Between "must" and "want" 5 steps for developing will power
A dream to develop willpower, because it largely defines a person's life – success in work, relationships with family, health, financial well-being. Willpower helps a person to create significant results, earn respect, become a role model! In addition, if the person is spiritually strong, he is not susceptible to outside influence. There are many ways to develop or strengthen your will power.
Willpower is the ability on the basis of the decision, to concentrate and focus all efforts on the achievement of an important result, often in spite of circumstances and mood. Therefore, it is indispensable to "short range" when you need to make an effort to overcome the pain, break out of your comfort zone and radically change something. Well, then you will need self-discipline and organization.
Willpower is a trait of a Mature and wise personality. The child also has willpower, but usually it is considered stubbornness! Therefore, it is not always necessary to start with education the strength of will. First you need to gain mental health and peace of mind, control their emotions, to take responsibility for their lives.
Any character trait can be seen only through a certain behavior. So, willpower is simply a skill or habit and, as any habit can be trained. In early childhood you may even bad go, but now well stand. And why? Because every day to do it! Starting to train yourself, you can achieve great heights in any business! Force of will is always opposed to laziness. Training your will power, you "kill two birds with one stone" — reduce their dependence on laziness.
Start with your weaknesses!
Everyone knows that even a drunken alcoholic doesn't consider himself an alcoholic. And until awareness, and to get rid of this dependence one cannot. Start with learning their weaknesses! Own weakness, disorganization and laziness often prevents to cope with the tasks.
People with a strong will not allow myself the weakness, keeping the inner core of his personality. Raising a force of will, say "NO" to their weaknesses and laziness. Of course, they are very cunning and resourceful, they will find a way to stop you: "what kind of a mood today," "so be it, tomorrow will begin, and still today, too lazy", "it's not urgent then I will do", etc will help you to find thousands of explanations and hundreds of fault whose cause you are unable to complete the project.
In such cases, just do it, defeat laziness and mundane habits of daily perseverance. Want it or not, no matter, DO it! If you did, you did. If you have made a decision, brought the plans to the result.
Determine the meanings, values and goals!
Perhaps laziness dictates that the goal has no human meaning or value. Kind of need to know English, but it is not clear "why" and the answers do not motivate. When people say to me: "here, I got married/lose weight/make money!" I always answer: "Who SHOULD those already married/skinny/rich".
Identify their values and meanings. On their Foundation match goals. But setting a goal, ask yourself questions: why should I? And what will happen when I'll achieve? And what could be more important than this? And at the end of the chain of questions you will find what you need to overcome their inaction.
Do not make yourself too excessive demands, don't expect the impossible from yourself – has the right to make mistakes. Goals should be attainable, and plans for their implementation simple and easy to enforce.
Ensure regularity!
It is important that the process of development of will power was constant and continuous. It is impractical to arrange one training session, hoping to lose weight in one day. Training willpower, you will learn the skills of planning, improve health, develop awareness and self discipline.
Reward yourself!
We, without noticing, train yourself procrastinators. It is necessary to do something: "let me first to grab some coffee with a friend the task to discuss, to get some air"... Thus, our body gets the reward for the deed, and omission. Swap business and the promotion and the results will not keep itself waiting long.
Praise yourself for every act of overcoming oneself! Encourage results. Keep a diary of progress and every day write yourself a gratitude for the created results. A gradually growing list, will increase self-esteem and confidence in their ability to achieve.
Eliminate self-sabotage!
Many people have a huge amount of time and effort goes into the resistance. Then they resist its resistance. In the end, or don't do what you need, or do it "on its last legs". Make it a rule: "I'll quickly do what's important, and then you can treat yourself to inaction", as in the saying: "work, walk safely!"
Do not deceive yourself, especially on the way to the registry office and in the hospital!
If love is "too tight", so it's not your size
Willpower manifests itself as a reaction to the internal conflict between "should" and "want", it affects how people will react to any impulse or desire.published
Author: Maria Kudryavtseva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: maria-kudryavtseva.ru/

Willpower is the ability on the basis of the decision, to concentrate and focus all efforts on the achievement of an important result, often in spite of circumstances and mood. Therefore, it is indispensable to "short range" when you need to make an effort to overcome the pain, break out of your comfort zone and radically change something. Well, then you will need self-discipline and organization.
Willpower is a trait of a Mature and wise personality. The child also has willpower, but usually it is considered stubbornness! Therefore, it is not always necessary to start with education the strength of will. First you need to gain mental health and peace of mind, control their emotions, to take responsibility for their lives.
Any character trait can be seen only through a certain behavior. So, willpower is simply a skill or habit and, as any habit can be trained. In early childhood you may even bad go, but now well stand. And why? Because every day to do it! Starting to train yourself, you can achieve great heights in any business! Force of will is always opposed to laziness. Training your will power, you "kill two birds with one stone" — reduce their dependence on laziness.
Start with your weaknesses!
Everyone knows that even a drunken alcoholic doesn't consider himself an alcoholic. And until awareness, and to get rid of this dependence one cannot. Start with learning their weaknesses! Own weakness, disorganization and laziness often prevents to cope with the tasks.
People with a strong will not allow myself the weakness, keeping the inner core of his personality. Raising a force of will, say "NO" to their weaknesses and laziness. Of course, they are very cunning and resourceful, they will find a way to stop you: "what kind of a mood today," "so be it, tomorrow will begin, and still today, too lazy", "it's not urgent then I will do", etc will help you to find thousands of explanations and hundreds of fault whose cause you are unable to complete the project.
In such cases, just do it, defeat laziness and mundane habits of daily perseverance. Want it or not, no matter, DO it! If you did, you did. If you have made a decision, brought the plans to the result.
Determine the meanings, values and goals!
Perhaps laziness dictates that the goal has no human meaning or value. Kind of need to know English, but it is not clear "why" and the answers do not motivate. When people say to me: "here, I got married/lose weight/make money!" I always answer: "Who SHOULD those already married/skinny/rich".
Identify their values and meanings. On their Foundation match goals. But setting a goal, ask yourself questions: why should I? And what will happen when I'll achieve? And what could be more important than this? And at the end of the chain of questions you will find what you need to overcome their inaction.
Do not make yourself too excessive demands, don't expect the impossible from yourself – has the right to make mistakes. Goals should be attainable, and plans for their implementation simple and easy to enforce.
Ensure regularity!
It is important that the process of development of will power was constant and continuous. It is impractical to arrange one training session, hoping to lose weight in one day. Training willpower, you will learn the skills of planning, improve health, develop awareness and self discipline.
- Planning. Make a plan for the day, week, month. Do not put yourself of the important task. Master the skills gradually. For example, this week learn to get up at a certain time, adding the next exercise, and so step by step to the goal.
- Health. After all, it is best to train the willpower to exercise. When this is achieved the opposite effect: the development of body helps in developing will power.
- Awareness and self-discipline. Wean to make hasty decisions, especially based on emotion. Think, draw conclusions, describe daily steps to achieve your goals, don't rush. An important regularity, not a single number. So if you are 20 days will be to squat 20 times, the healing effect is better than if you sit down at a time, 100 times, and then a month to do anything you're not. Every day, let small steps, but keep moving toward the goal.

Reward yourself!
We, without noticing, train yourself procrastinators. It is necessary to do something: "let me first to grab some coffee with a friend the task to discuss, to get some air"... Thus, our body gets the reward for the deed, and omission. Swap business and the promotion and the results will not keep itself waiting long.
Praise yourself for every act of overcoming oneself! Encourage results. Keep a diary of progress and every day write yourself a gratitude for the created results. A gradually growing list, will increase self-esteem and confidence in their ability to achieve.
Eliminate self-sabotage!
Many people have a huge amount of time and effort goes into the resistance. Then they resist its resistance. In the end, or don't do what you need, or do it "on its last legs". Make it a rule: "I'll quickly do what's important, and then you can treat yourself to inaction", as in the saying: "work, walk safely!"
Do not deceive yourself, especially on the way to the registry office and in the hospital!
If love is "too tight", so it's not your size
Willpower manifests itself as a reaction to the internal conflict between "should" and "want", it affects how people will react to any impulse or desire.published
Author: Maria Kudryavtseva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: maria-kudryavtseva.ru/