How to make money: During a crisis, there are many amazing opportunities!
In my opinion, a crisis is the right time to start a new business or expand an existing one. In addition, during a crisis, you have a wonderful opportunity to advance in your career. I know it sounds paradoxical, so let me explain.
First, during the crisis, all the media “takes the roof off”. They turn every bit of negative information into a mountain of pessimism. Because of this, many people become financially paranoid. In any situation, people expect the worst case scenario.
If you allow yourself to be dragged into this state of general hysteria and run headlong into the store, then you too have become a victim.
But if you manage to disengage from all this idiocy (removing television helps), and keep your thinking rational, you will see many amazing opportunities around you.
In times of crisis, people get scared and start cutting back on their spending. They completely give up excesses and start buying only the essentials.
Because of this, many companies go bankrupt. First of all, these are companies that produce luxury goods. We may well live for some time without new credit cards and without a three-liter SUV. These goods are not necessities and may be deferred until a later date.
We are also becoming more discerning. When we spend money, we want to make sure we are making a good purchase.
Thus, a business that produces true values may well succeed in a crisis. In difficult times, more people go into these types of businesses, while companies producing dubious goods and services suffer losses.
There are a lot of companies in the U.S. making unnecessary things. These companies do not bother to care about consumers and try to make money without creating anything truly meaningful and valuable. Many companies that have died or are dying have done just that. The U.S. auto industry has shrunk dramatically, at least some of its industries. All because of the fact that they produced non-competitive products that people do not need at all. Erin and I bought Honda despite the opportunity to get a substantial discount when buying a General Motors car, as two of our relatives worked in GM plants. We looked at a few General Motors cars and concluded they were losing to Honda. However, our other relatives did not find the difference.
Many people in their own skin have felt that the notorious job security is an empty phrase on difficult days. 500,000 Americans learned that lesson when they lost their "safe and secure" jobs last month.
Stupid approach to making moneyI've seen a lot of people lately, some of them my friends, doing stupid things in an effort to make more money. They got involved in dubious financial shenanigans or fell for the bait of multi-level marketing and became the victim of eloquent fraudsters.
The general scheme is always the same - they are fixated on getting money. This becomes their priority and they are constantly thinking about it. But without creating something really worthwhile, they suffer one defeat after another.
Eventually, they go broke. The only thing that would help them stay afloat is to find a large number of simpletons, promise them golden mountains, and strip them like sticky. Most people experience internal moral resistance to this type of earnings, and sooner or later abandon this business model. This path does not lead to long-term abundance. It's a dead end model.
Entrepreneurs I know who are focused only on making money are making less money this year. In some cases, people stopped earning, and some became mired in debt.
The exceptions are those who have been able to come to terms with their conscience and have begun to fool people. But again, this is a rare exception. It is easier for most people to accept a lack of money than to deceive someone.
A smart approach to making moneyHowever, there is a smarter approach.
Instead of fixating on making money, spend your time and energy creating and promoting true value. Find a way to give people what they want or need.
Note that the keywords here are Creation and Promotion.
Value creation means that you must apply your unique talents and abilities in a way that can benefit others.
Value promotion means that you have made sure that other people receive and use the value you create.
But if you ignore either of these two things, you’ll find it hard to make a steady income, especially in times of crisis. Let me explain why.
If you only create value and don’t promote it, how will it get to people? And how do you get returns in the form of money?
I often see that this problem is present in creative people – potential artists, musicians and writers. They can spend a lot of time honing their skills, but if they don’t get their art to enough people, they’re going to be financial losers, and that could ruin all their creative efforts. Many of these people have now had to mortgage their homes.
The sad thing is that many of these people worked very hard. But they spent almost all of their time and effort creating, and didn't pay attention to promotion. They observe their more successful colleagues, and often see a less skillful craftsman, seriously engaged in the promotion of his craft, conveys his product to the consumer and receives a well-deserved reward for his work.
I've come this way too. In the late '90s, I went bankrupt despite working hard and creating a lot of potential value in the form of computer games. My problem was that I wasn’t doing enough to promote these values. I relied entirely on my publishers, and this led to games being released late or not being released at all for various reasons. As a result, years of hard work have been wasted, apart from invaluable experience. So I know where this road leads. I've already passed it.
On the other hand, if you’re only promoting value but not creating it, you’re promoting someone else’s value. It's not a bad thing, but if that's all you do, then it's a shortsighted strategy. There is nothing special about promoting values created by other people. Anyone can do that. Anyone can engage in multi-level marketing or become a sales representative. If this is your main way of generating income, then the long-term prospect of your earnings does not stand up to criticism. The more successful you are in this business, the more competitors you have that flock to success. As a result, everyone will have to work harder and get less. It happens all the time. The fragility of this strategy is clearly visible in times of crisis, when more and more people start looking for value promoted by you at a lower price, making your profits smaller and smaller.
Bloggers fall into this trap when they start posting other people’s ideas in their own words without adding anything unique or new. A year later, they are surprised by the number of competitors doing the same. I don’t think anyone is making a decent living out of it right now.
The most long-term and viable strategy is to create and promote value. You can combine strategies, you can add new ones, but the key to making a sustainable income are the two.
Choice of thinkingI know a lot of people are in financial trouble these days. Las Vegas could be renamed a city called Loss of Foreclosure. I know people who have lost their homes. The streets are full of signs "Bank property".
If you are in a situation like this, I sincerely sympathize with you.
And yet, the reasons why all this is happening are so obvious that it's funny to see it work over and over again.
People who create and promote, quietly continue their business. In fact, they are doing better than before, not worse. For many of these people, profits have even begun to rise.
People who do not create and do not advance see that their income is constantly falling. This causes them to panic, and the panic drives them further away from understanding the idea of creating and promoting true values. As a result, they are getting closer to bankruptcy.
I understand that in such a situation, it is quite logical to gather, abandon all other things and focus on thoughts – money, money, money. As much money as possible. People fall into this trap all the time. I had the same thing. While this is a completely false strategy, as illogical as it may sound.
When you see your income go down, you naturally try to stop the process. This is the right time to think about the strategy of creating and promoting true values. That's the only way to go. Only he can provide you with a steady increase in profits.
What is money? Money is simply a means of exchanging value. Money is what you get in exchange for value created and communicated to people. If you manage to increase the amount of value you create and bring it to more people, your profits will also increase.
If you try to increase profits without creating or promoting anything, your efforts are not worth a fucked-up egg. Naturally, such efforts are untenable and cannot lead to a positive result. Please do not waste your precious time on this nonsense.
I only realized that when I went bankrupt. I was completely broken, but I was smart enough to focus on creating and promoting value instead of focusing on making money. After about six months, I was able to get my money back, and a year later I felt a marked improvement in my financial situation. I started building and promoting about 9 years ago, and since then my income has only increased.
I know that when you fly into a financial abyss, six months can feel like an eternity. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend. Time will pass one way or another, and the habit of creating and promoting will remain with you forever. Be patient and get started. No matter what happens to the economy, if you continue to create and promote value, you will always stay afloat.
Record yearFinancially, 2008 was a good year for me and Erin.
Regardless of what happens to the economy, I am sure that 2009 will be a good year for us. How do I know that? It’s just because next year we’re going to create and promote new values that we’ve created.
Why are we happy to increase profits while others are losing money?
First of all, we don't work for someone else's uncle. I haven't hired anyone in over 16 years. Many people believe that by refusing to work for hire, you choose a risky and stupid path. But, in fact, it is much safer to manage your own funds than to be someone’s pawn. No matter how bad the economy is, Erin and I can't be fired. So our career is more stable.
Second, while others are cutting back on their spending, Erin and I are increasingly focused on creating and promoting value. At the same time, I understand that the path we are taking may seem absurd to some.
For example, this year I wrote a lot about diet and healthy lifestyle. I shared my experience with people about raw food.
Of course, it's not a very sexy topic. Some people find it terribly boring and would rather I write about more interesting things.
However, these articles do a lot of good for people interested in such topics. Many people have made significant lifestyle changes after reading these publications and are now enjoying significant weight loss. Some people have achieved amazing results.
So even if these articles don’t seem exciting at first glance, they’re a huge change in human life. Even if they don’t make the same impression on everyone, they do a lot of good. They promote value.
Many bloggers post something on their sites with the intention of getting returns in the form of links, attention, or money. Maybe sometimes I'm motivated by that, too. But anyway, I try to avoid abuse of it. I constantly remind myself to stay focused on creating and promoting values. I know that if my mind is occupied with these two things, the rest will come.
This article illustrates exactly what I am talking about. I don’t write it to get anything. I don't expect it to be a super hit. And I understand that because of its volume, some people don't even finish it.
But I know that for some people who will take the trouble to finish it, it will make a difference. This article has potential. And it can make subtle but still useful changes. Someone, somewhere, will get positive help from reading it.
That’s what I wanted to convey with this article. Help those who are willing to make the right effort in the right direction. It's not hard at all. Having a clear awareness of my values allows me to share my experiences, even if it goes against the values of others. I know that this approach seems overly simplistic, but if you can get my message, it will not be difficult to start making a profit.
Turn value into incomeSo how do you generate revenue from creation and promotion? Could it be that when you create and promote value, you don’t get a penny for it?
Look, if you're successful, money won't be a problem. If you can create and promote value, opportunities to make money will literally flood into you. People will line up to give you money. I'm serious.
That's how it works.
If you can create good value, you will be able to find partners among people who know the art of promotion. They will convey your value to the consumer and sell it, and you will receive your royalties, commissions or license fees.
For example, Hay House asked me to write a book for them. The result was “Personal Development for Smart People,” which was published in September. I got a royalty for that. I also get interest on sales. I could get authorship for the rest of my life, especially since the content of the book is not time-bound. Writing a book opened up new opportunities for me. For example, I was invited to interview more often. So, in this case, I created the value (of the book), and others ensured that it was promoted.
Now let’s assume that you are good at promotion. In this case, you can generate income by connecting other people’s values to your promotion system. For example, my blog is a very good tool for promoting values. In this regard, it is very effective. I give away my valuables for free, and it doesn’t seem to directly bring me income. However, I get paid to place someone else’s advertising on my website. That alone makes me six figures a year. Manufacturers always come to me. I can't handle an avalanche of offers anymore. Once you create a working system for promoting values, you can promote the values of others. And it makes you money.
When you can create and deliver a truly worthwhile product to people, you will be overwhelmed by the opportunities you have. First, you can incorporate the value you create into other people’s promotion systems. That way you can earn royalties and all that. It is very nice to receive a fee accrued from each sold copy of the value created by you. I still receive monthly checks for projects implemented a few years ago.
Second, you will be able to promote the values created by others using your promotion system. You pay them a percentage of the sales, or they pay you as a companion. If you carefully check the products you advertise (making sure they are true values), then everyone is happy and everyone wins.
Third, you can connect your values to your promotion system. Strangely, this is something I don’t do with my blog. I did this when I was in the gaming business. I think in 2009 I will address this issue. Now, that means I could produce value, and sell it directly. Many bloggers have done this successfully. They sell through their sites e-books, audio recordings, DVDs and much more. They create value and sell it directly to their visitors.
The most serious part of the income I received in 2008 was from work I had done in previous years. I might not have worked all of 2009, and I could have lived off my royalties. Not bad, isn't it? A year ago, I decided that this was where I wanted to put my finances in order to focus on creating and promoting values that work. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't do the same. No one has copyright on the ideas of creation and promotion.
Stay tuned.Once you have developed the habit of creating and promoting, you will never lose it. However, along the way, you can get distracted very easily. In my opinion, distraction is the greatest danger.
You can’t participate in all the interesting projects that come your way. Another big mistake is to work for someone else’s uncle by exchanging hours of your life for dollars. These are all dead ends that you should avoid in any way.
You should stay focused on creating and promoting your values. Anything that distracts your attention from it should be seen as a waste, a hindrance, or even a real evil.
This is extremely important, but many people still do not give it due importance.
If you want to get rich, working for someone is a bad idea. The chance of success along the way is so slim that it doesn’t even merit consideration.
Seriously, if, for example, you are completely broke and homeless, then even from this position you can start producing and promoting your values. It will be much worse if you spend day after day working for someone else. This will not bring you closer to financial abundance, but will only distract you from your chosen path.
If I had to choose between homelessness and an eight-hour workday, I would choose homelessness. The obligation to go to work is ten times worse. I would be hungry if I were homeless, but I would still be focused on creating and promoting values. Of course, at first I wouldn’t have enough money to create something really valuable, but eventually everything would fall into place.
Hiring is a terrible distraction. In many ways, it is simply an improved form of slavery.
Have you ever spoken to a homeless person? Many of them find the idea of hiring simply offensive. Of course, you can smell better and live in more comfortable conditions, but rushing to the office every day by 8:30 a.m., you lose your human dignity. Maybe the homeless understand something you don’t.
Employment is the highest form of poverty.
Fortunately, hiring is an easy problem to solve. If you have a job, just stop going to it. Soon enough, you will feel motivated to start creating and promoting. Especially if you like to eat well.
Genuine opportunities are based on the creation and/or promotion of values. If you see something that looks like an opportunity, but it doesn’t require value creation and promotion, then it’s not an opportunity. It's a banal waste of your time.
Is creating and promoting value harder than hiring? I'd say no! Definitely not! Working for someone else is much harder, as you are still bound to produce some form of value, but all the gain from your efforts turns into someone else’s income. So you're already doing what you should be doing, but you're neither cold nor hot. You can start working harder and better, but most of the rewards will still go to the side. On the one hand, you are kind of generous and generous, and on the other hand, you are just an idiot.
I can work as a hired writer and get paid for every word I write. But then my work will belong to someone else, and the rest of the profit will remain with him. On the other hand, I can write articles for my website, thus gaining the freedom to publish these articles as a book over time. I can also use them to increase traffic (and therefore revenue) on my website. That sort of thing. The right strategy is not a difficult task.
Thinking about making money is a distraction. When you focus on making money, too many thoughts begin to spin in your head. And you start running around like a chicken with a severed head, trying to catch up with anything that even a little bit resembles the possibility of getting money. You spend a lot of time and energy trying to keep up with dollars.
Creating and promoting value is much easier. This focus is wonderfully tuned to truth, love and power.
When you create and promote value, you can be open and honest about what you do. You spend most of your time creating something that truly brings you joy. And honing your skills brings undoubted joy, whether you write articles, write music, or just grow flowers. It's much harder, day after day, to do boring and uncreative work. Sharing your value with others and seeing their lives change for the better is the best motivation for any job. Once you start creating and promoting, you don’t want to go back to your past life.
There are more important things in life than money.Of all the things I do for my job, making money is the most insignificant. When I wrote articles on personal development (many of which became very popular), I didn’t think about money at all.
I had no idea that I would get any income from these articles.
Sometimes I don't check my bank account for months and have no idea how much I've earned. I just know I earn more than I spend. And I don't have to specifically plan my budget or tinker with the books. The gap between my earnings and my spending allows me to avoid it all.
The main purpose of my work is to create and promote values. I know as long as I'm focused on it, there's no point in worrying about money. The once-tuned mechanism of creation and promotion works like a clock, and I don’t need to keep it running all the time.
I remember Dr. Wayne Dyer speaking at a conference. He said people could come up to him and say, "You know, Dr. Dyer, they say you make a lot of money." And he would say, "Yes, you're absolutely right."
He continued, “It’s not my fault!” I just do what I do. And the money comes by itself.”
It was hard for me to understand that thought that time. It seemed to me too unreal and too unusual. I did not understand how to live without thinking about money, and at the same time earn a substantial income. Not trying to do this at all and not straining at all. It was several years before I understood these words.
I assume that my words may irritate people who have experienced the consequences of the financial crisis. I was in a similar situation, too. And I wouldn't like it either, tell me someone you can make money without thinking about money at all. I would not believe that you can earn income without straining at all. I realized that by focusing on money, I was losing it.
The most important thing is to set priorities correctly.
If you have money in the first place, I can say with great confidence that you have chosen a long and difficult path. In addition, along the way you will find a lot of disappointment. If money is all you see in front of you, good luck. But keep in mind that you will waste energy and end up living a shallow and empty life.
I know that the idea of focusing on money seems very appealing. But I assure you that is a mistaken opinion. If you want to spend a few years coming to the same conclusions as me, please. But I hope you can catch the common sense in my reasoning. I know there are a lot of people out there who will say, “What the hell did he write?” I hope you won't be one of them.
Finally, realize that the idea of creating and promoting values is healthier than the idea of focusing on financial abundance. There will come a time when creation and advancement will be as natural to you as your breathing. Then you will have freedom, joy and money. But money will still be in last place.
The best thing is to completely ignore the money. Then you can focus your attention on matters more important, interesting and pleasant. The most interesting thing is that this kind of concentration brings financial abundance. You begin to realize that you never really needed money. You only needed the courage to pursue your dreams. All you had to do was stop justifying your move to a better life with no money.
If I can understand this lesson and put it into practice, then you will succeed. If I can create and promote my value with just $100, so can you. Of course, it wasn’t such a wonderful value, but it was a start. I focused on creating something that people need. And after conveying the value I created and hearing the positive feedback, I realized I wasn't wrong. This time it was just a computer game. It's a blog now. The content is different and the strategy is the same.
If you create real values in your blog, then there will be no problems with their promotion. Appreciated by some people, they will pass to others, like circles on the water.
But if you’re chewing on the same value month after month, there’s something wrong with your creativity. Feedback is what will help you determine the correctness of your actions. You feel like you’ve created something valuable, and people say, “That’s nonsense.” We do not want it and we do not need it.” So listen to the feedback. They will help you develop. Feedback encourages and does not allow you to stay in one place. It helps remove falsehood from your values and your life. Create true values and people will appreciate it.
A few thoughts on economicsI think any economic downturn is a good thing. The crisis helps to weed out shoddy firms that produce poor-quality and unnecessary products. Many of these firms, at one time, produced high-quality things, but gradually began to cheat. And it is not bad if during a recession, the activities of such companies gradually decrease and, eventually, they completely disappear. In their place come others, those who understand the needs of consumers. Companies that only pretend are replaced by companies that actually work.
Do you think supporting the fading U.S. auto industry at taxpayer expense is a good idea? No, it's not bad, except for one small thing - it's just stupid! This is the stupidest thing politicians can do with our taxes. Helping the automotive industry is not in the interests of our country, and not in the interests of people working in this field. This is an absolutely short-sighted strategy. I think any kind of financial support is just stupid.
Several of my relatives used to work for General Motors. If they continued to work there, they would have to find new places. Earlier, I wrote that Erin and I, despite the serious discounts placed on us at General Motors, bought a Japanese car. There’s no politics here, we just don’t like domestic politics.
In times of crisis, many companies will simply die out. And that's good. Artificially keeping companies alive is stupid. In this case, it is necessary to let events develop their course. We need this kind of self-correction to avoid even bigger problems. Companies that fail to produce and promote true values must openly admit that their business has failed. And they must realize that no amount of political lobbying can save them. Chasing money leads to losing it. This is especially true of our politicians. This is a paradox. Although, if you are in the captivity of the same illusions, then how can you accuse our government of anything?
It is far more right, and more compassionate, to let millions of auto workers lose their jobs. Then they will at least be able to do something useful again, and stop wasting their time on work that no one else needs. If it takes years, so be it. Giving money to losers is a bad strategy.
Similarly, if you’re working for a company that has trouble creating and promoting value, you’d better lose that job. It is better to retrain and find a new, more worthy place. Inconsistency with your time and the needs of consumers is a trap to avoid. Even if you’re an employee, consider whether your service helps create and promote true values. If not, don’t be too surprised when you get cut.
Make a career in creating and promoting valuesSo how do you know if you create true values or not?
Just ask yourself these questions: If I stopped doing what I was doing, would anyone care? Would anyone object to that? Will anyone try to stop it?
If you stop creating and promoting true value, people will notice. People will definitely worry. And if you stop creating and promoting REALLY TRUE VALUE, expect mass riots in the streets.
People may not attribute this value to you personally, especially if you do your job anonymously, but they will notice that something important has disappeared from their lives. Even if they don’t know your name, stopping you from creating and promoting value will have an effect.
But if you stopped and no one noticed, then your work was either unnecessary or replaceable. This means that you have not been able to fully express yourself. You just found a way to avoid self-actualization.
You always have a choice, remember that.
You may have decided to devote your life to earning money. Well, go ahead. Someday you will still understand the meaninglessness and deadlock of this path. Someday you will hear a quiet voice saying to you from your very heart, “What you are doing is fundamentally wrong.” And then you will realize that you can live a life filled with fun, freedom and fulfillment. And still earn money, not die of hunger. But to understand this, you have to focus on what really matters. You have to free your head from the wrong social attitudes and stop doing what most people continue to do with the zeal of robots.
Start living the life of a conscious person. Stop being a mindless pawn. Focus on expressing your creativity every day. Focus on creating and meeting the needs of others.
Create values and promote them. That's the key to success.
The right path is so obvious that you wonder why so many people don’t notice it. He was known to you in kindergarten.
You: Look what I painted! (Value created).
Adults: Wow! It's just great! (Value received).
My five-year-old son and my eight-year-old daughter have largely understood this. They know that when they create something worthwhile, they will be rewarded.
My job as a father is to teach them something new. This will help them manage their lives in the future.
Writing and editing this article took about 5 hours. She wasn't even part of my plans. I just felt inspired, sat down and wrote it in almost one breath.
This article will be relevant for many, many years. Not a bad investment, is it?
It doesn’t matter if I can make money with this post. I don't think about it at all. I just know that as long as I create and promote true values, I will never be at a loss. In fact, money is just a fiction. They can't be the driving motive.Money should stay in the background while life should come first..
I want you to take advantage of the concept of creating and promoting value. And the more you engage in creative expression, the less you shake over money.
The greatest irony is that you can say to yourself, “I’ll save some money, then I’ll start creating and promoting value.” Realize that when you think like that, you are hooked again. If it were, if it were, then I would... Nonsense! Get to work right now. And when you have financial prosperity, you will understand that it was not necessary to start. You will realize that all you needed was courage and determination to start your journey from where you are today.
This article has had many twists and turns, but I think I managed to convey the main point. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
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Source: allstevepavlina.ru/how-to-make-lots-of-money-during-a-recession
First, during the crisis, all the media “takes the roof off”. They turn every bit of negative information into a mountain of pessimism. Because of this, many people become financially paranoid. In any situation, people expect the worst case scenario.
If you allow yourself to be dragged into this state of general hysteria and run headlong into the store, then you too have become a victim.
But if you manage to disengage from all this idiocy (removing television helps), and keep your thinking rational, you will see many amazing opportunities around you.

In times of crisis, people get scared and start cutting back on their spending. They completely give up excesses and start buying only the essentials.
Because of this, many companies go bankrupt. First of all, these are companies that produce luxury goods. We may well live for some time without new credit cards and without a three-liter SUV. These goods are not necessities and may be deferred until a later date.
We are also becoming more discerning. When we spend money, we want to make sure we are making a good purchase.
Thus, a business that produces true values may well succeed in a crisis. In difficult times, more people go into these types of businesses, while companies producing dubious goods and services suffer losses.
There are a lot of companies in the U.S. making unnecessary things. These companies do not bother to care about consumers and try to make money without creating anything truly meaningful and valuable. Many companies that have died or are dying have done just that. The U.S. auto industry has shrunk dramatically, at least some of its industries. All because of the fact that they produced non-competitive products that people do not need at all. Erin and I bought Honda despite the opportunity to get a substantial discount when buying a General Motors car, as two of our relatives worked in GM plants. We looked at a few General Motors cars and concluded they were losing to Honda. However, our other relatives did not find the difference.
Many people in their own skin have felt that the notorious job security is an empty phrase on difficult days. 500,000 Americans learned that lesson when they lost their "safe and secure" jobs last month.
Stupid approach to making moneyI've seen a lot of people lately, some of them my friends, doing stupid things in an effort to make more money. They got involved in dubious financial shenanigans or fell for the bait of multi-level marketing and became the victim of eloquent fraudsters.
The general scheme is always the same - they are fixated on getting money. This becomes their priority and they are constantly thinking about it. But without creating something really worthwhile, they suffer one defeat after another.
Eventually, they go broke. The only thing that would help them stay afloat is to find a large number of simpletons, promise them golden mountains, and strip them like sticky. Most people experience internal moral resistance to this type of earnings, and sooner or later abandon this business model. This path does not lead to long-term abundance. It's a dead end model.
Entrepreneurs I know who are focused only on making money are making less money this year. In some cases, people stopped earning, and some became mired in debt.
The exceptions are those who have been able to come to terms with their conscience and have begun to fool people. But again, this is a rare exception. It is easier for most people to accept a lack of money than to deceive someone.
A smart approach to making moneyHowever, there is a smarter approach.
Instead of fixating on making money, spend your time and energy creating and promoting true value. Find a way to give people what they want or need.
Note that the keywords here are Creation and Promotion.
Value creation means that you must apply your unique talents and abilities in a way that can benefit others.
Value promotion means that you have made sure that other people receive and use the value you create.
But if you ignore either of these two things, you’ll find it hard to make a steady income, especially in times of crisis. Let me explain why.
If you only create value and don’t promote it, how will it get to people? And how do you get returns in the form of money?
I often see that this problem is present in creative people – potential artists, musicians and writers. They can spend a lot of time honing their skills, but if they don’t get their art to enough people, they’re going to be financial losers, and that could ruin all their creative efforts. Many of these people have now had to mortgage their homes.
The sad thing is that many of these people worked very hard. But they spent almost all of their time and effort creating, and didn't pay attention to promotion. They observe their more successful colleagues, and often see a less skillful craftsman, seriously engaged in the promotion of his craft, conveys his product to the consumer and receives a well-deserved reward for his work.
I've come this way too. In the late '90s, I went bankrupt despite working hard and creating a lot of potential value in the form of computer games. My problem was that I wasn’t doing enough to promote these values. I relied entirely on my publishers, and this led to games being released late or not being released at all for various reasons. As a result, years of hard work have been wasted, apart from invaluable experience. So I know where this road leads. I've already passed it.
On the other hand, if you’re only promoting value but not creating it, you’re promoting someone else’s value. It's not a bad thing, but if that's all you do, then it's a shortsighted strategy. There is nothing special about promoting values created by other people. Anyone can do that. Anyone can engage in multi-level marketing or become a sales representative. If this is your main way of generating income, then the long-term prospect of your earnings does not stand up to criticism. The more successful you are in this business, the more competitors you have that flock to success. As a result, everyone will have to work harder and get less. It happens all the time. The fragility of this strategy is clearly visible in times of crisis, when more and more people start looking for value promoted by you at a lower price, making your profits smaller and smaller.
Bloggers fall into this trap when they start posting other people’s ideas in their own words without adding anything unique or new. A year later, they are surprised by the number of competitors doing the same. I don’t think anyone is making a decent living out of it right now.
The most long-term and viable strategy is to create and promote value. You can combine strategies, you can add new ones, but the key to making a sustainable income are the two.
Choice of thinkingI know a lot of people are in financial trouble these days. Las Vegas could be renamed a city called Loss of Foreclosure. I know people who have lost their homes. The streets are full of signs "Bank property".
If you are in a situation like this, I sincerely sympathize with you.
And yet, the reasons why all this is happening are so obvious that it's funny to see it work over and over again.
People who create and promote, quietly continue their business. In fact, they are doing better than before, not worse. For many of these people, profits have even begun to rise.
People who do not create and do not advance see that their income is constantly falling. This causes them to panic, and the panic drives them further away from understanding the idea of creating and promoting true values. As a result, they are getting closer to bankruptcy.
I understand that in such a situation, it is quite logical to gather, abandon all other things and focus on thoughts – money, money, money. As much money as possible. People fall into this trap all the time. I had the same thing. While this is a completely false strategy, as illogical as it may sound.
When you see your income go down, you naturally try to stop the process. This is the right time to think about the strategy of creating and promoting true values. That's the only way to go. Only he can provide you with a steady increase in profits.
What is money? Money is simply a means of exchanging value. Money is what you get in exchange for value created and communicated to people. If you manage to increase the amount of value you create and bring it to more people, your profits will also increase.
If you try to increase profits without creating or promoting anything, your efforts are not worth a fucked-up egg. Naturally, such efforts are untenable and cannot lead to a positive result. Please do not waste your precious time on this nonsense.
I only realized that when I went bankrupt. I was completely broken, but I was smart enough to focus on creating and promoting value instead of focusing on making money. After about six months, I was able to get my money back, and a year later I felt a marked improvement in my financial situation. I started building and promoting about 9 years ago, and since then my income has only increased.
I know that when you fly into a financial abyss, six months can feel like an eternity. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend. Time will pass one way or another, and the habit of creating and promoting will remain with you forever. Be patient and get started. No matter what happens to the economy, if you continue to create and promote value, you will always stay afloat.
Record yearFinancially, 2008 was a good year for me and Erin.
Regardless of what happens to the economy, I am sure that 2009 will be a good year for us. How do I know that? It’s just because next year we’re going to create and promote new values that we’ve created.
Why are we happy to increase profits while others are losing money?
First of all, we don't work for someone else's uncle. I haven't hired anyone in over 16 years. Many people believe that by refusing to work for hire, you choose a risky and stupid path. But, in fact, it is much safer to manage your own funds than to be someone’s pawn. No matter how bad the economy is, Erin and I can't be fired. So our career is more stable.
Second, while others are cutting back on their spending, Erin and I are increasingly focused on creating and promoting value. At the same time, I understand that the path we are taking may seem absurd to some.
For example, this year I wrote a lot about diet and healthy lifestyle. I shared my experience with people about raw food.
Of course, it's not a very sexy topic. Some people find it terribly boring and would rather I write about more interesting things.
However, these articles do a lot of good for people interested in such topics. Many people have made significant lifestyle changes after reading these publications and are now enjoying significant weight loss. Some people have achieved amazing results.
So even if these articles don’t seem exciting at first glance, they’re a huge change in human life. Even if they don’t make the same impression on everyone, they do a lot of good. They promote value.
Many bloggers post something on their sites with the intention of getting returns in the form of links, attention, or money. Maybe sometimes I'm motivated by that, too. But anyway, I try to avoid abuse of it. I constantly remind myself to stay focused on creating and promoting values. I know that if my mind is occupied with these two things, the rest will come.
This article illustrates exactly what I am talking about. I don’t write it to get anything. I don't expect it to be a super hit. And I understand that because of its volume, some people don't even finish it.
But I know that for some people who will take the trouble to finish it, it will make a difference. This article has potential. And it can make subtle but still useful changes. Someone, somewhere, will get positive help from reading it.
That’s what I wanted to convey with this article. Help those who are willing to make the right effort in the right direction. It's not hard at all. Having a clear awareness of my values allows me to share my experiences, even if it goes against the values of others. I know that this approach seems overly simplistic, but if you can get my message, it will not be difficult to start making a profit.
Turn value into incomeSo how do you generate revenue from creation and promotion? Could it be that when you create and promote value, you don’t get a penny for it?
Look, if you're successful, money won't be a problem. If you can create and promote value, opportunities to make money will literally flood into you. People will line up to give you money. I'm serious.
That's how it works.
If you can create good value, you will be able to find partners among people who know the art of promotion. They will convey your value to the consumer and sell it, and you will receive your royalties, commissions or license fees.
For example, Hay House asked me to write a book for them. The result was “Personal Development for Smart People,” which was published in September. I got a royalty for that. I also get interest on sales. I could get authorship for the rest of my life, especially since the content of the book is not time-bound. Writing a book opened up new opportunities for me. For example, I was invited to interview more often. So, in this case, I created the value (of the book), and others ensured that it was promoted.
Now let’s assume that you are good at promotion. In this case, you can generate income by connecting other people’s values to your promotion system. For example, my blog is a very good tool for promoting values. In this regard, it is very effective. I give away my valuables for free, and it doesn’t seem to directly bring me income. However, I get paid to place someone else’s advertising on my website. That alone makes me six figures a year. Manufacturers always come to me. I can't handle an avalanche of offers anymore. Once you create a working system for promoting values, you can promote the values of others. And it makes you money.
When you can create and deliver a truly worthwhile product to people, you will be overwhelmed by the opportunities you have. First, you can incorporate the value you create into other people’s promotion systems. That way you can earn royalties and all that. It is very nice to receive a fee accrued from each sold copy of the value created by you. I still receive monthly checks for projects implemented a few years ago.
Second, you will be able to promote the values created by others using your promotion system. You pay them a percentage of the sales, or they pay you as a companion. If you carefully check the products you advertise (making sure they are true values), then everyone is happy and everyone wins.
Third, you can connect your values to your promotion system. Strangely, this is something I don’t do with my blog. I did this when I was in the gaming business. I think in 2009 I will address this issue. Now, that means I could produce value, and sell it directly. Many bloggers have done this successfully. They sell through their sites e-books, audio recordings, DVDs and much more. They create value and sell it directly to their visitors.
The most serious part of the income I received in 2008 was from work I had done in previous years. I might not have worked all of 2009, and I could have lived off my royalties. Not bad, isn't it? A year ago, I decided that this was where I wanted to put my finances in order to focus on creating and promoting values that work. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't do the same. No one has copyright on the ideas of creation and promotion.
Stay tuned.Once you have developed the habit of creating and promoting, you will never lose it. However, along the way, you can get distracted very easily. In my opinion, distraction is the greatest danger.
You can’t participate in all the interesting projects that come your way. Another big mistake is to work for someone else’s uncle by exchanging hours of your life for dollars. These are all dead ends that you should avoid in any way.
You should stay focused on creating and promoting your values. Anything that distracts your attention from it should be seen as a waste, a hindrance, or even a real evil.
This is extremely important, but many people still do not give it due importance.
If you want to get rich, working for someone is a bad idea. The chance of success along the way is so slim that it doesn’t even merit consideration.
Seriously, if, for example, you are completely broke and homeless, then even from this position you can start producing and promoting your values. It will be much worse if you spend day after day working for someone else. This will not bring you closer to financial abundance, but will only distract you from your chosen path.
If I had to choose between homelessness and an eight-hour workday, I would choose homelessness. The obligation to go to work is ten times worse. I would be hungry if I were homeless, but I would still be focused on creating and promoting values. Of course, at first I wouldn’t have enough money to create something really valuable, but eventually everything would fall into place.
Hiring is a terrible distraction. In many ways, it is simply an improved form of slavery.
Have you ever spoken to a homeless person? Many of them find the idea of hiring simply offensive. Of course, you can smell better and live in more comfortable conditions, but rushing to the office every day by 8:30 a.m., you lose your human dignity. Maybe the homeless understand something you don’t.
Employment is the highest form of poverty.
Fortunately, hiring is an easy problem to solve. If you have a job, just stop going to it. Soon enough, you will feel motivated to start creating and promoting. Especially if you like to eat well.
Genuine opportunities are based on the creation and/or promotion of values. If you see something that looks like an opportunity, but it doesn’t require value creation and promotion, then it’s not an opportunity. It's a banal waste of your time.
Is creating and promoting value harder than hiring? I'd say no! Definitely not! Working for someone else is much harder, as you are still bound to produce some form of value, but all the gain from your efforts turns into someone else’s income. So you're already doing what you should be doing, but you're neither cold nor hot. You can start working harder and better, but most of the rewards will still go to the side. On the one hand, you are kind of generous and generous, and on the other hand, you are just an idiot.
I can work as a hired writer and get paid for every word I write. But then my work will belong to someone else, and the rest of the profit will remain with him. On the other hand, I can write articles for my website, thus gaining the freedom to publish these articles as a book over time. I can also use them to increase traffic (and therefore revenue) on my website. That sort of thing. The right strategy is not a difficult task.
Thinking about making money is a distraction. When you focus on making money, too many thoughts begin to spin in your head. And you start running around like a chicken with a severed head, trying to catch up with anything that even a little bit resembles the possibility of getting money. You spend a lot of time and energy trying to keep up with dollars.
Creating and promoting value is much easier. This focus is wonderfully tuned to truth, love and power.
When you create and promote value, you can be open and honest about what you do. You spend most of your time creating something that truly brings you joy. And honing your skills brings undoubted joy, whether you write articles, write music, or just grow flowers. It's much harder, day after day, to do boring and uncreative work. Sharing your value with others and seeing their lives change for the better is the best motivation for any job. Once you start creating and promoting, you don’t want to go back to your past life.
There are more important things in life than money.Of all the things I do for my job, making money is the most insignificant. When I wrote articles on personal development (many of which became very popular), I didn’t think about money at all.
I had no idea that I would get any income from these articles.
Sometimes I don't check my bank account for months and have no idea how much I've earned. I just know I earn more than I spend. And I don't have to specifically plan my budget or tinker with the books. The gap between my earnings and my spending allows me to avoid it all.
The main purpose of my work is to create and promote values. I know as long as I'm focused on it, there's no point in worrying about money. The once-tuned mechanism of creation and promotion works like a clock, and I don’t need to keep it running all the time.
I remember Dr. Wayne Dyer speaking at a conference. He said people could come up to him and say, "You know, Dr. Dyer, they say you make a lot of money." And he would say, "Yes, you're absolutely right."
He continued, “It’s not my fault!” I just do what I do. And the money comes by itself.”
It was hard for me to understand that thought that time. It seemed to me too unreal and too unusual. I did not understand how to live without thinking about money, and at the same time earn a substantial income. Not trying to do this at all and not straining at all. It was several years before I understood these words.
I assume that my words may irritate people who have experienced the consequences of the financial crisis. I was in a similar situation, too. And I wouldn't like it either, tell me someone you can make money without thinking about money at all. I would not believe that you can earn income without straining at all. I realized that by focusing on money, I was losing it.
The most important thing is to set priorities correctly.
If you have money in the first place, I can say with great confidence that you have chosen a long and difficult path. In addition, along the way you will find a lot of disappointment. If money is all you see in front of you, good luck. But keep in mind that you will waste energy and end up living a shallow and empty life.
I know that the idea of focusing on money seems very appealing. But I assure you that is a mistaken opinion. If you want to spend a few years coming to the same conclusions as me, please. But I hope you can catch the common sense in my reasoning. I know there are a lot of people out there who will say, “What the hell did he write?” I hope you won't be one of them.
Finally, realize that the idea of creating and promoting values is healthier than the idea of focusing on financial abundance. There will come a time when creation and advancement will be as natural to you as your breathing. Then you will have freedom, joy and money. But money will still be in last place.
The best thing is to completely ignore the money. Then you can focus your attention on matters more important, interesting and pleasant. The most interesting thing is that this kind of concentration brings financial abundance. You begin to realize that you never really needed money. You only needed the courage to pursue your dreams. All you had to do was stop justifying your move to a better life with no money.
If I can understand this lesson and put it into practice, then you will succeed. If I can create and promote my value with just $100, so can you. Of course, it wasn’t such a wonderful value, but it was a start. I focused on creating something that people need. And after conveying the value I created and hearing the positive feedback, I realized I wasn't wrong. This time it was just a computer game. It's a blog now. The content is different and the strategy is the same.
If you create real values in your blog, then there will be no problems with their promotion. Appreciated by some people, they will pass to others, like circles on the water.
But if you’re chewing on the same value month after month, there’s something wrong with your creativity. Feedback is what will help you determine the correctness of your actions. You feel like you’ve created something valuable, and people say, “That’s nonsense.” We do not want it and we do not need it.” So listen to the feedback. They will help you develop. Feedback encourages and does not allow you to stay in one place. It helps remove falsehood from your values and your life. Create true values and people will appreciate it.
A few thoughts on economicsI think any economic downturn is a good thing. The crisis helps to weed out shoddy firms that produce poor-quality and unnecessary products. Many of these firms, at one time, produced high-quality things, but gradually began to cheat. And it is not bad if during a recession, the activities of such companies gradually decrease and, eventually, they completely disappear. In their place come others, those who understand the needs of consumers. Companies that only pretend are replaced by companies that actually work.
Do you think supporting the fading U.S. auto industry at taxpayer expense is a good idea? No, it's not bad, except for one small thing - it's just stupid! This is the stupidest thing politicians can do with our taxes. Helping the automotive industry is not in the interests of our country, and not in the interests of people working in this field. This is an absolutely short-sighted strategy. I think any kind of financial support is just stupid.
Several of my relatives used to work for General Motors. If they continued to work there, they would have to find new places. Earlier, I wrote that Erin and I, despite the serious discounts placed on us at General Motors, bought a Japanese car. There’s no politics here, we just don’t like domestic politics.
In times of crisis, many companies will simply die out. And that's good. Artificially keeping companies alive is stupid. In this case, it is necessary to let events develop their course. We need this kind of self-correction to avoid even bigger problems. Companies that fail to produce and promote true values must openly admit that their business has failed. And they must realize that no amount of political lobbying can save them. Chasing money leads to losing it. This is especially true of our politicians. This is a paradox. Although, if you are in the captivity of the same illusions, then how can you accuse our government of anything?
It is far more right, and more compassionate, to let millions of auto workers lose their jobs. Then they will at least be able to do something useful again, and stop wasting their time on work that no one else needs. If it takes years, so be it. Giving money to losers is a bad strategy.
Similarly, if you’re working for a company that has trouble creating and promoting value, you’d better lose that job. It is better to retrain and find a new, more worthy place. Inconsistency with your time and the needs of consumers is a trap to avoid. Even if you’re an employee, consider whether your service helps create and promote true values. If not, don’t be too surprised when you get cut.
Make a career in creating and promoting valuesSo how do you know if you create true values or not?
Just ask yourself these questions: If I stopped doing what I was doing, would anyone care? Would anyone object to that? Will anyone try to stop it?
If you stop creating and promoting true value, people will notice. People will definitely worry. And if you stop creating and promoting REALLY TRUE VALUE, expect mass riots in the streets.
People may not attribute this value to you personally, especially if you do your job anonymously, but they will notice that something important has disappeared from their lives. Even if they don’t know your name, stopping you from creating and promoting value will have an effect.
But if you stopped and no one noticed, then your work was either unnecessary or replaceable. This means that you have not been able to fully express yourself. You just found a way to avoid self-actualization.
You always have a choice, remember that.
You may have decided to devote your life to earning money. Well, go ahead. Someday you will still understand the meaninglessness and deadlock of this path. Someday you will hear a quiet voice saying to you from your very heart, “What you are doing is fundamentally wrong.” And then you will realize that you can live a life filled with fun, freedom and fulfillment. And still earn money, not die of hunger. But to understand this, you have to focus on what really matters. You have to free your head from the wrong social attitudes and stop doing what most people continue to do with the zeal of robots.
Start living the life of a conscious person. Stop being a mindless pawn. Focus on expressing your creativity every day. Focus on creating and meeting the needs of others.
Create values and promote them. That's the key to success.
The right path is so obvious that you wonder why so many people don’t notice it. He was known to you in kindergarten.
You: Look what I painted! (Value created).
Adults: Wow! It's just great! (Value received).
My five-year-old son and my eight-year-old daughter have largely understood this. They know that when they create something worthwhile, they will be rewarded.
My job as a father is to teach them something new. This will help them manage their lives in the future.
Writing and editing this article took about 5 hours. She wasn't even part of my plans. I just felt inspired, sat down and wrote it in almost one breath.
This article will be relevant for many, many years. Not a bad investment, is it?
It doesn’t matter if I can make money with this post. I don't think about it at all. I just know that as long as I create and promote true values, I will never be at a loss. In fact, money is just a fiction. They can't be the driving motive.Money should stay in the background while life should come first..
I want you to take advantage of the concept of creating and promoting value. And the more you engage in creative expression, the less you shake over money.
The greatest irony is that you can say to yourself, “I’ll save some money, then I’ll start creating and promoting value.” Realize that when you think like that, you are hooked again. If it were, if it were, then I would... Nonsense! Get to work right now. And when you have financial prosperity, you will understand that it was not necessary to start. You will realize that all you needed was courage and determination to start your journey from where you are today.
This article has had many twists and turns, but I think I managed to convey the main point. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
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Source: allstevepavlina.ru/how-to-make-lots-of-money-during-a-recession
The electric candles with their hands: 10% of the capacity of electric heater of 500 W!
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