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The magic of slimness: Weight loss and subconsciousness

Reprogram your brain to a new weight norm

Health is the balance of the physical and mental state of a person. I don’t think this phrase will raise any objections.

And if so, then it is time to talk about what is not visible in the reflection of the mirror, about what can not be felt and massaged, about what can not be weighed or measured by a tailor’s “meter”, about what, nevertheless, has a huge impact and impact on all these centimeters and kilograms. It will be about our psyche and emotions.

If you try to lose weight for a long time, you probably already understood that there are no miracle remedies and miracle pills for weight loss. Weight loss is primarily associated with a decrease in calorie intake and with an increase in physical activity. Okay. This is physics, this is the law of conservation of energy.

But, agree that the path to health and weight loss can not lie through negative emotions. Accordingly, one of the most important tasks, I would even say a super task, is to get rid of negative emotions and the ability to manage your psyche, so that changes in diet and physical activity really bring joy, pleasure and satisfaction.

Our body is a whole. Our subconscious is connected to the body and the body to the subconscious. Yes, we still had no “brains”, and the subconscious body already had, well, or, conversely, the body in the subconscious.

Therefore, the main task is to convince our subconscious mind that it, like us, wants to put the body in order, wants to change it.

Why? It's simple! The thing is that our subconscious mind is like a dumpling - remember when you were a child, such a toy was? You swing it, it deviates and immediately seeks to return to its original position. Here is about the same structure and our subconscious – any deviations in one direction or another, any changes to the positive or negative, no matter what, will cause our subconscious anxiety and fear. It is the most “lazy” and conservative and believes that it is better to live as it is, without changing anything.

Our subconscious mind is nothing but an instinct for self-preservation. What is the main task of the instinct of self-preservation? Right! The instinct of self-preservation, like any decent instinct, millet is obliged to preserve the integrity and safety of the organism entrusted to it. Any change in life is a threat to survival. How does the subconscious know what this change means? What's ahead, the unknown? It turns out that our subconscious is a bodyguard, and the object of its protection is our body. Well, judge for yourself, of course, the bodyguard is much calmer when his "object" sits in one place and preferably in a closed tight room. Ultimately, he will make every effort to his “object” as rarely as possible to leave the house for all sorts of business meetings and banquets. The same thing happens with our body.

That’s why it’s so hard to sit on diets, that’s why it’s so hard to force yourself to go to the gym, that’s why after the end of the diet, everything returns to normal. And this happens because the subconscious mind intervenes and through sensations begins to affect us, our thoughts. Incomprehensible?

Awareness and self-preservation instinct

Well, for example, you decided to run in the morning. Yes, you and your mind have made this decision. Well, what's so, the mind is a logical and calculating thing, so he perfectly understands that running is a calorie expenditure, and calorie expenditure is weight loss. That's right, and you can't argue!

What about the subconscious? He doesn’t care about all these “reasonable” decisions. He saw all this logic and usefulness. The main thing is that he does not touch and pat. What a figure! This is a calorie waste, which means a threat to survival!

And it slowly, gradually and gradually begins to "drip on the brain." As a result, you begin to feel a reluctance to run and find plenty of “respectable” reasons not to run today. Of course, at the same time, you are a little ashamed of yourself, so vows like “everything, tomorrow like a bayonet” still work a little. Then gradually laziness is added, shame goes away and there is an aversion to the load. In the end, the climax comes: “Burn everything with blue flames!” I gave up this run! I'm good enough!
That's it! The old lady did not suffer for long... Total subconscious victory. And all because we simply did not care that would make the enemy our ally, did not care that would drag him to our side.
And it does not matter what we were doing: running, aerobics, swimming, sat on diets, and whatever, our subconscious does not really understand this, the main thing is that he was disturbed, the main thing is that they swung this very sloppy. And after all, we cannot say that all these methods of losing weight are useless and ineffective. Not at all. Just without such a strong ally as the subconscious – everything quickly returns to normal.

That is why it is very important for weight loss to drag the subconscious to your side and make it so that it, just as you WANT to lose weight, or at least not prevent it.

How do you do that? There are ways. . .

We need to teach the subconscious to see us lose weight and slim, i.e. in a scientific way - to excite the dominant weight loss. What beast? Let me explain.

Dominant of weight loss

Dominant (from the Latin dominans - dominant) is transientIt can accumulate excitations and inhibit the work of other nerve centers, thereby giving our behavior a certain direction. In other words, the dominant allows us to focus on one thing while ignoring and suppressing everything else.

The dominant is another manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, which also helped our ancestors to survive in the wild and escape from all sorts of evil and inhospitable predators.
From the very name of the dominant – “dominant”, a very important principle follows, according to which we cannot have in our head a set of equal hotbeds of excitement, i.e. desires and needs. Therefore, our brain chooses one of them, the most important at the moment, and directs all the energy to perform this most important task. At the same time, it also takes energy from the rest, “secondary” foci of excitation.
With the skillful use of this knowledge, we can turn the energy of love for flour and sweet in the opposite direction and direct it into the course of losing weight!
To do this, you need to excite the dominant of weight loss: You need to create a bright and emotionally colored image in which you will see yourself slim and thinned, that is, we are talking about self-hypnosis.

Here are the exercises that Alexei Faleev recommends to do in his book “The Magic of Slimness”:
“Begin by saying, ‘I’m getting rid of fat every second.’” Then imagine how fat drains like water from your body. It melts like snow in the sun. It evaporates like water on glass on a hot day.
This image of draining fat from your body is very useful to keep in mind during physical training - the effectiveness of training increases 3 times.

Be sure to positively reinforce this image of yourself slim and beautiful (causing delight in yourself).
Next, imagine yourself as bright as possible: you are slim and beautiful, get out of bed in the morning, stretch, do exercises, douse yourself with water. Here you are walking down the street and you are looked at, you see your reflection in the window and smile at him. Here you come to work, employees give you compliments, congratulate you, begin to ask you how you managed to do it. You meet a friend who has not been seen for a long time, he will not recognize you at first and exclaims: “God, this can not be!” How you lost weight!, "It's a miracle!" You feel proud and confident about the changes that have taken place.
It is with this state of joy and happiness that you must reinforce the image of the future.
Call the desired image should be 10-30 minutes a day (you can 2 times for 5-15 minutes). Use for this time trips in the subway, taxis, taking a shower, etc. There are many opportunities to allocate 10-30 minutes a day.
It is highly desirable to evoke such an image early in the morning - the morning mood sets the tone for the whole day. ?
So, to sum up: the first thing we need to do is “reprogram” your brain to a new weight norm, and make the subconscious mind perceive us as thin, slim and young!

Psychology of Nutrition

I don’t know if this phrase will surprise you or not, but the fact is that we don’t get better because of what we eat when we’re hungry.Because of what we eat when we are full.

You won’t believe it, but most of it is because you have free time! That's right! When there is a lot of time, we simply start spending it on cooking and absorbing food. We spend hours in the kitchen to cook ourselves some tasty food, which we will happily eat lying on our four-legged friend’s couch, watching TV and indulging in dreams of a slim body. And remember the weekend and this painfully familiar phrase on Monday: "Ufff, I ate this over the weekend!" . . . ?

That is why, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, but it is easier to lose weight just when you have a little free time, so all these excuses that say, there is no time, and there is no time at all – this is a lie, and lies to yourself.
Therefore, learn to feel your body, learn to stop eating when you are full. It’s easy enough to actually do this:

  • First, always eat slowly and stop eating before you are full. It must be remembered that food is not absorbed immediately, so the signal to the brain about satiety comes later. Imagine how much more you can eat before the body realizes that you are already full! During this time, you can eat so much... I don’t even want to say how...
  • Eat often and slowly, so much more comfortable and convenient to control yourself. After all, if there is more often, then the feeling of hunger will be less, and therefore much easier to control the process of saturation;
  • And third, you might not believe it, but limit your TV viewing to 10 hours a week. I assure you, you will be amazed at what this "nuance" can do to your weight! In addition to having more time for sports and other “forgotten” activities, you will also stop chewing while lying on the couch.
Psychology of Diet

In diets there are constant restrictions and constant prohibitions. Diets force us to abandon our favorite foods, eventually making desirable even unloved, and not the most useful products. The forbidden fruit is sweet. . .

So it turns out that for normal, proper weight loss, it is necessary not to prohibit “harmful” products, but simply change your attitude towards them to the opposite, i.e. make these products psychologically less desirable and attractive.
You can't ban food. The rejection of certain products should be natural – they just need to become indifferent to you.

Replace ordinary cottage cheese with low-fat, instead of pork ham buy ham from poultry, replace all kinds of sweets with their analogues with a reduced sugar content, replace sweet soda with mineral water, etc.

All these changes should be insignificant, they should not cause a negative attitude or tension, they should not cause a desire to eat something “forbidden”. After all, if you have something like passion, don’t torture yourself, just eat half or a quarter of what you’ve eaten before.

The power of habit

First, let’s understand what a habit is.

Do you remember when we were in high school, we were experimenting with physiologist Pavlov with dogs? All these techniques people have used for a long time, using the method of stick and carrot to domesticate animals, calling it “training”. But this mechanism of conditioned reflex development absolutely works in the human psyche, only it is no longer called training, but education, or the development of habits.

Habits and physical exercises

So, dear ones, any habit does not arise out of nowhere, but is the result of positive or negative reinforcements.
Our entire lifestyle, our entire daily routine is one big habit. That is why the instinct of self-preservation reacts with stress to any new event, to any new situation. Our subconscious mind is immediately alarmed, begins to worry and worry as if something did not happen. Therefore, even our best endeavors and initiatives will encounter a wall of misunderstanding on the part of the instinct of self-preservation. And it doesn’t matter whether we decide to run in the morning, or try to quit smoking, or get a new, better job – all these are new states, all these are stresses.
And in this case, there is only one way to calm the anxious instinct of self-preservation: positive reinforcement.
From all this follows a very important conclusion: in order for our training to become a habit and so that they do not cause negative emotions and counteraction of the subconscious, we must every time, immediately after training, something positively reinforce ourselves, that is, pamper. And as such a positive reinforcement, anything will suit, anything that will lead to the emergence of positive emotions. And no matter what it will be: a relaxing massage, candy or someone’s praise – the main thing that it would cause you positive emotions, as long as it caused you joyful feelings and pleasant sensations.
But as they say: Nice spoon for lunch. Therefore, in our case, the timeliness of positive reinforcement is of great importance. In order for our head to form a stable connection between physical activity and encouragement, we need to “thank” ourselves in time for the work done. If you do not do it in time, then explain to our subconscious that this is a candy for this exercise.
In order not to constantly invent something with encouragement, you can make yourself a list of all sorts of pleasures, which will include everything that you like: pleasant music, a cup of coffee, a warm shower, a delicious cocktail, and anything, and after finishing training, use any item on the list.

Developing a habit of training

By the way, there is another pleasure, a universal pleasure, because to like everyone is the pleasure of eating. So why don't we take advantage of that too, right? That is why, introduce yourself a rule - before each meal to do some simple exercise.

And it does not matter what it will be: squats, push-ups, rotation of the hoop, jumps or jumps, exercise on the press or anything else. It is not the exercise itself that is important, but the emergence of a stable connection between physical exertion and positive emotions arising from eating.

Well, who prevents you from climbing or descending stairs on the way to the dining room, who forbids you to just go to the office toilet and squat, and who forbids you to do static exercises right in the workplace? Do you know what that is?

Static exercises are exercises in which movement does not occur, and the muscles tense. For example, exhale strain the press, keep it tense for a few seconds, then relax on a sigh. Exactly the same way you can strain the muscles of the hands, legs, buttocks. Start with 10-15 repetitions and gradually bring it up to 90-100.

But it will be even better if we do our exercises between meals, that is, every 2-3 hours. That's when the increased metabolism from us can not escape! And just need to devote 1 minute to this - this time will be quite enough to statically strain all your muscles. Moreover, in addition to accelerating metabolism, such gymnastics will help us relax muscles, eliminate muscle spasms from long sitting and relieve stress.

You don't have to rape yourself. Lose weight with pleasure

Aspects of weight loss:

First of all: If we want to make the process of losing weight even more effective, then the first thing we must learn to do is to notice our successes and remember to praise ourselves for them! This is called positive reinforcement.

Secondly: agree that weight loss is not a momentary thing, but rather a long event, this is a whole process, the result of which should be the figure of the weight and volume we need. And many of us are ready to put everything on the altar of losing weight, just to achieve the desired goal and desired result. It turns out that we pay all our attention to the goal, well, and the process is just a tool to achieve this cherished goal, what to take from it?

Thirdly: You cannot set yourself global goals and compare your current achievements with your ultimate ideal. You need to set tasks small and easy to perform. Set yourself the task of losing weight, for example, by 30-40 grams per day. That's it! It seems easy – you just need not finish a couple of sandwiches or take an extra 20-30 minutes. Agree, because it is simple and easy to do. And in a month you will lose weight by more than a kilo, and in a year and a half this huge figure of 20 kg will disappear.

Another rule of proper weight loss is not to overexert and do not rape yourself. After all, daily small loads will give a much greater effect than crazy, debilitating fasting and loads that last short and end in depression and weight gain, only because you “tried – tried, and lost weight in a month by only 3 kilograms, with a dream of 20!”

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!

Source: //www.diets.ru/post/94576/