How and why to exercise power of will

Give up ever before! © Winston Churchilli all know that without the exercise of willpower is difficult to achieve the desired. But this knowledge still doesn't stop us neglect this ability of the human psyche. Willpower is manifested where you want to get out of the comfort zone, to break himself or the surrounding reality, to rise after a fall. Typically, strength development will contribute to dreams and goals, high self-motivation. However, willpower can not only help in their daily activities, but also to radically change your life.
Impressive success stories
Nick Vujicic, an Australian born without arms and legs, found the strength not just to accept the reality and try to live like everyone, and to achieve enormous success: to 2 higher education, open your own business, travel around many countries, through its charitable and missionary campaign to publish a few books of the world bestseller and married a stunning beauty.
Pablo Pineda was the first person with down syndrome who graduated from University and allowed to teach. Besides Pablo starred in the film "me too", zavoeval award "Silver sink" as best actor at the film festival in San Sebastian. In an interview, Pablo said, "For the future we must fight!" And he fights for it every day, inspiring others, breaking stereotypes preodolevaya prejudices.
How to develop will power?
In fact, there are no universal exercises in order to develop will power. It is sufficient to understand that the will is brought action, and action need a vector — target. If you have defined a goal, the process of achieving it is the territory for training and strengthening the power of the oxen.
Can only advise to start small. Set simple goals that do not require large amounts of time and serious effort. Then complicate the goals, scale them.
Please note: if you will put unnecessary purpose just for exercise of will power, it would be a meaningless activity. The futility will be doubled, if you don't clearly understand and articulate why you need to train will power. Any desire and action must have solid Foundation — awareness of personal need.
Source: www.gastronom.ru