Rainbow field of possibilities. Place nurturing images, desires, creations.

Rainbow field of possibilities.
In a situation of life lessons that once nurtured a man the physical body, begin to appear in his living space, one begins to pay attention to other fields. He has to turn its other features through receptors in the brain, through the states of touch sensations ancient memory so that there is one or the other small entrance, and there is the appearance of a certain angle, the cut and the world.
You might have observed that at some point you start to see things completely different, is not it, how do you tell and show. You do not have to say anything, you do not care what they say others - you've grasped it yourself. You still can see how it happens.
This position is given inside knowledge - the ability to go into a particular field of its own, being present at the same time in the physical world. Mastery of life is non-stop increments to the field to his physical form, because at a certain amount embroadening, quantity turns into quality. Then, have access to the unmanifested fields becomes different realities - acquires other instruments. But until a person is forced to play by the rules of primitive, which in one way or another (there is a difference) are all.
When there is clarity and a certain level of energy is typed, it is possible to pass and open access to this or that reality in its sole discretion, according to his statement, will, impulse.
Remember how people deprived of the opportunity to choose and decide how many of the simple things are not available to man in order to take a simple solution. What so easy? Yes, that simple. Many do not realize to change their destiny simple solution. The solution is so simple, when you change the polarity on the one side to the other, that no one comes to mind (or unit comes) do declare it.
Rainbow field of possibilities - one of the fields. In it generated images - like a skeleton. The images are made of symbols that carry a particular quality of energy and vibrational frequency. They are similar to the notes, more three-dimensional. Notes when connected in a certain way, form the melodic sound and access to certain states.
Characters that are filled with rainbow field of possibilities, come to life under the influence of human inquiry, his pulse desires, visions. He digs a hole, as it were, to planting a seed of desire and wraps his rainbow space like a soft warm snow or warm fluffy blanket or something duvet, easy. This is only a thin transparent with no stability, the finest woven half-sleep, a plasma state.
Plasma state draws the characters in a specific sequence. Symbols provide a basis and stick together, stick together is a human instinct to make it happen, desire, faith and trust, knowledge - to a greater extent - as much as possible the human impulse for such comprehension. In smaller scale - the trust and faith, and more - knowledge.
If there are uncertainty and doubt, it does not stick together characters and symbols will not create the frame.
Frame acquires, priraschivaya to him by more elements viability. Then it should be the man to when ready brainchild, born of a man, it passes through the same entrance, which includes people in this field and is also the reality here in this physical world. Then evident for a person in a manner that is acceptable to it.
Ability to take one way or another is key. The more human freedom in how the world appears to him, the easier circulation around it.
If a person lives in the restrictions, he says: "This is unacceptable. This is bad. It does not suit me. That's shameful. It's ... ", it imposes restrictions, and even born then randomly creation requires more space and more sophistication to manifest itself in the person.
Sometimes it appear to require a person to pick up something. Why? Because there is a lot of energy to achieve the manifestation. This compensation: the very creation of the expenses and to recover it, you need to pick up the energy of a person.
Energy - it is something that is alive. It comes and incremented where waiting for her, which belong to this energy with gratitude, awe and concern.
Imagine that you come to visit someone, and, you know, that you have been waiting and would like to see. You can help support or do something useful. When you come, you no one pays attention, or you do not open the door, or you cost roughly and put up some obstacles. Of course, you need to take charge with this man for him to understand the value of what you are at it, it's all for a reason.
It is important to understand that all life events are not random, they carry a certain meaning, context. If you do not understand it, does not mean that it is not. It simply means that there is something that you can not see. Can you just want to understand this, to understand when it is strong enough knowledge when the time comes for it, and everything goes open.
You can see, imagine that somewhere in you or around you in your subtle bodies, there is an album consisting of a set of slides of film in which there is a place a standard set and a special set - one that you took it for yourself.
Look through the rainbow field of opportunities, access to which is now given that it is one of the worlds in which you can get through this film, as the entrance.
You can create for himself desired as being compacted, that indeed you want - this is a plasma image, plasma sheath, which then attach the characters and create a framework that revives, cluttered and out behind you in your world.
Just turn on the state of dreams or try to do it. You can do it many, many times, until you feel that they are able.
Slide it all the time, complexity, difficulty, experience, which happened to encounter, through which managed to go through any barriers, any pain and your life weight that you have gained through it. Feel like you're just easy and may not have affection fully to this world, living in the moment, right now.
There is no tomorrow and yesterday, all that is where the problems lie.
You just here, in this space, in the course of his life and can afford to dream. You can allow yourself to open some kind of dream, perhaps, lost or hidden away for a long time. Feel seal it so that it turned out to be living in your field, it is - it's really interesting. Then give yourself momentum to be glowing field of possibilities.
First just imagine rainbow field of possibilities, now manifests itself in the outside world. You can close your eyes and feel as the hills of snow, warm and soft (or something similar), and you're in it. You can choose in this space any place - you may be more comfortable to dig a hole and put there his image, a dream, saying that in the field of possibilities is the rainbow I send my dream to see her sprouted in their physical reality. Close the top warm blanket and you can go back to you.
You may feel that you do not go away, you are in this world, and another reality. You can watch what is going on as it grows - just watch.
You can plant your seedlings are different and see how it will manifest itself on the surface, will pass, configured for you on your life. This process is very entertaining.
When you see the "kitchen" accidents occurring inside, they cease to be accidents for you. Then you can reshape something. If there is something unnecessary, insignificant, unimportant or disturbing, it can go and create the opposite, more.
You can even learn to walk in the place where you unknowingly grow it and pick up, regain energy and to give impetus to the disbanding of your creation, your creation, which was created by you on negligence, negligence and that, in fact, you do not need. < br />
This is a practical problem. If you begin to move and interact with the spaces of this position, you will see how the space will start coming to you.
Why is this supposed to work? Why is this happening?
When a person is committed to something, it presses its shape, which is built on the surrounding space and tries to oust him.
When he goes deep into the plants and grains, which then grows, another dimension of creation is born of creation, which is part of the world, part of the space. It pushes you to change the configuration - you easily move, because it itself provokes you to do so. In this most fundamental difference.
If you're just going, then you push and you meet resistance.
If you go magical ways, ways of miracles, you formiruesh its creation, and it comes as it were from the outside. This is your formation, it pushes you to these wonders and emerging eventualities.
Rainbow is not the only field of possibilities, as has been said. Having mastered it, you can move, and to actively monitor and participate, to be, to live simultaneously in many fields. So you can generate an interest, creativity, awakening desires intensify and emerging opportunities.
We need practical experiments.
Open the way to your skeletons.
Remember to multiple frames of film, superposed.
Sometimes you see the physical reality distorted because looking at it through the film, not even realizing that they're there. So you are giving so much energy of the physical reality and the energy is entirely different dimensions.
Why is it helpful to think about the desire and how it is better to do?
Working with energies of the fourth dimension.