
Flies are the most active carriers of Ascaris, so they must be destroyed, to protect them from food, bedding, clothes. In any case don't kill flies with your hands or mechanical devices. In this way, you are infected with eggs of Ascaris buildings and air. Use ribbons, Velcro and containers of liquid that kills insects.
You can not swim in polluted waters. In any case it is impossible to prevent the ingress of water from this reservoir into the oral cavity. Moreover, we should not swallow the water. For eggs of Ascaris this is a great opportunity to get inside the human body.
It is forbidden to fertilize gardens and orchards uncleared faeces.
If the worms found in one of the family members, in order to avoid the formation of foci of infection is necessary to treat all. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.medn.ru/rasteniy/lechebnye-rasteniya/polyn/
Fifty one million fifty eight thousand five hundred sixty eight
The plant has an aromatic, bitter and slightly sugary taste. Used in fresh and dried form. Wormwood contains an essential oil (0,5—1,5%), magnesium compound, artemisinin, tannins. Has the same effect as quinine, that is, helps against fever, acts antisepticheskoe (including mold). In small doses, affect the secretion of gastric juice, bile, has a sedative effect for neurosis. In large doses there is toxic (due to the thujone content).
As a spice added to sour cream dips (roast sirloin in sour cream), fatty meats, a marinade for meat cooked on the coals, salads, mayonnaise. Fresh leaves are used in pickling cucumbers, tomato juices and liqueurs. Mugwort repels moths. It is added in soothing herbal baths. A tea made from two tablespoons of wormwood in 1 Cup of boiling water, drink in digestion. Wormwood also has diuretic properties.
Water infusion and alcohol tincture of herbs used to derive the roundworm, and bitter, stimulating appetite, enhancing the activity of the digestive organs, regulates the metabolism. It is also a great tool that reduces the excitability of the Central nervous system for insomnia, nervousness, neurasthenia, stress, depression, panic and anxiety. Can be used for fainting, leukemia, cancer of the liver, spleen, uterus, stomach, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, flatulence, chlorosis, anemia (anemia) and ascites.
Wormwood is a tonic and tonic for fatigue, General lack of energy, physical and mental fatigue. Wormwood is widely used against a variety of helminths, of which they say are characteristic symptoms.
The leaves of wormwood, collected in early spring, dried and milled into powder. This powder is placed in gelatin capsules to while taking sage there was no sense of bitterness. The maximum dose for a child – 1/4 tsp (you can mix it with honey), for adult – 1/2 tsp
- 1st, 2nd days: one serving (200-300 mg) to take before dinner, drinking a small amount of silicon water;
- 3rd day: 2 portions in one go;
- then daily, add one serving at each meal;
- 4th day – 3 servings;
- 5th day – 4 servings;
- 6-th day – 5 servings;
- 7 day – 6 servings;
- 8 day – 7 servings.
It is impossible to do a break at least until the 7th day when adult parasites die. After the 14-day procedure, take a lump sum for 7 servings once a week for one year.
Infusion. 1 teaspoon of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 2 cups of boiling silicon water, to insist, wrapped, 20 minutes, drain. Take 1/4 Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating.
Tincture. 100 grams of dried herb wormwood pour 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol, insist in a dark place for three weeks, shaking occasionally, drain. Take 25-30 drops, with a glass of silicon water, 3 times a day before meals.
Externally a strong infusion of the herb is used to wash, compresses and lotions for skin lesions helminths during infection with worms in the brain, eye (compresses on the head and eyes). It can also be used as antiparasitic and cleansing enemas, and for mouthwash to kill bad breath, and also helminths, their eggs, larvae, who found "shelter" in the mouth.
Helminthiasis is useful inhalation gruel of fresh herbs of wormwood. This tool destroys any worms that reproduce in the lungs and other respiratory organs and nasopharynx.
To prevent accidental penetration of worms in the oral cavity and destruction of parasites in the human body useful for the treatment of wormwood oil. 0.5 kg of a slurry of wormwood pour 1 liter of crude oil cold pressed, to insist in a cool dark place 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Give the infusion to settle and carefully drain the upper part through a multi-layered gauze. Store in a cool dark place. Method of use: 1 tbsp oil to put in the front part of the mouth and suck like candy. Swallow oil not! The procedure is performed easily, without stress, for 10-20 min. First, oil thickens, then becomes liquid, like water. After that it should spit it out and thoroughly rinse your mouth with wormwood infusion. This procedure is useful to 3-4 times a day. It is useful to take in with a meal and 1 tbsp of wormwood oil.
In the spring, autumn and summer it is recommended to RUB a pulp of fresh herbs of wormwood in the body of the patient, affected with worms. Biologically active volatile wormwood in pure form absorbed by the skin and easy to hear through the blood and lymphatic system almost all human organs. This way of administering the medication promotes radical impact on the worms. Can be applied to the head with the pulp of fresh herbs of wormwood and secure it with a bandage. To change the wormwood of an application several times a day. It is useful to keep the application and night. Volatile easily communicated to the brain, affected with worms. Highly recommended the heel of an application with wormwood.
The juice of the herb wormwood mixed in the ratio 3:1 with honey, is excellent antiparasitic agent. It also reduces heaviness in the head, soothes the nervous system, eliminates insomnia, melancholy, depression, nervousness, irritability, and counteracts stress. Take 1 tsp., drinking silicon water, 3 times a day before meals and once before bed.
Antigelmintna extremely effective remedy is the syrup of wormwood. 50 g herb to soak in spring or well water for 1 day, boil in 0.5 l. of silicon water for 30-40 minutes on low heat in covered pot. Then carefully strain, add 400 g of sugar or honey and cook until thick. The syrup is indispensable when helminthiasis, diseases of the liver and stomach, spleen, urinary tract.
In the early spring to get fresh herbs of wormwood, squeeze out the juice, strain. Boil dry grape wine, add the natural honey and add the spring SAP of this plant in such quantity that its taste is not superseded by a taste of wine and honey.
From may to October is the most intensively make this drink based on wormwood. Drink it slowly, in small SIPS. This "Elixir of health" should drink a day 2-3 times a day 30-50 ml 30 minutes before food.
In modern medicine there is no analogue of the means to prevent the infection of worms, the occurrence and development of cancer.
The flowers of wormwood is another sedative. To get used to their bitterness gradually. First one flower (fresh or dry) you need to hold it in your mouth, slightly moistened with saliva and chewed to pulp. To swallow saliva first, then mush. After 1 hour, repeat the procedure, doing so during the day. On the second day every 2 hours to take two of the flower, the next day after 3 hours, three flower, on the fourth day – 4 hours four flower. Receiving flowers continues around the clock.
I got used to sage, you will be able longer to chew, hold in mouth to clean the teeth, gums and oral cavity. Well, who will not be able to get used to, let him try to swallow the grass, slapped it in a bread ball. On the second, third and fourth days of receipt of the flowers of wormwood is recommended to do cleansing enemas with infusion of the herb wormwood.
5 tablespoons of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 3 l of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain. To enter in a number, pleasant for the patient. The infusion should be warm (37-38° C) for best absorption in the intestinal wall.
At the end of the 4-day course of treatment – week break, then repeat 4-day course of treatment flowers of wormwood and cleaning procedures. Then again the week break and the course of treatment to repeat. It is necessary to conduct 3 such treatment. Repetition of courses required for the destruction of all forms of helminths: eggs, larvae, scolexes. If necessary the treatment should be carried out until complete destruction and elimination of all forms of parasites.
A decoction of the roots of wormwood are used in helminthiasis, malignant tumors of the stomach, rectum and uterus. 1 tbsp dried crushed roots of wormwood pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes, drain. Take 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
The internal use of wormwood as slaboyadovitym plants requires caution. Long-term consumption of the plant can cause convulsions, hallucinations and even mental disorders. The use of wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the plant.
Sagebrush treatment ("God's tree»)
The infusion of the wormwood herb is recommended for helminth infections, physical and mental fatigue, intracerebral hemorrhage, hysteria, shortness of breath, dizziness, diseases of the stomach, lung, malignant tumors of the stomach, liver, uterus.
Infusion. 2 tbsp of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 2 cups of boiling silicon water, infuse in a sealed container in a boiling water bath 15 min, cool at room temperature 45 min, filter. Take 3/4 Cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Bath infusion of herbs useful to take when infected skin worms, stress and depressive conditions, nervous irritability, nervous tension.
A decoction of the roots is used as a tonic and restorative remedy for helminthiasis, diseases of the nervous system. 1 tbsp dried crushed roots of wormwood pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, wait until cool, strain. Take 1/3 Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating.
Decoction, seed powder is recommended for helminth infections, physical exhaustion, anuria. 1 teaspoon of seeds mugwort, pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, boil in a sealed container on low heat for 30 minutes, to insist to cool, strain. Take 1/4 Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating. Seed powder, take 1/2 tsp 2-3 times a day before meal with silicon water. Most remedies with wormwood curative can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Wormwood paniculate
This species of wormwood has the most pungent, but pleasant smell, especially if it was collected in Sunny dry weather. The smell is most noticeable when crushed in the hands of dried twigs.
Infusion of herbs used in worms, intracerebral hemorrhage, neurasthenia, hysteria, dizziness, malignant neoplasm of stomach, uterus, liver, anemia, chlorosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Can be used as a tonic, tonic for loss of strength. 1 tsp. chopped dry grass pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. Most remedies with wormwood paniculate can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort)
Infusion of herbs used in worms and oncological diseases of different localization. Can be used as a diuretic in diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Infusion of wormwood is also considered to be tonic, tonic, stimulant. It regulates the metabolism, has a calming effect on the nervous system, depression, nervous exhaustion, neurasthenia, hysteria, headaches, migraines, dizziness, insomnia, chlorosis and anemia. Infusion of herbs used as an anticonvulsant for pain and cramps in the intestine, gastric and intestinal dyspepsia, bleeding of various etiologies.
Infusion. 2 tbsp of dry powdered herb wormwood, collected in the flowering period, pour into a thermos 0,5 l of boiling silicon water, infuse for 30 min – 1 hour, strain and drink 1/2 Cup half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.
Exotic antiparasitic tea is especially useful when the mood of "at zero": 1 tsp. dried crushed sage leaves pour a glass of cold silicon water, infuse, strain, add lemon and honey to taste. Warm up to a comfortable temperature. Drink immediately lift your spirits.
Infusion of roots of mugwort: 50 g of dried crushed roots, pour in an enamel pot 0,5 l of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain, pour into glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Drink warm 1/2 Cup 2 times a day (morning and evening for 20 min before meals) for 3 weeks.
After 2 weeks of break to continue treatment with tincture of wormwood:
50 g chopped dried roots of Artemisia pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place for 21 days, shaking daily, drain. Take 30 drops with 1/2 glass of warm silicon water 3 times a day before meals for 1 month. Then, in consultation with the doctor, make a tincture of the herb periwinkle. Collect the aboveground part of the plants need during flowering (may – June) and dry in the shade. 50 g of dried chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place 1 week, shaking occasionally, drain. Take 5-7 drops of warm silicon water 2 times a day (morning and evening 20 minutes before eating).
The plant is poisonous, so you must strictly follow the dosage.
To strengthen and support the force in the bot to help this balm:
- pine buds 50 g,
- birch buds – 50 g,
- herb wormwood – 50g,
- celandine – 50 grams,
- yarrow – 50 g,
- St. John's wort – 50 g,
- calendula flowers – 50 g,
- rose hips – 100 g,
- pharmacy motherwort tincture – 50 ml,
- the pharmacy calendula tincture – 50 ml,
- befungin (chaga) – 75 g,
- aloe Vera juice – 250 ml honey 250 g,
- alcohol 96% – 150 ml.
A decoction of the roots of mugwort:
5 tbsp dry chopped roots pour 0.5 liters of hot silicon water, cook on low heat for 10 minutes, to insist 1-2 hours, then strain. To the resulting broth add 1 tsp of tincture smartweed (water pepper) and drink 30 ml (2 tbsp), adding 40-60 drops 10% of alcoholic extract of propolis, 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Treatment can be combined with receiving infusions of celandine, you should drink 10-15 minutes before decoction of the roots of mugwort (in a glass pour 50 ml of boiling silicon water, add the desired dose of tincture Chelidonium and drink). Tincture of celandine take the following pattern: in the first week – 10 drops per 50 ml of silicon water, the second 20 drops, in the third – 30 drops, the fourth week – 50 drops to make full use of all infusions (500 ml).
Method of preparation:
take a half-liter jar, half fill it with chopped grass celandine (collected in may), pour the brim with vodka, close the lid and to withstand 12-14 days in dark place, shaking occasionally, then strain. To 150 ml of this concentrated tincture to add 350 ml of vodka, and the drug is ready. The complex treatment of helminthiasis can be used and Conium maculatum. From it is prepared a tincture: take 2 pieces of leaves and seeds of Hemlock (not by weight, but volume), add 4 parts of 90% rubbing alcohol and put in a dark place for 12-14 days, then strain. Take 2 drops of tincture, dissolved in 1 tbsp water 2-4 times a day. Hemlock – a highly poisonous plant, so do not exceed the stated dose.
Dense alcoholic extract of the roots of the mugwort can take 15-20 drops 3 times a day before meals.
In a bad mood when there are unexplained pain, weakness, fears, depression, irritability, anxiety, depression, it is recommended to put under the tongue a small pinch of flowers of wormwood and hold them longer. At this point you need to imagine their physical and spiritual strength: vividly imagine that they are powerful enough to repel the attacks of all negative forces and negative energy. Repeat the treatment a week 1 time per day.
Baths with infusion of the wormwood herb is useful as a tonic, tonic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent. It normalizes metabolism, relieves virtually all diseases of the human body, eliminates unpleasant body odor.
Externally a strong infusion of the wormwood herb used to wash, compresses and lotions for the skin lesion with worms, in the form of douching with lesions helminths of the female reproductive organs, and regular enemas.
Most remedies with wormwood ordinary can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Preparations of wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy.
Wormwood Pontic
Infusion and tincture from this herb is recommended to be taken for the destruction of worms, as a sedative, a tonic, an appetite stimulant, improves digestion, expectorant for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen and nervous diseases.
Infusion. 1 teaspoon of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, for 30-40 minutes, drain. Take 1/4 Cup 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Tincture. 50 g of dry herb wormwood pour 1 liter of dry wine, to insist in a cool dark place for two weeks, occasionally shaking the contents, drain. Take 30 ml 2-3 times a day before meals. Another option: 10 g of dry herb wormwood pour 100 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place at room temperature for one week, occasionally shaking the contents, drain. Take 25-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.
Most remedies with wormwood Pontic can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Wormwood cold (stone)
Infusion of herbs used to kill worms, with various nervous disorders, as sedative. Can be used for pain in the stomach and intestines, as a tonic, tonic in case of severe General diseases and metabolic disorders.
Infusion. 1-2 teaspoons of dry powdered herb wormwood pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain. Take 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day before meals.
Externally a strong infusion of the herb is used to wash, compresses and lotions for skin lesions helminths, as a rinse with the defeat of the worms mouth, throat, tongue, in the form of douching with lesions helminths of female genital sphere, in the form of enemas.
Most remedies with wormwood cold can be prepared by analogy with preparations based on wormwood.
Wormwood tsitvarnaya
Tsitvarnaya wormwood was known in ancient times. And now it is widely used in scientific and folk medicine. "Wormseed" (small seeds of Artemisia) is an effective sedative. From it is prepared the drug "Santonin" are used to expel from the body of round worms.
Internal use of Artemisia Cina as highly toxic plants and medications out of the sage requires great care and compulsory medical supervision.
Wormwood herb collected in the flowering period of plants, in the form of infusion is taken orally and used for enemas. Worms expel, accepting the infusion of the wormwood, fasting morning and evening before bedtime. After each administration of infusion is recommended to eat 1/2 Cup of fresh pulp of carrot. Warm infusion make the enema as long as possible delaying him in the gut.
Preparation of infusion: 1-2 teaspoons of dry powdered herb wormwood insist, wrapped, in a glass of boiling silicon water one hour, strain and drink 1/3–1/2 Cup of warm infusion in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.
Apply water extracts of Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort). Pour 1 tbsp crushed roots or stems 300 ml of boiling silicon water, soak 30 minutes, drain. The resulting volume of infusion is the recommended daily dose. To take it in 3 doses. The course of treatment is 2 days. In the evening each day of the treatment, it is necessary to take a laxative (for the second day necessarily salt). Children dose reduced in 2 times.
Mix equal proportions of leaves of wormwood and crushed pumpkin seeds. To put it into a bottle one third of the mixture and pour vodka to the brim. Insist week in a warm or in the sun, shaking occasionally, strain, wring out the residue. Make a tincture 2 times a day one glass on an empty stomach, it is better 30 minutes before lunch and dinner. Drink for several weeks until it is clear that the body is completely cleared of worms.
Enema of decoction of Artemisia Cina. 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry grass pour 1 glass of boiling silicon water, infuse 6 hours, do an enema (adults can use 1 Cup of broth for children, the recommended dose is 1/2 Cup). Repeat every 4-6 days. Tsitvarnaya wormwood is contraindicated in kidney diseases, acute gastrointestinal and febrile diseases. To side effects in the treatment of tsitvarnaya wormwood are xanthopsia, weakness, headaches, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cold sweat.
Flowering tops of wormwood grind and take 8-10 grams per day. The juice of this plant has a wonderful ability to destroy parasites. It is recommended to mix with vegetable oil in proportion 1:5. This mixture is to take doses of 50 ml. the Mixture is also used as an enema to eliminate the worms from the rectum.
Infusion flowering herb wormwood be ingested or used for enemas. Take the infusion should be in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before bedtime. After each administration of infusion is recommended to eat 1/2 Cup of fresh pulp of carrot. Warm infusion of wormwood do an enema, holding it for as long as possible in the intestine. To prepare the infusion: 1-2 teaspoons of dry powdered herb wormwood insist, wrapped, one hour in a glass of boiling silicon water, strain and drink 1/3–1/2 Cup of warm infusion in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.
30 g of dry powdered roots mugwort pour 0.5 liters of beer, boil 5 minutes, to insist, wrapped, 1 hour, drain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.
Effective remedy is the powder of the inflorescence tsitvarnoy wormwood, the active ingredient, which is santonin. Inflorescence grind in a mortar and give the patient mixed with honey, jam, semolina 3 times a day for 1.5–2 hours before eating in the following single doses: adults: 5 grams, children 1-3 years – 0,25–0,75 g; 4-6 years – 1-1,5 g; 7-9 years – 1,75–2,25 g; 10-14 years was 2.5 – 3.5 g; 15 years – 4 g. the Treatment is conducted for 2 days; on the evening of the second day, the patient is prescribed a laxative.
In folk medicine, there is an easier option receiving Cina seed: mix 1 tsp. of santonica seed with honey and eat on an empty stomach. Two hours later, repeat dose, but in between, nothing is there. Then you need to drink a laxative, and parasites will be released.
Enemas with infusion of Artemisia Cina: 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry grass pour a glass of boiling water, infuse 6 hours, do an enema with 1 Cup of infusion (for kids – 1/2 Cup). Repeat every 4-6 days.
Treatment santonino and flowers tsitvarnaya wormwood is contraindicated in renal diseases, acute gastro-intestinal disorders and fever. Pregnant and breast-feeding treatment is carried out at Antonina bedrest.
Possible side effects – xanthopsia, weakness, headaches, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cold sweat. Xanthopsia is not a contraindication to continue treatment with Antonina. With the development of other adverse events, medication overturned, washed stomach, do an enema, and prescribe a laxative, cardio-vascular equipment.
Preventive action
Every day, without even realising, we are dealing with sources of infection by worms. To protect yourself from their invasion, it is necessary to observe elementary rules of hygiene: wash hands with soap after visiting the toilet and before eating. The surface brought from the market or store vegetables, fruits, berries may be bursting with the larvae of Ascaris, so thoroughly rinse all vegetables and fruit under running water. For reliability it is useful to pour over them boiling water, from which the larvae instantly die. Unfortunately, not all berries such heat treatment is acceptable, since it can spoil their appearance. Wash berries with cool running water, but most carefully. To avoid infection with worms by eating greens, you need to place the bundles of greens in a pot of salted water and well they are there to talk to the larvae of Ascaris moved from the green into the water. After that, the greens should be thoroughly washed under running water and pour boiling water.
Flies are the most active carriers of Ascaris, so they must be destroyed, to protect them from food, bedding, clothes. In any case don't kill flies with your hands or mechanical devices. In this way, you are infected with eggs of Ascaris buildings and air. Use ribbons, Velcro and containers of liquid that kills insects.
You can not swim in polluted waters. In any case it is impossible to prevent the ingress of water from this reservoir into the oral cavity. Moreover, we should not swallow the water. For eggs of Ascaris this is a great opportunity to get inside the human body.
It is forbidden to fertilize gardens and orchards uncleared faeces.
If the worms found in one of the family members, in order to avoid the formation of foci of infection is necessary to treat all. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.medn.ru/rasteniy/lechebnye-rasteniya/polyn/
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