7 best books of neuroscientists about the mysteries of the brain and the subconscious
Neuroscientists, neurophysiologists, neurolinguists, neuropsychologists among these scholars there are those who not only studies the brain, but also writes about this book. We have gathered for you the best. Each of these books became a sensation. Each unusual research and imaginative insights. Read and be amazed.
1. "Laws of influence" Susan Weinshenk
Susan Weinshenk — known American scholar specializing in behavioral psychology. It is called "Lady Brain", as it examines recent advances in neuroscience and the human brain and applies this knowledge in business and everyday life.
In her book, Susan talks about the basic laws of the functioning of the brain and psyche. She wydaset 7 main motivators of human behaviourthat determine our lives. If you know these laws and motivators, and methods that triggers them, it is possible to influence behavior of all people.
2. "Neuromarketing in action" David Lewis
David Lewis called the father of neuromarketing. Since the 1980s, the years he spent studying the electrical responses of the brain to different types of advertising, revealing the principles of mental activity of buyers, which can be applied in sales. More than thirty years the topic of neurobiological research David Lewis was the vulnerability of the human brain and the various methods of influence on him.
"I attached electrodes to the heads of volunteers to record the electrical activity of their brain while watching television commercials. They took saliva samples for analysis, tracked with the help of special devices eye movements and the slightest changes in facial expressions. Those first studies have resulted in what has become a multi-billion dollar industry of neuromarketing", he says.
One of the first discoveries which was made by Lewis was that man, going to the store, not always seeks a bargain. Often this way people fight depression, raise your mood, increase your prestige, satisfy the curiosity, destroy boredom. Shopping has become entertainment and at the same time therapy for millions of people. But for corporations in terms of the enormous competition, the number one objective was the study of the processes occurring in the mind of the buyer. Why a person makes a choice out of a million analog products in favor of a particular brand?
3. "Brain plasticity" Norman Doidge
Doctor of medicine Norman Doidge devoted their studies to the plasticity of the brain. In his main work, he makes the revolutionary statement: our brain is able to change its own structure and work through the thoughts and actions of man. Doug talks about the latest discoveries, proving that the human brain is plastic and therefore capable of samoistselyatsya.
The book presents stories about scientists, doctors and patients who were able to achieve amazing transformations. Those who have had serious problems, managed without surgery and pills to cure brain disease, considered incurable. But those who have not had any problems, was able to significantly improve the performance of your brain.
4. "Willpower. How to develop and strengthen" Kelly Mcgonigal
Kelly Mcgonigal is a Stanford Professor, neuroscientist, Ph. D., psychologist, a leading expert in the study of the relationship between mental and physical States. Her training course "Science of willpower", "Science of compassion" and other award-winning. Mcgonigal books translated and published in dozens of countries, they are the popular language talk about how to use advances in psychology and neurophysiology to make people happy and successful.
This book is devoted to the problem of lack of willpower. Who among us has not promised themselves to lose weight, stop eating, quit Smoking, start going to the gym Monday, ending late or too costly shopping? But every time these weaknesses took us over, and still supplying a sense of guilt and worthlessness. Is there a way out of this vicious circle? Yes, there is! Kelly Mcgonigal is convinced that science can help us to train willpower.
5. "Rules of the brain. What you should know about the brain you and your child" by John Medina
John Medina is a molecular biologist known for studying genes involved in brain development and the genetics of mental disorders. Medina, Professor of bioengineering at Washington University, Director of the Center for brain research in the Pacific University of Seattle.
Together with the active research activities John Medina for many years and is a consultant to various biological and pharmaceutical companies, engaged in literary work — he is the author of 6 popular science books on biology. The result of years of research of Madinah has become a concept that describes the 12 "brain rules", which are reflected in this book.
6. "Brain retired. Scientific view of old age" Andre Aleman
André Aleman is a Professor at the University of Groningen working in cognitive neuropsychology, spent many years studying the aging process of the brain.
In his book Aleman asks the question, what determines the safety functions of the brain in old age, despite the natural biological processes. In the book he tells how to protect against irreversible changes to ensure a good quality of life at any age. A lot depends on what you know about the brain and what habits develop throughout life. For example, recent neurophysiological studies show that in Mature brain continue to be born neurons, but if the brain is "resting" and not learn new things, they die quickly.
7. "Change your brain — change and life" Daniel Amen
Author Daniel George. Amen — MD, neuropsychologist and neuropsychiatrist. He is the owner and chief physician of the network of prestigious psychiatric hospitals in the USA. In 2012, The Washington Post Magazine has honored replacing the title of "the most popular psychiatrist in America."
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Through numerous studies, he found that our thoughts affect the physiology of our brain, which in turn, can significantly change our lives. What mysteries hides our brain, how it affects our behavior, abilities, habits and desires, the author shares with us in his book.
Daniel J. Amen, above all, a practicing doctor, an expert diagnostician, specializing in the research of the brain by the method of emission computed tomography single photon (SPECT). published
Source: www.knigikratko.ru/articles/7-luchshih-knig-nejrobiologov-o-tajnah-mozga-i-podsoznaniya

1. "Laws of influence" Susan Weinshenk
Susan Weinshenk — known American scholar specializing in behavioral psychology. It is called "Lady Brain", as it examines recent advances in neuroscience and the human brain and applies this knowledge in business and everyday life.
In her book, Susan talks about the basic laws of the functioning of the brain and psyche. She wydaset 7 main motivators of human behaviourthat determine our lives. If you know these laws and motivators, and methods that triggers them, it is possible to influence behavior of all people.
2. "Neuromarketing in action" David Lewis
David Lewis called the father of neuromarketing. Since the 1980s, the years he spent studying the electrical responses of the brain to different types of advertising, revealing the principles of mental activity of buyers, which can be applied in sales. More than thirty years the topic of neurobiological research David Lewis was the vulnerability of the human brain and the various methods of influence on him.
"I attached electrodes to the heads of volunteers to record the electrical activity of their brain while watching television commercials. They took saliva samples for analysis, tracked with the help of special devices eye movements and the slightest changes in facial expressions. Those first studies have resulted in what has become a multi-billion dollar industry of neuromarketing", he says.
One of the first discoveries which was made by Lewis was that man, going to the store, not always seeks a bargain. Often this way people fight depression, raise your mood, increase your prestige, satisfy the curiosity, destroy boredom. Shopping has become entertainment and at the same time therapy for millions of people. But for corporations in terms of the enormous competition, the number one objective was the study of the processes occurring in the mind of the buyer. Why a person makes a choice out of a million analog products in favor of a particular brand?
3. "Brain plasticity" Norman Doidge
Doctor of medicine Norman Doidge devoted their studies to the plasticity of the brain. In his main work, he makes the revolutionary statement: our brain is able to change its own structure and work through the thoughts and actions of man. Doug talks about the latest discoveries, proving that the human brain is plastic and therefore capable of samoistselyatsya.
The book presents stories about scientists, doctors and patients who were able to achieve amazing transformations. Those who have had serious problems, managed without surgery and pills to cure brain disease, considered incurable. But those who have not had any problems, was able to significantly improve the performance of your brain.

4. "Willpower. How to develop and strengthen" Kelly Mcgonigal
Kelly Mcgonigal is a Stanford Professor, neuroscientist, Ph. D., psychologist, a leading expert in the study of the relationship between mental and physical States. Her training course "Science of willpower", "Science of compassion" and other award-winning. Mcgonigal books translated and published in dozens of countries, they are the popular language talk about how to use advances in psychology and neurophysiology to make people happy and successful.
This book is devoted to the problem of lack of willpower. Who among us has not promised themselves to lose weight, stop eating, quit Smoking, start going to the gym Monday, ending late or too costly shopping? But every time these weaknesses took us over, and still supplying a sense of guilt and worthlessness. Is there a way out of this vicious circle? Yes, there is! Kelly Mcgonigal is convinced that science can help us to train willpower.
5. "Rules of the brain. What you should know about the brain you and your child" by John Medina
John Medina is a molecular biologist known for studying genes involved in brain development and the genetics of mental disorders. Medina, Professor of bioengineering at Washington University, Director of the Center for brain research in the Pacific University of Seattle.
Together with the active research activities John Medina for many years and is a consultant to various biological and pharmaceutical companies, engaged in literary work — he is the author of 6 popular science books on biology. The result of years of research of Madinah has become a concept that describes the 12 "brain rules", which are reflected in this book.
6. "Brain retired. Scientific view of old age" Andre Aleman
André Aleman is a Professor at the University of Groningen working in cognitive neuropsychology, spent many years studying the aging process of the brain.
In his book Aleman asks the question, what determines the safety functions of the brain in old age, despite the natural biological processes. In the book he tells how to protect against irreversible changes to ensure a good quality of life at any age. A lot depends on what you know about the brain and what habits develop throughout life. For example, recent neurophysiological studies show that in Mature brain continue to be born neurons, but if the brain is "resting" and not learn new things, they die quickly.
7. "Change your brain — change and life" Daniel Amen
Author Daniel George. Amen — MD, neuropsychologist and neuropsychiatrist. He is the owner and chief physician of the network of prestigious psychiatric hospitals in the USA. In 2012, The Washington Post Magazine has honored replacing the title of "the most popular psychiatrist in America."
Boris Litvak: there is No single formula for success. Everyone is their ownPsychology of communication — the TOP 10 best books
Through numerous studies, he found that our thoughts affect the physiology of our brain, which in turn, can significantly change our lives. What mysteries hides our brain, how it affects our behavior, abilities, habits and desires, the author shares with us in his book.
Daniel J. Amen, above all, a practicing doctor, an expert diagnostician, specializing in the research of the brain by the method of emission computed tomography single photon (SPECT). published
Source: www.knigikratko.ru/articles/7-luchshih-knig-nejrobiologov-o-tajnah-mozga-i-podsoznaniya