Life without things: How do I remove the excess
In the first part of the book Yukiko Kaneko "Life without things" we looked at the reasons for which there is no order in the house. And now let's think together, what to do, so this is the order in the house was.
Yukiko Kaneko compares the process of getting rid of things with losing weight. Yes, you can in a few days on a rigid diet to lose a few kilos. But when you return to the previous level of consumption dropped kg not only back, but also bring with them new comrades. And in order to lose weight for the long haul, it is necessary to review the whole way of eating. And with things even if at the same time to throw away all the unnecessary crap, enjoy perfectly empty and clean the house will be very long. Just a matter of time before the empty space is filled with all sorts of little things. For "life without the things" you need to constantly monitor the flow coming into the house and get rid of things that have lost their value and necessity.
Of course, easy to say, so everything I do not buy anything unnecessary tomorrow. And how easy is it to do this? Yukiko Kaneko offers several strategic steps aimed not immediately raskhlamit house, but gradually wean yourself from purchasing unnecessary.
Loving yourself in this more than myself in the future.
How often do we convince ourselves that was a useless thing is now you may need sometime later? Then, when I have more time I lose weight when children become more ...
All these excuses - not just self-deception, it is robbing themselves. We rob ourselves of this space-net, free home for themselves-the future. We do not buy beautiful new jeans, because jeans in the closet are two sizes smaller than it is now necessary. We do not buy a beautiful and convenient cup because it is not broke least favorite aunt given service.
Yukiko Kaneko offers with each gust of 'leave for later "to remind yourself about your own values here and now. What is more important: your needs are in order and the good things around now or you-possible wishes of the future? Who's the Boss, You or Your illusory samoproektsiya future?
Especially this strategy atkualna Mean for grandmothers and lovers hobby. If you do not want to right now (tomorrow, this week's) knit from this yarn means that you, today there are more important, necessary and interesting things. A yarn storage chests from which ever want something to relate - a recognition of the priority you-future. Your business needs and is now much more important!
Enjoy the process of selection and purchase of all things.
Many things come into our house completely by accident. When we were presented with a duvet cover and curtains, for example, we are likely going to use them, even if we do not end up like or fit these things. The same thing happens when we ourselves are making bad purchases. So we use and things unloved, uncomfortable, unwelcome, latently irritating.
At first glance, it seems wasteful to change things quite workable. But if the thing does not contain your love, your joy of owning it - it is just a thing, a set of materials held together in one subject
. For things in your home only bring pleasure, try the following tips.
1. Look around and ask yourself the question: what are the things in your house, I would like (s) to be replaced? What is not pleased with my mind? What I think: oh, and it would be good? Keep a record of everything, do not hesitate. New sweater with braids, milky-white, not beige. New curtains. Pillows on the couch. Soap. Fridge. Table.
Anything! This will be a list of your purchases in the near future. Almost certainly it turns out that some items on the list, you can afford to buy at least right now, just before the forgotten or did not occur, it would be desirable and possible - at least the same bar of soap. And if some things, such as curtains, require more serious investment, do not buy unnecessary and wrong, after some time, you accumulate a certain amount.
2. The second list, which the author of the book "Life without things" recommends to make - your regular restocking. Flour, washing powder, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, cocoa, etc. Carefully whether you belong to the selection of these items? Or maybe you buy a familiar brand out of habit, not quite as happy with the quality of the product? New Look! Look at the reviews on the Internet, read the composition on the package, consider your requirements to the functional bought.
3. By the way, this is one piece of advice Yukiko Kaneko: try to get pleasure not only from the fact of purchase, but also the choice of things. We did not find it necessary to shampoo composition in the shop? If time permits, you can go to another store, more is not necessarily right now and on the same day. Or you can order the shampoo in the online store. Rate find joy, comparing the characteristics, differences and find a slow, thoughtful choice of the very, very useful and enjoyable for you personally.
In any case, I recall that once again, as written in the first part: Tips Yukiko Kaneko never wear an ultimatum. No one is forcing you personally right now to change the favorite brand of washing powder and buckwheat. This is just a proposal to consider how the surrounding material world corresponds to your needs and requirements, as it brings you pleasure, and where to find an opportunity to improve the existing situation.
Have the number of things with which you are able to cope.
Here thought Yukiko Kaneko very similar to the idea of Marie Kondo: Do not create large reserves that whatsoever. We can not overcome the natural limitations on the possibilities of using things. How many lipsticks woman can use if she has just one mouth? Even if you use a separate lipstick for every day of the week - seven pieces. Thus one lipstick, note only four times per month will be used, so most likely, its shelf life expires before the end lipstick. And since each of the seven pieces. If the hostess does not buy remaining couple more.
If you bought a new amazing cup - remove old, and throw in a month with a clear conscience. Bought new black jeans - get rid of the old ones. It is particularly important to control the balance of incoming-outgoing items Hostess, Mean grandmothers and Queen shopping.
If you do not want to live in a cluttered house an abundance of items, remember substitution rule. If the new purchase better, more enjoyable, useful old things, the old need to get rid of. And of course, if the new purchase itself does not threaten to become, and it is better not to do.
A few useful tips for management of things:
1. Play "How else can you get out?" If we are suddenly and at once took a thing, then you might think to buy than to replace it. Russian women have extensive experience tweaks necessary to replace the existing, but it's not about survival in the deficit.
This is a game, as the search for a replacement ingredient in the recipe that turns it into the creation of their own, unique experience and a recipe. In the age of the Internet to find thousands of tips on how to bring the spot without special stain remover specifically for this type of spots - not such a problem. Esi upcoming purchase is obviously needed, try to think and look for analogues of this purchase.
2. Take care of the good condition and favorite things. If we appreciate and love the selected items, the need to care for them. Suede shoes is better to clean a brush after each use, than to throw out a few times because of the unsightly appearance.
Knitwear need to be cleaned from the pellets, and a leather bag - wipe with a slightly damp cloth dust. The microwave oven must be cleaned regularly, while oil and dirt not firmly ingrained. In general, there is an analogy with the working flayledi system - clean Cleaner
. 3. Appreciate memories more things. Regarding the numerous souvenirs from trips Yukiko Kaneko advises always wonder: Why me? Buy to buy? Pretty pointless. We buy souvenirs, to keep the memory of a trip to treasured memories do not dissolve in the flow of days. But bulky photo albums and tons of souvenirs, on the contrary, do not cause desire to touch them, to touch, to restore the last moments in the memory.
So not be better to deliberately limit the number of "objects-memories", replacing them with the experience, the ability to feel and say something? Instead of souvenirs from a trip to bring the stories of unusual and interesting places. Instead of dozens of similar pictures - Ten top, causing a sincere delight and admiration. Even just one photo / postcard / Blog Entry revive your memories better than a kilogram statuetochek and trinkets.
4. Appreciate the emptiness of space. We may have different ideas about the interior, some prefer minimalism, and some cherished comfort pillows and vases. But if things are made to all surfaces, alas, comfort disappears, remains only a sense of visual garbage.
In addition, in the house that does not have free space, hard to put things clean, wash, wiping, vacuuming. Yukiko Kaneko not offering minimalism as a means of getting rid of congestion, rather, its ideas are close flayledi not leave things on the floor, do not clutter up the horizontal surface, things return to the place after use
. From what I found interesting in terms of the organization of the house - note the author of "Life without things" about the most often scatters things. Yukiko Kaneko wrote in the majority of families homeless wander around the house the same things. They are at all, but almost no one is committing to these items separate seat.
This remote controls and nedochitannye books / newspapers / magazines. Author offers to buy any magazine rack or attach rag "pockets" on the backs of chairs, and put "homeless wanderers" there. I went and identified vertical folder separator for nedochitannogo and location of the TV for all consoles.
Do not place in the top priority of the low price.
We are talking about what we call a capacious Russian word "freebie", free or very cheap things. When buying, of course, we are all very interested in the price of goods, but do not buy anything just because of the price. If you did not want to buy this item, whether it is more expensive, with high probability he did not want you.
This advice is especially important Hostess, get great pleasure from the purchase of goods at a discount, wholesale or on sale. Again - nothing wrong with wanting to save not only the cost to keep in mind that the acquisition of unnecessary - it's not the economy, but on the contrary, a waste. Even if you offer anything unnecessary for free, it is still a waste of your resources, your home space, your time for cleaning etc.
Pre-designated area "failure».
The latter strategy does not deny all the previous ones, but notes fact: just sooooo persistent people can not buy any nonsense. Most of us, including, according to Yukiko Kaneko, she, still only weak people, for whom shopping process - a significant pleasure
. Therefore, if the soul requires shopping right here and now, author of "Life without things," advises not to turn the "I want to buy something" in the "Aw, come on, walk so to walk." Take a few deep breaths, look at the sky, relax. And in advance designate itself limits the upcoming riot.
If this is a huge bookstore - let it be no more than one book. If this store utensils - let it be a small saucer for serving pickles. If this is a souvenir shop - it is not necessary to take meter wooden sculpture, buy a small pocket-sized doll
. In general, try to advance to delineate themselves beyond the limits in the size or number of items. Remember when this previous tip? Restrictions better not to carry out cost-option, at the approach of "do not buy more than a certain amount," much higher risk score much useless, but the cheap stuff.
A significant part of the "Life without things" devoted to getting rid of unnecessary things. Yukiko Kaneko shared objects in the house for a few areas (clothes, papers and documents, books and CDs, etc.) and gives tips on getting rid of the things of this sphere.
Tips sufficiently specific to living in Japan, so that part I just omit in his retelling. And in conclusion I would say that "Life without things" Yukiko Kaneko from a literary point of view - not the most readable book, so to speak
. author's thoughts jump back and forth, various paragraphs of heads overlap each other, sometimes one idea is stretched on a lot of pages, sometimes in the same paragraph on tops set out a lot of interesting ideas.
Honestly, I do not think that such a book would make sense to translate into Russian. But while I personally book was interesting and somehow hit the target, I re-read it several times.
"Life without things" - that's life with intelligent choice of material goods, with a different attitude towards their purchases to the objective world around. The path to getting more pleasure from your own home.
Yukiko Kaneko compares the process of getting rid of things with losing weight. Yes, you can in a few days on a rigid diet to lose a few kilos. But when you return to the previous level of consumption dropped kg not only back, but also bring with them new comrades. And in order to lose weight for the long haul, it is necessary to review the whole way of eating. And with things even if at the same time to throw away all the unnecessary crap, enjoy perfectly empty and clean the house will be very long. Just a matter of time before the empty space is filled with all sorts of little things. For "life without the things" you need to constantly monitor the flow coming into the house and get rid of things that have lost their value and necessity.

Of course, easy to say, so everything I do not buy anything unnecessary tomorrow. And how easy is it to do this? Yukiko Kaneko offers several strategic steps aimed not immediately raskhlamit house, but gradually wean yourself from purchasing unnecessary.
Loving yourself in this more than myself in the future.
How often do we convince ourselves that was a useless thing is now you may need sometime later? Then, when I have more time I lose weight when children become more ...
All these excuses - not just self-deception, it is robbing themselves. We rob ourselves of this space-net, free home for themselves-the future. We do not buy beautiful new jeans, because jeans in the closet are two sizes smaller than it is now necessary. We do not buy a beautiful and convenient cup because it is not broke least favorite aunt given service.
Yukiko Kaneko offers with each gust of 'leave for later "to remind yourself about your own values here and now. What is more important: your needs are in order and the good things around now or you-possible wishes of the future? Who's the Boss, You or Your illusory samoproektsiya future?
Especially this strategy atkualna Mean for grandmothers and lovers hobby. If you do not want to right now (tomorrow, this week's) knit from this yarn means that you, today there are more important, necessary and interesting things. A yarn storage chests from which ever want something to relate - a recognition of the priority you-future. Your business needs and is now much more important!
Enjoy the process of selection and purchase of all things.
Many things come into our house completely by accident. When we were presented with a duvet cover and curtains, for example, we are likely going to use them, even if we do not end up like or fit these things. The same thing happens when we ourselves are making bad purchases. So we use and things unloved, uncomfortable, unwelcome, latently irritating.
At first glance, it seems wasteful to change things quite workable. But if the thing does not contain your love, your joy of owning it - it is just a thing, a set of materials held together in one subject
. For things in your home only bring pleasure, try the following tips.
1. Look around and ask yourself the question: what are the things in your house, I would like (s) to be replaced? What is not pleased with my mind? What I think: oh, and it would be good? Keep a record of everything, do not hesitate. New sweater with braids, milky-white, not beige. New curtains. Pillows on the couch. Soap. Fridge. Table.
Anything! This will be a list of your purchases in the near future. Almost certainly it turns out that some items on the list, you can afford to buy at least right now, just before the forgotten or did not occur, it would be desirable and possible - at least the same bar of soap. And if some things, such as curtains, require more serious investment, do not buy unnecessary and wrong, after some time, you accumulate a certain amount.
2. The second list, which the author of the book "Life without things" recommends to make - your regular restocking. Flour, washing powder, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, cocoa, etc. Carefully whether you belong to the selection of these items? Or maybe you buy a familiar brand out of habit, not quite as happy with the quality of the product? New Look! Look at the reviews on the Internet, read the composition on the package, consider your requirements to the functional bought.
3. By the way, this is one piece of advice Yukiko Kaneko: try to get pleasure not only from the fact of purchase, but also the choice of things. We did not find it necessary to shampoo composition in the shop? If time permits, you can go to another store, more is not necessarily right now and on the same day. Or you can order the shampoo in the online store. Rate find joy, comparing the characteristics, differences and find a slow, thoughtful choice of the very, very useful and enjoyable for you personally.
In any case, I recall that once again, as written in the first part: Tips Yukiko Kaneko never wear an ultimatum. No one is forcing you personally right now to change the favorite brand of washing powder and buckwheat. This is just a proposal to consider how the surrounding material world corresponds to your needs and requirements, as it brings you pleasure, and where to find an opportunity to improve the existing situation.
Have the number of things with which you are able to cope.
Here thought Yukiko Kaneko very similar to the idea of Marie Kondo: Do not create large reserves that whatsoever. We can not overcome the natural limitations on the possibilities of using things. How many lipsticks woman can use if she has just one mouth? Even if you use a separate lipstick for every day of the week - seven pieces. Thus one lipstick, note only four times per month will be used, so most likely, its shelf life expires before the end lipstick. And since each of the seven pieces. If the hostess does not buy remaining couple more.
If you bought a new amazing cup - remove old, and throw in a month with a clear conscience. Bought new black jeans - get rid of the old ones. It is particularly important to control the balance of incoming-outgoing items Hostess, Mean grandmothers and Queen shopping.
If you do not want to live in a cluttered house an abundance of items, remember substitution rule. If the new purchase better, more enjoyable, useful old things, the old need to get rid of. And of course, if the new purchase itself does not threaten to become, and it is better not to do.
A few useful tips for management of things:
1. Play "How else can you get out?" If we are suddenly and at once took a thing, then you might think to buy than to replace it. Russian women have extensive experience tweaks necessary to replace the existing, but it's not about survival in the deficit.
This is a game, as the search for a replacement ingredient in the recipe that turns it into the creation of their own, unique experience and a recipe. In the age of the Internet to find thousands of tips on how to bring the spot without special stain remover specifically for this type of spots - not such a problem. Esi upcoming purchase is obviously needed, try to think and look for analogues of this purchase.
2. Take care of the good condition and favorite things. If we appreciate and love the selected items, the need to care for them. Suede shoes is better to clean a brush after each use, than to throw out a few times because of the unsightly appearance.
Knitwear need to be cleaned from the pellets, and a leather bag - wipe with a slightly damp cloth dust. The microwave oven must be cleaned regularly, while oil and dirt not firmly ingrained. In general, there is an analogy with the working flayledi system - clean Cleaner
. 3. Appreciate memories more things. Regarding the numerous souvenirs from trips Yukiko Kaneko advises always wonder: Why me? Buy to buy? Pretty pointless. We buy souvenirs, to keep the memory of a trip to treasured memories do not dissolve in the flow of days. But bulky photo albums and tons of souvenirs, on the contrary, do not cause desire to touch them, to touch, to restore the last moments in the memory.
So not be better to deliberately limit the number of "objects-memories", replacing them with the experience, the ability to feel and say something? Instead of souvenirs from a trip to bring the stories of unusual and interesting places. Instead of dozens of similar pictures - Ten top, causing a sincere delight and admiration. Even just one photo / postcard / Blog Entry revive your memories better than a kilogram statuetochek and trinkets.
4. Appreciate the emptiness of space. We may have different ideas about the interior, some prefer minimalism, and some cherished comfort pillows and vases. But if things are made to all surfaces, alas, comfort disappears, remains only a sense of visual garbage.
In addition, in the house that does not have free space, hard to put things clean, wash, wiping, vacuuming. Yukiko Kaneko not offering minimalism as a means of getting rid of congestion, rather, its ideas are close flayledi not leave things on the floor, do not clutter up the horizontal surface, things return to the place after use
. From what I found interesting in terms of the organization of the house - note the author of "Life without things" about the most often scatters things. Yukiko Kaneko wrote in the majority of families homeless wander around the house the same things. They are at all, but almost no one is committing to these items separate seat.
This remote controls and nedochitannye books / newspapers / magazines. Author offers to buy any magazine rack or attach rag "pockets" on the backs of chairs, and put "homeless wanderers" there. I went and identified vertical folder separator for nedochitannogo and location of the TV for all consoles.
Do not place in the top priority of the low price.
We are talking about what we call a capacious Russian word "freebie", free or very cheap things. When buying, of course, we are all very interested in the price of goods, but do not buy anything just because of the price. If you did not want to buy this item, whether it is more expensive, with high probability he did not want you.
This advice is especially important Hostess, get great pleasure from the purchase of goods at a discount, wholesale or on sale. Again - nothing wrong with wanting to save not only the cost to keep in mind that the acquisition of unnecessary - it's not the economy, but on the contrary, a waste. Even if you offer anything unnecessary for free, it is still a waste of your resources, your home space, your time for cleaning etc.
Pre-designated area "failure».
The latter strategy does not deny all the previous ones, but notes fact: just sooooo persistent people can not buy any nonsense. Most of us, including, according to Yukiko Kaneko, she, still only weak people, for whom shopping process - a significant pleasure
. Therefore, if the soul requires shopping right here and now, author of "Life without things," advises not to turn the "I want to buy something" in the "Aw, come on, walk so to walk." Take a few deep breaths, look at the sky, relax. And in advance designate itself limits the upcoming riot.
If this is a huge bookstore - let it be no more than one book. If this store utensils - let it be a small saucer for serving pickles. If this is a souvenir shop - it is not necessary to take meter wooden sculpture, buy a small pocket-sized doll
. In general, try to advance to delineate themselves beyond the limits in the size or number of items. Remember when this previous tip? Restrictions better not to carry out cost-option, at the approach of "do not buy more than a certain amount," much higher risk score much useless, but the cheap stuff.
A significant part of the "Life without things" devoted to getting rid of unnecessary things. Yukiko Kaneko shared objects in the house for a few areas (clothes, papers and documents, books and CDs, etc.) and gives tips on getting rid of the things of this sphere.
Tips sufficiently specific to living in Japan, so that part I just omit in his retelling. And in conclusion I would say that "Life without things" Yukiko Kaneko from a literary point of view - not the most readable book, so to speak
. author's thoughts jump back and forth, various paragraphs of heads overlap each other, sometimes one idea is stretched on a lot of pages, sometimes in the same paragraph on tops set out a lot of interesting ideas.
Honestly, I do not think that such a book would make sense to translate into Russian. But while I personally book was interesting and somehow hit the target, I re-read it several times.
"Life without things" - that's life with intelligent choice of material goods, with a different attitude towards their purchases to the objective world around. The path to getting more pleasure from your own home.