As they produce willpower

Willpower - one of the main features of human nature. Often even say "character" instead of "willpower." It is no coincidence, because of the extent to which a person developed willpower depends on how he will be able to realize its other qualities.
Some people (especially women) say they do not need willpower or that they just do not know. They somehow relieved to say: "Well, I have no willpower." At the same time charging and cold shower in the morning with a clear conscience postponed until next Monday, or gets another cigarette from the pack, or done something else from what had to be abandoned. Apparently these people are just telling the whole story to others, and perhaps even ourselves, covering this weakness. By the way, these people protest when they are called spineless. Have the character they want everything. It is therefore advisable to begin to improve themselves with education in itself willpower.
The development of the strength of will - a very difficult process. Because in essence it is an abuse, forced to do things that do not want, or vice versa, the rejection of what you really want. In my opinion, it is best to develop willpower, playing sports (anyone important to systematically and not for show). In sports, constantly having to seek any results, overcoming various difficulties and his alter ego. The very second I, which begs you to stay in bed in the morning for another five minutes, but you have already late. This is me, which makes buy another muffin or a pack of cigarettes, even though you have firmly decided yesterday not to buy. This is something I have that calms you, "Come on, is not so difficult - cleanup after the other," even though you know he's not your turn, and inside you all boils. This is the second I have in every man and almost every one of us every day, many times shall come to grips with it. And here, as in sports, you experience the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat, as if you were competing with another person. And how often do you win these battles, shows the extent of your willpower. You though "two in one", but what do you say - first. And this means that a host must be just you. Anyone who has ceased to struggle, like a henpecked husband - it is a pity and contempt.
Stress - sports should not be similar to physical education in school - twice a week to serve a lesson, and at the same time have fun. This should not be going to the gym, namely training. If you have skates and friends for the company, went to the rink and rode there for one hour - that's great, it's great and good emotions. But it's not a sport, it's active. Training begins when you set out to run during that hour 20 laps (30, 40, ...). With this approach, be sure to come a time when your second I shout, "Enough! Can no more! Why is all this ?! And it can even be harmful! ". That is the moment that you need! Only now you have the opportunity to increase the strength of your will. Who is your enemy - it's your alter ego. Look at things that do not lose the opponent, you can not catch up - you give your alter ego. And fight not with a rival, and a second self. Remember how many times you have it fail, betrayed, hate him, scold him, curse him, send to hell - it needs to be put down in any way. If you can stand not succumb to it - you are the winner! You win even if you have not caught up with running ahead (maybe it was Sergei Klevchenya :)). If you win a fight with you - you will feel it. After a workout, you will feel exhausted itself, but will experience emotional lift. Congratulations - training a success, you become a little stronger! I repeat - any sport can be, boxing, badminton, dancing and chess. The main thing - the intensity of training.
Success comes only when every workout brings man to the brink of its capabilities. End of training should become a torture.
All actions taken in order to cultivate willpower, the athlete must carry out vigorously and at a fast pace.
But if the sport you still do not get it, too, does not matter. Everyday life provides a limitless possibilities for self-improvement. Each new day the first thing that greets us: wake-up call - already is a test of willpower for most people. For example, my brain in the morning often refuses to accept any reasonable argument that I can be late for work. It was only when I can just ask ourselves: "Well, where is your will?" I get up. And then throughout the day we find ourselves in many similar situations where you need to make a decision to do something or not to do, and if you do, when and how. And often we go to a compromise, we accept such a solution is not what we need, and this is easier to accomplish. This is where you need to strain the will, force yourself to do thought-provoking. Because no one would make doing what you want. If you are someone will make, then it will make you think and do as you need it. To resist him, you again need to exert the will. To go through life in the direction in which you need, and do not go to where you suffer, you have to strain their will often and in large quantities. And she, like a muscle, from permanent loads will become stronger and stronger. And when you are sufficiently strengthen your willpower, it is often the voltage is no longer cause discomfort such as at the beginning. In addition, you will see that your life has changed for the better.
In conclusion, we present a wonderful rule that gives any person, at any time, the opportunity to practice their willpower.
Admit that you at this point last thing I want to do and do it.
And another important point:
Need to ensure the effectiveness of exercises aimed at raising willpower. Force expended in vain to destroy the ability of willpower.