100 Ways to Live a Full Life
How do you feel about your life today? Do you live every day to the fullest? Do you like what you're doing? Are you excited to wake up today? Are you living the best possible life?
If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” “don’t know,” or “possibly,” it means you’re living a part-time life, which you really shouldn’t be, because you and only you are the creator of your happiness. Why trade for something less if you deserve only the best?
But since I retired from the corporate world in 2010, every day has been filled with drive, excitement, and accomplishments in areas that interest me. I look forward to every day and that’s why I want to share my thoughts on this.
This is a list of 100 principles I try to follow to live my life to the fullest. The moment you start to be guided by these landmarks, everything around you becomes more full, interesting and bright. You're starting to really live.
100 Ways to Live Your Life Fully
Every day is a new start. Don’t get attached to what happened yesterday, the day before, or later. Today is a new life and even if something was wrong before – you will definitely try again and again.
Be real yourself. Stop trying to please other people and be someone else. It is much more interesting to live a unique version of yourself, rather than trying to become someone else’s duplicate.
Stop complaining. Stop being like a whining dog that does nothing but makes a lot of sound. Stop complaining about your problems and start solving them.
Be proactive. Don’t expect someone to do something, instead, start doing it yourself.
Instead of thinking “what if,” think “next time.” Stop thinking about things you can’t change or things that make you miserable. Instead, focus on doing the important things in your life. This is the most constructive thing you can do right now.
Focus on “What?” rather than “How?” Focus on what you want before deciding how you will achieve it. If you are open to new opportunities and ready to take action, anything is possible.
Create opportunities. You can expect the opportunity to come into your life, or you can try to create it yourself.
Live more consciously. Stop being a zombie going the same route and eating the same food. Enjoy it!!! Try to feel the wind blowing, hear the bird singing, enjoy a new dish.
Be responsible for your growth. You and only you decide how to live your life – dozens of hours on social media are less productive than the same time spent studying. In the end, the one who is most curious and tries to try himself in many areas will shoot.
Know your true self. Try to give yourself an honest answer to what you want. Abstract public opinion that forces you to own a Mercedes, although you may actually want to live all summer in a tent on the Black Sea.
Define your calling. Your values are the guide when choosing a calling in life. Understand what is important to you, and based on this, determine the main vector of movement forward.
Live according to your calling. I have the question “What am I doing?” written in front of my eyes on a white board. I often stumble upon it during my day at work and try to understand how much of what I’m doing right now is consistent with what I’m trying to achieve in my life.
Define your life principles and act on them.
Learn your values. Values are what make you the real you. For some, values can be friends, for others family and financial growth.
Focus on the highest bar. My dad always says, "Do it well, it's bad." Try to act in accordance with the highest quality and best approach to any issue.
Design your perfect life. What is your ideal life? Create it. To begin with, evaluate what you have at the moment, then ask yourself what you should add to it, so that you get maximum pleasure from the 4 main components – health, material state, social participation and spiritual development. As soon as you determine what you need, start acting immediately. It is quite surprising that sometimes such a small thing as changing dishes in the house or buying a rocking chair can bring a lot of joy into your life.
Stop pausing your life. To live truly is to be happy on all counts. Why build a career and sacrifice your personal life? We so often give something for something that in another way and do not imagine further progress. All my most successful and happy friends achieve balance and maximum at once everywhere, one sphere complements another. If you want to go to the Tretyakov Gallery, but postpone it from year to year – do it as soon as possible. Take a break from the important and desirable and steal some time from the right one.
Get a notebook. In it, write down your values, principles and plans, reflect on its pages. In the future, it will become a starting point for reflection on the most important events.
Make a list of targets. Create goals for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years. The more precise the goals, the better. My goals in the short, medium and long term complement and contribute to each other.
Take action to achieve your goals and dreams. Create an action list with your strategy and immediate steps.
Create your wish list.
Don’t do something just because it needs to be done. Every task must have meaning. Don’t be afraid to give up something if it’s beyond your life plan.
Do what you like. Why put off going to the theater, fishing or traveling until retirement? Pamper yourself. Spend your time and energy on what fills you.
Determine your passion in life. If you had unlimited resources and no commitment, what would you do? Passion is to follow your path, no matter what your problems. It is amazing how few people know or try to define their calling in this short life.
Create a career around your calling. Give up your hated job. If you do something you don’t like, you’re just selling your soul, but at a very big discount.
Turn your calling into money. You may ask, OK, let’s say my passion is gardening, how can I make a career or money out of it? Nowadays, there are plenty of options for monetizing your vocation – blogging, videos, paid courses and so on. The only thing that often stops people is that the profit will be in the long run, but trust my experience, this profit (with a competent approach) will exceed all your expectations.
Learn from criticism. Criticism is what can teach you to be the best. Don’t be upset if you’re being remarked – take it as a sign that you need to change something and become a better version of yourself.
Be positive. The glass is really half full. Think of life as adventure and play. Expose optimism and give people a smile.
Don't talk bad about others. If you don’t like something about another person, say it to his or her face. In any other case, don't say anything.
Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Try to see life from the perspective of another person. You may have been abused by a janitor this morning, but why did he do it? Probably, no one pays attention to him, perhaps he is considered a maintenance and unnecessary staff and does not appreciate his work at all. Think about how to make him smile at you next time.
Be compassionate. Really empathize with someone else’s problem.
Develop unconditional faith in yourself. Self-belief is when you keep moving forward, even when everyone tells you not to. Analyze your small victories, remember how you went against the tide, remember the pleasure of being right and everyone was wrong. If you have something in mind, be sure that everything will work out.
Let go of the unhappy past.
Forgive those who ask forgiveness. Do not hold anger against people, but know their weaknesses and accept them as they are.
Remove the unimportant. Understand the short-term nature of things like status, fame, recognition. This will all come if you focus on self-actualization rather than social acceptance.
Stop relationships that don’t help you. Remove people who add unnecessary pessimism to your life.
Spend more time with people who inspire and support you. Try to create a circle of like-minded people and doers. It's really super cool when you've come up with something together and you've started to implement it in 10 minutes.
Build sincere relationships with people around you (strangers, family, loved ones). Spend time strengthening and improving your relationship.
Reunite with your old friend. No matter what you say, the number of friends is unlimited. Meet people from your past.
Make a day of generosity. Think about what you can do today that will make the world a little better. Doing good to others is the best way to boost your mood.
Help people when they need it. Think of this as a long-term investment. Someday you will get help without expecting it.
Re-register your life. Once a week, a month, 3-6 months – analyze your progress and progress towards your goals. Adjust your actions based on the results.
Don't delay. Get rid of the habit of delaying decisions. 9 out of 10 opportunities are missed due to delayed action.
Help complete strangers. An American friend came from the United States to help a complete stranger overcome the disease. This determined his fate in the future.
Make new acquaintances. I never cease to say that new opportunities arise because of new acquaintances. Don’t be afraid to force yourself into the circle of people you are interested in and make friends with them.
Build strong relationships.
Become your future advisor. Imagine yourself 10 years from now and mentally asking for your own advice on better, relatively difficult decisions. What would you do if you were 10 years wiser?
Write a letter to your future self. I had recently reread one such letter and my room was filled with a loud laugh of that naivety and inexperience. I think I’ll be laughing even louder in 5-10 years from now.
Clean the extra. Remove excess from your desk, from the apartment, hobbies, life. Make room for more important things.
Keep learning. I have repeatedly said on my blog that I am surprised that people stop learning when they graduate. Learning doesn’t mean sitting behind books – you can learn to drive, learn to dance, learn to speak, and so on. The main goal is to keep the brain in constant tension.
Develop yourself. Try to identify your weaknesses and develop them. If you are too shy, train to be more sociable, go to meet fear.
Continuously upgrade yourself. Deepen your knowledge and experience, become an expert in many areas.
Always try something new. You just have no idea how much more new and interesting you can experience and feel (for example, try and find out what watsu massage is).
Travel. Take yourself out of your commute routine – work, home, work. Discover new places, which are many even in your city. For me, any trip is always, always something new.
Don't settle in one place. Always live dynamically and try to tie yourself up with credits, repairs, and so on as late as possible.
Be the best at what you do. When I realized that I was good at corporate, but not a star, I went from there to a field where the chances of becoming the best and achieving more are much higher. If you find your calling, be the best there.
Break your boundaries. Set the most impossible goal – achieve your plans and come up with something even more impossible. All your clamps are because someone once told you what is possible and what is not.
Soak up and try out unusual ideas.
Create your place for inspiration. It can be a corner where all your inspirational things (books, photos, videos) are located, it can also be a park, a cafe, and so on. Create your own paradise.
Behave as you imagine your ideal self.
Create roles in life. Try acting as if you were Bill Gates, Michael Jordan or some famous and successful person.
Find a mentor or a guru. Study your guru’s life and try not to make mistakes. Consult with a more experienced mentor.
Find your previously invisible strengths.
Increase your awareness.
Ask for constructive criticism and advice. You can always see better from the outside.
Try to create a passive income stream. This can be percent in the bank, income from renting an apartment or something else. Passive income will give you the opportunity to be freer in your experiments in life and start from what you want, not what you need.
Help others live as well as possible. If you see that you can help a person improve their life, be sure to help them find the right path.
Get married and have kids.
Make the world better. There is still a lot that can be improved in the world - to help poor, unhealthy, deprived people live normally.
Participate in a humanitarian aid program.
Give more value than you get. When you constantly give more, you start getting a lot more in return.
Try to see the big picture. Focus on the 20% that generates 80% of the result.
Let your ultimate goal be clear. What is your ultimate goal? Does what you do really drive you to what you want? As long as you think about the things that are moving you towards your ultimate goal, you are on the right path.
Always try to find a 20/80 path. Minimum effort, but maximum result.
Set priorities. Sometimes it is more convenient to move by inertia and difficult to switch to a more important task, but this property will make your life much more effective.
Enjoy the moment. Stop it. Look at that. Thank you for what you have right now.
Enjoy the little things. A cup of coffee in the morning, 15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, a pleasant conversation with a dear person – all this can be, by the way, but you try to pay due attention to all the small but pleasant moments.
Take a break. It could be 15 minutes or 15 days. Life is not a marathon, but a walk for pleasure.
Try to avoid mutually exclusive goals.
Focus on creating. I’m interested in the process of creating a game, creating a new business, and so on, where you get candy out of nothing.
Don't judge others. Respect others for who they are.
The only person you have to change is you. Focus on your development and growth, not on changing others.
Be thankful for every day you live.
Express your gratitude to your dear people.
Have fun. I have friends who laugh non-stop - with them I forget everything. Let yourself have this experiment and you!
Go out in nature more often.
There's always a choice. In any situation, there are always several ways out.
Laugh more often and loudly.
Be prepared for change, that is the essence of life.
Be prepared for disappointment, it’s part of life.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Think of mistakes as lessons, but try not to take the same lesson multiple times.
Don't be afraid to take risks. Risk is when all your feelings are at their limit and you know your limits.
Fight your fears. One of the greats advised that you should do something every day that you are afraid of. It's not easy, but it's important.
Do physical activity and exercise. Don't let your body rust.
Develop your intuition and follow it, even if logic tells you not to.
Love yourself.
Love those around you.
What's the meaning of life? Stop and think... just 15 minutes!
What's the point of life? Watch the video bonus for the article:
This video has been viewed tens of millions of times and translated into many languages. What is the meaning of our entire existence? Here it is, 15 minutes away, short and clear.
If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” “don’t know,” or “possibly,” it means you’re living a part-time life, which you really shouldn’t be, because you and only you are the creator of your happiness. Why trade for something less if you deserve only the best?
But since I retired from the corporate world in 2010, every day has been filled with drive, excitement, and accomplishments in areas that interest me. I look forward to every day and that’s why I want to share my thoughts on this.
This is a list of 100 principles I try to follow to live my life to the fullest. The moment you start to be guided by these landmarks, everything around you becomes more full, interesting and bright. You're starting to really live.
100 Ways to Live Your Life Fully
Every day is a new start. Don’t get attached to what happened yesterday, the day before, or later. Today is a new life and even if something was wrong before – you will definitely try again and again.
Be real yourself. Stop trying to please other people and be someone else. It is much more interesting to live a unique version of yourself, rather than trying to become someone else’s duplicate.
Stop complaining. Stop being like a whining dog that does nothing but makes a lot of sound. Stop complaining about your problems and start solving them.
Be proactive. Don’t expect someone to do something, instead, start doing it yourself.
Instead of thinking “what if,” think “next time.” Stop thinking about things you can’t change or things that make you miserable. Instead, focus on doing the important things in your life. This is the most constructive thing you can do right now.
Focus on “What?” rather than “How?” Focus on what you want before deciding how you will achieve it. If you are open to new opportunities and ready to take action, anything is possible.
Create opportunities. You can expect the opportunity to come into your life, or you can try to create it yourself.
Live more consciously. Stop being a zombie going the same route and eating the same food. Enjoy it!!! Try to feel the wind blowing, hear the bird singing, enjoy a new dish.
Be responsible for your growth. You and only you decide how to live your life – dozens of hours on social media are less productive than the same time spent studying. In the end, the one who is most curious and tries to try himself in many areas will shoot.
Know your true self. Try to give yourself an honest answer to what you want. Abstract public opinion that forces you to own a Mercedes, although you may actually want to live all summer in a tent on the Black Sea.
Define your calling. Your values are the guide when choosing a calling in life. Understand what is important to you, and based on this, determine the main vector of movement forward.
Live according to your calling. I have the question “What am I doing?” written in front of my eyes on a white board. I often stumble upon it during my day at work and try to understand how much of what I’m doing right now is consistent with what I’m trying to achieve in my life.
Define your life principles and act on them.
Learn your values. Values are what make you the real you. For some, values can be friends, for others family and financial growth.
Focus on the highest bar. My dad always says, "Do it well, it's bad." Try to act in accordance with the highest quality and best approach to any issue.
Design your perfect life. What is your ideal life? Create it. To begin with, evaluate what you have at the moment, then ask yourself what you should add to it, so that you get maximum pleasure from the 4 main components – health, material state, social participation and spiritual development. As soon as you determine what you need, start acting immediately. It is quite surprising that sometimes such a small thing as changing dishes in the house or buying a rocking chair can bring a lot of joy into your life.
Stop pausing your life. To live truly is to be happy on all counts. Why build a career and sacrifice your personal life? We so often give something for something that in another way and do not imagine further progress. All my most successful and happy friends achieve balance and maximum at once everywhere, one sphere complements another. If you want to go to the Tretyakov Gallery, but postpone it from year to year – do it as soon as possible. Take a break from the important and desirable and steal some time from the right one.
Get a notebook. In it, write down your values, principles and plans, reflect on its pages. In the future, it will become a starting point for reflection on the most important events.
Make a list of targets. Create goals for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years. The more precise the goals, the better. My goals in the short, medium and long term complement and contribute to each other.
Take action to achieve your goals and dreams. Create an action list with your strategy and immediate steps.
Create your wish list.
Don’t do something just because it needs to be done. Every task must have meaning. Don’t be afraid to give up something if it’s beyond your life plan.
Do what you like. Why put off going to the theater, fishing or traveling until retirement? Pamper yourself. Spend your time and energy on what fills you.
Determine your passion in life. If you had unlimited resources and no commitment, what would you do? Passion is to follow your path, no matter what your problems. It is amazing how few people know or try to define their calling in this short life.
Create a career around your calling. Give up your hated job. If you do something you don’t like, you’re just selling your soul, but at a very big discount.
Turn your calling into money. You may ask, OK, let’s say my passion is gardening, how can I make a career or money out of it? Nowadays, there are plenty of options for monetizing your vocation – blogging, videos, paid courses and so on. The only thing that often stops people is that the profit will be in the long run, but trust my experience, this profit (with a competent approach) will exceed all your expectations.
Learn from criticism. Criticism is what can teach you to be the best. Don’t be upset if you’re being remarked – take it as a sign that you need to change something and become a better version of yourself.
Be positive. The glass is really half full. Think of life as adventure and play. Expose optimism and give people a smile.
Don't talk bad about others. If you don’t like something about another person, say it to his or her face. In any other case, don't say anything.
Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Try to see life from the perspective of another person. You may have been abused by a janitor this morning, but why did he do it? Probably, no one pays attention to him, perhaps he is considered a maintenance and unnecessary staff and does not appreciate his work at all. Think about how to make him smile at you next time.
Be compassionate. Really empathize with someone else’s problem.
Develop unconditional faith in yourself. Self-belief is when you keep moving forward, even when everyone tells you not to. Analyze your small victories, remember how you went against the tide, remember the pleasure of being right and everyone was wrong. If you have something in mind, be sure that everything will work out.
Let go of the unhappy past.
Forgive those who ask forgiveness. Do not hold anger against people, but know their weaknesses and accept them as they are.
Remove the unimportant. Understand the short-term nature of things like status, fame, recognition. This will all come if you focus on self-actualization rather than social acceptance.
Stop relationships that don’t help you. Remove people who add unnecessary pessimism to your life.
Spend more time with people who inspire and support you. Try to create a circle of like-minded people and doers. It's really super cool when you've come up with something together and you've started to implement it in 10 minutes.
Build sincere relationships with people around you (strangers, family, loved ones). Spend time strengthening and improving your relationship.
Reunite with your old friend. No matter what you say, the number of friends is unlimited. Meet people from your past.
Make a day of generosity. Think about what you can do today that will make the world a little better. Doing good to others is the best way to boost your mood.
Help people when they need it. Think of this as a long-term investment. Someday you will get help without expecting it.
Re-register your life. Once a week, a month, 3-6 months – analyze your progress and progress towards your goals. Adjust your actions based on the results.
Don't delay. Get rid of the habit of delaying decisions. 9 out of 10 opportunities are missed due to delayed action.
Help complete strangers. An American friend came from the United States to help a complete stranger overcome the disease. This determined his fate in the future.
Make new acquaintances. I never cease to say that new opportunities arise because of new acquaintances. Don’t be afraid to force yourself into the circle of people you are interested in and make friends with them.
Build strong relationships.
Become your future advisor. Imagine yourself 10 years from now and mentally asking for your own advice on better, relatively difficult decisions. What would you do if you were 10 years wiser?
Write a letter to your future self. I had recently reread one such letter and my room was filled with a loud laugh of that naivety and inexperience. I think I’ll be laughing even louder in 5-10 years from now.
Clean the extra. Remove excess from your desk, from the apartment, hobbies, life. Make room for more important things.
Keep learning. I have repeatedly said on my blog that I am surprised that people stop learning when they graduate. Learning doesn’t mean sitting behind books – you can learn to drive, learn to dance, learn to speak, and so on. The main goal is to keep the brain in constant tension.
Develop yourself. Try to identify your weaknesses and develop them. If you are too shy, train to be more sociable, go to meet fear.
Continuously upgrade yourself. Deepen your knowledge and experience, become an expert in many areas.
Always try something new. You just have no idea how much more new and interesting you can experience and feel (for example, try and find out what watsu massage is).
Travel. Take yourself out of your commute routine – work, home, work. Discover new places, which are many even in your city. For me, any trip is always, always something new.
Don't settle in one place. Always live dynamically and try to tie yourself up with credits, repairs, and so on as late as possible.
Be the best at what you do. When I realized that I was good at corporate, but not a star, I went from there to a field where the chances of becoming the best and achieving more are much higher. If you find your calling, be the best there.
Break your boundaries. Set the most impossible goal – achieve your plans and come up with something even more impossible. All your clamps are because someone once told you what is possible and what is not.
Soak up and try out unusual ideas.
Create your place for inspiration. It can be a corner where all your inspirational things (books, photos, videos) are located, it can also be a park, a cafe, and so on. Create your own paradise.
Behave as you imagine your ideal self.
Create roles in life. Try acting as if you were Bill Gates, Michael Jordan or some famous and successful person.
Find a mentor or a guru. Study your guru’s life and try not to make mistakes. Consult with a more experienced mentor.
Find your previously invisible strengths.
Increase your awareness.
Ask for constructive criticism and advice. You can always see better from the outside.
Try to create a passive income stream. This can be percent in the bank, income from renting an apartment or something else. Passive income will give you the opportunity to be freer in your experiments in life and start from what you want, not what you need.
Help others live as well as possible. If you see that you can help a person improve their life, be sure to help them find the right path.
Get married and have kids.
Make the world better. There is still a lot that can be improved in the world - to help poor, unhealthy, deprived people live normally.
Participate in a humanitarian aid program.
Give more value than you get. When you constantly give more, you start getting a lot more in return.
Try to see the big picture. Focus on the 20% that generates 80% of the result.
Let your ultimate goal be clear. What is your ultimate goal? Does what you do really drive you to what you want? As long as you think about the things that are moving you towards your ultimate goal, you are on the right path.
Always try to find a 20/80 path. Minimum effort, but maximum result.
Set priorities. Sometimes it is more convenient to move by inertia and difficult to switch to a more important task, but this property will make your life much more effective.
Enjoy the moment. Stop it. Look at that. Thank you for what you have right now.
Enjoy the little things. A cup of coffee in the morning, 15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, a pleasant conversation with a dear person – all this can be, by the way, but you try to pay due attention to all the small but pleasant moments.
Take a break. It could be 15 minutes or 15 days. Life is not a marathon, but a walk for pleasure.
Try to avoid mutually exclusive goals.
Focus on creating. I’m interested in the process of creating a game, creating a new business, and so on, where you get candy out of nothing.
Don't judge others. Respect others for who they are.
The only person you have to change is you. Focus on your development and growth, not on changing others.
Be thankful for every day you live.
Express your gratitude to your dear people.
Have fun. I have friends who laugh non-stop - with them I forget everything. Let yourself have this experiment and you!
Go out in nature more often.
There's always a choice. In any situation, there are always several ways out.
Laugh more often and loudly.
Be prepared for change, that is the essence of life.
Be prepared for disappointment, it’s part of life.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Think of mistakes as lessons, but try not to take the same lesson multiple times.
Don't be afraid to take risks. Risk is when all your feelings are at their limit and you know your limits.
Fight your fears. One of the greats advised that you should do something every day that you are afraid of. It's not easy, but it's important.
Do physical activity and exercise. Don't let your body rust.
Develop your intuition and follow it, even if logic tells you not to.
Love yourself.
Love those around you.
What's the meaning of life? Stop and think... just 15 minutes!
What's the point of life? Watch the video bonus for the article:
This video has been viewed tens of millions of times and translated into many languages. What is the meaning of our entire existence? Here it is, 15 minutes away, short and clear.

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