5 simple ways to develop willpower
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If willpower is like muscle, according to some scientists, the tips can help to develop it.
We are constantly looking for ways to do more, but let's to be realistic about what can and what cannot be achieved through force alone will.
Repeat after me: "My willpower is limited."
Columbia psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson argues that our willpower is often not enough to cope with temptation. Instead, it offers when planning to use the rule "if-then" in order not to rely too much on his strength of will.
Instead of having to make a decision at a specific point in time planning "if-then" allows you to proactively develop a defense plan to when the time comes, we already had the right solution.
But, unfortunately, we are not always able to plan ahead for future events; in such cases, do you need to apply willpower.
Physiologist Roy F. Baumeister and author of scientific publications John Tierney, who wrote a book about willpower, believe that it is similar to the muscles. Willpower can be strengthened through proper nutrition and exercise, but it is also prone to fatigue.
Below are a few simple tips on how to strengthen the psychological stability and strength of the spirit:
1. First thing in the morning perform the most complex doespecially in productivity, I believe that one of the most effective ways to cope with unpleasant or difficult task to perform it in the morning first.
Since energy decision-making is limited, our will power during the day is weakened. In the morning, performing the most difficult task first, you reduce the likelihood of failure when you run it later.
2. Find a
It may seem counterintuitive to people who want to use willpower to lose weight, but a small meal that includes some amount of sugar will give your brain the energy charge necessary to maintain willpower.
Baumeister and other researchers at the University of Florida found that during the execution of the test actions that require self-control, glucose levels in their blood were significantly decreased, which degrades the performance of subsequent tasks that required willpower. But when participants took the drink with glucose, their power will diminish.
Although to test this theory, some researchers used the sweet treats, for example, the lemonade, the longer-term effect on intellectual abilities will have a meal that includes protein and complex carbohydrates.
3. Talk to subjuctive from the University of California argue that sympathy for himself maintains motivation for self-improvement. And their colleagues from the University of Illinois found that it is important how we speak.
According to their research, talking to yourself in the second person (when affirmation starts with "you") makes the performance of our actions and our intentions to do better in a greater degree than a conversation with a first-person view (when sentences start with "I").
So next time when you need someone to encourage you to perform a difficult task, don't be afraid to say to yourself: "You can do it".
4. Uspokoitsya someone to quiet it down, it's probably the most inefficient way really calm person. But if you want to give a chance to his strong will to compete, you need to do it.
When we experience episodes of stress, our body enters the "fight or flight". At this time we are biologically predisposed to act more instinctively and less logically, that is our will power and energy of decision-making recede into the background.
One of the best ways to reduce stress and increase concentration is meditation. It is proved that it is extremely beneficial for our body and brain. Due to the effectiveness of meditation used even a stock traders on wall street.
5. More satinarayana scientists and security experts compare driving sleepy with driving while intoxicated. According to the Foundation for traffic safety, in every sixth accident fatalities are guilty of sleeping driver. This is because a moderate level of sleep deprivation leads to impairment in cognitive and motor activities of the body, the equivalent of officially permissible level of alcohol in the blood.
If you haven't slept for 28 hours straight and can't drive a car, believe me, you will not be able to make the right decisions. Lack of sleep when the prefrontal cortex loses control over those parts of the brain responsible for desire and reaction to stress.A small NAP is the best way to repair the brain and strengthen will power. published
Source: megamozg.ru/company/mbaconsult/blog/11180/
If willpower is like muscle, according to some scientists, the tips can help to develop it.
We are constantly looking for ways to do more, but let's to be realistic about what can and what cannot be achieved through force alone will.
Repeat after me: "My willpower is limited."
Columbia psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson argues that our willpower is often not enough to cope with temptation. Instead, it offers when planning to use the rule "if-then" in order not to rely too much on his strength of will.
Instead of having to make a decision at a specific point in time planning "if-then" allows you to proactively develop a defense plan to when the time comes, we already had the right solution.
But, unfortunately, we are not always able to plan ahead for future events; in such cases, do you need to apply willpower.
Physiologist Roy F. Baumeister and author of scientific publications John Tierney, who wrote a book about willpower, believe that it is similar to the muscles. Willpower can be strengthened through proper nutrition and exercise, but it is also prone to fatigue.
Below are a few simple tips on how to strengthen the psychological stability and strength of the spirit:
1. First thing in the morning perform the most complex doespecially in productivity, I believe that one of the most effective ways to cope with unpleasant or difficult task to perform it in the morning first.
Since energy decision-making is limited, our will power during the day is weakened. In the morning, performing the most difficult task first, you reduce the likelihood of failure when you run it later.
2. Find a
It may seem counterintuitive to people who want to use willpower to lose weight, but a small meal that includes some amount of sugar will give your brain the energy charge necessary to maintain willpower.
Baumeister and other researchers at the University of Florida found that during the execution of the test actions that require self-control, glucose levels in their blood were significantly decreased, which degrades the performance of subsequent tasks that required willpower. But when participants took the drink with glucose, their power will diminish.
Although to test this theory, some researchers used the sweet treats, for example, the lemonade, the longer-term effect on intellectual abilities will have a meal that includes protein and complex carbohydrates.
3. Talk to subjuctive from the University of California argue that sympathy for himself maintains motivation for self-improvement. And their colleagues from the University of Illinois found that it is important how we speak.
According to their research, talking to yourself in the second person (when affirmation starts with "you") makes the performance of our actions and our intentions to do better in a greater degree than a conversation with a first-person view (when sentences start with "I").
So next time when you need someone to encourage you to perform a difficult task, don't be afraid to say to yourself: "You can do it".
4. Uspokoitsya someone to quiet it down, it's probably the most inefficient way really calm person. But if you want to give a chance to his strong will to compete, you need to do it.
When we experience episodes of stress, our body enters the "fight or flight". At this time we are biologically predisposed to act more instinctively and less logically, that is our will power and energy of decision-making recede into the background.
One of the best ways to reduce stress and increase concentration is meditation. It is proved that it is extremely beneficial for our body and brain. Due to the effectiveness of meditation used even a stock traders on wall street.
5. More satinarayana scientists and security experts compare driving sleepy with driving while intoxicated. According to the Foundation for traffic safety, in every sixth accident fatalities are guilty of sleeping driver. This is because a moderate level of sleep deprivation leads to impairment in cognitive and motor activities of the body, the equivalent of officially permissible level of alcohol in the blood.
If you haven't slept for 28 hours straight and can't drive a car, believe me, you will not be able to make the right decisions. Lack of sleep when the prefrontal cortex loses control over those parts of the brain responsible for desire and reaction to stress.A small NAP is the best way to repair the brain and strengthen will power. published
Source: megamozg.ru/company/mbaconsult/blog/11180/
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