10 unexpected things that affect the strength of will

Mark Zuckerberg every day wearing the same gray T-shirt. He argues that the process of selection of clothes takes too much precious time and attention, which can be spent more usefully, therefore excluded this process from their lives.
For the decision-making we will use the prefrontal cortex - the area that is responsible for self-control and willpower. And it can and should be strengthened.
1. Minimize the number of decisions taken ezhednevno

One day a man takes incredible number of decisions. Makgoninal Kelly in his book "Willpower. How to develop and strengthen "cites one study that showed that only by choosing foods that you are taking about 400 decisions a day. No, that's not a typo. You just can not fail to notice the endless small decisions, each of which, of course, the resource consumption of the prefrontal cortex. She gets tired and weakened towards the end of the day - this is the time you most difficult to force yourself to do what you must, and resist the temptation.
So analyze your million decisions a day and try to reduce their number. For example, make a plan on Sunday wardrobe for the day, so as not to waste resources of the prefrontal cortex in the selection of clothing. Decide what you will eat for lunch and dinner for the week ahead and purchase the products. "Automate" so any daily activities, freeing himself, he too much stress.
2. Take the most important decisions in the first half of the day, we are not experienced "ego depletion"

Baumeister and other psychologists say about "ego depletion." This means that you have a limited amount of psychic energy to make decisions or control their actions in one particular day.
This was stated by the founder of psychoanalysis, even Sigmund Freud. He suggested that I, or ego, is dependent on mental activity and due to the waste of energy. Freud's experiments showed that self-control each person has a limited supply of psychic energy (and some of it is very small).
This means that more complex problems should be addressed early in the morning, while still enough energy.
3. To make the right decisions, the brain need glyukoza

"Even the wise man does not make the right choice, if it is not properly rested, or glucose level in his body low, - says Baumeister, - That is why the truly wise people do not take important decisions on an empty stomach».
Sellers have noticed the same thing a few decades ago. Candy and soda in supermarkets usually are on the so-called "line of control" to the tired shopper bought them. He had just made his way through the store, took dozens of decisions a sea of energy spent: Now seductive and harmful to health, "Coca-Cola" looks more attractive than usual.
4. If you want more willpower - vysypaytes

According to studies, sleepy man of self-control can be equated to the drinker. For less than six o'clock, few people get enough sleep. According to Professor Stanford Kelly McGonigal, lack of sleep negatively affects the prefrontal cortex - a brain region associated with decision-making:

"With a lack of sleep affected the prefrontal cortex is particularly strong. She loses control of those areas of the brain that are responsible for the impetuous desires and reaction to stress ».
Moreover, if you're tired, you're more likely to be irritated and to succumb to temptations.
"In the absence of adequate control brain overreacts to normal daily routine and seductions».
5. in making correct decisions plays a key role bessoznatelnoe

Psychologists advise to enlist the support of the unconscious, because the conscious attention in humans is limited. Even if you can not postpone the decision for a long time, it is a break, go do something else and let the subconscious mind to work on the problem.
6. Sometimes it is better to give the idea drugim

Was conducted an interesting analysis of social networks: the scientists tracked the progress of employees aerospace company, including those issued to the market products and patents, they found that people did not work alone and know how important it is.
Apart from experience, the relationships between people - the main key to success. People who have had good relations with superiors, and subordinates, the company achieved greater success.
Why is that? If you maintain a productive relationship with people, you can combine them all into one idea, to provide feedback, to delegate, to do with hard work - and succeed. And here it all will benefit. It is important not to forget to thank everyone. That is another reason why generous people are often successful.
7. Sometimes it is useful to give in soblaznu

If you feel that you really are tired and overworked, then let yourself be your desire - it is you "revive". In the long term you will work better and with greater dedication.
Therefore, athletic trainers, nutritionists and allow their customers to arrange "the days of indulgences." If six days a week to comply strictly with diet - denёk highlight the fact to enjoy a favorite dish.
blockquote> «I think that sometimes it is necessary to ignore the diet, and not merely permitted, - the author of" The 101 product that will save your life, "David Grotto. - You deliberately choose what you want, and then eat it with a full awareness of what is happening ... lick your fingers and return to routine life ».
Because people and celebrate Shrove Tuesday before Lent. After celebrate Easter.
8. If you will undertake the obligation to follow the decision taken will prosche![]()
Do the decisions that you do not need to take right now or you can ask someone to do them for you?
Author of the book "marshmallow test: Mastering self-control" Walter Mitchell recommends a simple strategy. If you want to buy a healthy habit, for example, every day to play sports, then turn it into a social obligation.
If you want to run every day, even when it's cold outside, arrange to run with a friend. In this case, you are more likely to stick to the plan of training, because they do not want to lose face.
9. If you will be able to train the willpower, then you will have more chance of success
The famous Stanford marshmallow experiment from 1972, children were asked to sit in front of marshmallows agonizing 15 minutes and did not touch him. Anyone who does, get a sweet reward - another marshmallow.
Later it turned out that children who are able to tolerate 15 minutes later received higher ratings and less substance abuse than their impulsive friends.
10. Sometimes, the trust can strengthen the power voli![]()
Sometimes it seems that if you do not act immediately, then the opportunity will disappear forever. Maybe in this case it is better not to wait.
In 2012, the researcher Celeste Kidd from the University of Rochester's published work, which challenged the marshmallow experiment. In his youth, Kidd worked in shelters for the homeless. She became interested in how growing up in such an unstable environment influences the decisions.
She thought that children from disadvantaged families eat the marshmallow immediately.
Not because the children do not have enough willpower. Rather, they simply grew up in an environment where adults can not be trusted, because his promises are not performed.
Kidd spent first "preparatory" test. She handed the children pieces of paper and pencils and asked them to draw a picture. The children had the choice to do it with a pencil or felt-tip pens to wait. One group of children brought Kidd really felt pens. And the other came back with empty hands and apologized, saying that she has no markers.
Then there was the marshmallow test. Nine of the 14 children who received the markers were able to wait 15 minutes to get a second marshmallow. In the second group waited only one of 14.
Conclusion: strengthen the confidence of willpower.
via factroom.ru