15 things dads of girls must know
Being a father of four daughters, I only hear the cries of others: "And what will happen when they become teenagers!""Horror, you're surrounded by women...""Why are you such grief?"And this crap I hear almost every day... But honestly, I'm not offended and sincerely sympathize with people who think so.
Five million nine hundred sixty thousand one hundred four
Before, I couldn't even imagine what a blessing — have four daughters! We have in the house is usually dominated by the warm atmosphere and very often we say to each other: "Today I love you more than I ever loved yesterday."
I can't say I'm super-father, but this is 15 things about fatherhood that I opened in the last 11 years, it is important to know all dads who have daughters:
1. She wants to be loved.
Most of all, what would you could buy her or what you could teach her, she needs your love. Nobody on Earth can perform so brilliantly the role of a father like you. Yes, your daughter will disappoint you, will make mistakes, maybe even turn away from you, but don't give her a reason at least to doubt in your love. Look her straight in the eye and tell me how much you love her.
2. You have a direct impact on who she will choose in the role of the future chosen.
Scary to think, but you have a direct impact on her personal life: can you imagine the type of man she is likely to choose in the future as a husband. As a child my third daughter begged me to marry her, but she strongly explained that he is already married to her beautiful mother. If you do it right, it will ensure that your girl in the future will find a good life partner.
3. Listen to what she listens to.
When we get together with the girls are riding in a car, where you can often hear Taylor swift, One Direction, Ketty Perry... No, I'm not enthusiastic about such music, when I myself, but if I'm with them, and kind of music do they like, she will like me and I'm going to truly get pleasure from it.
4. She's watching how you treat her mom.
If you want to take some of these tips, then be sure to pay attention to this point. Remember, the best thing you can do for your daughter is to love her mother. It is easy to be bent on the child, but to build relationships in marriage and put your wife in charge of all of life's priorities — subject not to everyone! When I lose a close bond with his wife Brooke in a strange way coincide with periods when children have a lot of problems. Love your wife, make time to take her out on a date, travel together, show children that it is your top priority. First, you will show a good example of a strong and warm relationship, and, secondly, they will grow in love and understanding.
5. Don't pull away from her when she grows up.
Our eldest is already nearly 11, we have not yet experienced a terrible adolescence, but I'm ready for it. Fathers who have lost their emotional bond with their daughters then you regret that you were not with them at this particularly difficult for girls period. I assure you, I won't impose myself on my daughter, but I know who she's Dating, I'm even aware of some of her girlish secrets, she just wants to keep it a secret from me. She will not notice the difference in our relationship in the period when she was 5, and when she turns 15. My girls are getting older, but remain for me the same expensive.
6. Teach her to play sports.
In our house all cherish their own health and well-being. My girls are not weaklings. They know how to do push-UPS and even serious sports. Also they do not forget to develop themselves intellectually, to be as smart and beautiful as their mommy, because femininity is not possible to cultivate only through the banal dresses for princesses and fairy tales about the Prince on a white horse.
7. Save memories.
One day a close friend told me that my main job as a father is to be the family Keeper of memories. This is not a joke, I have it remains only 50-60 years, and it's not so much, so I tried my time to keep as many memories with my girls. We not only celebrate the big holidays, we also take into account the stuff of everyday life and trying to make each kind of occasion. Movie night on a Friday night, great Saturday breakfasts, walks after Church — why not? It doesn't have to cost much or be elaborate, but it must come from the heart. Give your daughter the idea that she had made the magazine the best memories.
8. Show that not everything revolves around her.
Something incredible happens when we realize that the world doesn't revolve around us beloved. My wife and I have not told it to my girls, but we're trying to show them that life makes sense and becomes beautiful only because you know more to give and give than to take; to help others, to make mistakes and to learn from their mistakes.
9.Worry events from her life with her.
To provide for the family and children, many of us desire to build a successful career, but we sometimes forget for whom we do it. You may not always be able to handle it, but try to live every event with her daughter, even if it does not lead you into raptures. I hate it when fathers come to the performance of his own daughters and boredom begin to watch football on your phone. I assure you I not less like football than these guys, but when my daughter will dance at school, all my attention this evening I will give her and I will be the loudest in the room to applaud this incredible girl.
10. To be close does not mean to attend.
Yes, I admit, sometimes I forget about it. The simple fact that you are about it, doesn't mean you're actually with her. Turn off your phone immediately when I returned home from work. Or at least leave it in another room. Because daughter doesn't care about your mail or your Twitter, it's important that you get to spend more time with her and was there at the right time.
11. Help her to do hair and manicures.
My wife does this 99 times a day. But I'd like to make ponytails for the girls 100-th time. Imagine, I can even paint their toenails. Sometimes they are not averse to paint your nails, especially when I sleep. Show daughter what a real man should be a gentleman.
12. Go out with her.
I can't say that I do it regularly, but every few months to keep my baby on a date is better than nothing. You have to show her an example of how a real man treats a woman. Can call me old fashioned, but when I went out with girls on dates, I opened the door for them, pay for them in cafes, looked them straight in the eye and made them feel at 100%. No, you won't need pockets full of money... a walk in the Park, Cycling, going to the ice cream shop — all this will only cost a penny, but will bring great pleasure to your daughter, because the main thing — attention!
13. Her soul should be even more attractive than her looks.
She must have some kind of rod inside, so to speak, internal support. Show her that being beautiful isn't everything, you need to work not only on their appearance, but also to enrich their inner world.
14. Look for any sign.
Fulfill the role of father with dignity, live it, cherish every moment, do not miss this chance that is given not so often in life.
15. Will you forgive me?
When my actions match my intentions and words, or I notice that somehow hurt her feelings, I ask for her forgiveness. No, it's not a simple apology-excuse, it is very sincere, conscious and present. You need to be able to recognize his own error. No doubt, she will forgive you and realize that asking for forgiveness is not weakness.
Author Justin Ricklefs
Source: /users/1077
Five million nine hundred sixty thousand one hundred four
Before, I couldn't even imagine what a blessing — have four daughters! We have in the house is usually dominated by the warm atmosphere and very often we say to each other: "Today I love you more than I ever loved yesterday."
I can't say I'm super-father, but this is 15 things about fatherhood that I opened in the last 11 years, it is important to know all dads who have daughters:
1. She wants to be loved.
Most of all, what would you could buy her or what you could teach her, she needs your love. Nobody on Earth can perform so brilliantly the role of a father like you. Yes, your daughter will disappoint you, will make mistakes, maybe even turn away from you, but don't give her a reason at least to doubt in your love. Look her straight in the eye and tell me how much you love her.
2. You have a direct impact on who she will choose in the role of the future chosen.
Scary to think, but you have a direct impact on her personal life: can you imagine the type of man she is likely to choose in the future as a husband. As a child my third daughter begged me to marry her, but she strongly explained that he is already married to her beautiful mother. If you do it right, it will ensure that your girl in the future will find a good life partner.
3. Listen to what she listens to.
When we get together with the girls are riding in a car, where you can often hear Taylor swift, One Direction, Ketty Perry... No, I'm not enthusiastic about such music, when I myself, but if I'm with them, and kind of music do they like, she will like me and I'm going to truly get pleasure from it.
4. She's watching how you treat her mom.
If you want to take some of these tips, then be sure to pay attention to this point. Remember, the best thing you can do for your daughter is to love her mother. It is easy to be bent on the child, but to build relationships in marriage and put your wife in charge of all of life's priorities — subject not to everyone! When I lose a close bond with his wife Brooke in a strange way coincide with periods when children have a lot of problems. Love your wife, make time to take her out on a date, travel together, show children that it is your top priority. First, you will show a good example of a strong and warm relationship, and, secondly, they will grow in love and understanding.
5. Don't pull away from her when she grows up.
Our eldest is already nearly 11, we have not yet experienced a terrible adolescence, but I'm ready for it. Fathers who have lost their emotional bond with their daughters then you regret that you were not with them at this particularly difficult for girls period. I assure you, I won't impose myself on my daughter, but I know who she's Dating, I'm even aware of some of her girlish secrets, she just wants to keep it a secret from me. She will not notice the difference in our relationship in the period when she was 5, and when she turns 15. My girls are getting older, but remain for me the same expensive.
6. Teach her to play sports.
In our house all cherish their own health and well-being. My girls are not weaklings. They know how to do push-UPS and even serious sports. Also they do not forget to develop themselves intellectually, to be as smart and beautiful as their mommy, because femininity is not possible to cultivate only through the banal dresses for princesses and fairy tales about the Prince on a white horse.
7. Save memories.
One day a close friend told me that my main job as a father is to be the family Keeper of memories. This is not a joke, I have it remains only 50-60 years, and it's not so much, so I tried my time to keep as many memories with my girls. We not only celebrate the big holidays, we also take into account the stuff of everyday life and trying to make each kind of occasion. Movie night on a Friday night, great Saturday breakfasts, walks after Church — why not? It doesn't have to cost much or be elaborate, but it must come from the heart. Give your daughter the idea that she had made the magazine the best memories.
8. Show that not everything revolves around her.
Something incredible happens when we realize that the world doesn't revolve around us beloved. My wife and I have not told it to my girls, but we're trying to show them that life makes sense and becomes beautiful only because you know more to give and give than to take; to help others, to make mistakes and to learn from their mistakes.
9.Worry events from her life with her.
To provide for the family and children, many of us desire to build a successful career, but we sometimes forget for whom we do it. You may not always be able to handle it, but try to live every event with her daughter, even if it does not lead you into raptures. I hate it when fathers come to the performance of his own daughters and boredom begin to watch football on your phone. I assure you I not less like football than these guys, but when my daughter will dance at school, all my attention this evening I will give her and I will be the loudest in the room to applaud this incredible girl.
10. To be close does not mean to attend.
Yes, I admit, sometimes I forget about it. The simple fact that you are about it, doesn't mean you're actually with her. Turn off your phone immediately when I returned home from work. Or at least leave it in another room. Because daughter doesn't care about your mail or your Twitter, it's important that you get to spend more time with her and was there at the right time.
11. Help her to do hair and manicures.
My wife does this 99 times a day. But I'd like to make ponytails for the girls 100-th time. Imagine, I can even paint their toenails. Sometimes they are not averse to paint your nails, especially when I sleep. Show daughter what a real man should be a gentleman.
12. Go out with her.
I can't say that I do it regularly, but every few months to keep my baby on a date is better than nothing. You have to show her an example of how a real man treats a woman. Can call me old fashioned, but when I went out with girls on dates, I opened the door for them, pay for them in cafes, looked them straight in the eye and made them feel at 100%. No, you won't need pockets full of money... a walk in the Park, Cycling, going to the ice cream shop — all this will only cost a penny, but will bring great pleasure to your daughter, because the main thing — attention!
13. Her soul should be even more attractive than her looks.
She must have some kind of rod inside, so to speak, internal support. Show her that being beautiful isn't everything, you need to work not only on their appearance, but also to enrich their inner world.
14. Look for any sign.
Fulfill the role of father with dignity, live it, cherish every moment, do not miss this chance that is given not so often in life.
15. Will you forgive me?
When my actions match my intentions and words, or I notice that somehow hurt her feelings, I ask for her forgiveness. No, it's not a simple apology-excuse, it is very sincere, conscious and present. You need to be able to recognize his own error. No doubt, she will forgive you and realize that asking for forgiveness is not weakness.
Author Justin Ricklefs
Source: /users/1077