The high school program is fully focused on "girl" thinking
In pedagogical books and articles much has been written about the fact that children differ in temperament, way of learning, and other characteristics. It's all good, but sometimes forget the main thing — they differ by gender. Men and women are physically wired different, and not only in those bodies.
Thinking (as well as other mental functions) men and women (also boys and girls) works quite differently. Here is a misunderstanding of the spouses ("I told him, and he doesn't understand!"), and hence there are problems in school.
Your memories — who often in class, bad student, boy or girl? As a rule, almost every class has its own inveterate "losers," and it's a boy. Modern schooling (I mean secular mixed schools) is entirely "female-oriented". Let's start with the fact that a male teacher has long passed into the category of rarities. Except that the physical education teacher and work with the boys, but there thought process is not particularly involved. A primary school teacher, math teacher, physics teacher...
©Fedor Reshetnikov, deuce Again. 1952
All the main subjects where more work needs to head, not just are located in the "women's hands", but the program is who? Have you ever seen the snake methodical study? There is only the female part. (I'm Methodist, I know). Secondary school curriculum is entirely focused on the "girl" thinking, which is why I get bad grades are just boys.
The program is built on the principle of "copy-paste", that is, read the paragraph and tell him, read the rule and make it exercise, look at the sample and do it. This is typical female thinking, which replicates. Male thinking generates ideas and creates new rules and new models.
That is why girls are so easy to deal with exercises for a given rule, and boys don't see the point in this — they have learned the idea, why should it now razmusolivat?
Girls are usually much better to meet the Board — verbal centers, they have better formed. Therefore, it is wrong when Mama said, "our boy is two years not talking, and the neighbors girl in the year has so many words it is!" — it's okay! Girls on average begin to talk earlier, and it is easier for them to formulate their thoughts than boys. Boys important it is to Express the essence, they need not "make a long story short," in contrast, girls may embellish their stories different minor details, which, of course, pleased with the teachers and look "more successful" in the background sketchy meet the boys.
When a teacher of Russian language examines the works that the first thing she will pay attention? On the volume! And if instead of the specified minimum "of about a page and a half," she'll see five lines, she even read will not, and will negate all the oily red paste and put "two".
Boys year after year throughout the study told that the idea is not important, the idea has no value, what is important is its design and "copy-paste" (Remember reducing estimates for blots? It is exclusively female teachers perversion. Look at any professional — like scattered shavings in a carpentry workshop as smeared everything in the artist's Studio. When the boys seek to create something new, they absolutely have no time to all "sort through", it is too low for their lofty ideas. And at school they hammer that blot above the idea that they were trying to Express).
Of course, the girl need to teach creative thinking, but that boys suffer more from this focus of study, when you only need to assimilate the information, and not to get it and not to create something new.
It may seem that I have a contradiction — I wrote that at a certain stage the children's visual-figurative thinking, then verbal-logical? It's all true. But on the same stage the boys and girls it works a little differently in the same framework. And those and others operate on images at the stage of creative thinking, but different ways of operating. For example, the game girls two hours to make a Dollhouse, think of the furniture and change outfits, and not starting plots. The boys immediately go to the action — for example, began to play in the car, immediately arrange races, etc.
Who have the opportunity to see how I draw girls and boys with comments, you will notice something like the following:
The girl will give details about all sorts of nice: "is the Princess a Palace. It's like she has a garden. There are flowers (long list with selection of colors). And here is her dog. the dog's name...". On the sheet will be a clear division heaven-earth "straight rows" of all the participants and items.
The boy will have more to say onomatopoeic words and interjections, it is important to "spin the story", not to draw each object: "and he was like — BAM! — and they uggggggggg, and the car there as I went, the boom-boom, and it ran like this...". on the sheet will be undetectable daub, which here and there many times, "drove car."
And so the boy in the first grade, brings such a drawing teacher of drawing ("devochkoy" thinking), and she says: "Peter! Why do you still have the air hanging? Why do you have people upside down? Where have you ever seen a man on the road upside down? Why did you get in contour? Little, never learned to paint?" (Class laughs). So the boy got not only a violation of his high ideas and a dynamic of the plot, but was put "before the formation". Think lot he will have the desire to create?
As we have said, thinking of men requires innovation, fundamentally different solutions, men need to "turn the world", they actually come to the training in order to get these two rings.
Just in elementary school, when the child develops verbal-logic thinking, men's logic is not needed. You can joke that the girls at this age thinking "word" (it is desirable they regurgitate the correct answers), and the boys "logical" — they are looking for causal relationships between objects, not always being able to articulate. Here are templates and information is given.
This constant "doing" sample destroys the desire for self-education and curiosity in the initial period of training (no need to think that these fine qualities are formed on the empty place at the end of school and the elementary school is only a tracing, it is precisely the formation of the model of educational activities, preferably for life).
Plus the fact that the training is devoid of incentive to take the initiative to seek information and look for own solution of the aforesaid problems, the training is built on the verbal flow in the treatment of the boys of this age are not very strong (we have already said that they are more the girls are distracted when hearing worse formulate their statements, etc.).
At this age boys need as much as possible "set of experiments", they are easier to find the solution "by trial and error." Of course, any such activity is excluded in primary school than to experiment? Counting sticks? Boys longer than girls, are in a period of the primacy of the kinesthetic channel of perception — they need to assemble-disassemble an object to know how it works and why it works.
But even intellectual difficulties are not so negatively affected, as psychological. The main one is competition. Even if it is not heated by the teacher, according to the laws of development of the group in any grade, even very friendly, there is competition and places "first" and "last" in the class. Accordingly, girls at this age always and everywhere "faster-higher-stronger", and in modern conditions of acceleration even in gym class the boys always manage to win (almost all familiar to me from the first classes of the highest — girls, not boys).
Actually, the class age boys and girls already wrong, because the girls are much ahead of boys in mental development and other areas. (If you read the materials about gender differences, you will find an interesting fact — already newborn girls differ from boys about 2-3 weeks for development — but they are still "gender-focused" are not educated! Girls faster establish eye contact, recognize faces of family, etc.)
Of course, by eighth grade the situation will be different — in high school boys rapidly catch up and surpass girls in academic achievement. But the subconscious will not have to wait eight years!
In kindergarten and primary school already formed completely "namuska" defeatist and dependent position. This situation, when the girl publicly proves its superiority, break the manhood. And it happens time and again: the boy could not solve the problem at the Board, called to finish the girl; girls faster prorastayut test and hand over notebooks, and the boys will have a mess; a neat work girls more likely to be at exhibitions, the hall of fame, etc.; boys often get comments for conduct and inattention, and they put in a sample of girls; in the end, underachieving pupils-boys blamed the lessons from a student-girls.
We are in the beginning of the topic talked about the fact that the man is vital to demonstrate your achievements and to women's admiration. And at that age when boys develop gender roles and behavioral patterns, they constantly receive verbal and non-verbal negative characteristics! It is especially important that the most unfavorable comparison to more successful and socially accepted girls.
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A man should showcase their achievements and to women's admiration, and so on — the boys are told that they are worthless nobodies in front and around the superior girls. Except that it provokes aggression (I really want these girls to beat in the corner at recess), it also builds the wrong ideas about themselves and inadequate self-esteem.
The boy doesn't have the visual reinforcement of their own achievements. Boy loses performance than creative he can achieve success (I repeat just in case that it's all built in the subconscious and the child is unable to say it. about subconscious I recently wrote — now you can search for my name). What does it mean? That boy later to find out how to Express their masculinity? As you know, the easiest and shortest route is always not very good: if you don't smoke — you're not a man, etc. published
Author: Marina Ozerova
Source: vk.com/wall-48978_27335
Thinking (as well as other mental functions) men and women (also boys and girls) works quite differently. Here is a misunderstanding of the spouses ("I told him, and he doesn't understand!"), and hence there are problems in school.
Your memories — who often in class, bad student, boy or girl? As a rule, almost every class has its own inveterate "losers," and it's a boy. Modern schooling (I mean secular mixed schools) is entirely "female-oriented". Let's start with the fact that a male teacher has long passed into the category of rarities. Except that the physical education teacher and work with the boys, but there thought process is not particularly involved. A primary school teacher, math teacher, physics teacher...

©Fedor Reshetnikov, deuce Again. 1952
All the main subjects where more work needs to head, not just are located in the "women's hands", but the program is who? Have you ever seen the snake methodical study? There is only the female part. (I'm Methodist, I know). Secondary school curriculum is entirely focused on the "girl" thinking, which is why I get bad grades are just boys.
The program is built on the principle of "copy-paste", that is, read the paragraph and tell him, read the rule and make it exercise, look at the sample and do it. This is typical female thinking, which replicates. Male thinking generates ideas and creates new rules and new models.
That is why girls are so easy to deal with exercises for a given rule, and boys don't see the point in this — they have learned the idea, why should it now razmusolivat?
Girls are usually much better to meet the Board — verbal centers, they have better formed. Therefore, it is wrong when Mama said, "our boy is two years not talking, and the neighbors girl in the year has so many words it is!" — it's okay! Girls on average begin to talk earlier, and it is easier for them to formulate their thoughts than boys. Boys important it is to Express the essence, they need not "make a long story short," in contrast, girls may embellish their stories different minor details, which, of course, pleased with the teachers and look "more successful" in the background sketchy meet the boys.
When a teacher of Russian language examines the works that the first thing she will pay attention? On the volume! And if instead of the specified minimum "of about a page and a half," she'll see five lines, she even read will not, and will negate all the oily red paste and put "two".
Boys year after year throughout the study told that the idea is not important, the idea has no value, what is important is its design and "copy-paste" (Remember reducing estimates for blots? It is exclusively female teachers perversion. Look at any professional — like scattered shavings in a carpentry workshop as smeared everything in the artist's Studio. When the boys seek to create something new, they absolutely have no time to all "sort through", it is too low for their lofty ideas. And at school they hammer that blot above the idea that they were trying to Express).
Of course, the girl need to teach creative thinking, but that boys suffer more from this focus of study, when you only need to assimilate the information, and not to get it and not to create something new.
It may seem that I have a contradiction — I wrote that at a certain stage the children's visual-figurative thinking, then verbal-logical? It's all true. But on the same stage the boys and girls it works a little differently in the same framework. And those and others operate on images at the stage of creative thinking, but different ways of operating. For example, the game girls two hours to make a Dollhouse, think of the furniture and change outfits, and not starting plots. The boys immediately go to the action — for example, began to play in the car, immediately arrange races, etc.
Who have the opportunity to see how I draw girls and boys with comments, you will notice something like the following:
The girl will give details about all sorts of nice: "is the Princess a Palace. It's like she has a garden. There are flowers (long list with selection of colors). And here is her dog. the dog's name...". On the sheet will be a clear division heaven-earth "straight rows" of all the participants and items.
The boy will have more to say onomatopoeic words and interjections, it is important to "spin the story", not to draw each object: "and he was like — BAM! — and they uggggggggg, and the car there as I went, the boom-boom, and it ran like this...". on the sheet will be undetectable daub, which here and there many times, "drove car."
And so the boy in the first grade, brings such a drawing teacher of drawing ("devochkoy" thinking), and she says: "Peter! Why do you still have the air hanging? Why do you have people upside down? Where have you ever seen a man on the road upside down? Why did you get in contour? Little, never learned to paint?" (Class laughs). So the boy got not only a violation of his high ideas and a dynamic of the plot, but was put "before the formation". Think lot he will have the desire to create?
As we have said, thinking of men requires innovation, fundamentally different solutions, men need to "turn the world", they actually come to the training in order to get these two rings.
Just in elementary school, when the child develops verbal-logic thinking, men's logic is not needed. You can joke that the girls at this age thinking "word" (it is desirable they regurgitate the correct answers), and the boys "logical" — they are looking for causal relationships between objects, not always being able to articulate. Here are templates and information is given.
This constant "doing" sample destroys the desire for self-education and curiosity in the initial period of training (no need to think that these fine qualities are formed on the empty place at the end of school and the elementary school is only a tracing, it is precisely the formation of the model of educational activities, preferably for life).
Plus the fact that the training is devoid of incentive to take the initiative to seek information and look for own solution of the aforesaid problems, the training is built on the verbal flow in the treatment of the boys of this age are not very strong (we have already said that they are more the girls are distracted when hearing worse formulate their statements, etc.).
At this age boys need as much as possible "set of experiments", they are easier to find the solution "by trial and error." Of course, any such activity is excluded in primary school than to experiment? Counting sticks? Boys longer than girls, are in a period of the primacy of the kinesthetic channel of perception — they need to assemble-disassemble an object to know how it works and why it works.
But even intellectual difficulties are not so negatively affected, as psychological. The main one is competition. Even if it is not heated by the teacher, according to the laws of development of the group in any grade, even very friendly, there is competition and places "first" and "last" in the class. Accordingly, girls at this age always and everywhere "faster-higher-stronger", and in modern conditions of acceleration even in gym class the boys always manage to win (almost all familiar to me from the first classes of the highest — girls, not boys).
Actually, the class age boys and girls already wrong, because the girls are much ahead of boys in mental development and other areas. (If you read the materials about gender differences, you will find an interesting fact — already newborn girls differ from boys about 2-3 weeks for development — but they are still "gender-focused" are not educated! Girls faster establish eye contact, recognize faces of family, etc.)
Of course, by eighth grade the situation will be different — in high school boys rapidly catch up and surpass girls in academic achievement. But the subconscious will not have to wait eight years!

In kindergarten and primary school already formed completely "namuska" defeatist and dependent position. This situation, when the girl publicly proves its superiority, break the manhood. And it happens time and again: the boy could not solve the problem at the Board, called to finish the girl; girls faster prorastayut test and hand over notebooks, and the boys will have a mess; a neat work girls more likely to be at exhibitions, the hall of fame, etc.; boys often get comments for conduct and inattention, and they put in a sample of girls; in the end, underachieving pupils-boys blamed the lessons from a student-girls.
We are in the beginning of the topic talked about the fact that the man is vital to demonstrate your achievements and to women's admiration. And at that age when boys develop gender roles and behavioral patterns, they constantly receive verbal and non-verbal negative characteristics! It is especially important that the most unfavorable comparison to more successful and socially accepted girls.
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A man should showcase their achievements and to women's admiration, and so on — the boys are told that they are worthless nobodies in front and around the superior girls. Except that it provokes aggression (I really want these girls to beat in the corner at recess), it also builds the wrong ideas about themselves and inadequate self-esteem.
The boy doesn't have the visual reinforcement of their own achievements. Boy loses performance than creative he can achieve success (I repeat just in case that it's all built in the subconscious and the child is unable to say it. about subconscious I recently wrote — now you can search for my name). What does it mean? That boy later to find out how to Express their masculinity? As you know, the easiest and shortest route is always not very good: if you don't smoke — you're not a man, etc. published
Author: Marina Ozerova
Source: vk.com/wall-48978_27335