Working with energies of the fourth dimension.

Analyzing the events of the second half of January 2016 and exchanging information with people living in different countries, I once again came to the conclusion about the correctness of the findings confirm the importance of the changes occurring on the physical plane of the Earth as a response to new adscititious Energy Space. To begin with a description of these energies and the reaction to them by the school Space group TERRA ALTAIR on 01/20/2016, the "creation of a new medium power units rebuilds the entire system of units. Change vibration pulses, frequency, power formations. Our body is also a kind of power unit, and is starting to change, though outwardly we do not notice. Work continues with the information field of the planet and the human brain.
Beliefs matter goes into the energy and transmitted as a kvazitronnye radiation. This is very serious information that warns of a large evacuation. The concentration of plasma energy in space begins in the Mediterranean for the selection of the lower production of civilization WORLD. Ready plasma translated into the planet's atmosphere. That's why in the Mediterranean are fighting removed degrading lower portion of the population. WHERE military conflict - there is clearance in the first place. But entering the plasma shower in the atmosphere creates a space in the outer shell of the planet voltage, which causes atmospheric anomaly. Complex processes are to the planet with us. You have to be very attentive to what is happening and try to change the space around them for the better. " Events next two years until the end of 2017 will bring us great changes both on the physical plane of the Earth itself, and the Energy of people. Already, many people notice how through prayer, meditation or any other way you can change the events in his personal space at the moment of the here and now. I want to share my experience in this field, especially because there comes a time when a change of personal space can be the salvation for many people in an unfavorable situation. Just want to warn that a change in his personal space, and thereby entering the fourth dimension is possible only in the case when the basic laws of the universe - everything must be carried out on the principle of DO NO HARM using the energy of Universal Love. The first step is to fill the space around the energy of Universal Love as follows: "Istok, True Pure Divine Light join me please. I express pure conscious intent, and with the help of Energy Adoption transforms all the negative low frequency energy present in the space around me at the moment here and now in the Universal Energy of Divine Love. AMEN! "The second step to change their personal space as follows:" Istok, True Pure Divine Light join me please. I express pure conscious intent and changing your space in the moment here and now this ... (The following describes what you want to do and see in the new altered Space at the here and now). AMEN! "Your Space altered thus manifested immediately or clearly labeled within your time. It works only with the awakened people to choose the path of light. Try, practice - reported by many people, this technique works perfectly.
Rainbow field of possibilities. Place nurturing images, desires, creations.
Young mother bought breakfast homeless, and he left her a note with a shocking confession