Yet to find perfect life partner can be, if we turn to astrology, so you understand who your ideal woman in the sign of the zodiac, and it will be able to choose from many others.
All men want to see beside her a beautiful and intelligent woman who will be a good hostess and great lover. However, such as a strong generalized, since each man has his value ... One finds perfection, knows how to cook, and the second - Supports perfect purity, the third did not think about the fact whether his spouse have the culinary skills is more important than beauty. < br />
Yet to find perfect life partner can be, if we turn to astrology, so you understand who your ideal woman in the sign of the zodiac, and it will be able to choose from many others.
Aries woman - a hot temper and determination! At the same time it should be open and sincere, with a well-developed sense of humor and sense of duty. Aries are very jealous, so demand absolute loyalty. If you have dark hair, deep eyes, full, sensuous lips, medium height, feminine form, then you are already among his mistresses.
Man Aries is very picky about his life partner. He wants to see beside her temperamental, strong, open, sincere, but surely a woman with a great sense of humor. Prefers brunettes medium height with lush, feminine forms, he loves deep look, sensual lips.
Aries might like sociable person, bright, energetic and cheeful. Any manifestations of decadence and melancholy may push him away, and even cause a complete disgust. Other concerns, doubts - and forward-feeding into the breach. Aries also appreciate your grooming and beauty - it's especially likely to appeal to your rapid success in men, although it annoy him. But the force to war for you.
Taurus woman - which is able to easily create a pleasant emotional atmosphere, and features good culinary skills. The ideal companion of Taurus has a calm, balanced character, reliability and a certain degree of conservatism. Besides, she is intelligent and responsible. These men appreciate women passionate, but having a calm and balanced temperament. Outwardly, this magnificent woman with earth outlook on life.
Male Taurus wants to see next to him a woman who will share his tastes, able to create harmony around him. The ideal woman for him - calm, balanced, reliable, responsible woman who is not only intellectual ability, but also culinary.
Taurus women love smart and sensible. Frivolous silly plunge it into the full horror and forced to quickly retreat. Vigor and vitality will also play in your favor - Taurus needs the source from which it will periodically "feed". Show yourself a skillful hostess, and in general - skilled worker of all trades. Take bold decisions put forward interesting ideas. In general, shows that you can rely on.
Female twins - with special mental organization. The ideal woman is generous, friendly, impartial, knowledgeable. Able to see throughout perfect. Never will impose their society. This lady does not allow tantrums, screaming and smashing crockery. She is talented and well-mannered. Rather, it is slender and fragile brunette with rapid gait.
Man-Gemini will be delighted with the generous, friendly, erudite and educated woman. For him it is important that his fiancee was able to see not only the bad in life, but also beautiful, interested in music, painting or dance. He will not tolerate brazen, obtrusive women who believe that shouting and fighting, you can resolve any issues. He was like a slender, fragile brunette with flying gait.
The twins have the liking of a woman who keeps a certain distance. Contraindicated frankness and plain speaking. Your "open pure soul," he will be deeply care. Gemini - just one of those men who love mysteries and riddles, and clues to lose all interest. Also, your partner should constantly question, and whether so you are bound to it. Or maybe, and you do not like? Or maybe you have someone there? In short, the intrigue ...
Woman Cancer - be able to complete altruistka to be content with little, and give themselves entirely. Typically, this blonde of medium height with light eyes and "mermaid" hair. Ideal for representatives of this sign is a woman - a mother, loving, caring, good housewife, devoted to family and belonging only to him. The girl who resembles his mother.
Man-Cancer dreams about a woman with great dedication. The ideal woman for him: a blonde with long, falling down on his neck and shoulders, hair and light eyes. If a woman is ready to give all of myself entirely, cook the most delicious dishes, to monitor the cleanliness of furniture, men and praise him every minute, it - ideal for men Cancer.
Cancer likes women who solve all his problems. Or at least household. He gladly entrust you in control of your pair, and therefore endow you with all imaginable and unimaginable virtues. Intelligent, educated woman leader - this is his ideal. Cancer is also very sentimental and romantic. You should pay attention to the spiritual life and the development of your inner world. Just beautiful woman Cancer strongly satisfied.
Female Lion - cheerful adventurer adoring travel, children and general courtesies. This is seen a woman with a bright, unique, often demonstrative character. It should radiate inner strength, dignity and confidence to excel. It is important to have a regal figure, he was rich and generous spirit.
The male lion needs in a fun, easy, active, positive woman. Its ideal companion to the bright, showy, but a faithful wife, guardian of home comfort as well as a lover of adventure and travel. He will appreciate loyalty, empathy, and he likes attention surrounding his woman.
Leo loves all unusual, brilliant, "stands out from the crowd." To get his attention, you need to show their best qualities, stay with dignity - and, of course, have these same advantages. Your beauty is not so important, as important is the ability to present themselves. In addition, Leo unexpectedly can attract a woman, totally unadapted to reality, dreamy, head in the clouds. It does not eliminate, however, your social significance.
Female Virgo - very selective with respect to men. It has a mild, sweet temper, fully developed personality. Monitor the cleanliness of the house and relationships, neat, meticulous. She will think ten times, and once answered. Rather, it is a nice brown-haired woman with chiseled figure.
Male Virgo wants to see beside her flexible, neat, meticulous, well-rounded personality. The ideal woman is able to understand it without words to express the depth of empathy and support for a simple touch of the hand. It monitors the purity of relationship, does just informed actions.
Virgin love careerists. Your business acumen, practicality, desire to be first and to achieve a high official position, a positive impact on his attitude to you. Women's weakness, alas, have to hide for a different occasion - only strong-willed and never become discouraged ladies can permanently keep his feelings. So a man can be even given orders - it will get you this, unless you are really capable of being a commander.
Woman Scales - able to satisfy all the spiritual and physical needs. As a rule, it is a great family man, but it serves a very important fact, that all family members recognized its authority, the spoken word was considered law.
Male Libra - gentle, caring, reliable family man who expects recognition of its authority from family members. He is looking for a woman who will satisfy all his spiritual and physical needs, is to maintain order in the house, to listen to him.
Libra will appreciate your beauty and sociability. Friends, acquaintances, partners and colleagues - if you have their credibility if they love you and respect, you will fall in love with a man, and the sign of Libra. He was like no one else listens to the opinions of others, for it is important that the chosen one and appreciate other people too. Your ability to illogical contradictory actions, easy attitude to life, the ability to elegantly joke too attract him. In addition, it is important to show off special intellectual, educated and deep.
Scorpio woman - "military person" that enthralls. It has a great intuition in intimate terms, and feels fine, you need a partner. Smart, strong, self-confident, but feminine.
Male Scorpio dreams of self-confident, courageous, energetic, lively person, who will be able to protect their interests. His ideal - a strong woman with a developed intuition, sensuality and sensitivity.
Scorpio does not like weak women - is on the one hand. On the other hand, to command them also fail. We'll have to somehow adjust - that is, to be strong, but the second. You will come to face graceful manners, a secular gloss elegance. But the vulgarity and swagger repel nagging Scorpio forever. It is important that your feelings were sincere - false Scorpio feels very well and does not forgive. It is very little that forgives, so keep your eyes open. Balance: Be with him at a distance, but not cold; smart, but not suppress it; be bold in his actions, but avoid any sacrifice.
Female Sagittarius - generous and kind-hearted woman. In addition, it must be skillful lover, a caring mother and economical mistress. Her physical parameters should be as close to the standard 90x60x90. Men prefer women who have similar interests, hobbies, passions, which is pleasant to travel.
Male Sagittarius will not miss a fair, sincere, discreet, kindly, generous woman who will also be a happy owner of an ideal figure, a great lover. For his ideal woman a man of this sign of the zodiac assigns a place near the children, kitchen and church. It has to be a caring mother, a good housewife, fun and resourceful soulmate.
Sagittarius can not stand quite intelligent women. They irritate him. He knows without them what to do. Therefore, simplicity and a touch of easy ignorance - it is just what you need. Let him you do not just manage, but just commanded. Consult with him on any occasion. Admire his outlook. Learn from him. Do not forget to make a good haircut and a manicure. And you will be happy.
Capricorn woman - way to understand the hidden sensual nature. Respectable, stable, calm and careful, honors family traditions and all have their own judgments. Develops all the details. Romantic.
Male Capricorn pretty sensitive, so it will be most comfortable with a woman that can understand its nature. The ideal woman - calm, cautious, steady, respectable, and be able to defend their own opinion about everything.
Capricorn wants his companion was the best in the world. Your beauty, practicality, respect for others - all in your favor. But it is especially important to have a high social status. The higher, the better. Be confident, passionate about their career and business. At the same time you need to provide space and Capricorn - never be intrusive and too sentimental. Weep over soap opera woman will lead him to the full horror.
Aquarius woman - the girlfriend and mother in one person. Wife-inspirer, which will periodically pull out of laziness attacks, to protect from the daily routine. In short, every day becomes a celebration. And do not be allowed for excessive sentimentality and never really do not open your heart completely.
Man Aquarius needs a strong, assertive woman who can be thinned paints gray days. He loved caring, gentle, sensitive woman.
Aquarius appreciates, first of all, spiritual kinship. The similarity of interests and hobbies for Aquarius is a very important moment in the relations. He spends a lot of time with your friends, so you need to show complete loyalty to him. Flexible, the ability to find an honorable way out of a difficult situation - it's all very impressed with this man.
Female fish - has a very fine intuition, humanity and outward calm. Always able to control your emotions, generous, fair and sincere. Choose partners for a long time, but the choice is almost always true. Feminine, love of art and nature.
Man-Fish dreams of feminine, relaxed, good woman. Ideal for him - one that has a developed intuition, is able to restrain their impulses rereadings from an emotions, love art, nature, generous, kind, fair, sincere.
Pisces are romantic sentimental charm women. Flirty, soft and trusting ladies ready shed tears of emotion, evoke a touching affection. Your ability to prove to be a good housewife is also very necessary by the way, since Pisces like shopping ladies who know how to build a house and cook. Also, it will please your friends - try to expand his social circle.
Author - Angelica Dara

All men want to see beside her a beautiful and intelligent woman who will be a good hostess and great lover. However, such as a strong generalized, since each man has his value ... One finds perfection, knows how to cook, and the second - Supports perfect purity, the third did not think about the fact whether his spouse have the culinary skills is more important than beauty. < br />
Yet to find perfect life partner can be, if we turn to astrology, so you understand who your ideal woman in the sign of the zodiac, and it will be able to choose from many others.
Aries woman - a hot temper and determination! At the same time it should be open and sincere, with a well-developed sense of humor and sense of duty. Aries are very jealous, so demand absolute loyalty. If you have dark hair, deep eyes, full, sensuous lips, medium height, feminine form, then you are already among his mistresses.
Man Aries is very picky about his life partner. He wants to see beside her temperamental, strong, open, sincere, but surely a woman with a great sense of humor. Prefers brunettes medium height with lush, feminine forms, he loves deep look, sensual lips.
Aries might like sociable person, bright, energetic and cheeful. Any manifestations of decadence and melancholy may push him away, and even cause a complete disgust. Other concerns, doubts - and forward-feeding into the breach. Aries also appreciate your grooming and beauty - it's especially likely to appeal to your rapid success in men, although it annoy him. But the force to war for you.
Taurus woman - which is able to easily create a pleasant emotional atmosphere, and features good culinary skills. The ideal companion of Taurus has a calm, balanced character, reliability and a certain degree of conservatism. Besides, she is intelligent and responsible. These men appreciate women passionate, but having a calm and balanced temperament. Outwardly, this magnificent woman with earth outlook on life.
Male Taurus wants to see next to him a woman who will share his tastes, able to create harmony around him. The ideal woman for him - calm, balanced, reliable, responsible woman who is not only intellectual ability, but also culinary.
Taurus women love smart and sensible. Frivolous silly plunge it into the full horror and forced to quickly retreat. Vigor and vitality will also play in your favor - Taurus needs the source from which it will periodically "feed". Show yourself a skillful hostess, and in general - skilled worker of all trades. Take bold decisions put forward interesting ideas. In general, shows that you can rely on.
Female twins - with special mental organization. The ideal woman is generous, friendly, impartial, knowledgeable. Able to see throughout perfect. Never will impose their society. This lady does not allow tantrums, screaming and smashing crockery. She is talented and well-mannered. Rather, it is slender and fragile brunette with rapid gait.
Man-Gemini will be delighted with the generous, friendly, erudite and educated woman. For him it is important that his fiancee was able to see not only the bad in life, but also beautiful, interested in music, painting or dance. He will not tolerate brazen, obtrusive women who believe that shouting and fighting, you can resolve any issues. He was like a slender, fragile brunette with flying gait.
The twins have the liking of a woman who keeps a certain distance. Contraindicated frankness and plain speaking. Your "open pure soul," he will be deeply care. Gemini - just one of those men who love mysteries and riddles, and clues to lose all interest. Also, your partner should constantly question, and whether so you are bound to it. Or maybe, and you do not like? Or maybe you have someone there? In short, the intrigue ...
Woman Cancer - be able to complete altruistka to be content with little, and give themselves entirely. Typically, this blonde of medium height with light eyes and "mermaid" hair. Ideal for representatives of this sign is a woman - a mother, loving, caring, good housewife, devoted to family and belonging only to him. The girl who resembles his mother.
Man-Cancer dreams about a woman with great dedication. The ideal woman for him: a blonde with long, falling down on his neck and shoulders, hair and light eyes. If a woman is ready to give all of myself entirely, cook the most delicious dishes, to monitor the cleanliness of furniture, men and praise him every minute, it - ideal for men Cancer.
Cancer likes women who solve all his problems. Or at least household. He gladly entrust you in control of your pair, and therefore endow you with all imaginable and unimaginable virtues. Intelligent, educated woman leader - this is his ideal. Cancer is also very sentimental and romantic. You should pay attention to the spiritual life and the development of your inner world. Just beautiful woman Cancer strongly satisfied.
Female Lion - cheerful adventurer adoring travel, children and general courtesies. This is seen a woman with a bright, unique, often demonstrative character. It should radiate inner strength, dignity and confidence to excel. It is important to have a regal figure, he was rich and generous spirit.
The male lion needs in a fun, easy, active, positive woman. Its ideal companion to the bright, showy, but a faithful wife, guardian of home comfort as well as a lover of adventure and travel. He will appreciate loyalty, empathy, and he likes attention surrounding his woman.
Leo loves all unusual, brilliant, "stands out from the crowd." To get his attention, you need to show their best qualities, stay with dignity - and, of course, have these same advantages. Your beauty is not so important, as important is the ability to present themselves. In addition, Leo unexpectedly can attract a woman, totally unadapted to reality, dreamy, head in the clouds. It does not eliminate, however, your social significance.
Female Virgo - very selective with respect to men. It has a mild, sweet temper, fully developed personality. Monitor the cleanliness of the house and relationships, neat, meticulous. She will think ten times, and once answered. Rather, it is a nice brown-haired woman with chiseled figure.
Male Virgo wants to see beside her flexible, neat, meticulous, well-rounded personality. The ideal woman is able to understand it without words to express the depth of empathy and support for a simple touch of the hand. It monitors the purity of relationship, does just informed actions.
Virgin love careerists. Your business acumen, practicality, desire to be first and to achieve a high official position, a positive impact on his attitude to you. Women's weakness, alas, have to hide for a different occasion - only strong-willed and never become discouraged ladies can permanently keep his feelings. So a man can be even given orders - it will get you this, unless you are really capable of being a commander.
Woman Scales - able to satisfy all the spiritual and physical needs. As a rule, it is a great family man, but it serves a very important fact, that all family members recognized its authority, the spoken word was considered law.
Male Libra - gentle, caring, reliable family man who expects recognition of its authority from family members. He is looking for a woman who will satisfy all his spiritual and physical needs, is to maintain order in the house, to listen to him.
Libra will appreciate your beauty and sociability. Friends, acquaintances, partners and colleagues - if you have their credibility if they love you and respect, you will fall in love with a man, and the sign of Libra. He was like no one else listens to the opinions of others, for it is important that the chosen one and appreciate other people too. Your ability to illogical contradictory actions, easy attitude to life, the ability to elegantly joke too attract him. In addition, it is important to show off special intellectual, educated and deep.
Scorpio woman - "military person" that enthralls. It has a great intuition in intimate terms, and feels fine, you need a partner. Smart, strong, self-confident, but feminine.
Male Scorpio dreams of self-confident, courageous, energetic, lively person, who will be able to protect their interests. His ideal - a strong woman with a developed intuition, sensuality and sensitivity.
Scorpio does not like weak women - is on the one hand. On the other hand, to command them also fail. We'll have to somehow adjust - that is, to be strong, but the second. You will come to face graceful manners, a secular gloss elegance. But the vulgarity and swagger repel nagging Scorpio forever. It is important that your feelings were sincere - false Scorpio feels very well and does not forgive. It is very little that forgives, so keep your eyes open. Balance: Be with him at a distance, but not cold; smart, but not suppress it; be bold in his actions, but avoid any sacrifice.
Female Sagittarius - generous and kind-hearted woman. In addition, it must be skillful lover, a caring mother and economical mistress. Her physical parameters should be as close to the standard 90x60x90. Men prefer women who have similar interests, hobbies, passions, which is pleasant to travel.
Male Sagittarius will not miss a fair, sincere, discreet, kindly, generous woman who will also be a happy owner of an ideal figure, a great lover. For his ideal woman a man of this sign of the zodiac assigns a place near the children, kitchen and church. It has to be a caring mother, a good housewife, fun and resourceful soulmate.
Sagittarius can not stand quite intelligent women. They irritate him. He knows without them what to do. Therefore, simplicity and a touch of easy ignorance - it is just what you need. Let him you do not just manage, but just commanded. Consult with him on any occasion. Admire his outlook. Learn from him. Do not forget to make a good haircut and a manicure. And you will be happy.
Capricorn woman - way to understand the hidden sensual nature. Respectable, stable, calm and careful, honors family traditions and all have their own judgments. Develops all the details. Romantic.
Male Capricorn pretty sensitive, so it will be most comfortable with a woman that can understand its nature. The ideal woman - calm, cautious, steady, respectable, and be able to defend their own opinion about everything.
Capricorn wants his companion was the best in the world. Your beauty, practicality, respect for others - all in your favor. But it is especially important to have a high social status. The higher, the better. Be confident, passionate about their career and business. At the same time you need to provide space and Capricorn - never be intrusive and too sentimental. Weep over soap opera woman will lead him to the full horror.
Aquarius woman - the girlfriend and mother in one person. Wife-inspirer, which will periodically pull out of laziness attacks, to protect from the daily routine. In short, every day becomes a celebration. And do not be allowed for excessive sentimentality and never really do not open your heart completely.
Man Aquarius needs a strong, assertive woman who can be thinned paints gray days. He loved caring, gentle, sensitive woman.
Aquarius appreciates, first of all, spiritual kinship. The similarity of interests and hobbies for Aquarius is a very important moment in the relations. He spends a lot of time with your friends, so you need to show complete loyalty to him. Flexible, the ability to find an honorable way out of a difficult situation - it's all very impressed with this man.
Female fish - has a very fine intuition, humanity and outward calm. Always able to control your emotions, generous, fair and sincere. Choose partners for a long time, but the choice is almost always true. Feminine, love of art and nature.
Man-Fish dreams of feminine, relaxed, good woman. Ideal for him - one that has a developed intuition, is able to restrain their impulses rereadings from an emotions, love art, nature, generous, kind, fair, sincere.
Pisces are romantic sentimental charm women. Flirty, soft and trusting ladies ready shed tears of emotion, evoke a touching affection. Your ability to prove to be a good housewife is also very necessary by the way, since Pisces like shopping ladies who know how to build a house and cook. Also, it will please your friends - try to expand his social circle.
Author - Angelica Dara
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