The healing properties of wormwood
Sagebrush — grass, which in folklore has long been identified as a symbol of loss, separation, Heartbreak, suffering and all sorts of defeatist attitudes. However, it is not so bad itself the image, as his actual real media. It is clear that the basis of the image formed such a strong taste quality plants as its incomparable bitterness.
Folk medicine uses mugwort for the treatment of many illnesses (gastritis, helminthiases, diathesis, loss of appetite, etc.). Wormwood is also a good cholagogue.
In folk medicine, wormwood is used in the treatment of anemia, malaria, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, jaundice, dropsy, hemorrhoids, against pain and bloating, bad breath, heartburn, insomnia, chronic diarrhea, peptic ulcer, and hypertensive diseases.
The leaves and sometimes the whole aerial part is used by the population as a seasoning for fried meat and fatty dishes.
The aboveground part of wormwood used in the alcoholic beverage industry for the preparation of Chartreuse and pepper vodka, and essential oil — for the production of vermouth and absinthe.Long-term use of tincture of wormwood and vodka can lead to the emergence of the so-called sagebrush epilepsy due to the presence of the lactone of thujone. Therefore, in Western Europe the production of absinthe is now banned.
Preparations of wormwood is used for dyspepsia, hypoacid gastritis, diseases of liver, gall bladder, insomnia, malaria, influenza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.
Used wormwood and Culinaria — ground part of this plant used for flavoring cakes, pastries, it is added to sauces, meat and game, bread ("bread hunting").
Preparations of wormwood in folk medicine:
To whet the appetite (collect): to take in the specified proportions of the ingredients in this composition: the herb wormwood — 1 part of grass (or flowers) yarrow — 4 parts. All good grind, mix. for one-off preparation take one teaspoon of the mixture pour 300 ml of boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink warm for 30 minutes before eating.
Helminthiasis: works effectively against pinworms and ascarids such a collection. Prepare the collection of such a composition — you need to take in equal parts by weight of wormwood herb, chamomile flowers, gentian root, tansy flowers, the bark of buckthorn. Taken orally for 3 consecutive days morning and evening a glass of decoction of a tablespoon of the mixture per Cup of water. To expel round worms do an enema of the infusion of wormwood.
For children with pinworms: helps this procedure. First, make this collection: grass centaury — 25g, wormwood herb — 25g for 8 days in a row morning and evening. Drinking glass of the infusion from 1 tablespoon per Cup of boiling water. Then immediately take the mixture for this recipe: the flowers of tansy (powder) — 50g, elecampane root (powder) — 50g, dried fruits blueberries — 50g. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach 2 times half a Cup of broth with the same dose after 2 hours (ascariasis).
In case of cholecystitis: prepare the collection of such composition: grass, mugwort — 20g, peppermint leaves — 20 g, Valerian root — 20 g, herb St. John's wort — 30 g, hop cones — 10g. For one-time cooking to take 3 teaspoons of this collection, pour a glass of boiling water. Morning and evening, taken orally one Cup at a chronic cholecystitis.
To prevent fungal diseases of the feet (foot bath): to prepare a decoction. Take for bath 50g herb wormwood pour 2 liters of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. Pour, not filtering, along with the leaves in a bowl of warm water. Take within 10 minutes before bedtime, such foot baths. These baths have hygienic value — warn a nasty fungal disease of the feet.
When inflammation of the liver, gall bladder: bile is prepared this tea following composition. You need to take equal parts of flowers of everlasting (Helichrysum), grass, yarrow, herb wormwood, fennel fruit, peppermint leaves. Good grind and mix. For welding to take two teaspoons of the mixture, infuse it in two cups of cold water for 8 hours, strain through cheesecloth. Take half a Cup 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
When sclerosis of cerebral vessels (balm): to prepare the balm you need to take 5g of dry powdered herb wormwood, 100g of dry powdered herb yarrow, 100g chopped rosehips, 200 g of pine buds. This mixture pour 3 liters of cold boiled water, to insist 2 hours, boil, cook in a closed pot over low heat for 2 hours, to insist, wrapped, for 24 hours, strain through layered cheesecloth. Then, in the same broth add 200ml cognac 200ml pharmacy drug Befungin, 200 ml of aloe juice, 600g of honey, all mix thoroughly and leave for a day, then a week to insist in a dark cool place occasionally shaking the contents. This tool is also used to treat hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis and flu. Take this medication need a teaspoon 3 times a day an hour before meals for 5 days, then it is already possible and a tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months (as and course recovery).
For the suppression of epileptic seizures: take 30 g of dry crushed root of Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort), pour 500ml of beer, boil 5 minutes, drain. This decoction to drink in epilepsy, seizures and convulsions, lying in bed until the sweat is dry.
When thyroid disease II—III degree (knotty goiter): to do daily compresses on the neck of the 2(two) tablespoons unsalted melted interior lard in the mixture with a tablespoon of powder the herb of wormwood. Compress hold for 40 minutes 3-4 hours before bedtime. The course of treatment 1.5 months.At the same time drink vodka tincture Potentilla silver. Preparation: take a tablespoon of dry powdered herb cinquefoil silver, pour 300 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, occasionally shaking the contents, then strain. To drink a teaspoon of water 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals .
For the treatment and prevention of rheumatic fever: take 5 tablespoons of dry powdered herb melkolepestnik canadian and leaves of wormwood ordinary (mugwort), pour 1 liter of vodka, insist in a dark place at room temperature for three weeks, occasionally shaking the contents, drain. RUB into sore spots in acute pain in the bones 3-5 times a day and at night for 5 minutes.
Varicose veins (outer): take the Cup of the pulp of fresh herbs of wormwood, mixed with 500ml of fresh curdled milk from natural milk, apply on layered cheesecloth and apply to the area of varicose veins, wrap thick linen material and secure with a bandage. Keep 30 minutes. During the day you can change 2-3 of these compress.
Cautions and contraindications: the use of wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy.Due to its toxicity internal use use caution. Excessive use of drugs wormwood can cause seizures, convulsions, hallucinations.
Source: /users/1077
Folk medicine uses mugwort for the treatment of many illnesses (gastritis, helminthiases, diathesis, loss of appetite, etc.). Wormwood is also a good cholagogue.

In folk medicine, wormwood is used in the treatment of anemia, malaria, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, jaundice, dropsy, hemorrhoids, against pain and bloating, bad breath, heartburn, insomnia, chronic diarrhea, peptic ulcer, and hypertensive diseases.
The leaves and sometimes the whole aerial part is used by the population as a seasoning for fried meat and fatty dishes.
The aboveground part of wormwood used in the alcoholic beverage industry for the preparation of Chartreuse and pepper vodka, and essential oil — for the production of vermouth and absinthe.Long-term use of tincture of wormwood and vodka can lead to the emergence of the so-called sagebrush epilepsy due to the presence of the lactone of thujone. Therefore, in Western Europe the production of absinthe is now banned.
Preparations of wormwood is used for dyspepsia, hypoacid gastritis, diseases of liver, gall bladder, insomnia, malaria, influenza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.
Used wormwood and Culinaria — ground part of this plant used for flavoring cakes, pastries, it is added to sauces, meat and game, bread ("bread hunting").
Preparations of wormwood in folk medicine:
To whet the appetite (collect): to take in the specified proportions of the ingredients in this composition: the herb wormwood — 1 part of grass (or flowers) yarrow — 4 parts. All good grind, mix. for one-off preparation take one teaspoon of the mixture pour 300 ml of boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink warm for 30 minutes before eating.
Helminthiasis: works effectively against pinworms and ascarids such a collection. Prepare the collection of such a composition — you need to take in equal parts by weight of wormwood herb, chamomile flowers, gentian root, tansy flowers, the bark of buckthorn. Taken orally for 3 consecutive days morning and evening a glass of decoction of a tablespoon of the mixture per Cup of water. To expel round worms do an enema of the infusion of wormwood.
For children with pinworms: helps this procedure. First, make this collection: grass centaury — 25g, wormwood herb — 25g for 8 days in a row morning and evening. Drinking glass of the infusion from 1 tablespoon per Cup of boiling water. Then immediately take the mixture for this recipe: the flowers of tansy (powder) — 50g, elecampane root (powder) — 50g, dried fruits blueberries — 50g. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach 2 times half a Cup of broth with the same dose after 2 hours (ascariasis).
In case of cholecystitis: prepare the collection of such composition: grass, mugwort — 20g, peppermint leaves — 20 g, Valerian root — 20 g, herb St. John's wort — 30 g, hop cones — 10g. For one-time cooking to take 3 teaspoons of this collection, pour a glass of boiling water. Morning and evening, taken orally one Cup at a chronic cholecystitis.
To prevent fungal diseases of the feet (foot bath): to prepare a decoction. Take for bath 50g herb wormwood pour 2 liters of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. Pour, not filtering, along with the leaves in a bowl of warm water. Take within 10 minutes before bedtime, such foot baths. These baths have hygienic value — warn a nasty fungal disease of the feet.
When inflammation of the liver, gall bladder: bile is prepared this tea following composition. You need to take equal parts of flowers of everlasting (Helichrysum), grass, yarrow, herb wormwood, fennel fruit, peppermint leaves. Good grind and mix. For welding to take two teaspoons of the mixture, infuse it in two cups of cold water for 8 hours, strain through cheesecloth. Take half a Cup 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
When sclerosis of cerebral vessels (balm): to prepare the balm you need to take 5g of dry powdered herb wormwood, 100g of dry powdered herb yarrow, 100g chopped rosehips, 200 g of pine buds. This mixture pour 3 liters of cold boiled water, to insist 2 hours, boil, cook in a closed pot over low heat for 2 hours, to insist, wrapped, for 24 hours, strain through layered cheesecloth. Then, in the same broth add 200ml cognac 200ml pharmacy drug Befungin, 200 ml of aloe juice, 600g of honey, all mix thoroughly and leave for a day, then a week to insist in a dark cool place occasionally shaking the contents. This tool is also used to treat hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis and flu. Take this medication need a teaspoon 3 times a day an hour before meals for 5 days, then it is already possible and a tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months (as and course recovery).
For the suppression of epileptic seizures: take 30 g of dry crushed root of Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort), pour 500ml of beer, boil 5 minutes, drain. This decoction to drink in epilepsy, seizures and convulsions, lying in bed until the sweat is dry.
When thyroid disease II—III degree (knotty goiter): to do daily compresses on the neck of the 2(two) tablespoons unsalted melted interior lard in the mixture with a tablespoon of powder the herb of wormwood. Compress hold for 40 minutes 3-4 hours before bedtime. The course of treatment 1.5 months.At the same time drink vodka tincture Potentilla silver. Preparation: take a tablespoon of dry powdered herb cinquefoil silver, pour 300 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, occasionally shaking the contents, then strain. To drink a teaspoon of water 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals .
For the treatment and prevention of rheumatic fever: take 5 tablespoons of dry powdered herb melkolepestnik canadian and leaves of wormwood ordinary (mugwort), pour 1 liter of vodka, insist in a dark place at room temperature for three weeks, occasionally shaking the contents, drain. RUB into sore spots in acute pain in the bones 3-5 times a day and at night for 5 minutes.
Varicose veins (outer): take the Cup of the pulp of fresh herbs of wormwood, mixed with 500ml of fresh curdled milk from natural milk, apply on layered cheesecloth and apply to the area of varicose veins, wrap thick linen material and secure with a bandage. Keep 30 minutes. During the day you can change 2-3 of these compress.
Cautions and contraindications: the use of wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy.Due to its toxicity internal use use caution. Excessive use of drugs wormwood can cause seizures, convulsions, hallucinations.
Source: /users/1077