Asparagus. Who would have thought?

Interesting observations of who read the following article on asparagus.
While serving in the US Navy, I received a distribution in Key West, Florida. I worked in the clinic of naval aviation Koppitt Big Key and a few miles north of Key West. In Key West hospital outpatient observed living in the vicinity of retired servicemen. If hospitalization is required, the patient was transported to the airbase Homestead State
Florida. I had a day off, and I decided to just go to the hospital (located near the barracks).
The laboratory worked my acquaintance, a retired employee of the Navy; It was very interesting to talk to him. In the Navy, he served in the position of a biochemist. He asked what I was doing at the hospital; I replied that I had the day off. I wished that the day did not work: one sailor were transferred to Homestead - he was diagnosed with a serious infection in the kidney. My old friend said that the sailor should have as much asparagus to get rid of the disease. "Why?" - I asked. "Do you like asparagus?" - He asked. I replied that I love. "Have not you noticed how your urine smells bad after you eat asparagus?" - He asked. I replied that I never connected it with the food, but the pungent smell really is. "The fact that asparagus cleanses your body of harmful chemicals!" - He said
. It was in 1986 year. After reading the letter, I decided to share with you this story.
Asparagus. Who would have thought?
My mother ate canned asparagus (whole Staley). She cooked asparagus puree and ate four tablespoons in the morning and four tablespoons of the day for a month.
She received chemotherapy for the treatment of 3rd stage lung cancer (pleura). A week ago, it was found that the number of cancer cells decreased from 386 to 125.
Mom's oncologist said that in the next three months it is not necessary to come to the consultation.
Several years ago I met a man who was looking for asparagus for a friend - he had cancer. He gave me a copy of an article titled "Asparagus - a cure for cancer," published in the journal "Cancer News" of 1979
. Here is an article here in the form in which that person has shown it to me. I am a biochemist, for 50 years, studied the relationship power to the state of health.
Several years ago, I learned about the opening of Dr. Richard R. Vincent, according to which the asparagus can cure cancer. Since then I have worked with him on this project. We collected information on a number of cases with a favorable outcome. Here are a few of them.
The case number 1. Patients suffering almost hopeless form of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands). He almost did not function. After a year of receiving the asparagus his doctor found no signs of cancer. The patient returned to the previous schedule of physical activities.
Case number 2. During the 16 years of a successful businessman 68 years old suffering from bladder cancer. Long-term treatment, including radiotherapy, did not bring positive results. The patient began taking the asparagus. After three months, the survey showed that the bladder tumor disappeared, the kidneys are normal.
Case number 3. On the operation of the patient, who suffered from lung cancer was scheduled March 5, 1971. In the operating room, doctors have found that cancerous lesions are very common and is inoperable. The surgeon stitches and declared the case hopeless. April 5 patient heard about the treatment of asparagus and immediately started taking it. In August, the X-rays have confirmed the complete disappearance of cancer symptoms. The patient returned to their usual activities.
Case number 4. For several years she was treated for skin cancer. The patient developed several types of skin cancer, which is the diagnosis of a variety of experts as a serious stage of the disease.
Three months after the beginning of the prima asparagus, doctors discovered that the skin cleansed of defeats. The same patient was noted that asparagus and cured of kidney disease, which she had suffered since 1949. She underwent more than 10 operations to remove kidney stones, as well as receiving disability benefits due to an incurable kidney disease. The patient believes that getting rid of this disease it must asparagus.
I am not surprised by this fact, as both the medical reference book in 1854 under the editorship of Professor of the University of Pennsylvania calls asparagus common remedy for kidney stones. The author refers to experiments in 1739, confirming the ability to dissolve stones asparagus. Note the date!
I could cite other examples, but the medical establishment has not allowed us to get some records. I therefore appeal to readers, please convey this information to the largest possible number of respondents and collect as cases with a positive outcome, to put them in contrast to the skepticism of physicians in relation to this simple natural remedies.
For therapeutic use the asparagus must be prepared before use. Suitable fresh or canned asparagus. I asked the two leading companies specializing in harvesting asparagus, "Glant" and "Stokely", and was glad to know that these brands contain no pesticides or harmful preservatives.
Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and grind to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Store in the refrigerator. Let the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening. As a rule, patients reported improvement after 2-4 weeks. You can dilute the sauce with water and drunk as a cold or hot drink. The proposed dose is based on experience, but in some cases it is necessary to increase the dose, which in any case will not hurt.
As a biochemist, I believe in the saying "that treats and prevents disease." Armed with this theory, my wife and I already drink puree of asparagus. We breed two tablespoons of water until the consistency of liquid drink with breakfast and dinner. For many years, we are renting a regular blood tests. According to the doctor, specializing in food, the results of recent tests demonstrate a significant improvement in all indicators. We can only attribute them to eat asparagus.
As a biochemist, I have carefully studied all aspects of cancer and suggested treatments. The research results have convinced me that the asparagus is best to fit into modern concepts of malignant diseases and their cure.
Asparagus contains a significant amount of protein, called histone. Histone controls cell growth. That's why it can be argued that the asparagus is actively normalizes cell growth. This explains its effect on cancer tumors, as well as its restorative properties. In any case, the asparagus is absolutely harmless. The Food and Drug Administration does not prevent you eat asparagus, which will only benefit your body. National Cancer Research Center in the United States reports that asparagus is rich in glutathione, which is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants and anti-cancer substances.
One note. If you are wondering why this information has not yet been made public, understand: the treatment of cancer not profitable!
Place of herbal medicine, traditional medicine in modern medical practice
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