How to get rid of the man from the stomach: 6 steps
Belly fat: what to do?Often excess fat accumulates in men on the stomach. With age, he has a tendency to increase, the muscles lose their tone, and the body becomes less efficient at burning calories. What to do in this situation?!
The best way to burn belly fat men is a time-tested combination of proper nutrition and exercise. You can offer a few steps on the way out of this sad and dangerous situation.
Step 1: Think about the improvement of exchange of substances (metabolism), This task is not easy, requires patience and considerable effort. Therefore it is better to prevent the violation of metabolism, than then to restore it.
1. Make sure to eat Breakfast. It would seem, is counterproductive if you are trying to lose weight. However, studies show that Breakfast within an hour after waking up maintains the level of insulin in the blood more stable, and the level of "bad" cholesterol low.
6. Regularly visit a bath (sauna), take a contrast shower (douche). In addition to other positive effects, these procedures have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.
7. Limit alcohol. Alcohol adds empty calories, giving no nutritional value and causes weight gain in the abdominal area.
Step 2: Diet for fat lossTo reduce belly fat, you must expend more calories than you consume. The more calories you burn, the faster you will melt those extra pounds.
1. Make a healthy diet. A healthy diet will help you lose weight. The diet should be low calorie natural foods like lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Consult your physician before you start exercising or making significant changes to your diet.
2. Reduce the intake of calories. Unless you restrict calorie intake you can lose belly fat. Limit total daily caloric intake to 1600-1700 calories. This should lead to a deficit sufficient for you to lose approximately 0.5 to 1 kg per week, depending on your activity level. If you are already suffering from obesity grade II (BMI=35-39,9), the caloric daily intake can be reduced to 1100-1200 kcal, while grade III (BMI=40 and above) up to 600-700 calories. Try these tips:
Snack products are made from different types of seeds (nuts, sunflower seeds and corn).
TRANS-fats are bad for you. TRANS fats are used in food manufacturing to prolong their storage term. Unlike other fats TRANS fats raise LDL "bad" cholesterol and lower "good" cholesterol. Products such as crackers, biscuits and cakes, doughnuts, fries, potato chips, some types of margarine contain unhealthy TRANS fats. TRANS fats increase the risk of heart disease and are a cause of death.
4. Eat food high in fiber. Soluble fiber reduces insulin levels which can speed up the burning of visceral belly fat. In addition, fiber can help reduce bloating and improve digestion.
Step 3: Exercise to burn fat -Inactivity and loss of muscle mass accelerate the aging process. Age-related changes in the quality and quantity of muscle that occur down to the cellular level can be counteracted only staying active. Therefore, you need to create your own training program. Here are some tips.
1. Use interval training. Research shows that interval training, i.e. alternating short, vigorous physical activity with a load of low intensity, can strengthen muscles, increase endurance and help you lose weight than traditional exercise. As the load interval you can select running, treadmill, walking, Nordic walking, swimming, Cycling or an exercise bike, skis, etc. Though dancing.
3. Aerobic workouts. Aerobic activity will help burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. To lose weight, including belly fat, you may need 30 to 45 minutes at least five days a week. Moderate cardio workout should make you sweat and raise your heart rate. Common aerobic exercise can include running, stair climbing, walking, Nordic walking, swimming, Cycling and sports such as basketball etc.
4. Add resistance training. Studies have shown that the combination of aerobic exercises and exercises with weights are more effective in the fight against obesity. You can perform exercises with dumbbells, barbells, and work on simulators.
5. Grow muscles. This will allow you to burn excess fat. Try to use all the major muscles of the body to remain strong and balanced. Turn on the main power training exercises for the lower body: the quadriceps and biceps muscles of the thigh and buttocks. In the upper part of the body is necessary to navigate the muscles of the back, chest, biceps, triceps and abdominal muscles.
Step 4: Raise the testosterone level Testosterone, being an anabolic steroid, the responsible for maintaining muscle mass and burning fat. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that without the normalization of testosterone levels success in the fight against obesity will not be very impressive. You can also say so, that is not struggling with obesity, it is impossible to raise the testosterone level. Based on this, you need to try to follow the tips suggested in steps 1-3, and parallel to do everything to raise the testosterone level. It must be borne in mind that all previously proposed to reduce obesity can also help to partially raise the testosterone level. In addition, you can suggest a few simple ways to increase your testosterone production:
3. Weigh yourself at the same time each day. Because body weight can fluctuate depending on the time of day, try to weigh yourself every morning at the same time after using the toilet.
Step 6: Stay motivated1. Understand the risks associated with fat on your belly. Losing belly fat should not be an exclusively cosmetic purpose. Understanding of the relationship of disease and obesity may help to motivate you in the fight against excess weight. Belly fat is associated with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type II, cancer and other diseases. In particular, visceral fat poses a risk to your health and life, because it is directly around the abdominal organs and between them. "Visceral" fat cells produce hormones and other substances that can affect your health (e.g., increase insulin resistance, lower testosterone, etc.).
2. Team up with a friend. If you have a friend who has the same problems with overweight, then try to join efforts in the fight against obesity. It will be an additional incentive for you. Share with him your successes, discuss and solve arising problems.
Do not expect miracles. Do not watch advertising that offers to help lose weight in 30 days or three weeks on "special weight loss program". Getting rid of belly fat will take from several weeks to several months. Be patient and disciplined and stick to your goals. Record your weight every morning. Stop performing any exercises or applying a diet that cause you problems and find them an alternative. DON'T LEAVE THE PROGRAM TO GET RID OF EXCESS WEIGHT AND AFTER YOU LOSE A BIG BELLY. published
Author: Sergey Eidinow
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //zdorovie-muzhchiny.ru/muzhskie_sekreti/raznoe/kak-muzhchine-sbrosit-zhir-s-zhivota/
The best way to burn belly fat men is a time-tested combination of proper nutrition and exercise. You can offer a few steps on the way out of this sad and dangerous situation.

Step 1: Think about the improvement of exchange of substances (metabolism), This task is not easy, requires patience and considerable effort. Therefore it is better to prevent the violation of metabolism, than then to restore it.
1. Make sure to eat Breakfast. It would seem, is counterproductive if you are trying to lose weight. However, studies show that Breakfast within an hour after waking up maintains the level of insulin in the blood more stable, and the level of "bad" cholesterol low.
- Try every day to eat Breakfast around the same time. If you tend to sleep on weekends, then be sure to eat after sleep.
- Your Breakfast should include protein and foods high in fiber because they are digested longer than refined sugars and complex carbohydrates, as this will help you to stay longer fed. Try eggs, peanut butter, fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Avoid making the basis of your Breakfast sweet cereals, waffles, pancakes, French toast, biscuits, pastries or instant oatmeal. If you want to relax a little and eat foods that contain refined sugar, try to balance their protein or fiber.
- Melt the fat in whole grains. A diet rich in whole grains changes the glucose and insulin in the body which accelerates melting fats, including visceral fat.
- Try to avoid products from refined grains. For example, it is better to buy bread with bran and brown or wild rice than white bread and rice. The whole grain foods quite low in calories, contain a range of nutrients (vitamins b and E, minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, sodium, phosphorus and zinc) and, in addition, improve the functioning of the intestine.
- Replace calorie-Laden drinks such as Coca-Cola, sweet juices and beer, with water to reduce calorie consumption and burn extra fat including belly.
- Try to drink several glasses of water a day in winter – 8-10, 10-12 in the summer and more. Should drink 1 to 3 SIPS every 15-20 minutes, that would not be overloading the kidneys.
- Carry a bottle of water to drink when you feel thirsty.
- Identify when you are sufficiently hydrated. This can be done in the color of urine. Of course, it's a little rough indicator, but roughly you will know that if the urine color is light, the drink enough water. If it is still yellow, it's not enough.
- It is not recommended to drink water in less than 4 hours before bedtime due to the possible overload of the kidneys and need to get up in the night to visit the toilet.
- Get enough sleep. Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each night to function properly throughout the day. Lack of sleep leads to obesity.
- Make time to relax. Even if your lunch break is given only 30 minutes, try to find the time to just close your eyes, take a deep breathe and forget about all your problems and concerns.
- Keep the stress away from your bedroom. Avoid performing any strenuous mental or physical work in your bedroom. Remember that the bedroom is for rest and relaxation and try to leave all your worries outside its territory.
6. Regularly visit a bath (sauna), take a contrast shower (douche). In addition to other positive effects, these procedures have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.
7. Limit alcohol. Alcohol adds empty calories, giving no nutritional value and causes weight gain in the abdominal area.
Step 2: Diet for fat lossTo reduce belly fat, you must expend more calories than you consume. The more calories you burn, the faster you will melt those extra pounds.
1. Make a healthy diet. A healthy diet will help you lose weight. The diet should be low calorie natural foods like lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Consult your physician before you start exercising or making significant changes to your diet.
2. Reduce the intake of calories. Unless you restrict calorie intake you can lose belly fat. Limit total daily caloric intake to 1600-1700 calories. This should lead to a deficit sufficient for you to lose approximately 0.5 to 1 kg per week, depending on your activity level. If you are already suffering from obesity grade II (BMI=35-39,9), the caloric daily intake can be reduced to 1100-1200 kcal, while grade III (BMI=40 and above) up to 600-700 calories. Try these tips:
- Remember to lose approximately 0.5 kg of weight per week you will need to burn 3500 calories, you should eat daily to burn 500 calories in one week. So you will either have to burn 3500 calories through exercise or eat 3500 calories less than you burn during the week.
- The goal is to lose about a kilogram a week. Loss weight more than a kilogram per week can be harmful to your health and lead to back and even more weight gain later.
- Keep a food diary. Most people underestimate how much they eat per day. Get an honest assessment of your eating habits, write down everything you eat during the week. The Internet to find online calorie calculator and figure out approximately how many calories you consume in a day. Analyze the data, decide what you can afford to reduce.

Snack products are made from different types of seeds (nuts, sunflower seeds and corn).
TRANS-fats are bad for you. TRANS fats are used in food manufacturing to prolong their storage term. Unlike other fats TRANS fats raise LDL "bad" cholesterol and lower "good" cholesterol. Products such as crackers, biscuits and cakes, doughnuts, fries, potato chips, some types of margarine contain unhealthy TRANS fats. TRANS fats increase the risk of heart disease and are a cause of death.
4. Eat food high in fiber. Soluble fiber reduces insulin levels which can speed up the burning of visceral belly fat. In addition, fiber can help reduce bloating and improve digestion.
- Add fiber to your diet gradually. If you are currently getting 10 grams of fiber per day, it is not necessary to increase its content up to 35 grams. You have to give the natural bacteria in the digestive system time to adjust to the new amounts of fiber.
- Leave the skins on fruits and vegetables. Include in your diet more fruits and vegetables. It does not scrape the skin, because, basically, it contains all the fiber. So don't clean the apples before to eat them. If you eat potatoes, try to leave the skin (for example, if fried or baked potatoes). Remember that keeping the skin on potatoes when you cook them help keep more vitamins and minerals in the potato.
Step 3: Exercise to burn fat -Inactivity and loss of muscle mass accelerate the aging process. Age-related changes in the quality and quantity of muscle that occur down to the cellular level can be counteracted only staying active. Therefore, you need to create your own training program. Here are some tips.
1. Use interval training. Research shows that interval training, i.e. alternating short, vigorous physical activity with a load of low intensity, can strengthen muscles, increase endurance and help you lose weight than traditional exercise. As the load interval you can select running, treadmill, walking, Nordic walking, swimming, Cycling or an exercise bike, skis, etc. Though dancing.
- For beginners. Exercise start with a heavy load for 10-15 seconds, then slowly over time bring it to 30-90. If you do everything correctly, then fifteen minutes is enough for the intense part of the exercise. At first, try to keep the ratio of "load/restore" was about 1:5, i.e. 1 minute fast running 5 minutes recovery. When retract in workout recovery time can be shortened. However, remember that the longer the interval a heavy load, the greater must be the recovery interval. Preferably before starting your workout, consult a doctor.
- Try running. Will run for 20 seconds as fast as you can continue, then a slow walk to restore breathing. Repeat several times for 10-15 minutes.
- Use a treadmill or stationary bike for interval training. Most modern exercise equipment can be set to mode of interval training, which will significantly increase the complexity of the exercises for a short period of time.
- Go for a quick walk. Complete the quick step of several hundred meters, then go on a slow step. Try to climb up the stairs at a fast pace and slowly walk down the stairs. Think about other possible options for interval workouts. Select them according to your interests, age and health.
3. Aerobic workouts. Aerobic activity will help burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. To lose weight, including belly fat, you may need 30 to 45 minutes at least five days a week. Moderate cardio workout should make you sweat and raise your heart rate. Common aerobic exercise can include running, stair climbing, walking, Nordic walking, swimming, Cycling and sports such as basketball etc.
4. Add resistance training. Studies have shown that the combination of aerobic exercises and exercises with weights are more effective in the fight against obesity. You can perform exercises with dumbbells, barbells, and work on simulators.
5. Grow muscles. This will allow you to burn excess fat. Try to use all the major muscles of the body to remain strong and balanced. Turn on the main power training exercises for the lower body: the quadriceps and biceps muscles of the thigh and buttocks. In the upper part of the body is necessary to navigate the muscles of the back, chest, biceps, triceps and abdominal muscles.
Step 4: Raise the testosterone level Testosterone, being an anabolic steroid, the responsible for maintaining muscle mass and burning fat. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that without the normalization of testosterone levels success in the fight against obesity will not be very impressive. You can also say so, that is not struggling with obesity, it is impossible to raise the testosterone level. Based on this, you need to try to follow the tips suggested in steps 1-3, and parallel to do everything to raise the testosterone level. It must be borne in mind that all previously proposed to reduce obesity can also help to partially raise the testosterone level. In addition, you can suggest a few simple ways to increase your testosterone production:
- Try to follow the rules of healthy lifestyle: healthy eating, exercise, good sleep, stress management, Banya (sauna), quitting bad habits, etc.
- Eat foods that increase the testosterone level.

- In adipose tissue male sex hormones testosterone and Androstenedione are converted in the female sex hormones estradiol and estrone, which leads to a decrease in the General level of male sex hormones in the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of excess estrogen. To do this, eat more of raw vegetables of the cabbage family such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower. This is because cruciferous vegetables contain a substance called diindolylmethane (or DIM) that helps the body rid itself of excess estrogen. In addition, the diet must be present products that contain fiber.
- Do not overheat the testicles in the bath (sauna). This is due to the fact that the volume of testosterone produced in the testicles overheating is reduced.
- Do the exercises with weights.
- Sex life should be regular.
- Sartorial centimeter measure the circumference of your waist at the umbilicus and the circumference of your hips at the widest part. Divide the result of the measurement of waist circumference for the measurement of the circumference of the hips. In men, the obtained ratio should be at 0.9 or lower.
3. Weigh yourself at the same time each day. Because body weight can fluctuate depending on the time of day, try to weigh yourself every morning at the same time after using the toilet.
Step 6: Stay motivated1. Understand the risks associated with fat on your belly. Losing belly fat should not be an exclusively cosmetic purpose. Understanding of the relationship of disease and obesity may help to motivate you in the fight against excess weight. Belly fat is associated with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type II, cancer and other diseases. In particular, visceral fat poses a risk to your health and life, because it is directly around the abdominal organs and between them. "Visceral" fat cells produce hormones and other substances that can affect your health (e.g., increase insulin resistance, lower testosterone, etc.).
2. Team up with a friend. If you have a friend who has the same problems with overweight, then try to join efforts in the fight against obesity. It will be an additional incentive for you. Share with him your successes, discuss and solve arising problems.
Do not expect miracles. Do not watch advertising that offers to help lose weight in 30 days or three weeks on "special weight loss program". Getting rid of belly fat will take from several weeks to several months. Be patient and disciplined and stick to your goals. Record your weight every morning. Stop performing any exercises or applying a diet that cause you problems and find them an alternative. DON'T LEAVE THE PROGRAM TO GET RID OF EXCESS WEIGHT AND AFTER YOU LOSE A BIG BELLY. published
Author: Sergey Eidinow
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //zdorovie-muzhchiny.ru/muzhskie_sekreti/raznoe/kak-muzhchine-sbrosit-zhir-s-zhivota/
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