The image of the ideal man.

Recently I realized that to live happily every day, every minute I prevent image of the ideal man, which I made once.
You know how it is ... romance, novels, songs ... Of these teenage girl puts image of a man that will make her happy. And believe in him, in this image. And waiting for him. Waiting sometimes for life.
She looks into the eyes of each met the man, trying, wondering - or not? Similar, or not? And falling in love comes when contact occurs in the same way. The girl falls in love with the one in whom sees the image of her Prince. The belief in a fairy tale so strong that consciousness upstage mismatch real image of a man with a Prince. And they, of course, there is a man ... After all - live, of life, not ideal from a fairy tale!
Smart woman (not a wise and clever) mismatch sees immediately. Many or few. But, of course, hoping for the best, "I'm so in love with him. Our love to work a miracle, of course he will change. " Read: "Dorastёt to Prince».
Time passes. A favorite "non grows." And, horror of horrors, is not going grows! Suddenly it turns out that the image of an ideal fit Prince was not in his plans. He plans other ... She feels betrayed: "What a fool I am! I loved him, and he? ". And he does not feel the best way: "For love is when you take a man as he is. And here - some claim? She does not like me? »
A long and painful struggle-fitting men under non-ideal image of the ideal Prince. Smart women (not the wise and intelligent) herself and her husband say, "But this is the development! You do not have enough of such a quality, it is necessary to develop them. Let's develop this ... and this ... Look, Nekrasov written! How ?! You do not want to grow ??? ". And we are looking for an answer, what to do. Search new? Correct old? WHAT TO DO?
First. See their way of the perfect man. Just sit down, write a paper on the issue: "The Perfect Man. What is it? "And write without analyzing everything that comes to mind. Then re-read. I think that you will see many interesting things. In fact, for the sake of all you refuse to love real men who next.
Second. SEE THE man who is near the way it is. In fact. Be honest. Not telling the whole story. Seeing that next to you - soul that came into the world to solve some of his very important tasks. And meet your soul with him in order to help each other to solve your problem. SEE THE LIVING man for the way the prince. Seeing him way of life. Look at it with new eyes. SEE THE non-randomness of your acquaintance. See the beauty of his soul and his! It is beautiful! He - the way he is now, beautiful and perfect! And he - your mirror ...
Give this soul the freedom to live as she chooses. Meet with him again, because you do not know him. How does he feel? What is thinking? What lives? Where does it go? Find out this soul! Find out her way.
Think about why you met? After all, this meeting was not accidental! What he has to teach you? And what you have to teach him?
Third. Live every day with a clean slate. The new bottom there is only a man and a woman. There is this day. Live the way you want YOU! The best way for you! Play, Live! In the past day leave all that was. Take a new day only what you need it to you. This is the Mastery of Life.
Dear men! I apologize to you for stencils, in which you tried to place. For the wrongs that have arisen due to the cycle of life with these stencils. Sorry for the restriction of freedom, which did not give rise Love! Be free! Flying high! Solve your problems! Be creative!