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Warriors and crumbs - my recipe for coping

In each of our lives there are difficulties and crises - loss of loved ones, illness, rupture of relations, a reduction of the work, the collapse of the business, "Return" with the institute, so many things happen ...

Have you noticed that people in different ways to cope with the difficulties?

Someone at a critical time behaves like a warrior - mobilizes and activates the hidden reserves and with a fierce roar spoiling for a fight with adversity

. And someone on the contrary, acts as a "crumb" - gives the slack, succumb to difficulties, sags under the circumstances

. Why is this happening? And my favorite question - is it possible to change something

? Let's understand.

It just so happened that my childhood was spent in the garden.

The parents had two cottages. 6 and 10 acres. During the season we went to them almost every day - digging, watering, fertilizing, planting potatoes, spud, collect Colorado beetles, etc. etc.

I confess, I did not like this business - in fact with all the guys in the yard there are always things more interesting - to climb on construction sites, do home-made knives, laminating sleeper train under the nails ... oh, there were times

! Besides, I could not understand the strange logic of their parents - to plant spring two large bags of potatoes to the fall dig half a bag of small ?! Uh, what's the catch, where profit?

Then, because in any case the market to buy all the necessary products for the winter ...

Do not it be easier to just buy everything in the market and not to spend the summer "sing up»?

Growing up, I realized that of course, it was not a potato. So parents are quenched in our willpower pumped dedication, hard work and discipline. It was brought up our character, with the result that this Ogorodnaya hard labor went in my favor and I am very grateful to my parents for the upbringing of the wise.

Warriors and "crumbs»
In my opinion, the difference between the soldiers and the "crumbs" in the preparation and training.

Warriors are well aware that the difficulty in life is inevitable and they have enough intelligence to prepare for them. So they deliberately expose themselves to tests for training purposes, to gain experience, to pump and be fully prepared, when they will have to face the challenges in life.

Crumb same fold, because they were not ready to meet the challenges in their lives. They are not trained. No one had warned them that it would be difficult.

Everyone who wants to be a warrior of life, and not a crumb to achieve something in life, should be regularly pumped his will.

First of all, let's define what will.

That's what we said about the will of the textbook on psychiatry:

"Will - a conscious organization and self-regulation of its activities and human behavior, aimed at overcoming the difficulties in achieving these goals. Will - a special form of activity of the person, a special kind of organization of its behavior defined by the set of her own purpose »
. In simple words, the will - is our ability to set goals and reach them, overcoming obstacles in its path

. It is important to understand that obstacles are always so arranged our lives. Therefore, a reasonable person should advance ourselves to them to prepare and plan, that they will not to be caught unawares vicissitudes.

The epidemic will deficit
In psychiatry, there is concept of "hypobulia" simple words - will the deficit:

"Hypobulia - a painful decline in the will, in which the strength of the motives, meaning reduced, difficult to define and hold any purpose. Patients with no deal, sluggish, passive, long time sitting or lying in one position with an indifferent expression. Extreme hypobulia called Abul (lack of will) and manifests a lack of meaning, loss of desire, full of indifference and inaction, an almost complete restriction of communication. »

"Nothing can do, sluggish, passive, long time sitting or lying in one position with an indifferent expression on his face" - You do not like anybody

? As far as I can see, weak will in varying degrees, suffer every second.

I wonder why doctors are sounding the alarm about the epidemic will deficiency in the world today? Who knows, maybe the doctors themselves have the will for it is not enough.

Signs of weak will
I will list a few typical signs of deficiency will make it better understood what we are dealing:

1. Inability to manage your time, to discipline themselves and to organize their work
There is a simple rule: if you are not able to prioritize their business, someone else will prioritize your time. Weak-willed people can not do set themselves tasks and execute them, so work for the weak-willed people does not fit - they need external power to direct and organize their

. 2. Submission external circumstances
The trouble is weak-willed person that he is guided not by what comes from within - their desires, goals, plans, motivation, and adjusts to external factors, becoming hostage to external circumstances of life

. 3. A pile of unsolved problems
Weak-willed person is buried in the pile of unsolved problems and unfinished business, his life is full of confusion. He did not have the patience and perseverance to bring their case to the end. The fatal tendency to take a lot just behind and throw in the middle, without reaching a result.

4. infantilism, lack of independence

5. Inability to overcome difficulties
A distinctive feature of weak will - not the ability to overcome difficulties. Faced with the slightest obstacle in life, weak-willed person refuses to accept the challenge to his destiny and cowardly retreats in various forms.

6. Chronic inability to bring their case to the end, even if the goal was only one step
Throw halfway and score as soon as there are first difficulty - a typical pattern of behavior weak-willed person. However, he is a master to find for yourself and others is strong justification for why it did not work.

7. Indulging your senses, weaknesses and vices
Weak-willed man can not limit yourself. He is a slave to his senses, weaknesses and vices. Choosing between important things and pleasures, he choose the latter.

8. Lack of firmness and hardness, indecision, lack of confidence in their abilities

9. Dependence on other people's opinions, easy suggestibility
Weakling easy to manipulate, it is difficult to say "no." It depends on the opinion of others, looking for external approval of their actions.

10. Failure to make a choice, decide

11. The tendency to destructive addiction and mental disorders
Take any harmful addiction - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling. The root of all these relationships - lack of will. Moreover, I was amazed when I learned that at the root of many major psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, is a critical weakening of the will of man.

If you find at least one of these signs in your life, it is worth pondering.

The problem of weak-willed person that even if he knows what he wants in life, he was not able to overcome the difficulties in order to achieve their goals.

And even worse, when such a person does not have the will to even think about what he wants in life, so it just goes with the flow, subject to the circumstances.

And it's sad ... because people will suffer from a deficit, sometimes do not even suspect that it is a disease that must be treated, otherwise life with them will just happen.

As my mother says, "Well, he just lives, how is it».

"Create your life" and "to live as it turns out" - is fundamentally different ways of living, you agree

? For the first need the will.

The question is where to take it?

My recipe for overcoming the difficulties
Understand correctly, all what I write in this post, lived on personal experience and is based on observations of a. And though I'm sorry to admit it, most of the above signs of weak will know me firsthand.

I'm a man, so like everyone else, sometimes hesitant, save important things for later, leave the "tails" and "visyaki» ...

And I was angry when this happens.

Because I strive to be the creator of your life, to be a warrior, not a crumb. That is why I have long realized that the will have to "pump" and fiercely eradicating any signs of weak will of his life.

I found a recipe for effective coping and is ready to share them with you.

Forgive forgiveness in advance for people with fine mental organization for being straightforward wording, but there as it is:

My recipe to overcome the difficulties of such a "hard pull yourself in the ass, but otherwise you for her strong will your destiny.»

What does it mean?

As I wrote above, every person who wants to be a warrior of life, and not a crumb to achieve something in life, should be regularly pumped his will. And the basic difference between a warrior and a crumb -. In training

Will - this is our inner core, an invisible arm. The good news is that the will gives in training and hardening, as well as you can pump your biceps in the gym.

It is best to pump will allow regular penance.

Asceticism - a conscious, voluntary and dosed causing himself suffering for training purposes, this is the best vaccination against the will of the deficit

. If you regularly and voluntarily expose themselves dosed testing, gradually increasing the difficulty level, the will, the power of the spirit, the inner core is becoming stronger. It produces immunity against life's troubles, growing confidence, as accumulated experience of successful coping - and formed worldview warrior, winner

. And now the trials of life can not catch you by surprise, you know how to be, you are ready for them with them.

And as more and more of "pumping" will notice that the difficulty, even a year ago seemed an obstacle, now it causes a slight smile and solved effortlessly.

So we bring a warrior.