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About what are silent doctors: the benefits of wormwood

This is a very valuable medicinal plant. The story about him goes back a long way. The ancient Slavs wormwood was considered an iconic plant, which has the ability to cleanse the spiritual and physical world

Yogis and Buddhists have used mugwort essential oil for meditation as one of the best ways to focus. Even today, many people believe that the aroma (smell) sage wards off evil spirits, protects from evil eye and spoilage.

The greatest popularity among the people for their healing, cleansing and cosmetic properties have been wormwood. It differs from other species primarily in common grayish-silver color. The upper surface of the leaves of wormwood have a whitish color and the stem also looks silky-grayish. Baskets and flowers of this plant are yellow.

It is a perennial wild herb with a characteristic aroma peculiar and very bitter taste. The smell of wormwood is quite strong and reminiscent of the bitter-tart taste. It grows almost everywhere, has direct, up to 1.5 m tall, branching stem.

The leaves of wormwood are harvested before flowering, tearing them without petioles. The stems of the plants with the tops cut off in early bloom. Dried in the shade, in a well ventilated area.
Term conservation of medicinal raw materials — 2 years.

The value of the wormwood and its application has increased with a number of discoveries in the field of microbes in our body. Such as Toxoplasma, chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci, yeasts, viruses, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Gardnerella, etc. slowly but surely destroying the human body, leading him to the most dangerous diseases. Studies show they hit about 90% of the population of the planet.

The presence of this pyogenic infection causes metabolic substances in the body that leads to inflammation of the small intestine, a variety of liver diseases and biliary tract, skin diseases (diathesis, allergies, hives, eczema, psoriasis, and so on), heart attack, various colds with mucus and pus. Wormwood is one of the most effective, affordable and natural remedies to combat these microorganisms.

Clearing sagebrush.

Regular cleaning of the body with a decoction of wormwood, douching it (1 tsp per Cup of boiling water, to insist 10 minutes — morning and evening) is very necessary and effective procedure that must be periodically regularly do to women.

Wormwood is also very much appreciated when cleaning the body of various species of worms (parasites) as itself, and in combination (gathering) with other herbs.

Parasites not only consume all the most valuable and useful from what we eat, but also shitting in our body, poisoning it with their waste products. They are dangerous because — what quietly can kill a man, taking away gradually, and when it decreases, multiply more rapidly.

There were cases when people are infected with worms was diagnosed with cancer and naturally treated, irradiating them, and when they die, after opening it became clear that men have wasted away due to worms.

Here are some effective recipes using sage, how to get rid of the worms (parasites):

1. Recipe wormwood and cloves (powder). The herb wormwood, cloves, flax seeds to isolate and take equally, half a teaspoon. The mixture to drink a glass of carrot juice. Helps to get rid of worms and some other parasites.

Wormwood acts on the intermediate and Mature stages of over 100 parasites and cloves — on the larvae and eggs. These components must always be used together.

2. Tincture of wormwood and pumpkin seeds (recipe from Vanga): mix taken in equal quantities the leaves of sage and crushed pumpkin seeds, pour the mixture with vodka in a ratio of 1:3. Insist week in a warm or in the sun.

Drink the infusion twice a day, one glass on an empty stomach, preferably half an hour before lunch and before dinner. The course of treatment is several weeks until the stomach is completely clear of worms. To apply as a General sedative.

3. Purification (cleansing) of the dry sagebrush of parasites. Take the prepared dry mugwort and grind it into a powder, need about 100gr. Why dry? Because a decoction, as practice shows, does not reach to remote sections of the bowel (large intestine), it is absorbed on the way and remains in significant concentrations, it is important that wormwood has passed through the digestive tract and has treated all areas.

The first 3 days and every 2-2,5 hours take 1 incomplete teaspoon lodges. dry sage: portion put in mouth and wash down with water.

It turns out 5-6 times a day, then reduce to 3-4 times by the time the meal is not attached. Treatment wormwood — 1 week cleansing involves the entire body, it is recommended to carry out 2 times a year — in spring and autumn, and also during the cleaning a vegetarian diet and do wormwood enemas (1 per day) and douche (morning and evening) from the infusion of sage (1-2 tsp. tablespoons to 1 liter of boiling water, to insist to cool to about body temperature and strain).

During the cleaning wormwood may experience weakness, worsening for a while old diseases (getting sick in my side, ache joints, the motion of the stones can woznicki cutting pains).

Also a good effect in cleansing the body from parasites gives triad (three components), a mixture of infusion of walnut peel, dry seeds wormwood and cloves, as well as the Russian triad V. A. Ivanchenko: includes tansy, wormwood and cloves (powder).

Wormwood and tansy, are the round and tape worms, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses of many types, and cloves kills the larvae and eggs. But triad cannot be taken for pregnant women with gastric ulcer and erosive gastritis.

Wormwood tincture (recipe): take 1-2 teaspoons of the crushed herb wormwood in 1 Cup of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drink throughout the day for 3 times, for a half hour before eating.

The infusion of wormwood destroys pyogenic microorganisms, helps with insufficient secretion of bile, lethargy indigestion, feeling of fullness of stomach, bloating and gas, gallstones, jaundice, sand and stones in the kidneys, activates blood circulation and improves metabolism.

Wormwood also helps in discarding, for anemia, insomnia, relieves pain (inflammation of the cecum), relieves headaches, eliminates bad breath.

Wormwood (excitation) of appetite: mix 8 parts herb wormwood and 2 parts yarrow herb, then take 1 teaspoon of the mixture brew 2 cups boiling water, insisting, take 1 /4 Cup 3 times a day.

The most effective and most importantly — not very bitter! method wormwood: throw a few flowers of wormwood in the bread balls and swallow them.

The root of wormwood (decoction): take 2 tbsp. spoon crushed roots of wormwood (dried), pour 1 Cup of boiling water and boil 10 minutes on low heat. In order not to evaporate the essential oil, utensils closed by a cover. After cooling to drain, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, ie actually drink all of the prepared broth per day.

Take a decoction of wormwood koreni cancer tumors and stomach cancer, rectal cancer, cancer of the uterus. For cancer of the uterus advanced in the same broth to make external procedures (daily irrigation), pre-diluted with boiled water 1 Cup of broth to 1 liter.

Also the root of wormwood is used for therapeutic baths for gout and xanax. The course of treatment – 2 weeks.

Oil of wormwood. Take fresh wormwood put it in a jar (mayonnaise) to the top, not tamping, pour olive oil (can be corn or flax) and tightly close to inside not get air and insist 10 days. The oil will be dark green or pearl color. Then strain it and store in the fridge or basement.

Wormwood oil is now commercially available. In Ukraine it's made from wormwood Taurian (Crimea). Used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, flu, coughs, bronchitis. Cosmetologists recommend oil of wormwood for oily, impure skin but is also used in aromatherapy.

Liver disease are advised to take the powder of wormwood and sage in a ratio of 1:5. Take it to 0.2-0.5 g 3 times a day.

Also, besides the above-mentioned diseases, the herb Artemisia to treat scrofula and tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, and rheumatic fever, epilepsy; attended with leucorrhoea, inadequate and irregular menstruation, against worms.

Infusion of wormwood stimulates blood circulation and improves metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended for obesity and other metabolic disorders.

If fever and malaria is the inside the infusion or decoction of wormwood.

To expel intestinal worms decoction and garlic are used in the form of enemas: (2 cups of decoction of wormwood, and 1 Cup of broth from one head of garlic).

The presence of azulene in the composition of wormwood justifies its purpose inside in allergic skin diseases.

Externally the juice of wormwood is recommended for calluses (to bandage), injuries. The juice helps stop bleeding in trauma, it acts antiseptic and promotes healing of wounds.

Mashed fresh herb wormwood soothes the pain with strong bruises and sprains, as well it works for sprains.

Externally the infusion of wormwood is used in the treatment of scabies, calluses. Isolated from Artemisia camisole the drug has anti-inflammatory and spasmodic action, and is used for burns x-rays, eczema, rheumatism and bronchial asthma.

Diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 tincture of wormwood is used for lotions with inflammation of the eyes, as well as for compresses when inflammation of the periosteum, bruises, rheumatism.

Tincture of wormwood mixed with water is used to disinfect gums and oral cavity.

Contraindications. Large doses of wormwood or long-term its use is undesirable because it can cause disorder of the nervous system, treatment should not exceed 2 weeks, a month tops, then you need to take a break for at least two weeks and preferably a month.

Wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy and period of breastfeeding of the baby, enterocolitis, bleeding, anemia. It is undesirable to take her for a stomach ulcer and gastritis with low acidity — even more it will drop. You should not use it to people with allergies to mugwort.


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Source: vk.com/ecovorot?w=wall-52486037_1935