Love - it's like in your head someone settled
How and why is love there?
Man in its many manifestations - being irrational, especially the emotions and feelings: sometimes they are not so easy to justify from a logical point of view. If you talk about such a complex phenomenon as love - is the law of cause and effect totally stops working, because the state of love is too complex and multifaceted, so that you can make out what is called a "brick by brick»
. However, experts are not abandoned their attempts to explain the amorous passion of chemical reactions, animal instincts, or, say, social laws. Here are eight scientists statements in which they set out their vision of love.
1. "Love is like a thirst," - Lucy Brown, a neuroscientist at the Medical College. Einstein, New York, NY
Experiences enamored like the thirst that can only be quenched by the presence of the object of passion. All thoughts, actions, commitment - all of a sudden is subject to the desire to be close to the beloved (or beloved). Of course, everyone has his own temperament and romantic feelings are expressed in different ways, but any man in love feels like state of euphoria, with it only occurs in the presence of the "second half».
Having studied the brain activity of several pairs of lovers with the help of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we came to the conclusion that when the lovers are together, or think about each other, they become more active areas of the brain, which is also responsible for the sensation of pleasure from any remuneration or recognition, with the strength that feeling is comparable to thirst or hunger. You could say that falling in love - it's part of the reproductive mechanism embedded in us by nature itself: it facilitates the establishment of strong emotional bonds between sexual partners and thus increases the chances of having children
2. "Love - it's like in your head someone settled," - Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, New Jersey
Love can be different, but I think there are three main varieties of it: sexual attraction, falling in love and deep affection. My colleagues and I have long engaged in the study of brain functioning lovers in one of our experiments involved 60 men and women between the ages of 18 to 57 consecutive years, which we examined with MRI, analyzing the main manifestations of romantic feelings.
The first thing that a person begins to experience when falling in love, - a certain sense of "particular" and "uniqueness" of everything connected with the object of love - of his (or her) clothes, car, street, whatever. Lover begins around the focus on his passion: mope when he (she) does not ring and the "light" of happiness, when relations are improving
. Status of love is also characterized by increased heart rate, sweating and physiological state, which is also called "butterflies in the stomach." This is due to increased production of the hormone dopamine, which causes a person delighted burst of energy and encouraging action - these sensations can be compared with the fact that someone is settled right in the head, constantly calling to run somewhere, to take action, and all for the sake of the three most key words: "I love you»
. I believe that love is more reliable for the reproduction of offspring: it forces us to focus all attention on one partner and not be wasted on casual sex
. 3. "Love as a building material" - Daniel Kruger, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor city, state Michiga
Love - it is a positive experience that facilitates sustainable social relations and the formation of a stable relationship and consequently facilitates the creation of the family as the fundamental unit of society. Without it, we would be more likely to act exclusively from its own short-term selfish motives and considerations of personal gain that would inevitably impact on the environment in the community.
The feelings experienced by us to your favorite, strengthen long-term relationships, which in turn has a positive effect on the birth of social protected children. Love allows people to take care of the offspring until they become independent, and that is how it seems to me, its main function is socially significant.
4. "Love is expressed in the insistence care", - David Givens, director of the non-verbal studies, the city of Spokane, Washington
First of all, love - an emotion, a feeling of affection and devotion that a person feels towards anyone or anything. Ardent passion can be stronger than, for example, love to family members or even their own children, and can be expressed only in a sexual quest.
Love is born in the same brain region that maternal affection, the desire to take care of the offspring, so I think that it has developed because of the maternal instinct. The fact that the lovers feel the need to take care of each other, around to help and support is confirmed.
5. "Love - is sex" - Luis Garcia, professor of psychology at Rutgers University
Science knows a lot of evidence that sexuality plays a very important role in the relationship. A number of studies suggests that satisfaction with sex lives are directly affected by, for example, the overall impression of the marriage, in addition, according to the results of our experiments, a person living a full sexual life, has a better chance of finding a long-term and fruitful relationship.
< br> Together with a colleague, Dr. Charlotte Markey, interviewed several couples, who live together for a long time - in a civil union or registered, it does not matter. It turned out that one of the main incentives for the joint life was their sexual attraction to each other. Also on the intimate life, and therefore the feelings, positively affects the rich sexual experience, and if it is about the same partners, their union has a good chance to be happy for years to come.
6. "Love is unthinkable without respect" - Kate Wachs, a psychologist and author of "Relationships for Dummies»
Love without mutual respect and trust does not happen. Lovers try to show their best side, so a successful relationship is always made up of honesty, loyalty, emotional support and self-sacrifice. Love gives everyone a sense of its uniqueness and the uniqueness of the other forces take: everyone thinks that if his partner well with them, you should take care not to break the fragile balance. Therefore, any loving person seeks to defend the interests of his "second half" and meet its needs.
I believe that feeling, the opposite of love - not hate, but indifference if you no longer have to worry about the person and do not feel the need to take care of it, it speaks about the loss of respect, and therefore the love already and there can be no
7. "Love - a long-lasting relationship," - Stephanie Ortigia, the neurologist from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
What is love, everyone knows, but no one can give a clear agreed definition. In his interpretation, I use the results of their psychological and neuroimaging studies of brain work lovers. In my opinion, love - is a complex positive and motivates mental condition characterized by the desire for union with a certain person. This condition includes a number of chemical, emotional and cognitive processes.
When dealing with partner observed the activity of certain parts of neurons, it indicates the presence of love, with us not aware of any evidence that love can not last any number of times, but the problem is that it affects too many factors, which change often impossible to predict .
However, if we consider love as an established affectional attitude to anyone under this definition includes such kinds of love as maternal and paternal love of children to their parents and the love between sexual partners.
8. "Love as a historical constant" - Stephanie Coontz, a historian at Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington
People throughout its history fall in love, but passionate romantic feelings until relatively recently, were not considered worthy of a basis for a relationship or a marriage all the more. Most married and married in obedience to the will of their parents, who in choosing a mate for a son or daughter to take into account, as a rule, only mercantile considerations.
Things began to change in the XIX-th century - the love has come to play in family relationships are much more important role. People have to realize anew that they attracts the opposite sex and to recognize that at the heart of any successful marriage must be love. I believe that in our time, spouses and lovers should feel for each other is not only a love passion, but also friendship. The combination of love and friendship provide partners a long, happy and fruitful relationship.
Man in its many manifestations - being irrational, especially the emotions and feelings: sometimes they are not so easy to justify from a logical point of view. If you talk about such a complex phenomenon as love - is the law of cause and effect totally stops working, because the state of love is too complex and multifaceted, so that you can make out what is called a "brick by brick»
. However, experts are not abandoned their attempts to explain the amorous passion of chemical reactions, animal instincts, or, say, social laws. Here are eight scientists statements in which they set out their vision of love.
1. "Love is like a thirst," - Lucy Brown, a neuroscientist at the Medical College. Einstein, New York, NY
Experiences enamored like the thirst that can only be quenched by the presence of the object of passion. All thoughts, actions, commitment - all of a sudden is subject to the desire to be close to the beloved (or beloved). Of course, everyone has his own temperament and romantic feelings are expressed in different ways, but any man in love feels like state of euphoria, with it only occurs in the presence of the "second half».
Having studied the brain activity of several pairs of lovers with the help of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we came to the conclusion that when the lovers are together, or think about each other, they become more active areas of the brain, which is also responsible for the sensation of pleasure from any remuneration or recognition, with the strength that feeling is comparable to thirst or hunger. You could say that falling in love - it's part of the reproductive mechanism embedded in us by nature itself: it facilitates the establishment of strong emotional bonds between sexual partners and thus increases the chances of having children

2. "Love - it's like in your head someone settled," - Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, New Jersey
Love can be different, but I think there are three main varieties of it: sexual attraction, falling in love and deep affection. My colleagues and I have long engaged in the study of brain functioning lovers in one of our experiments involved 60 men and women between the ages of 18 to 57 consecutive years, which we examined with MRI, analyzing the main manifestations of romantic feelings.
The first thing that a person begins to experience when falling in love, - a certain sense of "particular" and "uniqueness" of everything connected with the object of love - of his (or her) clothes, car, street, whatever. Lover begins around the focus on his passion: mope when he (she) does not ring and the "light" of happiness, when relations are improving
. Status of love is also characterized by increased heart rate, sweating and physiological state, which is also called "butterflies in the stomach." This is due to increased production of the hormone dopamine, which causes a person delighted burst of energy and encouraging action - these sensations can be compared with the fact that someone is settled right in the head, constantly calling to run somewhere, to take action, and all for the sake of the three most key words: "I love you»
. I believe that love is more reliable for the reproduction of offspring: it forces us to focus all attention on one partner and not be wasted on casual sex
. 3. "Love as a building material" - Daniel Kruger, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor city, state Michiga
Love - it is a positive experience that facilitates sustainable social relations and the formation of a stable relationship and consequently facilitates the creation of the family as the fundamental unit of society. Without it, we would be more likely to act exclusively from its own short-term selfish motives and considerations of personal gain that would inevitably impact on the environment in the community.
The feelings experienced by us to your favorite, strengthen long-term relationships, which in turn has a positive effect on the birth of social protected children. Love allows people to take care of the offspring until they become independent, and that is how it seems to me, its main function is socially significant.
4. "Love is expressed in the insistence care", - David Givens, director of the non-verbal studies, the city of Spokane, Washington
First of all, love - an emotion, a feeling of affection and devotion that a person feels towards anyone or anything. Ardent passion can be stronger than, for example, love to family members or even their own children, and can be expressed only in a sexual quest.
Love is born in the same brain region that maternal affection, the desire to take care of the offspring, so I think that it has developed because of the maternal instinct. The fact that the lovers feel the need to take care of each other, around to help and support is confirmed.
5. "Love - is sex" - Luis Garcia, professor of psychology at Rutgers University
Science knows a lot of evidence that sexuality plays a very important role in the relationship. A number of studies suggests that satisfaction with sex lives are directly affected by, for example, the overall impression of the marriage, in addition, according to the results of our experiments, a person living a full sexual life, has a better chance of finding a long-term and fruitful relationship.
< br> Together with a colleague, Dr. Charlotte Markey, interviewed several couples, who live together for a long time - in a civil union or registered, it does not matter. It turned out that one of the main incentives for the joint life was their sexual attraction to each other. Also on the intimate life, and therefore the feelings, positively affects the rich sexual experience, and if it is about the same partners, their union has a good chance to be happy for years to come.
6. "Love is unthinkable without respect" - Kate Wachs, a psychologist and author of "Relationships for Dummies»
Love without mutual respect and trust does not happen. Lovers try to show their best side, so a successful relationship is always made up of honesty, loyalty, emotional support and self-sacrifice. Love gives everyone a sense of its uniqueness and the uniqueness of the other forces take: everyone thinks that if his partner well with them, you should take care not to break the fragile balance. Therefore, any loving person seeks to defend the interests of his "second half" and meet its needs.
I believe that feeling, the opposite of love - not hate, but indifference if you no longer have to worry about the person and do not feel the need to take care of it, it speaks about the loss of respect, and therefore the love already and there can be no
7. "Love - a long-lasting relationship," - Stephanie Ortigia, the neurologist from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
What is love, everyone knows, but no one can give a clear agreed definition. In his interpretation, I use the results of their psychological and neuroimaging studies of brain work lovers. In my opinion, love - is a complex positive and motivates mental condition characterized by the desire for union with a certain person. This condition includes a number of chemical, emotional and cognitive processes.
When dealing with partner observed the activity of certain parts of neurons, it indicates the presence of love, with us not aware of any evidence that love can not last any number of times, but the problem is that it affects too many factors, which change often impossible to predict .
However, if we consider love as an established affectional attitude to anyone under this definition includes such kinds of love as maternal and paternal love of children to their parents and the love between sexual partners.
8. "Love as a historical constant" - Stephanie Coontz, a historian at Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington
People throughout its history fall in love, but passionate romantic feelings until relatively recently, were not considered worthy of a basis for a relationship or a marriage all the more. Most married and married in obedience to the will of their parents, who in choosing a mate for a son or daughter to take into account, as a rule, only mercantile considerations.
Things began to change in the XIX-th century - the love has come to play in family relationships are much more important role. People have to realize anew that they attracts the opposite sex and to recognize that at the heart of any successful marriage must be love. I believe that in our time, spouses and lovers should feel for each other is not only a love passion, but also friendship. The combination of love and friendship provide partners a long, happy and fruitful relationship.
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