Mistakes strong women

The word "strong" are in quotes because no such power exists in the world, which someone could prevent. Women often stopping power, and what they take for it.
I'll try to explain by examples. (Examples not yet deal with marriage, but mostly just novels).
Error 1. "Take by force"
Often women think that to take the initiative is the power, and passively waiting for initiatives from the other's weakness. So when they invite themselves somewhere man persistently or give him to understand that they like it, they think they behave as strong women. And when a man starts to flirt and to impose conditions, these women sigh "well, I was too strong, and therefore he became weak," and then they give advice to other women "need to be weaker, otherwise will swap with the guy places".
In fact, here everything is upside down on his head.
Let's start with the fact that the initiative most of the women are showing impatience and inability to endure loneliness, sometimes from excruciating boredom, the desire faster to get what you want, that is the real weakness. From this weakness they are not able to wait for this weakness to wait for them is nothing, fans do not go after them, they are little in demand, and if demand, it is not those, and if those somehow not so, and you want to step lively and hurry up, like in the movies, in General, these women take the initiative, because they need more, and men still. So men in a stronger position, and this strong position gives them an advantage. The female weakness leads to the fact that women are in disadvantageous positions, and men begin to extort additional conditions.
To think that if this is not too popular with the man woman sitting with downcast eyes, he would she became interested in it again to produce the illusion, and there is only weakness. Not from force.
Power is unobtrusive to make it clear to any man that he is cute, but not to worry and not to suffer, waiting for his response, not to solicit that reaction, and not to become hysterical if there is no reaction or it is much more sluggish than I would like, and be treated with humor and be willing to forget.
Another great strength is not just to make it clear that the man is handsome, but also know how you can operate, providing the reaction that you want. But it already aerobatics. And most women — not to fat-be alive, that is, to learn at least do not deceive yourself that weakness is strength.
Error 2. "Rough build"
Often women try to voice their comments, more similar to the conditions in a rather sharp and rigid form. In any words men that they don't like, they can burst into a tirade about how they should behave, what they can say and what is unacceptable, describe its advantages and angrily demand respect. If a man retires, these women conclude that proved to be too strong and bitter, and men "accustomed to a weak and submissive".
Describe who you are and what you like you can say, how impossible, it is not a force, but a real weakness. It is the fear that you suddenly say something and you'll feel humiliated, crushed, is the fear that the man really doesn't respect you and you look in his eyes is insignificant and it is necessary to tell in words how you really significant and as you appreciate yourself.
A strong man does not tell how to behave, he suggests that respect for him — a rule, and his respect for the other (force provides the ability to respect others and not to wait for a dirty trick). And if a strong man sees that he is treated disrespectfully, he politely says goodbye, without explaining anything. The only exception is when something can be explained is if the other asks to explain, asks and tries to figure out what was wrong, but then an exception should be made for cases where could be a simple misunderstanding, not a real lack of respect. Showed disrespect do not need to explain. Those who indulge in disputes and start educational conversations that are not able to just leave, afraid of losing the person, even if he's a CAD, or don't trust yourself, doubt, hurt their dignity or no, vary, fruit of the illusion that if you talk and explain everything will change, i.e. demonstrate dependence and submissiveness in fact, not strength, as it seems. Hysterical and ridiculous is not a strong woman, a weak woman nor can not leave, nor to calm down, that is doubly weak.
Power is to behave calmly and politely, trust your reactions, do not pay attention to trifles, not to be exhausted in a vacuum, but if something really seemed unacceptable, to quietly distance themselves, without the educational talks, making it clear that such communication is not fun, and not thinking that the other person spent my whole life waiting for you to explain to him how to behave and how not. That's his business.
Error 3. "To dominate" or "to drag all on itself"
Often women are hiding from a greater interest in relationships, taking on too much. They invite a man to my apartment or organize a date. Without waiting for men to call, they clarify, does not cancel any meetings, they are active all the time, usually rough to look "independent", they "rule" before, after, and in the process, and then, seeing that the man was entirely passive and conducts himself like a Prince, offended to his "power", although this is again very weak.
The weakness to be interested in a relationship much more than the other party, to be dependent a lot more, but the main weakness is to hide from this fact. If you're interested in more, but honestly this is stating, you can do something to correct the balance. But if you hide it from yourself, you are unarmed in front of his weakness.
Dominate is the opposite to "catch him", to dominate is to direct the actions of another, and do everything for him and for him as a servant. To covet doesn't mean to steer, it means to covet. When a woman says, does her partner about the meeting, it shows weakness and insecurity. First, she doubted that he remembered, and secondly, she wants to hurry to make sure I don't forget, otherwise you can not feel calm. If she were stronger, this matter troubled her much less her complexes and earlier injuries did not flush would be red emergency lights from any doubts about the other's feelings, she would be calm and could go about their business (and her head wouldn't be busy with amorous feelings).
That is, the force is again quite different, and if it so happened that the woman "drags on relations", it is important to admit that it is from the weakness and dependence, and not by force. To cease to be a "scapegoat" we need to build up strength and not become even weaker, as sometimes advised.
Error 4. "Send to hell"
Often women rough break up, and then endlessly reminded of what broke the relationship due to the fact that he was too strong and did not want to endure, and endured, it would have been still in a relationship. In fact, you have to be very weak to, making something, no end of regret and all the time to make excuses, telling everyone that you did the right thing or you did it because, unlike other is very strong. A strong man either does, or does not justified it to yourself or to others.
In addition, breaking up with scandal is always a weakness. A strong man from the relationship calmly walks away, politely saying good-bye before the relationship turned into hell, and often blames no one nor hates (he does not give himself to offend and to hate for that). He knows that every minute of the relationship was in memory and strong mind, and therefore was responsible, and if he stayed in this relationship, no matter how much three days or three years, he did it on his own. So to be suddenly in the role of deceived victims, who suddenly found next to an enemy, or could not escape from, a strong man can not. But if happened, a strong man will take it on account of its weakness, not strength. He says, "I became weak, so to me it began to happen, we need to get better". If a person lives in hell, but escape for some reason can not, it is not strength, but weakness, and he should understand that. You can lie to yourself that you are too kind, careful, responsible, and can honestly say that you are an addict, afraid of change and unsure of himself, so you can't give your weakness strength, then weaknesses will be easier to get rid of.
Fight or scandal goodbye — this is a real weakness. Men also often weak and rarely they manage to behave honorably when their feelings are hurt. But what few people are able to save power in a relationship and not become addicted, does not make this weakness a strength, it still remains a weakness. And women need not on this account be mistaken. The stronger one is, the more problems are avoided, even under the most difficult circumstances.
There are no such people that the power would stop him in love or in personal life. Power is something that by definition can only help and open new opportunities.published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/79841.html
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