Take much as you give
Want to know how to love a man so that he was happy with You? In other words, he was in a state that will allow him to reciprocate, no matter what distractions.
Sure, what you want.
How often do You hear complaints from men that their wives do not understand? And how all these stories end? That's right – these relationships do not last long. You wouldn't want to be the heroine of the story, the final of which so banal. Therefore, it is necessary to take the reins of control destiny in their own hands and take action!
Quite often not knowing what exactly you need to the soulmate in a male body, women are based on assumptions that are not true.
Seven million four hundred seventy eight thousand eight hundred eleven
But how women can learn something, if men are almost not talk about their feelings and needs? Correctly ask for advice from one of them!
So, being a man, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share knowledge that will help You to understand how to love a man.
So, let's start!
How to love a man
Some of my readers will probably doubt the propriety of the word "right" in this expression. You either love it or you don't. But, unfortunately, not so simple. It's not always, there is love, there is love. And it tends to disappear! Therefore, if you want to bring up real feelings in a relationship with a man, do not be lazy and study the following recommendations.
Start with loving yourself
No, I in no case do not urge to be selfish. Just if You are able to love yourself, you will not be able to love the man she loved.Women frequently is because they spend too much time on the love for others (husband, children, relatives). But the love of self is the basis of a balanced personality. As the other person could seriously love You if you don't believe you deserve it?
Love him the way he is
Why do women love men? Because they have many qualities that women like. For example, power, sexuality, sense of humor, or even wealth. But understand that it is necessary to love him. Love is not based on any qualities. You just love IT! Make it clear to your man that you love him for what he is himself.
Soak up the femininity
Love must come from within – from the soul. This should be part of Your femininity. Add new element to the relationship, but at the same time stay who you are. Be the woman he met and fell in love without memory. Your condition of femininity will excite him even more, when it will be seasoned with love.
Don't be his mommy
Men often retain contact with their mothers and love when they care for them. Don't become his mother or try to replace it. He needs you in the role of sweetheart. Of course, the woman can take care of her man. But in reality he doesn't. This could be the beginning of the end of your relationship. It's after the birth of children. Make sure that you still treat him as a lover. Just try to love a man, without restricting his independence.
Recognize him
How often do You feel that the man moves away with the thoughts: "My wife doesn't understand me"? Don't try not to give him away, it is better to understand it.Only through understanding the love can grow and grow. You will never be able to reach the point where you'll think you know everything about him.
You would think that the man is simple. But in fact he is a complicated personality that even herself does not understand. Men need to love and to know them with patience and determination.
Appreciate the common good
Rejoice in the good moments in life, you had two that you have together as a couple. Appreciate the good and don't let each other get too upset over failure.Remember the pleasant moments from the past. But be also ready to act in the future.
Making plans for the future, don't limit the imagination. Waiting for something specific from a partner can lead to disappointments.
Give him space and time
Be ready sometimes to give him thinking time is important to him in the moment things. Women often react immediately, instinctively, but the man may need more time to respond and formulate a response. Understand this and give him a break! Love loved a man this way.
Sometimes there are moments when a man needs space for doing nothing. Do not fill in this space yourself. Let's empty some time. This will allow his consciousness to be cleansed, to reboot and to start working with new strength and energy.
Take much as you give
To love – means to give more than you take. But if you give too much, then the love starts to choke. It is very important to enable You to send love, otherwise it quickly dies.
Don't give him more love than he can take.
Let him feel amazing
Men must love so that they feel good and could be men. Outwardly they may appear strong, but actually not to be confident in his strength. Let him feel that you believe in his ability to realize themselves in the form of a man, which he wants to be. Need to do this based on a realistic assessment of his qualities.
Importantly! He must believe in what You say, otherwise it will not work. Encourage him to be more than himself.
Start each day anew
As if the first day of your relationship, invite him into your world and look back together on the day. Update your love will keep it alive and make you closer to each other. Due to this love will be an integral part of every day together.
WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? You will be able to succeed as a woman, if you understand your lover. Inspiring you to achieve your goals, you can make it successful and, most importantly, confident man. You now have an advantage over other women: You know how to love a man, and they are not yet! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: yaroslav-samoylov.com/psihologija-otnoshenij/kak-lyubit-muzhchinu-10-prostyh-shagov-dlya-zhenshhin.html
Sure, what you want.
How often do You hear complaints from men that their wives do not understand? And how all these stories end? That's right – these relationships do not last long. You wouldn't want to be the heroine of the story, the final of which so banal. Therefore, it is necessary to take the reins of control destiny in their own hands and take action!
Quite often not knowing what exactly you need to the soulmate in a male body, women are based on assumptions that are not true.
Seven million four hundred seventy eight thousand eight hundred eleven
But how women can learn something, if men are almost not talk about their feelings and needs? Correctly ask for advice from one of them!
So, being a man, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share knowledge that will help You to understand how to love a man.
So, let's start!
How to love a man
Some of my readers will probably doubt the propriety of the word "right" in this expression. You either love it or you don't. But, unfortunately, not so simple. It's not always, there is love, there is love. And it tends to disappear! Therefore, if you want to bring up real feelings in a relationship with a man, do not be lazy and study the following recommendations.
Start with loving yourself
No, I in no case do not urge to be selfish. Just if You are able to love yourself, you will not be able to love the man she loved.Women frequently is because they spend too much time on the love for others (husband, children, relatives). But the love of self is the basis of a balanced personality. As the other person could seriously love You if you don't believe you deserve it?
Love him the way he is
Why do women love men? Because they have many qualities that women like. For example, power, sexuality, sense of humor, or even wealth. But understand that it is necessary to love him. Love is not based on any qualities. You just love IT! Make it clear to your man that you love him for what he is himself.
Soak up the femininity
Love must come from within – from the soul. This should be part of Your femininity. Add new element to the relationship, but at the same time stay who you are. Be the woman he met and fell in love without memory. Your condition of femininity will excite him even more, when it will be seasoned with love.
Don't be his mommy
Men often retain contact with their mothers and love when they care for them. Don't become his mother or try to replace it. He needs you in the role of sweetheart. Of course, the woman can take care of her man. But in reality he doesn't. This could be the beginning of the end of your relationship. It's after the birth of children. Make sure that you still treat him as a lover. Just try to love a man, without restricting his independence.
Recognize him
How often do You feel that the man moves away with the thoughts: "My wife doesn't understand me"? Don't try not to give him away, it is better to understand it.Only through understanding the love can grow and grow. You will never be able to reach the point where you'll think you know everything about him.
You would think that the man is simple. But in fact he is a complicated personality that even herself does not understand. Men need to love and to know them with patience and determination.
Appreciate the common good
Rejoice in the good moments in life, you had two that you have together as a couple. Appreciate the good and don't let each other get too upset over failure.Remember the pleasant moments from the past. But be also ready to act in the future.
Making plans for the future, don't limit the imagination. Waiting for something specific from a partner can lead to disappointments.
Give him space and time
Be ready sometimes to give him thinking time is important to him in the moment things. Women often react immediately, instinctively, but the man may need more time to respond and formulate a response. Understand this and give him a break! Love loved a man this way.
Sometimes there are moments when a man needs space for doing nothing. Do not fill in this space yourself. Let's empty some time. This will allow his consciousness to be cleansed, to reboot and to start working with new strength and energy.
Take much as you give
To love – means to give more than you take. But if you give too much, then the love starts to choke. It is very important to enable You to send love, otherwise it quickly dies.
Don't give him more love than he can take.
Let him feel amazing
Men must love so that they feel good and could be men. Outwardly they may appear strong, but actually not to be confident in his strength. Let him feel that you believe in his ability to realize themselves in the form of a man, which he wants to be. Need to do this based on a realistic assessment of his qualities.
Importantly! He must believe in what You say, otherwise it will not work. Encourage him to be more than himself.
Start each day anew
As if the first day of your relationship, invite him into your world and look back together on the day. Update your love will keep it alive and make you closer to each other. Due to this love will be an integral part of every day together.
WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? You will be able to succeed as a woman, if you understand your lover. Inspiring you to achieve your goals, you can make it successful and, most importantly, confident man. You now have an advantage over other women: You know how to love a man, and they are not yet! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: yaroslav-samoylov.com/psihologija-otnoshenij/kak-lyubit-muzhchinu-10-prostyh-shagov-dlya-zhenshhin.html
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