About love

In the life of every human love - the most difficult question, and the most important lesson. The experience of love - this amazing transformation, and training, practice a kind of monitoring of the work of his ego. And the more complex are the relations, the productive class, the more you can understand and feel that kind of experience and where it occurs.
Unfortunately, we were not taught to love, we were taught business strategy "How to love productively." That understanding of love that we have - love is selfish, based on the fact that one must always receive an answer to his feelings. But the answer wants affection. Love - is the requirements, it is one-way street. When you love, you can not not love. You take a man in all his desires and actions, you appreciate his choices, you do not pretenduesh in his possession, while maintaining respect and self-love, as the source of their reality.
We learn to love without condition, without backlash, without barter. And every time we find that feeling with it is possible to get attention in the space of pure perception is the mind that is illogical, unpredictable, totally out of control, but that it opens our nature. We were not taught to look into the subtle sense perception and the radiation field, which was in us since childhood. But since then, nothing has changed, only the mind mountain scored extra templates and frameworks that prevent live and enjoy, to perceive the world in the deep beauty and simplicity.
Our minds are arranged linearly. If I love, and I do not like, it is necessary to forget and move on. But love - a state of deep acceptance of human rights and we are able to maintain this commitment for life. On the way we will meet all kinds of people (teachers), and always thanks to them we learn to love at an infinite uniqueness of each sensation. In our being there is room to embrace their love for each counter, the whole world, the whole universe.
But today's economy are not favorable loving people, or they will share everything they have. Otherwise, they will help, but not to compete, take care, and do not compete, enjoy fellowship with each other instead of going to a senseless operation, because they disappear craving for excessive consumption and hoarding - because Love itself will fill them to the brim. They will discover a creative reserves and to travel, to share their joy and to celebrate life. They can not be controlled, because love opens our eyes to any manipulation. Love teaches us to distinguish the true from the artificial.
Mind - a piggy bank templates. If the relationship is breaking down, we blame the second, that he has been underestimated us enough tantamount invested. We impose obligations on a person, he can not bear, and then blame that he cheated in their ability to love forever. We are taught that the family is primary, so we are charmed ephemeral purpose, each partner seeing paper figure that should come to our puzzle. One did not fit, try the second. Of the people we do a means to achieve social ideal. But does this have anything to do with love?
Love - is the most beautiful meditation, because it stops the mind. No one can ever explain why he loves someone. Because as soon as the reason voiced love profaned, simplified grounded. We mistakenly connect love to the social context - marriage, conjugal duties, but it still hung from the top, it is an attempt of the mind to understand and control the Love. And in the center - a space of pure experience. How to subordinate this space some rules? When you love, you can only love.
Erich Fromm in his remarkable work "The Art of Loving" demonstrated how the other person may be compensated our half-heartedness. Before you assign to the other responsible for your happiness, it makes sense to find out whether you are happy with yourself? Is it good to you in your body? Can you, being with your loved one, do not pull out of it, and bestow. Can you learn such love and such happiness that will not be dependent on anything external? Can you share your integrity or until you fill yourself someone to find this wholeness?
People identify themselves with a certain set of characteristics. Although the only thing that should be basic characteristics of these - the ability to be happy, to make ourselves and the world for what it is. And unloving and not seeing his unique person meets the same. Both believe they are - a set of characteristics, and these characteristics are desperately trying to somehow add up to get a perfect circle. But the point is not that one complements the other missing a set, and that the two saw each other a perfect manifestation of the universe as a wonderful act of creation, with the features of the mind, its beautiful features. And when a person discovers his ability to see the uniqueness of each - he begins to love.
When we find wholeness, there is always a person there that this mirror your integrity. And there is no need to visualize something in advance, because the plans of the universe for each of us wiser and more beautiful than any subtle desires that are only capable of mind. Trust and let go, to love yourself, to look for a source of love and pleasure to share it for free - that's all what we can learn in this life.