1. Love - it does not prevent you grow.
Loving does not offer you a piece of cake, if you are on a diet. He did not add sugar in your tea, if you have elevated blood sugar. And do not offer a drink, if you decided to live sober. As well as it does not require you to comply with its picture of the world: Do not drink if he decided not to drink, and live the way he wants it.
2. Love - is not playing "mind games».
Loving is not "guilty" and you do not manipulate you. He does not say: "It was not," if you could clearly see that, yes, it was. He does not call you crazy if you refuse to agree with his lies.
3. Love - is not to fight.
Loving is not supported by your arguments personal attacks. He does not beat "in the stomach." Does not come to you on the throat and does not lead you to destruction. He is looking for a solution and is willing to compromise. He does not seek to win at any cost.
4. Love - is not to be selfish.
Loving does not think that the world revolves around him. He takes and gives, not only takes, takes and takes. He may not always recognize, but, at least, to hear that you are tired, ill, upset if dissatisfied. Loving able to empathize and sympathize. He washes to reach out and lend a shoulder. With him comfortable. Loving does whatever he wants, regardless of the other. He respects your time and energy. He knows how to share.
5. Love - it does not control.
One of the first signs of a potential domestic violence is a desire to partner to control your every move: Who are you calling from, where you're going, who you're looking at what you're doing. Loving does not. He does not check your phone does not look at the speedometer, wondering where you were. He does not tell you that you have to think, talk or wear. He does not tell you that you must feel.
6. Love - is respected.
Loving you is not put on labels and does not degrade over others. It does not destroy you and not be ashamed in public. Loving respect your boundaries, respects your time, respect your ideas, your emotions respects, respects you.
7. Love - is to work on building trust.
Loving does not cheat, do not lie to you all the time. He does not put you questioning about where you've been and what he was doing every minute of the day. He does not "pass" to your friends. He does not flirt with others. Loving does not seek to hide or keep back.
8. Love - is to create a space.
For you. Loving yourself and gives you the opportunity to have personal space. Pair should not be glued to each other for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sometimes you need to increase the distance. Everyone needs personal time. Time to be with their friends. Time to go for a visit. Time to indulge their passions, that partner may not share.
9. love - is to listen.
Loving listening to you, even if you do not say something important. He just listens. He has no ready-made solutions and he does not know all the answers. But he has the patience and willingness to listen.