Place of herbal medicine, traditional medicine in modern medical practice

Herbal medicine is not only an alternative to specialized medicine. It complements its quality. In the information age of high-tech, modern addition to specialized herbal medicine can make a revolutionary step in the development of society. That is what is missing herbal medicine, there is high technology, and on the other hand, it will increase the safety of the treatment and ensure the reliability of the results achieved, will soften the possible toxicity of drugs. Another way is littered with disputes and endless strife.
Consider the following information: history shows that the most lively supporters only one method to readily change their minds if their loved ones will get into trouble. You can be a fan about himself, but very few people willing to risk dear man, relying on one method at a time when the odds can be increased.
Ministry of Health, pharmacological and Pharmacopoeia Committees of all countries (except Russia) recognize traditional medicine, herbal medicine and herbal medicine, without undue finansovoemkih studies and registrations, as it is part of the culture. This population countries survived for centuries.
Today in Russian folk medicine, after long negotiations with the legislative bodies included in the standards of care. Observed positive changes in the minds of physicians and health care managers.
The population trusts traditional medicine intuitively. Intuition - it is something for which chase scientists and businessmen. Intuition in business - the key to success and profit, guarantee of prosperity. Trusting the people's methods, people intuitively choose their health.
The task of doctors and health administrators - to combine their methods and capabilities to the benefit of the patient
. The task of the patient - as much as possible to restore health and continue to participate in the full-blooded life of the family and society.
On the question of finding fitoterapevta
In herbal medicine is not a specialty, but there is specialization, training courses and improvements. This means that every therapist can then prepare to use this method in their practice. Such possibility is theoretical. In practice, this enthusiasm limit one major obstacle.
Not only assign charges to write down the recipe correctly. A huge role to play in the treatment of quality of raw material from which to prepare the collection. Industrial collection of medicinal herbs is different from the individual hand as well as the commercial cultivation of domestic cattle. The difference can not explain in detail. That wide range of antibiotics and hormones, fertilizers and pesticides that are used consistently in the procurement of meat and dairy and vegetable production on an industrial scale, are regularly in our plates, causing a passive reception of a background of toxic chemicals.
That is vrachu Naturopaths desirable to have a proven commodity, for which he must be sure.
This private reserve of medicinal raw materials you can find a few people in Moscow.
In Russia, these herbalists without exception.
Finding a good fitoterapevta
Phytotherapeutist in some sense therapy elite, who always treat the patient, not the disease.
It is this approach hope to meet, when patients seek the help of doctors. He - a researcher and scientist is obliged to understand the pathophysiology, modern pharmacological methods of treatment, continuous exchange of experience with colleagues of different specialties. And if the average narrow specialist in its pathology appoint from the list which is not more than ten permanent preparations, the good phytotherapeutist keeps in memory dozens of medicinal plants, and plus to this it is necessary to remember about compatibility with other methods of drug therapy, diet and other .
If the service station entered the narrow specialization among auto mechanics, your car would be unlikely to bring you pleasure. One to put in order the motor, and the other would be engaged in transmission, and the third would look for the electronics in the car would be changed four tires and so on. No one would have looked at the entire machine as a whole - as it starts and goes. It is hardly possible to have a long trip. Many have fallen into an endless depression and would have abandoned it entirely.
Confrontation herbal medicine and specialized medicine created artificially. The patient has the right to combine all methods of treatment, which it sees fit.
has its own framework in which the method is most effective for each of the official method of treatment.
Herbal medicine is compatible with all methods.
In life-threatening condition, it fades into the background. In extreme conditions, often not up to it, when you can wait for the ambulance crews. But that does not mean its ineffective or inappropriate. For example, in Brain Institute (SPB) of the patients were taken out of a coma after a traumatic brain injury, using infusions of fees through the probe.
fitoterapevta services are indispensable for rehabilitation of cancer, cardiovascular patients, as well as in treatment of autoimmune and chronic diseases.
FITITERAPIAV folk herbal medicine used in its raw form is not only food, but also medicinal plants. Popular herbal medicine is not confined to the recommendation of the use for the treatment of fresh plant products, and fully sought plants useful for the treatment of fresh, lengthening the path of the application season, and especially their use for the treatment of the so-called spring. During autumn and winter storage in vegetable products is considerably reduced vitamin content and, in particular, ascorbic acid, essential oils, organic acids and other substances necessary, deteriorating their tastes, particularly negative effect on the body. Therefore, representatives of traditional medicine is widely recommended in the spring to eat fresh wild herbs.
Some plants were harvested in April and earlier: bearberry leaves, oxalis, selezenochnika young nettle, St. John's wort, plantain, dandelion, wild garlic. From the fresh green of some plant extracts were prepared, such as crow's feet, primrose, lungwort, the leaves of linden, black currant, birch, flowers mother and stepmother. We used decoctions of March bark and wild rose buds, an infusion of the bark and kidney elm bark infusion end branches of black currants (150 g twigs or buds, bark in 1 liter of water, boil for no more than 5
minutes, take 75 g). Wild greens, appear in early spring, rich in vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid, carotene and iron, alkaline salts, the lack of which leads to the rapid multiplication of bacteria in the gut rot. Spring plants are rich in volatile production, folic acid, choline and other vitamins. Thanks phytoncide properties of fresh herbs cleanses the mouth from germs, a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. It causes increased allocation of food juices, enhances the digestion and is particularly useful for stone formation. Ascorbic acid promotes better absorption of iron salts in the intestine. nettle early spring, for example, contains ascorbic acid 2-fold greater than oranges and lemons, and carotene it as much as carrots. 20 g of leaves it contains daily rate of the body's need for vitamin A. Young shoots and nettle leaves also contain vitamin K, chlorophyll, volatile, iron, calcium, potassium and can be successfully used for cooking green soup, salads, mashed potatoes. In Georgia and Azerbaijan, young nettle leaves are added to spices for cooking national dishes. 60 - 70 g decoction or infusion of the bark of March and rose hips kidneys contain a daily dose of ascorbic acid. In recent years considered appropriate enrichment with vitamins and ready meals individual foods, since the diet provide essential vitamins sufficiently for various reasons it is not always possible. Popular herbal medicine, without having knowledge about vitamins, but watching for a long time, the action on the organism of certain plants, especially fresh, almost allowed the issue of food fortification regime, extensive use, where appropriate, natural vegetable vitaminonositeli. So, grind into flour rowan berries, hawthorn, bearberry, bird cherry (with bones), dandelion root, burdock, fireweed is added to a conventional flour with baking. birch juice is used for cooking tortillas. Berries of bird cherry, rowan, hawthorn blood-red, viburnum, nightshade and other plants were used as a filling for cakes, pies, cheesecakes. Fresh leaves, flowers, roots, bulbs, dried herbs many medicinal plants (leaves - dandelion, shepherd's purse, linden, birch, chicory, barberry, herbs - nettle, goutweed, sverbigi, borage, purslane, parsnips, core selezenochnika, winter cress , endive, brunkres, crow's feet, sorrel, hops, cow parsnip, angelica, lesser celandine, wild garlic, cleft sprouts, etc..) were used as a seasoning, garnish for soups, borscht, meat and fish dishes.
Medicinal plants are also recommended for the preparation of dishes, the manufacture of beverages - tea, coffee substitute, syrup, honey, wine, liquors, for canning, salting and flavoring foods. Currently used for medicinal purposes raspberry and black currant. In folk medicine, used not only berries, but the leaves of the bushes. The latter ascorbic acid found in 2.11 - 3 times greater than in the berries. From the beginning of the doctrine of vitamins to modern vitaminology it took about 90 years. By the end of this period, we were able to establish the physiological significance of vitamins, more efficient use of a number of vitamins in combination. How deep must be our respect to the simple Russian people, who devoted his life to the treatment plants! Due to their natural observation, wit and persistent search in the vast plant world plants were found, which we currently belong to the group of vitamin and containing volatile. It is possible to introduce in the diet than individual vitamins, and at the same time complex of natural vitamins in an optimal combination prescribed by the very nature and even in past centuries to solve the problem of mass fortification of the population. In the last 1 - 2 decades have gained well-deserved popularity of juice from fresh fruit and berries, and their importance as a preventive and therapeutic agent is well known. The cell juice is water, the importance of which has been mentioned above, with dissolved mineral and organic nutrients necessary for metabolism. The juice has antibacterial, antiseptic and other properties. It was found that grape juice, apples, cranberries, apricots on the content of trace elements in 5 - 10 times higher than the corresponding infusions and decoctions. In national herbal medicine has long been used for the treatment and prevention of not only fruit juices, and juices of many medicinal plants. Juices trees (birch, linden, oak, fruit trees) like to drink and many animals, birds and insects. It has long been used in juices: trees - birch, maple, spruce, pine; fruits - apples, pomegranate, lemon, pumpkin; berries - strawberry, viburnum, zhostera, mountain ash, barberry, cranberries, cranberry, juniper berries, watermelon; herbs - dandelion, nettle, plantain, watercress, celandine, mint, mother and stepmother, yarrow, shepherd's purse, sage, veronica, motherwort, cocklebur, clover, mistletoe; leaves - cabbage, aloe, lozhechnoy grass, chicory; root - dandelion, sweet, radish, horseradish, beets, carrots, garlic; potato tubers, calendula flowers and other plants. Juices were gathering some plants and dried and used in this form. Sabur, for example - thickened and hardened aloe juice - used in pulmonary tuberculosis, boils, headaches, and many other diseases
. Powder from the dried sap of pine filled the wound. Cheremuhovo glue used for diarrhea. Juice wormwood was used as a wound-healing agent. Juices prepared from herbs, when they were in full bloom, and used no later than the day after collection. Take them recommended an average of 80 - 120 g daily. As a preventive and therapeutic agent herbs juices in many diseases are no less (and probably more) important than fruit juices. Currently, it proved therapeutic value of juice plantain and cabbage, and they allowed the production of Pharmacological committee. A characteristic feature of Russian folk herbal medicine should be considered and versatile use for therapeutic purposes not only the herbs, but also food: flax, hemp, hops, poppy, onion, garlic, cabbage, beets, radishes, horseradish, potato, pumpkin, watermelon, carrots and the use of therapeutic purposes spicy food plants: clove, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, "irnogo" (Ahearn) root, saffron and other spices. In the Soviet Union there are more than 150 different spice plants. Fragrance them create complex (200 components) of a mixture of odoriferous substances, some of which have antibacterial properties. About Spicy plants NM-Ambodik Maksimovic wrote: "Their smells and tastes distinctly enliven and encourage bodily feeling healthy and disease-obsessed." Clove was recommended and the weakness of impotence, diseases of the stomach, especially with diarrhea, as well as the liver and heart. Cardamom appointed as the bitterness of the weakening of the stomach and flatulence. Ginger in the old days was a very popular means of national healing: it was used in the four-day intermittent fever, and as an appetite stimulant and remedy for flatulence. Nutmeg, tsenivshiysya very high on the Russian market, has been used as a diuretic, aromatic properties of this nut attributed the ability to initiate "tired and sad sick", "obveselyaya their heart." Ahearn root used against anemia, jaundice, kidney disease, and mainly as a means to increase appetite, as well as bowel disorders.
In ancient times as a seasoning for fatty dishes (especially roast goose) used wormwood. The bitterness of this herb increases the secretion of saliva, gastric juice, whereas the effect of fat - the opposite effect of wormwood. Wormwood stimulates the appetite and enhances the activity of digestive organs and, consequently, improves metabolism, neutralizing the effect of fatty foods. Popular herbal medicine used for the treatment of mainly wild plants.
In modern medicine, the use of significantly increased crop, wherein the content of the individual active substances, of course, increased. However, this circumstance can not indiscriminately, in all cases, considered an indicator, reducing the effectiveness of treatment of wild plants compared with the cultural. Grown plants with large and sometimes record high content of certain active substances, it is desirable when using plants as a feedstock for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in some cases, is inferior to the same medical effect of wild medicinal plants. For example, a wild raspberry more fragrant and less watery, better exposed to drying and retains its shape and appearance than the garden. Therefore, the treatment is preferably used wild raspberries. Attention is drawn to the fact that wild plants are more resistant to disease, pests and adverse climatic conditions than cultural. Wild plant varieties usually richer of ascorbic acid and essential oils than culture. Wild viburnum, mountain ash and other plants produce more stable yields than cultural fruit trees. It should be noted, and the fact that over the past decade in the cultivation of plants a large place is occupied by the use of poisons to increase yields, in one degree or another is not harmless to the human body. Wild plants are also less and less often are treated with pesticides. Currently, a large number of medicine methods administering drugs to the patient -. Oral, rectal, cutaneous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, intraarterial, intracardiac, etc. Furthermore,
drugs are administered under the conjunctiva, a mucous membrane, into the spinal canal, IO and so on. Traditional herbalists also sought and used the most diverse, sometimes original, uses of medicinal plants, displaying remarkable sharpness and ingenuity. Так, в Древнем Риме пиршественные столы натирали свежей мятой, ибо считалось, что аромат мяты способствует жизнерадостному настроению; носили венки из мяты, полагая, что запах мяты возбуждает работу мозга. Современной медициной установлено, что ментол, главная составная часть мяты, применяемый наружно, обладает обезболивающим действием при невралгических болях, мигрени. Жители Жиронды (Франция) изготавливают чаши из толстых ветвей плюща, наливают в них вино, которое, постояв в ней, оказывает лечебное действие при коклюше во всех возрастах. В русской народной медицине шишками хмеля с характерным хмелевым запахом набивали подушки, считая, что это средство помогает от бессонницы. С этой же целью под подушки клали цветы мака и других трав. Для лечения ревматизма и подагры рекомендовалась так называемая лесная шерсть: иглы сосны вымачиваются в воде, после чего с них сходит плотный слой и остаются эластичные нити, которые высушивают. Ею набивают тюфяки или маленькие подушки и накрывают больных. Русские лечцы закладывали в кариозную полость зуба цветок гвоздики. Современные одонтологи в этих случаях применяют препараты гвоздики — эвгенол, гвоздичное масло. Пух кипрея (иван-чая), льняная или конопляная пакля использовались как вата. С этой же целью применялся камыш, издавна ценившийся как “порезная трава”: с камыша сдирали верхний слой и ногтем вынимали белоснежную сердцевину, напоминающую вату; приложенная к ране, она оказывала кровоостанавливающее действие. В
Белоруссии с этой же целью использовался белый мох, который хорошо впитывает гной и способствует быстрому заживлению ран. Как перевязочные средства использовались пушистый жабник полевой вместо корпии, жгучий и красноватый сок медуницы заменял йод. Тонкие, самоотделяющиеся слои бересты служили пластырем для лечения ран и чирьев.
Толченой березовой корой присыпались гниющие раны;
пеплом сожженной медуницы присыпали кровоточащие места для остановки кровотечения, сосновая и еловая смола считалась вытяжным средством;
свежими ветвями крапивы секли парализованные члены; смолотый в порошок березовый уголь давали при вздутии „утробы” (при метеоризме);
из золы высохшей на корню черемухи приготавливали щелок, которым лечили обмороженные руки и ноги; лютик едкий заменял шпанские мушки;
корни хрена употреблялись как горчичники; “льняная мука”, насыпанная
в полотняные мешочки, поочередно опускаемые в кипяток, прикладывалась к больным местам, заменяя грелку.
Лекарственные растения использовались для курения:
трава одуванчика — от кашля, порошок из листьев мать-и-мачехи — при одышке и затрудненном дыхании, семена дурнишника обыкновенного — при туберкулезе легких, трава эфедры — при астме. Дым от сжигания смоченного водой багульника давали вдыхать детям при коклюше. В этих случаях окуривалось и помещение, где находился больной ребенок. Некоторые лекарственные растения, такие, как корневища аира, плоды кориандра и др., применялись в обсахаренном виде, что особенно оправдывалось в детской практике. Народная фитотерапия стремилась наиболее полно использовать растения, все их части, даже уголь, пепел и дым от сжигаемых растений, и вводить в организм человека природные лекарственные вещества самыми разнообразными способами. Современная наука подтвердила лечебные свойства большинства растений, которые „употреблением простолюдинов открыты были”, уточнила и во многих случаях расширила область их применения.
Советские ученые (ВИЛАР) считают, что сок белокочанной капусты сможет заменить хирургический нож и лечить некоторые формы язв, в частности язву желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки. Швейцарские ученые показали, что морские свинки гораздо лучше переносят общую рентгенизацию тела, если в диету введена капуста. Это наблюдение подверглось обстоятельной проверке двух американских ученых и подтвердилось. Как установлено, капуста содержит аскорбиновую кислоту (свежая, хорошего качества белокочанная капуста содержит этого витамина столько же, сколько апельсины и лимоны), витамины группы В, кобальт, медь, цинк, магний; она богата солями кальция, калия и особенно фосфором. В ней найдены 16 аминокислот и витамин U, способствующий заживлению язв желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки. В сырой белокочанной капусте содержится тартроновая кислота, обладающая свойством предупреждать ожирение.
Народная фитотерапия не только изыскала значительное количество растений с нужными целебными свойствами и выработала способы их применения, но и установила сроки сбора их применительно к фазам развития растений, когда накапливается наибольшее количество в них действующих веществ, которые в основном соответствуют научно обоснованным срокам сбора. Так, почки нужно собирать весной, когда они набухли, но не начали распускаться; кору — также весной в период усиленного сокодвижения, до распускания листьев, когда кора легко отделяется от древесины; травы и листья — в период бутонизации или начального цветения; цветки, соцветия — в начале распускания или в фазе полного цветения в зависимости от вида растения; плоды — в период их полного созревания; корни и корневища — осенью в период начала увядания надземных частей. Рациональным следует считать и требование народной фитотерапии промывать корни и корневища холодной, а не горячей водой, в которой легче растворяются некоторые действующие вещества (М. И. Минько, 1965).
Давно известны лечебные свойства плесневых грибов. Еще лекари Дмитрия Донского успешно применяли для лечения гнойных ран так называемую банную плесень. Сколько жизней было бы спасено, особенно солдатских на поле брани, если бы мы раньше присмотрелись к этому народному опыту, изучили и использовали его! Нам надо отнестись к наследию народных фитотерапевтов, как реставраторы относятся к древней русской иконописи, которые кропотливо, бережно, с любовью и уважением к творчеству простых русских людей, работавших порой в невыразимых тяжелых условиях, слой за слоем снимают налеты времени, чтобы обнаружить подлинные, мировые шедевры изобразительного искусства. “Не следует краснеть заимствовать у народа средства, служащие к его излечению”, — говорил Гиппократ.