How to stop straining will power and begin to live?

Willpower - is a myth. It does not exist. But we can well do without it.

This made me want to speculate today after reading the article «How to develop willpower» . Maybe I did not tell you anything new. I'm just a fracture of a sieve, so you can see that in fact there is nothing.

I want, as usual, to make a reservation: there is no single correct opinion in this area, as we are talking about intangible concepts. There are various models of the philosophical, and they can work for different people. Each eventually choose what suits him personally. Nevertheless, different world are not equally close to the objective reality. The further our understanding of reality, the more difficult to link all the models so that they are not contrary to and worked smoothly in most cases. For this reason, I choose these points of view that are as much as possible evidence in real life, and not only for me but also for others. One of these points of view, and I will share with you today. I am sure there will be much more educated and well-read people who complement and correct me, but we are, as always, happy to read the comments. But we've got someone to start the topic ... So, let's start.

1. Why is this topic a place Habré? H4> Looking forward sighs in the style of "Here we go again!" Resource because aytishny and threads procrastinate any philosophical. I believe that this problem will still be relevant to the people of intellectual labor, but because Habré will demand and supply.

Why such questions are rarely given the working class? Mental work much harder than the physical, and there are plenty of studies and evidence. Firstly, it was repeatedly stated scientific figures, considering the amount of energy burned by the brain during intense work. Second, a simple analysis of human behavior confirms that most people prefer physical work. On offer thought they ooh and aah, sighs and meet in style: "Oh, this is for me very hard!" Third, every person, at least once a serious and long-term strain your brain, to confirm that it's pretty cool exhausting. Fourth, the fate gave me a wonderful opportunity to compare the mental work with physical, and I declare that physical work - a trifling matter, as long as health is not to ruin!

I'm always amazed how people can work physically undivided days, it's so painfully boring and uninteresting! However, it turned out that work still mentally painful, but it later. So, I had the opportunity to try out these great professions, as a builder, carpenter, salesman and taxi driver. The work of a series of "do not hit a lying!" Physically - seriously, of course. But such work is mentally a little annoying, if the conditions are acceptable. When you are doing routine work, as if the brain falls into a trance, at which point you can mentally be anywhere and do anything. In this mode, weekdays fly quietly and relaxed. All you have to do - to come to work, that is, the hardest part of this job - to stand on an alarm clock. If in a taxi could make comparable programming, without cheating the passengers, I have worked as a taxi driver on a half-rate much rather than a programmer.

Many people from the working class envy office workers receiving more money, it is not physically straining. Clearly, they have no idea what we're dealing with. Try to learn the carpenter's programming, and most likely you will see how quickly he will surrender. And I had such an experience. In my case, it was to blame for everything, including me, but him who do not wish to work for their own "happiness».

What happens? Employment - this, in general, is a form of slavery. Slavery - bondage akin to imprisonment. Physical imprisonment is imprisonment of the body. But the mind is still free to deal with what he pleases, although being somewhat cut off from the external source of information. Therefore, they say that you can put the body but not the mind. The same thing is happening in the work. Physical work absorbs the body but not the mind. Therefore, a person can easily withstand it. And not steamed about procrastination, do not cultivate the willpower to drag more bags of cement, and does not write in the forums stupid questions from the category of "how to get yourself to work 8 hours a day." In the worst case it just gets drunk after work, and again nothing is steamed. It is much harder for people of intellectual labor. If the hobby turned into work, lost interest, and you still need to do, we are faced with a kind of imprisonment of mind. If prisons were forbidden to think it would be like a deadly penalty. It turns out that many every day go to the next small penalty. In such a situation it becomes very difficult to motivate. From here begins all this crap with laziness and willpower.

2. Willpower does not exist. H4> Not something that would really. The concept is still there. Moreover, it works. But not as an internal mechanism, and as an external instrument of influence on us.

Well, look, I explain on the fingers. We think we have some force inside - something like the muscles, producing the will. It will allow us to take (willful) solution. The will is there, of course. We will call our decision that determines our future behavior. In fact, our will to do something, or not do. Well, the power (will) - Where is she? Muscle, as such, no. There is an explanation of willpower as a strong set of synaptic connections in the brain, or a large amount of "gray matter". But all this, I'm sorry, delirium. Scientists have only just come to the scrutiny of the brain, just started trying it modeling. Current knowledge about the brain at the level of "here we see some bursts of activity when the light bulb in the eye, so it is something to do." Not surprising to find a correlation between the intensity of the will and the existence of "gray matter" in the skull. But the entire human body, and the brain in particular, is much more complex than those studied along and across the amoeba (and those are still open questions). Just recently Habré dobrchel leave a link to interesting lecture about dreams - so, to understand how our knowledge of the brain are still weak. Therefore, "will power" - this is only a model, which has only indirect evidence of plausibility. And if so, it is necessary to call into question the existence of such a force.

Willpower was invented long before scientists began to select the device to the mysteries of the brain. Ie it has always been quite a philosophical concept. And only now, when we began to have an idea of ​​what's inside the box, there were more or less coherent attempts to link theory to practice. But this, mind you, violent attempts. There is an idea of ​​the power of the will, and there is a picture of the brain. Both works. What should a person do? He is trying to find an explanation of how it is connected. And he finds, of course. Explain can, by and large, everything and anything you like. For example, ancient people attributed the origin of natural phenomena, linking them to the gods. Like all slim and beautiful: the god rides in a chariot across the sky. But, nothing but calm, such a theory does not give us, and hence it is worthless.

3. Who needs to invent a non-existent force? H4> When the power came up, it means someone needs. To understand who needs it, it is necessary to find who benefits from it. And it is beneficial to anyone who has met someone manipulated in open-coercive form. Take the example of a child. Try to get him to eat what he does not want to eat. Typically, in this situation, many faced with a problem. We understand that it is "necessary" to do, but the child does not want to, and does not do it.

Here I am, looking at before, I would say that, generally speaking, we must also ask "who cares." It is necessary first of all to us is because we do not want to run into problems in the future health of the child, and does not want it to be confronted with them, because we have to be proactive. Why does such a situation arises? After the baby is very good instincts told him that he needed to eat, and that he needed to eat. The problem may be that we have put the child in the unnatural conditions for him: zakormili sweets (where you naturally have seen candy trees?), Forced to eat at the wrong time when he was hungry, and on schedule (have you ever seen to the dog saying "you will not leave until all doesh"?), etc. etc. The problem is, in general, not in a child, and in us: we have a setting that you need to feed the baby, but our need not coincide with his own. This is called "conflict" (interests, desires), it is - the very foundation of the problem, and I will come back to it later.

Ok, so that with our child who is not hungry? Normally save some tricks: motivation, Fast-Talk, compromises. But the child grows ever closer to adulthood, where he has to learn, to work, to care for others, and a lot more then, and we all understand why (at least we think so). In the end, it is necessary to make the child independent and to not live his life in his stead, and that he did all the things he did not want. How to do it? Here is the answer: to educate "the guts"! More precisely, to convince him that it is, that it should be developed, and it is necessary to actively use. It is very convenient and easy way to answer the questions "why" and "why", so that children love to ask. After all, adults often do not know the answers. Thus, the complicated process of finding motivation is replaced by a simple template "we must have the strength of will." Here's a look at my father, to my mother, they do not want, but work, work. What for? It is clear, because it is necessary for the survival and existence. And why do not want to, but I still do ??? Because they have the will power! Dad strong (as is obvious), and had a large force of will. Thus, the "will power" is transmitted as a stereotype, often by imitation, and acts as a universal solution. And the problem, remember the name? CONFLICT! Excellent work out. We resolved the conflict at will! That is, in fact, we were not allowed to, we just do something contrary to it, ignoring one of the desires. That desire, that we neglect, is our own. And, guided by someone, perhaps someone like, not only ours, but often even the public, including the views of parents, wife, children and all other relatives and not so loved ones. But if we ignore other people's desire to own, this is also a manifestation of the will, but call it selfishness.

You are: neglect their desires in favor of the public - the manifestation of willpower (good), on the contrary - selfishness (bad). Who benefits? Company! Who is, what he want from us? Some scientists who study the society see it as a body, and lead analogy. Indeed, the company is also growing and developing. And he needs to survive. And we - its building blocks. Society beneficial for us to work not only on themselves but also on it, otherwise it will crumble, and his place will be other more viable types of companies, as in society, people are much more likely to survive than individually.

4. It is not, but it still works? H4> How is it that runs what is not? As I said, "will power" is not, as a body that can be pumped. But the concept is there. The concept - that information. We are with you all your life guided by the information coming from the outside and the inside. One phrase that establishes a logical link between the key concepts in our lives, can dramatically change our behavior. Simple belief "will power is a good thing" leads to the fact that we are starting to act on the pattern of manifestation of will power, that we become good. And if we achieve a positive result, the link between the "will power" and "good" will be strengthened and we will be more likely to practice disregard any desire to implement others. This, in general, a typical mechanism of learning. But in fact, no willpower is not here. There motivation, that was good, and it is something we have neglected and causes less good. In this particular case, this concept will work perfectly and flawlessly. It seems to be working - so wonderful! But there is a big difference in how we call things, whether we call them by their proper names.

The concept of willpower mixes very different objectives: meeting the needs of their own and the public. Often, the same action is woven once both why it becomes much more difficult to understand what we really need and what is not. The same work - a great example, it seems necessary to us and society. A society may thank us in the back, and then it is again necessary for us. And can not thank. It becomes very difficult to understand, whether we like it or not, or want to, but we did not. There are erroneous decisions that do not make us good relationship is weakened, we intuitively begin to doubt that willpower - it's good. In such cases we say that willpower is lost. In general, many of you know that a large number of failures weaken the strength of will, and good luck to strengthen it. But it's not like the way the muscles are trained. The latter, on the contrary, are trained to the limit and sometimes even failure. It is the lack of power and the inability or difficulty to perform the required amount of work stimulates the development of muscles. But an unfortunate manifestation of willpower does not strengthen it. Even the work of willpower to the limit, when you laid out in full and the results are getting meager, hardly a positive impact on growth. After all, the increase in strength of will is not so much the potential increase in remuneration as a guaranteed increase in the size of your victims. If you feed your dog on a call and suddenly stop doing it, it will cease to be an effort to raise his ass from the mat and dragged him into the kitchen. In general, it works well and our "will power." But there are other factors.

Psychologists (including Eric Berne) divide our mental state on the different types of: child, adult, parent, sage and others. From that, in what we are able to, of course, it depends on our behavior. Naughty child is repelled by the "I want" and says strict parents "must". If a person is in the right condition, it could easily bring himself to do what he wants to do. Not because it is profitable for him, but because he has such a mood. In this case will serve as a motivation for working out the desired behavioral pattern, the desire to feel in a specific role in relation to himself. And these patterns, again, we are usually laid in childhood. If adults are Mom and Dad showed the force of will, this is exactly what we are going to represent yourself, what it means to be an adult. In the end, even the banal desire to feel like a full-fledged individual will push us to the working out of the patterns that we associate with the word "full».

As with any intangible concept (love, friendship), it is difficult to clearly define what will power. But if there is a manifestation of (if not power, then at least will), then if you want you can dig up to its sources. I'm sure you'll find other instances of this mythical force.

5. Is it possible to live without willpower? H4> How to live without her, you ought to do something, or else - kirdyk!

Let's start with the fact that (certainly in my personal, though deep, conviction), we - being is not something that is not strong, but in general is quite helpless. Perhaps not all used to the idea that there is no willpower and I have argued that the will as such, no.

Will as human quality - the ability to make choices and to take actions blockquote> The qualities we are interested first of all, when we look at other people or at yourself through the eyes of others. Or items. That is if there is a strong pillar - the quality tells us that it will not fall. If a column has cracked - a weak pole can fall on top of us harm caused by the influence of external wind and the weak reaction of the internal structure. Have some qualities, of course, does not make it a post-willed. Everything that happens to him, depends solely on the internal and external factors that are relatively easy to calculate. With a man more complicated, due to the complexity of its internal state. It is difficult to appreciate it, and so it is difficult to predict a person's response to external events. However, his actions in the same way are a response to external and internal factors. In the same conditions, with the same thoughts, the person will almost certainly make the same actions. If there is a choice, what should be due to a change solutions in a completely identical conditions? Is that the random component. Thus, in the modern understanding of physics and the psyche, a person essentially differs little from column.

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