Recommendations for effective burning fat from Ekaterina Usmanova
General information.
Drying is a complex of right diet and highly effective training aimed at developing muscle relief and burning fat.
As you might guess, the percentage of body fat allows our body to look the relief should be quite low, but do not trust those extreme numbers, which can often be seen in glossy magazines and in interviews with famous bodybuilders.
So, keep in mind that vital amount of fat is 3%. This reserve, which is located in the outer membranes of nerve endings and around the kidneys. Necessary fat is different from subcutaneous. Without touching the reserve, our body can easily consume subcutaneous fat. Lowering its level, we get the desired relief.
Well-known bodybuilders have a stock of fat from 4 to 7%. At this level the body stops to burn fat and to keep NZ switched to eating muscle mass. Recommended storage of fat is 15%. In women, this percentage is slightly higher. So, we found out that in order to look relief you need a combination of a minimum amount of fat under the skin and imposing size of the muscles on the body.
Often many beginners, not understanding the term drying and why it is needed, start to sit down on a low-carb diet, take Supplements for faster effect, to change training programs, but does not have enough muscle mass. Thus, they only postpone your results obtained a few months ago and either gain muscle mass from scratch, or simply throw classes. Therefore it is important to put yourself before the fact: drying is necessary only for those who already have muscle hidden under a layer of fat. And for those who just want to lose weight you need proper diet, cardio training and nothing more.
Eat right.
Proper nutrition is an important component of drying. It would seem that can be simpler: eat only vegetables and fruits and get rid of fat as quickly as possible. But, this is the main error during the drying process, which leads to loss of muscle, strength and endurance. As they say, well dried not one who gets rid of fat, and the one who keeps at it and even gaining muscle mass.
So how to achieve this?
It is actually not as difficult as it may seem. The main key to success is a fractional power. Frequent meals allow you to maintain a high rate of metabolism (metabolism). And to achieve results in the shortest possible time a high metabolism just need. In addition, we need to minimize the intake of carbohydrates and fats while enhancing the amount of protein to preserve muscle mass. In the drying process need to adhere to the following formula: daily calorie intake should come from protein, 45% from fats – 10% complex carbohydrates – for 40-45%. So, for a athlete weighing 90 ± 5 kg, the daily intake is about 2500 calories, which is approximately equal to 270 g protein, 250 g carbohydrates and 40 g fat.
A small amount of food (about 500 calories) must be regular. If the body remains without feeding for quite a long time, it starts to produce catabolic hormone cortisol. Thus as the power used own muscles, consequently their collapse. To preserve lean muscle mass we must try not to lose more than 0.5-1 kg per week. Studies show that it is impossible to lose more than 1.5 lbs of fat per week, even if nothing is. Our body is simply not able to cope with a large number, so any more significant relief will capture along with fat water and muscle mass.
Also do not forget that plenty of water is the most important aspect of any diet. Water is needed by the body for removing byproducts of fat metabolism. It helps to dissolve and excrete fat-soluble toxins released in the blood during the diet. The more water You drink, the less the body holds it in yourself. The lack of water on the contrary forces the body to keep fluids through various hormonal processes and makes it difficult to kidney function on high protein diet.
From the fast carbs contained in sweets, biscuits and bread on the drying time would have to be completely abandoned. To cope with the feeling of hunger will help again water or low-fat (0.5-1.5%) milk. If there is a feeling that for training is not strong enough, you can increase the amount of complex carbohydrates, but only before training. During drying, you should try to eat more low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites, fresh fruit, vegetables, seafood, fish, boiled chicken meat (preferably breast) or beef. Fish must be present in the diet. Fish oil contains a unique omega-3 fats, which promote weight loss. The same contains fats and linseed oil. Also help our body maintain a high enough metabolic rate could green tea or its extract.
Aerobic component of drying.
Not difficult to guess that aerobics is one of the main assistants in the fight against excess fat. But, it is especially important during the drying period. Let's try to figure out how much it will take to achieve significant changes in the correction of our body, i.e. fat loss. Studies show that for effective fat burning requires at least four aerobic workouts a week for at least 30 minutes each. The longer the workout, the more fat deposits You will burn. For the first 30 minutes, You burn a mix of glucose and fat in the ratio 50: 50, provided that the training is not too intense. Excessive intensity, our body converts from aerobic to anaerobic exercise (like weights) and body will expend not fat, and glycogen.
It may seem strange, but the aerobic component, there is a downside – you may lose muscle mass. This happens due to lack of carbohydrates during drying. The fact that a long aerobic session boosts levels of cortisol — the adrenal hormone that triggers catabolic reaction in the muscles, which leads to their further destruction. There are 3 ways to combat this problem:
1) If the level of the metabolism high by nature, aerobic exercise can be completely eliminated.
2) to Break a long 1-2 hour aerobic exercise for 2 short 30-45 min.
3) to create an intense, but short workout, alternating for half an hour three-minute cycles of high - and low-intensity work.
To obtain the maximum efficiency from aerobic exercises you need to remember one important condition – the front of the class in any case you should not consume carbohydrates. The reason is that they stimulate the release of insulin, which in turn can inhibit the process of fat-burning during workouts. It is for this reason professionals prefer to carry out aerobic exercise in the morning before Breakfast. At this time glycogen stores are depleted, and the body in search of energy forced to turn to fat. Therefore, in the morning You will be able to burn more fat than at any other time. If it is not possible to conduct a morning workout, it is better not to consume carbs within 3 hours before class.
In addition, if You want to spend one day and aerobic exercise and training with weights, then doing them in strict order – first class with weights, then aerobics. Otherwise, You will Deplete glycogen stores and burn much less fat than I would like.
Perhaps the cardiorespiratory training is the surest and best way to quickly get rid of fat. There are several ways of burning fat through running. One of them is a long low-intensity run. But, this is not the best way to fight fat. Much more effective use of quick races. Just a quick 5-6 runs for 30 sec. with an interval of rest between races 3-4 minutes 1 time a week will give a much greater result. Besides using high-intensity workout, You will be able to maintain muscle mass. Read more about cardio read the article Cardio training. The secret of professional athletes.
Training program.
So, perhaps, the most interesting. Most of us know how to work on a lot, almost everyone knows how to work on power. But, what should be the training during drying is not widely known. Let's start in order. The weight of the weights in all exercises must be reduced. In the basic exercises (bench press, squats, deadlifts) it needs to be not more than 50% of the PM. It should be understood that to dry and work simultaneously on force will not work. This can be done even for the reason that You will not have as much energy as before drying (another diet, lack of carbohydrates, change of lifestyle). So do not be afraid to reduce the weight of the weights. Otherwise will not succeed neither in one nor in the other. A slight drop in strength and mass also can not be avoided. To panic about it is not worth it. First, the purpose of the exercise at this stage — the burning of the fat and relief. Secondly, the power subsequently returns, and the muscle mass will be more when renewed training aimed at muscle growth.
Further, the number of sets and reps 3-4 x 12-20 in the exercise, less than 12 to do not preferably more than 20 does not make sense. Rest periods between sets should be kept to a minimum. During drying to prefer isolation exercises, but anyway about the database still can not be forgotten. For example, such an exercise as squats, while drying is simply irreplaceable as the most energy-intensive. Need to train 2-3 times a week. In the first stage drying can be practiced 2 times a week, at the second stage – not less than 3.
Exemplary training programs.
STAGE 1 (double-split), exercise 2-3 times a week, the programs alternate.
1 Day.
1) Bench press 3-4х12
2) Bench press barbell or dumbbells at an angle of 45 degrees 3x10-12
(3 and 4 UPR. run in the super series)
3) the Layout of dumbbells lying 3x10
4) Crossovers on the blocks 3x12
5) Thrust vertical block to the chest or head 3-4х12-15
6) Pull the horizontal block sitting (rowing) 3x12-15
7) Press (twist) 3x20
Day 2.
1) Squat with barbell 3-4х12-15
2) deadlifts on straight legs 3x10-12
(3 and 4 UPR. run in the super series)
3) leg Extension sitting in the simulator 3x12
4) bending the legs in the simulator 3х15
5) the Bench press bar from behind the head 3x12
6) the Layout of dumbbells 3x12 standing
7) the Lifting of the dumbbells on a biceps, sitting 3x12
8) Triceps in the block 3x12
9) Press hoist leg raises 3x20
STAGE 2 (triple-split workouts 3 times a week)
1 Day.
1) Bench press bar from behind the head seated 3x12
(2,3,4 UPR. run in trisate)
2) Wiring 3x12 standing
3) the Wiring in the tilt for the rear beams 3x12
4) forward alternately Lifting the dumbbells 3x12
(5 and 6 UPR. run in the super series)
5) Biceps standing barbell 3x12-10
6) French press 3x12
7) the Lifting of the dumbbells on a biceps, sitting 3x12
8) the unit standing Triceps, either one arm alternately 3x12
9) Press super series: twisting, leg lifts in a vise.
Day 2.
1) Squat with barbell 3-4х12-15
2) Lunges with dumbbells 3х15 (3 and 4 UPR. run in the super series)
3) leg Extension sitting in the simulator 3x12
4) leg curl 3х15
5) press super series: twisting, lifting legs in vis
Day 3.
1) Bench press or bench press at an angle of 3-4х12
(2 and 3 UPR. run in the super series)
2) the Layout of dumbbells lying 3x10
3) Crossovers on the blocks 3x12
4) Pull the vertical block behind the head wide grip 3x12-15
5) Pull the vertical block narrow reverse grip 3x12
6) Pull the horizontal block sitting 3x12-15
7) Press super series: twisting, leg lifts in a vise.
Rest between sets should be 45 seconds. A maximum of 1 minute in energy-intensive exercises, like squats. Training should take place with full dedication. Also during drying is very useful to practice the technique. Small weights are a factor in this.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/sport_stat?z=photo-25740422_372933547%2Falbum-25740422_00%2Frev
Drying is a complex of right diet and highly effective training aimed at developing muscle relief and burning fat.
As you might guess, the percentage of body fat allows our body to look the relief should be quite low, but do not trust those extreme numbers, which can often be seen in glossy magazines and in interviews with famous bodybuilders.

So, keep in mind that vital amount of fat is 3%. This reserve, which is located in the outer membranes of nerve endings and around the kidneys. Necessary fat is different from subcutaneous. Without touching the reserve, our body can easily consume subcutaneous fat. Lowering its level, we get the desired relief.
Well-known bodybuilders have a stock of fat from 4 to 7%. At this level the body stops to burn fat and to keep NZ switched to eating muscle mass. Recommended storage of fat is 15%. In women, this percentage is slightly higher. So, we found out that in order to look relief you need a combination of a minimum amount of fat under the skin and imposing size of the muscles on the body.
Often many beginners, not understanding the term drying and why it is needed, start to sit down on a low-carb diet, take Supplements for faster effect, to change training programs, but does not have enough muscle mass. Thus, they only postpone your results obtained a few months ago and either gain muscle mass from scratch, or simply throw classes. Therefore it is important to put yourself before the fact: drying is necessary only for those who already have muscle hidden under a layer of fat. And for those who just want to lose weight you need proper diet, cardio training and nothing more.
Eat right.
Proper nutrition is an important component of drying. It would seem that can be simpler: eat only vegetables and fruits and get rid of fat as quickly as possible. But, this is the main error during the drying process, which leads to loss of muscle, strength and endurance. As they say, well dried not one who gets rid of fat, and the one who keeps at it and even gaining muscle mass.
So how to achieve this?
It is actually not as difficult as it may seem. The main key to success is a fractional power. Frequent meals allow you to maintain a high rate of metabolism (metabolism). And to achieve results in the shortest possible time a high metabolism just need. In addition, we need to minimize the intake of carbohydrates and fats while enhancing the amount of protein to preserve muscle mass. In the drying process need to adhere to the following formula: daily calorie intake should come from protein, 45% from fats – 10% complex carbohydrates – for 40-45%. So, for a athlete weighing 90 ± 5 kg, the daily intake is about 2500 calories, which is approximately equal to 270 g protein, 250 g carbohydrates and 40 g fat.
A small amount of food (about 500 calories) must be regular. If the body remains without feeding for quite a long time, it starts to produce catabolic hormone cortisol. Thus as the power used own muscles, consequently their collapse. To preserve lean muscle mass we must try not to lose more than 0.5-1 kg per week. Studies show that it is impossible to lose more than 1.5 lbs of fat per week, even if nothing is. Our body is simply not able to cope with a large number, so any more significant relief will capture along with fat water and muscle mass.
Also do not forget that plenty of water is the most important aspect of any diet. Water is needed by the body for removing byproducts of fat metabolism. It helps to dissolve and excrete fat-soluble toxins released in the blood during the diet. The more water You drink, the less the body holds it in yourself. The lack of water on the contrary forces the body to keep fluids through various hormonal processes and makes it difficult to kidney function on high protein diet.
From the fast carbs contained in sweets, biscuits and bread on the drying time would have to be completely abandoned. To cope with the feeling of hunger will help again water or low-fat (0.5-1.5%) milk. If there is a feeling that for training is not strong enough, you can increase the amount of complex carbohydrates, but only before training. During drying, you should try to eat more low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites, fresh fruit, vegetables, seafood, fish, boiled chicken meat (preferably breast) or beef. Fish must be present in the diet. Fish oil contains a unique omega-3 fats, which promote weight loss. The same contains fats and linseed oil. Also help our body maintain a high enough metabolic rate could green tea or its extract.
Aerobic component of drying.
Not difficult to guess that aerobics is one of the main assistants in the fight against excess fat. But, it is especially important during the drying period. Let's try to figure out how much it will take to achieve significant changes in the correction of our body, i.e. fat loss. Studies show that for effective fat burning requires at least four aerobic workouts a week for at least 30 minutes each. The longer the workout, the more fat deposits You will burn. For the first 30 minutes, You burn a mix of glucose and fat in the ratio 50: 50, provided that the training is not too intense. Excessive intensity, our body converts from aerobic to anaerobic exercise (like weights) and body will expend not fat, and glycogen.
It may seem strange, but the aerobic component, there is a downside – you may lose muscle mass. This happens due to lack of carbohydrates during drying. The fact that a long aerobic session boosts levels of cortisol — the adrenal hormone that triggers catabolic reaction in the muscles, which leads to their further destruction. There are 3 ways to combat this problem:
1) If the level of the metabolism high by nature, aerobic exercise can be completely eliminated.
2) to Break a long 1-2 hour aerobic exercise for 2 short 30-45 min.
3) to create an intense, but short workout, alternating for half an hour three-minute cycles of high - and low-intensity work.
To obtain the maximum efficiency from aerobic exercises you need to remember one important condition – the front of the class in any case you should not consume carbohydrates. The reason is that they stimulate the release of insulin, which in turn can inhibit the process of fat-burning during workouts. It is for this reason professionals prefer to carry out aerobic exercise in the morning before Breakfast. At this time glycogen stores are depleted, and the body in search of energy forced to turn to fat. Therefore, in the morning You will be able to burn more fat than at any other time. If it is not possible to conduct a morning workout, it is better not to consume carbs within 3 hours before class.
In addition, if You want to spend one day and aerobic exercise and training with weights, then doing them in strict order – first class with weights, then aerobics. Otherwise, You will Deplete glycogen stores and burn much less fat than I would like.
Perhaps the cardiorespiratory training is the surest and best way to quickly get rid of fat. There are several ways of burning fat through running. One of them is a long low-intensity run. But, this is not the best way to fight fat. Much more effective use of quick races. Just a quick 5-6 runs for 30 sec. with an interval of rest between races 3-4 minutes 1 time a week will give a much greater result. Besides using high-intensity workout, You will be able to maintain muscle mass. Read more about cardio read the article Cardio training. The secret of professional athletes.
Training program.
So, perhaps, the most interesting. Most of us know how to work on a lot, almost everyone knows how to work on power. But, what should be the training during drying is not widely known. Let's start in order. The weight of the weights in all exercises must be reduced. In the basic exercises (bench press, squats, deadlifts) it needs to be not more than 50% of the PM. It should be understood that to dry and work simultaneously on force will not work. This can be done even for the reason that You will not have as much energy as before drying (another diet, lack of carbohydrates, change of lifestyle). So do not be afraid to reduce the weight of the weights. Otherwise will not succeed neither in one nor in the other. A slight drop in strength and mass also can not be avoided. To panic about it is not worth it. First, the purpose of the exercise at this stage — the burning of the fat and relief. Secondly, the power subsequently returns, and the muscle mass will be more when renewed training aimed at muscle growth.
Further, the number of sets and reps 3-4 x 12-20 in the exercise, less than 12 to do not preferably more than 20 does not make sense. Rest periods between sets should be kept to a minimum. During drying to prefer isolation exercises, but anyway about the database still can not be forgotten. For example, such an exercise as squats, while drying is simply irreplaceable as the most energy-intensive. Need to train 2-3 times a week. In the first stage drying can be practiced 2 times a week, at the second stage – not less than 3.
Exemplary training programs.
STAGE 1 (double-split), exercise 2-3 times a week, the programs alternate.
1 Day.
1) Bench press 3-4х12
2) Bench press barbell or dumbbells at an angle of 45 degrees 3x10-12
(3 and 4 UPR. run in the super series)
3) the Layout of dumbbells lying 3x10
4) Crossovers on the blocks 3x12
5) Thrust vertical block to the chest or head 3-4х12-15
6) Pull the horizontal block sitting (rowing) 3x12-15
7) Press (twist) 3x20
Day 2.
1) Squat with barbell 3-4х12-15
2) deadlifts on straight legs 3x10-12
(3 and 4 UPR. run in the super series)
3) leg Extension sitting in the simulator 3x12
4) bending the legs in the simulator 3х15
5) the Bench press bar from behind the head 3x12
6) the Layout of dumbbells 3x12 standing
7) the Lifting of the dumbbells on a biceps, sitting 3x12
8) Triceps in the block 3x12
9) Press hoist leg raises 3x20
STAGE 2 (triple-split workouts 3 times a week)
1 Day.
1) Bench press bar from behind the head seated 3x12
(2,3,4 UPR. run in trisate)
2) Wiring 3x12 standing
3) the Wiring in the tilt for the rear beams 3x12
4) forward alternately Lifting the dumbbells 3x12
(5 and 6 UPR. run in the super series)
5) Biceps standing barbell 3x12-10
6) French press 3x12
7) the Lifting of the dumbbells on a biceps, sitting 3x12
8) the unit standing Triceps, either one arm alternately 3x12
9) Press super series: twisting, leg lifts in a vise.
Day 2.
1) Squat with barbell 3-4х12-15
2) Lunges with dumbbells 3х15 (3 and 4 UPR. run in the super series)
3) leg Extension sitting in the simulator 3x12
4) leg curl 3х15
5) press super series: twisting, lifting legs in vis
Day 3.
1) Bench press or bench press at an angle of 3-4х12
(2 and 3 UPR. run in the super series)
2) the Layout of dumbbells lying 3x10
3) Crossovers on the blocks 3x12
4) Pull the vertical block behind the head wide grip 3x12-15
5) Pull the vertical block narrow reverse grip 3x12
6) Pull the horizontal block sitting 3x12-15
7) Press super series: twisting, leg lifts in a vise.
Rest between sets should be 45 seconds. A maximum of 1 minute in energy-intensive exercises, like squats. Training should take place with full dedication. Also during drying is very useful to practice the technique. Small weights are a factor in this.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/sport_stat?z=photo-25740422_372933547%2Falbum-25740422_00%2Frev