14 actions that never make responsible and loving father
Unfortunately, even in two-parent families today, fathers often do not actively present in the lives of their children.
In this case the father's role in child care is extremely important: in addition to safety, it must adequately fulfill parental responsibilities, and therefore, to show love and support to mentor and encourage the child to solve complex problems that will always occur in his life
. It is important to remember that what truly loving and responsible father to do will never be.
1. He will never show a bad example
How many times have you heard, convinces the father of their children not to do something, because it is, according to him, is wrong and unacceptable: not go out of yourself, do not behave disrespectfully to respect for other people, not to say bad words? How much more difficult it appears to follow these tips and be a role model for kids!
Fathers come out of themselves, are rude and do not always watch their expressions - forgetting that the children copy their behavior. Remember this simple truth: to educate is not as many children as themselves - the children still grow up the same as we
. 2. He will never beat and spank their children
Irresponsible father would use physical violence to force children to follow the rules. However, a wise parent knows how to use other methods, which in the long run turn out to be much more effective. The use of violence (yes, even a slap - this violence) teaches the child only what is aggression - the only way to resolve the conflict
. 3. He never cancel plans that are associated with his children and
important to them Children are expected to attend the parents in their lives. Fathers workaholics often do not find time for their children, and they end up feeling unwanted and abandoned. Games, movies, joint trips to the coffee shop - is invaluable, and really good father knows about this, and so will cancel plans related to children only in exceptional cases, such as those associated with the force majeure on the
. 4. He will never forget about the important stages of development of their children
Fathers need to remember the important stages in the development of their children and to be present at these moments. This can be an important sports match, a birthday or graduation in the school. The best way to learn the child really - to monitor its progress and achievements. Children are not a little disappointed when fathers do not notice the important moments of their lives.
5. He never would be unfair to criticize their children
Fathers often (only the best reasons!) Tend to seek out deficiencies in children, criticizing any of their attempts to belittle and achievements. They do not realize that, for example, the son pomyvshego own car for the first time, it is necessary to support the praise for their excellent work. And even if the machine is not perfectly cleaned, responsible father still praise, but politely ask to look at the car again and check whether to do a little work best. Such a reaction will inspire both the child and teach him to try to get the job done qualitatively.
6. He will never allow quarrels with his wife to influence the attitude towards children
If a couple is faced with conflicts and misunderstandings, the injured party often children. Lack of love and responsibility can make the father succumb to the general irritation and deprive children of attention - sometimes unconsciously, sometimes worse, as a way to take revenge on his wife. Responsible father, despite the difficult times, will not vent on the children's own resentment and frustration.
7. He will never disrespect.
Father, who loves and respects his family, their behavior sets the mood and rules of relationships in the family. If a father allows himself to disrespect and breaks the bad mood on children, it will be extremely difficult to truly respect him. The ability to see in the person of the child and respect that person - a prerequisite of responsible parenthood
. 8. He will never show authoritativeness.
Many experts on the relationship of parents and children in their works pay attention to the difference between authority and authoritarianism. Authoritarianism means that the alleged father is always right and requires compliance with established rules in a very rigid manner. Authoritative parents will be able to offer your child a choice, and will create an atmosphere of warmth and support for him.
9. He will never allow a child all.
At the other extreme - vsepozvolyayuschie fathers, that spoil the children, allowing them to do anything. This approach is completely irresponsible - in fact, there are many obstacles, rules and restrictions in the real world. Permissiveness - the worst way of education, because the result would be a child is unable to function independently in society
. 10. He will never leave your child alone in a dangerous situation
Irresponsible fathers tend to expose children to serious risk by refusing (or considering optional) to watch them while they are playing in the street when they are together in obschestvennyz places, finally, when it would seem, is not in danger, but obviously need emotional support. Such suspension parent often leads to the child's physical or psychological injury.
11. He will not deceive their children.
Studies show that the five-year age children become experts on lies! Many of them are learning to lie watching, as do parents. Sometimes, parents are advised to lie to children - for example, to tell grandparents that their gifts to them very much, but in fact it is not. Or (classics of the genre) parents ask the child to lie to call the home number, that they are not at home.
Surprisingly, these same parents expect from their children truthfulness - but where to take it, when a completely different example before your eyes? Responsible father would think about the consequences of lies and therefore will always try to tell the children the truth.
12. It will not be ignored requests for assistance.
We all (and children too) there are times when everything goes wrong and the whole world is against you. At such moments, especially offensively, if the parent is not possible (or desire), not only to help, but at least listen.
Incidentally, it is noteworthy that in England at the moment, even proposed to adopt a law, according to which the child neglect and refusal to come to his aid will be a criminal offense.
13. He would never offend their children.
Many of us are familiar rigid and strict father, who used to insult and humiliate children, calling them stupid, lazy, and sometimes use more harsh words. They will always find a reason for criticism and will do so in front of friends, family and even colleagues. Responsible father did not stoop to insults and will always find a reason for praise, to help your child develop healthy self-esteem.
14. He will never stop loving their children.
Responsible father under any circumstances do not stop loving their children. Even if a conflict occurs between parents and they decide to leave, the father is still required to maintain a relationship with the child, even if he lives on the other side of the world.
Author: Maria Arkadieva
In this case the father's role in child care is extremely important: in addition to safety, it must adequately fulfill parental responsibilities, and therefore, to show love and support to mentor and encourage the child to solve complex problems that will always occur in his life
. It is important to remember that what truly loving and responsible father to do will never be.

1. He will never show a bad example
How many times have you heard, convinces the father of their children not to do something, because it is, according to him, is wrong and unacceptable: not go out of yourself, do not behave disrespectfully to respect for other people, not to say bad words? How much more difficult it appears to follow these tips and be a role model for kids!
Fathers come out of themselves, are rude and do not always watch their expressions - forgetting that the children copy their behavior. Remember this simple truth: to educate is not as many children as themselves - the children still grow up the same as we
. 2. He will never beat and spank their children
Irresponsible father would use physical violence to force children to follow the rules. However, a wise parent knows how to use other methods, which in the long run turn out to be much more effective. The use of violence (yes, even a slap - this violence) teaches the child only what is aggression - the only way to resolve the conflict
. 3. He never cancel plans that are associated with his children and
important to them Children are expected to attend the parents in their lives. Fathers workaholics often do not find time for their children, and they end up feeling unwanted and abandoned. Games, movies, joint trips to the coffee shop - is invaluable, and really good father knows about this, and so will cancel plans related to children only in exceptional cases, such as those associated with the force majeure on the
. 4. He will never forget about the important stages of development of their children
Fathers need to remember the important stages in the development of their children and to be present at these moments. This can be an important sports match, a birthday or graduation in the school. The best way to learn the child really - to monitor its progress and achievements. Children are not a little disappointed when fathers do not notice the important moments of their lives.
5. He never would be unfair to criticize their children
Fathers often (only the best reasons!) Tend to seek out deficiencies in children, criticizing any of their attempts to belittle and achievements. They do not realize that, for example, the son pomyvshego own car for the first time, it is necessary to support the praise for their excellent work. And even if the machine is not perfectly cleaned, responsible father still praise, but politely ask to look at the car again and check whether to do a little work best. Such a reaction will inspire both the child and teach him to try to get the job done qualitatively.
6. He will never allow quarrels with his wife to influence the attitude towards children
If a couple is faced with conflicts and misunderstandings, the injured party often children. Lack of love and responsibility can make the father succumb to the general irritation and deprive children of attention - sometimes unconsciously, sometimes worse, as a way to take revenge on his wife. Responsible father, despite the difficult times, will not vent on the children's own resentment and frustration.
7. He will never disrespect.
Father, who loves and respects his family, their behavior sets the mood and rules of relationships in the family. If a father allows himself to disrespect and breaks the bad mood on children, it will be extremely difficult to truly respect him. The ability to see in the person of the child and respect that person - a prerequisite of responsible parenthood
. 8. He will never show authoritativeness.
Many experts on the relationship of parents and children in their works pay attention to the difference between authority and authoritarianism. Authoritarianism means that the alleged father is always right and requires compliance with established rules in a very rigid manner. Authoritative parents will be able to offer your child a choice, and will create an atmosphere of warmth and support for him.
9. He will never allow a child all.
At the other extreme - vsepozvolyayuschie fathers, that spoil the children, allowing them to do anything. This approach is completely irresponsible - in fact, there are many obstacles, rules and restrictions in the real world. Permissiveness - the worst way of education, because the result would be a child is unable to function independently in society
. 10. He will never leave your child alone in a dangerous situation
Irresponsible fathers tend to expose children to serious risk by refusing (or considering optional) to watch them while they are playing in the street when they are together in obschestvennyz places, finally, when it would seem, is not in danger, but obviously need emotional support. Such suspension parent often leads to the child's physical or psychological injury.
11. He will not deceive their children.
Studies show that the five-year age children become experts on lies! Many of them are learning to lie watching, as do parents. Sometimes, parents are advised to lie to children - for example, to tell grandparents that their gifts to them very much, but in fact it is not. Or (classics of the genre) parents ask the child to lie to call the home number, that they are not at home.
Surprisingly, these same parents expect from their children truthfulness - but where to take it, when a completely different example before your eyes? Responsible father would think about the consequences of lies and therefore will always try to tell the children the truth.
12. It will not be ignored requests for assistance.
We all (and children too) there are times when everything goes wrong and the whole world is against you. At such moments, especially offensively, if the parent is not possible (or desire), not only to help, but at least listen.
Incidentally, it is noteworthy that in England at the moment, even proposed to adopt a law, according to which the child neglect and refusal to come to his aid will be a criminal offense.
13. He would never offend their children.
Many of us are familiar rigid and strict father, who used to insult and humiliate children, calling them stupid, lazy, and sometimes use more harsh words. They will always find a reason for criticism and will do so in front of friends, family and even colleagues. Responsible father did not stoop to insults and will always find a reason for praise, to help your child develop healthy self-esteem.
14. He will never stop loving their children.
Responsible father under any circumstances do not stop loving their children. Even if a conflict occurs between parents and they decide to leave, the father is still required to maintain a relationship with the child, even if he lives on the other side of the world.
Author: Maria Arkadieva