When you feel unhappy and abandoned, try to do something with love. Say at least one word with love, with love just think about someone. Open heart and try to awaken in him the love. To do this, you need to stop seeing in others and in yourself only shortcomings and mistakes.
Some people may like us, others - no. It is easy to love people that we like. But love your neighbor - not to admire him. It is hard to admire the killer or thief. But they can wish for good. Love your neighbor - means to wish him well. Love is an art, it takes practice. Good doctors, musicians, artists, athletes practiced for hours to perfect their skills and abilities. So it is with love. If we do not make an effort to love, we are lonely and unhappy.
Suffering does not come by chance. This is not revenge or punishment. It is sent to us to warn that we strayed from the right path. Suffering is necessary for us to save us. You do not have to fight his savior. Taking the suffering person operates the hidden forces that produce a great deal of work in it. When we are jaded, wealthy, happy with themselves, we glide over the surface of things. And loneliness, sadness makes us turn inward to find there true wealth, true power, real support. Anyone who has done in my life something significant, a lot of suffering.
SUFFERING transient
When in your life there are tests, tell yourself: "They can not last long." This formula is very effective. The idea that unhappiness transient, helping them to move. You are trapped in a confusing situation? You have contributed to this. Dooming themselves to a dead end, you were persistent. And now you have to be persistent to get out of a difficult situation. Good as evil, it takes time to manifest. Whatever sent you a test, tell yourself that it's just a difficult time, which will soon pass, and dive into the work.
When a person is having difficulty, he focuses on their failures, worry, sadness. Rushes look down - adverse employment. We must look up - to where the light, wisdom and beauty. This will help your soul to find the means to overcome the difficulties. Worries, sadness always exist. To overcome them, we must defend ourselves. You defend against rain umbrella, dress warmly in the cold. And in the struggle with the difficulties we must look up to draw out the light and strength.
If you are in a bad mood, if you are offended or upset, take advantage of the power of a smile. Even if no one sees you, try to smile, to show myself that you are above any difficulties. Think that you are invulnerable, immortal, eternal. Treat yourself to smile as you do sometimes, walking past the mirror. Even if your smile is a little labored, it still helps. As soon as you will smile, you will feel in a better mood. And in a good mood will be easier to solve their problems. You can not imagine how much good you can give yourself and the people around you, the usual smile. Received another blow from life, tell yourself: "Things could be worse" - and smile ...
Learn to share their HAPPINESS
There are days when you could do it perfectly: you feel rich, happy, healthy. Do you think at this point about those who are poor, sick and miserable? To save a fortune, they need to share. Somehow came to me two young men. I immediately realized that they were newlyweds - their faces shone with happiness. They gave me a very large sum to the needs of the poor. I asked, "Where did you get so much money?».
They said: "A few days ago we got married. We decided not to make a wedding, do not invite guests, not to buy wedding dresses. All the money that we have saved so we want to give you. " I know what it means marriage for Hindus, and realize what a tremendous sacrifice they brought. And I asked them, "Why have you done this?". You know what they told me? "We love each other. Love brought us so much happiness that we decided to share it with the poor ».
About Mercy
Charity - a huge force that connects and unites people. It helps someone who needs it, and the one who has it. Mercy brings stronger kinship and devoted friendship. Only charity can truly admire every living thing just because it - the handiwork of the Creator. We may be in need of daily bread is less than love, mercy and forgiveness.
About little things
St. Augustine says: "Small business is really small, but do small business with integrity - is a big deal." Good thing - not necessarily financial assistance. Let it be just a smile. After smile - is a sign of peace. Outstretched hand - symbol of love. Everyone wants to love and be loved, to know that he needed someone, that someone has can call their own. And we often do not have time even to look at each other. Kind smile - a great gift, sympathy same - a priceless gift.
Once in London, walking down the street, I saw a well-dressed, but very dark man. He looked so miserable and lonely. I went up to him and took his hand. The hand was very cold. I shook his hand and asked how things were going. He looked at me and said, "If only you knew how long I did not feel human warmth." His eyes shone, shoulders violence. Turns out, not so much a person needs to in his life there was joy. Often need only touch someone's warm hands ...
© The Wisdom of Mother Teresa