Daniel J. Amen: the Brain is the main sexual organ
Daniel J. Amen MD, a neuroscientist, neuropsychiatrist, head of the world famous Clinics Amen (Amen Clinics Inc.).
Published a fragment from the book of Daniel Amen "the Brain and love. Secrets of practical neuroscience".
Ninety nine million one hundred ninety thousand forty nine
Daniel J. Amen: "If you meet with one of my daughters more than 4 months, you should get a scan of the brain."
Such a requirement may seem extravagant, but Amen claims that even the slightest irregularities in the work of the "main sexual organ" with a significant impact on a loving relationship. From his book it follows, for example, that chronic late date may indicate reduced activity of the frontal cortex, a serious disease of the brain sometimes... increase the sexual attractiveness of a person.
In addition to the interesting scientific information, Amen gives many practical tips on the use of dietary supplements, aphrodisiacs and other drugs to correct the brain.
Imagine that you are sitting behind the wheel of his car in a long traffic jam before the traffic light. The cars are moving, barely, time was frozen. And suddenly you notice it. She is at the "Zebra", intending to cross the road. No, she's not the girl of your dreams. Rather, the beauty of the day. As well, wife's not around. You would be in serious trouble, mind you she as you stared at the chest, hips, and accentuate their expressiveness is the waist of the stranger. Nice in my temples throbbed. You react automatically, reflective, and maybe it will be the strongest impression of the day. For a brief moment it is destroyed in the memory of all your responsibilities — a decade of marriage, your precious child-a second-grader, the need to monitor road traffic and traffic signals. You surrendered, let go of control, caught in the shackles of the charm of the visual image.
"You're an idiot," you mutter under his breath, angry at his own inability to resist temptation.
Although, from my point of view, it would be correct to say: "You've been a victim of dopamine».
When you see an object of desire, the neurotransmitter dopamine activates the deep areas of the brain, causing a feeling of pleasure, urges and desires (cocaine acts in a similar way). You feel a shiver, the breath goes astray. Attraction to a potential object of love is a strong feeling. The work included the brain stem, releasing phenylethylamine, which speeds up the transmission of information between nerve cells. No wonder your eyes and neck are rotated following the movement of the girl.
But she, in turn, is staring at you. And not just because you sit behind the wheel not the new family van. Her brain just operates in a completely different way. You cling the beauty, shape, fantasy. She's following the laws of their underlying biological nature (which itself may not know) looking for man, able to conceive healthy children, and then to protect and provide for them and for her. And, Yes, maybe even buy for the family the same van.
She, a woman, nature is programmed on a long-term traditional tasks. And your goals are sometimes shockingly immediate.
If the date succeeds, you'll probably enjoy it, but the risk to destroy my life.
"To call or not to call" until you solve it, the brain frantically sorts the information, making choices, determining your actions depends on the fate.
If you've ever listened to a Symphony or another beautiful piece of music, you realize that overall impression depends on the performance of each musician. A fulfilling sexual relationship is also similar to a Symphony in which synergy played a lot of hormones and chemicals.
If any of the hormones or other chemicals is out of balance, their balance gets out of order in General.
Seventy nine million one hundred ninety three thousand seven hundred twenty five
Substances associated with the main phases of love1. Attraction to the potential object of love, the craving for sexual satisfaction first and foremost know the male and female sex hormones: testosterone, estrogen, nitric oxide, and a group of substances with the conditional name "pheromones".
2. Passion — the period of passionate love — is characterized by a sense of happiness (if all is well) or strong emotions (if something goes wrong). While all the attention is focused on the object, and one is absorbed in dreams of new meetings with him. This state is accompanied by the presence in his blood was literally a cocktail of neurotransmitters: adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and phenylethylamine (pea).
3. Attachment, the feeling of oneness, calm, joy, stability and peace, which everyone feels close with a potentially long-term partner, support the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin.
4. Parting, the loss of love due to rupture or death, often accompanied by a deficit of serotonin and endorphins.
In this Chapter we will look at all phases of and learn how to cope with the hazards of the chemical disorder of the Symphony for each of them, especially when parting.
(testosterone, estrogen, nitric oxide, pheromones)
When I first saw her, I was breathless. She was a blast. I couldn't think, couldn't tear my gaze away. "You need to behave politely, not to stare at her so openly, otherwise she'll think I'm Horny", I said to myself, but it was useless. Brown curls, green eyes, slender neck. "Come on, you don't even know her... chill out!»
The impression could be the beginning of a great love, a nightmare or an obsession, or just a brief firework of feelings.
What happens in the brain when you experience such attraction? Our brains are programmed for it. Attraction activates a powerful chemical reaction. This is one of the most useful reactions in the history of our species.
It is known that in the processing of incoming visual information is involved 50% of the brain. So how the other person moves, speaks, smiles that Express his eyes — all of these are essential for the emergence of gravity.
When we see a attractive person, his image occupies a large area of our brain. It acts like a powerful drug.
Using modern equipment to scan brain activity, researchers from Emory University in Atlanta found that the amygdala (the brain area responsible for regulating emotions and is associated with motivation) is much stronger activated in men than in women, after a half-hour viewing of sexual materials, but those and others said that the images they liked.
It is known that men are interested in pornography more than women.
And no wonder women spend much more time worrying about their appearance.
Men are attracted to fertile (able to conceive), healthy young women with symmetrical figure and face.
Genetically a man's brain is programmed subconsciously to decide whether he wants to have his children carried the genes of this woman.
Subconsciously we orientirueshsya for signs of health such as clear skin and bright eyes.
Many scientists believe that the symmetry of the body plays an important role in our perception of beauty. This assumption is based on the fact that the asymmetry in nature is often associated with ailments that may affect future offspring.
Male students who participated in the study, University of new Mexico, was evaluated for photo attractiveness of female faces as attractive most often chose the symmetric than asymmetric. Moreover, there is evidence that women are endowed with symmetry of shit, have more sexual partners and lose their virginity earlier.
There are scientific evidence of other worldly wisdom: in the presence of very beautiful women men "stupid». So, in the experiment, men were shown pictures of beautiful or not very attractive women. Further, the subjects threw dice, and they reported that they can get either $ 15 immediately, or 75, but after a few days.
Men who were shown pictures of beautiful women most often chose 15 dollars immediately, that has ceased to think soberly about long-term consequences when their brains were filled with the hormones of love.
Incidentally, the same experiment was conducted on the women and found that the attractiveness of men had no effect on their thought processes.
It seems that the appearance of a beautiful woman activates the limbic system of men (the emotional brain), while suppressing the work of the frontal cortex, which judgments become emotional and disorganized. This mechanism is well known in Las Vegas. The casino always work pretty waitresses in short dresses with deep neckline, made boy a free drink (also hindering the work of the frontal cortex). It is not surprising that gambling is profitable.
A woman is much less concerned with the appearance of a man — it is more interested in his actions and way of thinking. Rather, it measures the ability of a man to take care of her and her offspring.
Catch a successful man — in any culture — much more important than to get handsome.
As always, beauty is a relative concept.
Feelings of attraction, desire, arousal and orgasm are intensified by a complex interaction of neurotransmitters, hormones and other substances that reinforce a thrilling sensation of love.
The role of testosterone and estrogen in sexual attraction was opened in 1920-ies. Since that time, our ideas about the role of chemicals in the experiences of love passions there was gradual evolution.
Here we can recall:
Hormones are substances produced in the body. They have a specific effect on specific organs of the body. The main sex hormones can be divided into androgens and estrogens.
Both classes of hormones are present in both men and women, but in different proportions:
Estrogens are also produced in women in greater numbers than men.
Androgens: Testosterone
Androgens are the so-called male hormones. Among them, the main is testosterone. It in a lot of produce testes and adrenal gland men.
However, in women the ovaries and the adrenal cortex in a small amount of produce testosterone.
It is the androgens trigger the formation of testes and penis of the male fetus.
They also regulate the process of puberty of the boy, responsible for the development of secondary male sexual characteristics distribution of hair on face, body and groin, deepening of the voice, muscle development, body shape and especially the subcutaneous fat.
After adolescence the testosterone plays an important role in sexual life. The lack of this hormone can lead to attenuation of sexual desire. Because testosterone is responsible sexual appetite for both men and women.
In addition, men with testosterone deficiency have difficulty with erection or maintaining it.
With age the testosterone level decreases. In addition, many men suffer from a lack of testosterone (this condition is known as hypogonadism).
Unfortunately, they do not always seek help from a doctor. Some because they think it's normal. Others are embarrassed to admit such a delicate problem. Often, it is a loving woman encourages the man to seek help.
In women of reproductive age, the amount of testosterone increases just before ovulation, which increases their sexuality, when they are most fertile (able to conceive).
Many doctors believe that birth control pills inhibit women libido because interfere with the hormonal cycle testosterone and estrogen.
In addition, low testosterone is associated with Alzheimer's disease and other memory disorders, heart diseases, and decreased bone density.
If you have reduced sexual desire and has problems with memory, check your testosterone.
Estrogens — sex hormones produced primarily by the female ovaries. Estrogen regulates the development of female sex organs and the growth of mammary glands and hair in the groin — secondary female sexual characteristics. Estrogens regulate the menstrual cycle, they are extremely important for the health of the mucous membrane of the vagina and its elasticity, as well as for the production of vaginal lubrication. They help to preserve the structure and function of female mammary glands.
Practice shows that when improve sexual desire, a woman takes estrogen and testosterone separately, the treatment works not so effectively than in cases where both hormones are taking together. From this we can conclude that estrogen and testosterone synergistically helps to increase libido.
Both men and women estrogen (small amounts) additionally produced in the brain. The role of estrogen in the male body is still not fully understood but it is suspected that this hormone is very important for the usefulness of male libido. However, too high levels of estrogen in men may cause decreased libido, cause erectile dysfunction, breast enlargement and loss of body hair.
Unfortunately, every day we are exposed to so-called canestrato — substances such as pesticides, which are structurally similar to estrogens and bind to the same receptors. And in the meat of chickens and cows can be a lot of hormone injections that the animals were pierced to increase their weight before slaughter. If you have a choice, buy organic chicken and beef.
Nitric oxide — a substance produced in the genitals when excited, which causes vasodilation and blood flow to the genitals, especially the penis. A drug like viagra or cialis stimulate the production of nitric oxide. These drugs work well on men, but the results of studies on women is far from being convincing.
In addition, these drugs should be used with caution use for people with problems of blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Have you noticed ever that the smell of some people attract you and others repel almost. The secret is in pheromones, odorous hormones secreted by sweat glands under the armpits to attract opposite sex.
In 1991 a research group of Harvard University proved the existence of «sixth sense».
Still not fully understood, how exactly do these hormones, but it is clear that they affect the marriage of people's likings, feelings of attachment and care of offspring.
Another interesting fact: women who live side by side in University halls of residence or spend a lot of time together sync their menstrual cycles. It is believed that this phenomenon also respond to pheromones.
In primitive times the smell was a very important communication tool, and, as it turned out, it is still important to relations between people and largely determines who we think are sexually attractive.
Neurologist Alan Hirsch believes that individual human odor greatly affects its attractiveness to a potential partner.
"When you smell good, I want you close. If you smell bad — I want you gone. Our nose is a real on sexuality."
Hirsch argues that one should not speak "I fell in love at first sight", and "I fell in love at first breath".
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.lyubi.ru/psy132.2.php
Published a fragment from the book of Daniel Amen "the Brain and love. Secrets of practical neuroscience".
Ninety nine million one hundred ninety thousand forty nine
Daniel J. Amen: "If you meet with one of my daughters more than 4 months, you should get a scan of the brain."
Such a requirement may seem extravagant, but Amen claims that even the slightest irregularities in the work of the "main sexual organ" with a significant impact on a loving relationship. From his book it follows, for example, that chronic late date may indicate reduced activity of the frontal cortex, a serious disease of the brain sometimes... increase the sexual attractiveness of a person.
In addition to the interesting scientific information, Amen gives many practical tips on the use of dietary supplements, aphrodisiacs and other drugs to correct the brain.
Imagine that you are sitting behind the wheel of his car in a long traffic jam before the traffic light. The cars are moving, barely, time was frozen. And suddenly you notice it. She is at the "Zebra", intending to cross the road. No, she's not the girl of your dreams. Rather, the beauty of the day. As well, wife's not around. You would be in serious trouble, mind you she as you stared at the chest, hips, and accentuate their expressiveness is the waist of the stranger. Nice in my temples throbbed. You react automatically, reflective, and maybe it will be the strongest impression of the day. For a brief moment it is destroyed in the memory of all your responsibilities — a decade of marriage, your precious child-a second-grader, the need to monitor road traffic and traffic signals. You surrendered, let go of control, caught in the shackles of the charm of the visual image.
"You're an idiot," you mutter under his breath, angry at his own inability to resist temptation.
Although, from my point of view, it would be correct to say: "You've been a victim of dopamine».
When you see an object of desire, the neurotransmitter dopamine activates the deep areas of the brain, causing a feeling of pleasure, urges and desires (cocaine acts in a similar way). You feel a shiver, the breath goes astray. Attraction to a potential object of love is a strong feeling. The work included the brain stem, releasing phenylethylamine, which speeds up the transmission of information between nerve cells. No wonder your eyes and neck are rotated following the movement of the girl.
But she, in turn, is staring at you. And not just because you sit behind the wheel not the new family van. Her brain just operates in a completely different way. You cling the beauty, shape, fantasy. She's following the laws of their underlying biological nature (which itself may not know) looking for man, able to conceive healthy children, and then to protect and provide for them and for her. And, Yes, maybe even buy for the family the same van.
She, a woman, nature is programmed on a long-term traditional tasks. And your goals are sometimes shockingly immediate.
If the date succeeds, you'll probably enjoy it, but the risk to destroy my life.
"To call or not to call" until you solve it, the brain frantically sorts the information, making choices, determining your actions depends on the fate.
If you've ever listened to a Symphony or another beautiful piece of music, you realize that overall impression depends on the performance of each musician. A fulfilling sexual relationship is also similar to a Symphony in which synergy played a lot of hormones and chemicals.
If any of the hormones or other chemicals is out of balance, their balance gets out of order in General.
Seventy nine million one hundred ninety three thousand seven hundred twenty five
Substances associated with the main phases of love1. Attraction to the potential object of love, the craving for sexual satisfaction first and foremost know the male and female sex hormones: testosterone, estrogen, nitric oxide, and a group of substances with the conditional name "pheromones".
2. Passion — the period of passionate love — is characterized by a sense of happiness (if all is well) or strong emotions (if something goes wrong). While all the attention is focused on the object, and one is absorbed in dreams of new meetings with him. This state is accompanied by the presence in his blood was literally a cocktail of neurotransmitters: adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and phenylethylamine (pea).
3. Attachment, the feeling of oneness, calm, joy, stability and peace, which everyone feels close with a potentially long-term partner, support the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin.
4. Parting, the loss of love due to rupture or death, often accompanied by a deficit of serotonin and endorphins.
In this Chapter we will look at all phases of and learn how to cope with the hazards of the chemical disorder of the Symphony for each of them, especially when parting.
(testosterone, estrogen, nitric oxide, pheromones)
When I first saw her, I was breathless. She was a blast. I couldn't think, couldn't tear my gaze away. "You need to behave politely, not to stare at her so openly, otherwise she'll think I'm Horny", I said to myself, but it was useless. Brown curls, green eyes, slender neck. "Come on, you don't even know her... chill out!»
The impression could be the beginning of a great love, a nightmare or an obsession, or just a brief firework of feelings.
What happens in the brain when you experience such attraction? Our brains are programmed for it. Attraction activates a powerful chemical reaction. This is one of the most useful reactions in the history of our species.
It is known that in the processing of incoming visual information is involved 50% of the brain. So how the other person moves, speaks, smiles that Express his eyes — all of these are essential for the emergence of gravity.
When we see a attractive person, his image occupies a large area of our brain. It acts like a powerful drug.
Using modern equipment to scan brain activity, researchers from Emory University in Atlanta found that the amygdala (the brain area responsible for regulating emotions and is associated with motivation) is much stronger activated in men than in women, after a half-hour viewing of sexual materials, but those and others said that the images they liked.
It is known that men are interested in pornography more than women.
And no wonder women spend much more time worrying about their appearance.
Men are attracted to fertile (able to conceive), healthy young women with symmetrical figure and face.
Genetically a man's brain is programmed subconsciously to decide whether he wants to have his children carried the genes of this woman.
Subconsciously we orientirueshsya for signs of health such as clear skin and bright eyes.
Many scientists believe that the symmetry of the body plays an important role in our perception of beauty. This assumption is based on the fact that the asymmetry in nature is often associated with ailments that may affect future offspring.
Male students who participated in the study, University of new Mexico, was evaluated for photo attractiveness of female faces as attractive most often chose the symmetric than asymmetric. Moreover, there is evidence that women are endowed with symmetry of shit, have more sexual partners and lose their virginity earlier.
There are scientific evidence of other worldly wisdom: in the presence of very beautiful women men "stupid». So, in the experiment, men were shown pictures of beautiful or not very attractive women. Further, the subjects threw dice, and they reported that they can get either $ 15 immediately, or 75, but after a few days.
Men who were shown pictures of beautiful women most often chose 15 dollars immediately, that has ceased to think soberly about long-term consequences when their brains were filled with the hormones of love.
Incidentally, the same experiment was conducted on the women and found that the attractiveness of men had no effect on their thought processes.
It seems that the appearance of a beautiful woman activates the limbic system of men (the emotional brain), while suppressing the work of the frontal cortex, which judgments become emotional and disorganized. This mechanism is well known in Las Vegas. The casino always work pretty waitresses in short dresses with deep neckline, made boy a free drink (also hindering the work of the frontal cortex). It is not surprising that gambling is profitable.
A woman is much less concerned with the appearance of a man — it is more interested in his actions and way of thinking. Rather, it measures the ability of a man to take care of her and her offspring.
Catch a successful man — in any culture — much more important than to get handsome.
As always, beauty is a relative concept.
Feelings of attraction, desire, arousal and orgasm are intensified by a complex interaction of neurotransmitters, hormones and other substances that reinforce a thrilling sensation of love.
The role of testosterone and estrogen in sexual attraction was opened in 1920-ies. Since that time, our ideas about the role of chemicals in the experiences of love passions there was gradual evolution.
Here we can recall:
- the controversial work of Alfred Kinsley in the 1940-ies;
- then, the first publication about the development stage of desire in human sexuality;
- finally, the fascination with drugs like viagra (causing a rush of blood to the genitals and thereby stimulating excitation) and androgel (testosterone gel applied to the skin, designed for people with low levels of testosterone).
Hormones are substances produced in the body. They have a specific effect on specific organs of the body. The main sex hormones can be divided into androgens and estrogens.
Both classes of hormones are present in both men and women, but in different proportions:
- body men produce 6-8 mg of testosterone (male sex hormone) on the day,
- a woman's body — is 0.5 mg of testosterone.
Estrogens are also produced in women in greater numbers than men.
Androgens: Testosterone
Androgens are the so-called male hormones. Among them, the main is testosterone. It in a lot of produce testes and adrenal gland men.
However, in women the ovaries and the adrenal cortex in a small amount of produce testosterone.
It is the androgens trigger the formation of testes and penis of the male fetus.
They also regulate the process of puberty of the boy, responsible for the development of secondary male sexual characteristics distribution of hair on face, body and groin, deepening of the voice, muscle development, body shape and especially the subcutaneous fat.
After adolescence the testosterone plays an important role in sexual life. The lack of this hormone can lead to attenuation of sexual desire. Because testosterone is responsible sexual appetite for both men and women.
In addition, men with testosterone deficiency have difficulty with erection or maintaining it.
With age the testosterone level decreases. In addition, many men suffer from a lack of testosterone (this condition is known as hypogonadism).
Unfortunately, they do not always seek help from a doctor. Some because they think it's normal. Others are embarrassed to admit such a delicate problem. Often, it is a loving woman encourages the man to seek help.
In women of reproductive age, the amount of testosterone increases just before ovulation, which increases their sexuality, when they are most fertile (able to conceive).
Many doctors believe that birth control pills inhibit women libido because interfere with the hormonal cycle testosterone and estrogen.
In addition, low testosterone is associated with Alzheimer's disease and other memory disorders, heart diseases, and decreased bone density.
If you have reduced sexual desire and has problems with memory, check your testosterone.
Estrogens — sex hormones produced primarily by the female ovaries. Estrogen regulates the development of female sex organs and the growth of mammary glands and hair in the groin — secondary female sexual characteristics. Estrogens regulate the menstrual cycle, they are extremely important for the health of the mucous membrane of the vagina and its elasticity, as well as for the production of vaginal lubrication. They help to preserve the structure and function of female mammary glands.
Practice shows that when improve sexual desire, a woman takes estrogen and testosterone separately, the treatment works not so effectively than in cases where both hormones are taking together. From this we can conclude that estrogen and testosterone synergistically helps to increase libido.
Both men and women estrogen (small amounts) additionally produced in the brain. The role of estrogen in the male body is still not fully understood but it is suspected that this hormone is very important for the usefulness of male libido. However, too high levels of estrogen in men may cause decreased libido, cause erectile dysfunction, breast enlargement and loss of body hair.
Unfortunately, every day we are exposed to so-called canestrato — substances such as pesticides, which are structurally similar to estrogens and bind to the same receptors. And in the meat of chickens and cows can be a lot of hormone injections that the animals were pierced to increase their weight before slaughter. If you have a choice, buy organic chicken and beef.
Nitric oxide — a substance produced in the genitals when excited, which causes vasodilation and blood flow to the genitals, especially the penis. A drug like viagra or cialis stimulate the production of nitric oxide. These drugs work well on men, but the results of studies on women is far from being convincing.
In addition, these drugs should be used with caution use for people with problems of blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Have you noticed ever that the smell of some people attract you and others repel almost. The secret is in pheromones, odorous hormones secreted by sweat glands under the armpits to attract opposite sex.
In 1991 a research group of Harvard University proved the existence of «sixth sense».
Still not fully understood, how exactly do these hormones, but it is clear that they affect the marriage of people's likings, feelings of attachment and care of offspring.
Another interesting fact: women who live side by side in University halls of residence or spend a lot of time together sync their menstrual cycles. It is believed that this phenomenon also respond to pheromones.
In primitive times the smell was a very important communication tool, and, as it turned out, it is still important to relations between people and largely determines who we think are sexually attractive.
Neurologist Alan Hirsch believes that individual human odor greatly affects its attractiveness to a potential partner.
"When you smell good, I want you close. If you smell bad — I want you gone. Our nose is a real on sexuality."
Hirsch argues that one should not speak "I fell in love at first sight", and "I fell in love at first breath".
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.lyubi.ru/psy132.2.php