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The secrets of consciousness: 12 healing properties

Ninety seven million three hundred ninety five thousand three hundred thirty three

Nowadays we often hear about the importance of the endocrine glands in the human body, about the impact they have on health. And all of this is true, although it is not in one of physiology. The state of human health is so closely connected with the state of his glands because the glands and nerve ganglia are both power centers of human consciousness.

These vital spiritual force, are located in glands and nerve nodes, all the while functioning in the human body without the knowledge of the mind, and precisely because of this ignorance often against him. How a person uses their spiritual force or power of consciousness, located in the glands and nervous centers depends on whether they act for his benefit or harm.

I first learned about age-old secrets of healing, when he began to engage with Christianity. These spiritual powers were called "the 12 powers of man", they have a mystical meaning, because the contact with Jesus and His 12 disciples in the New Testament, and the 12 tribes of Israel in the old Testament.

In occult teachings was dominated by the notion of the seven forces of consciousness, localized in seven vital nerve points of the human body. 12 spiritual powers of man absorb the seven natural principles, and extend their range to 12 God-given spiritual forces that sanctifies them and makes them easier to understand and use. The number 12 has always been considered a sacred number of completeness in the development of the higher faculties of man.

Age-old secrets of healing say that each of us has 12 power of consciousness and they are located in our body in the following vital nerve centers and glands.

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1. Conscious force of FAITH located in the center of the brain in the pineal gland.

2. A conscious gift of POWER lies between the adrenal glands and the lumbar region.

3. The conscious power of JUDGEMENT located in the epigastric fossa in the solar plexus around the pancreas.

4. Conscious force of LOVE is the heart, behind the heart near the thymus gland.

5. A conscious gift of POWER is at the root of the tongue in the throat near the thyroid gland.

6. Conscious of the power of IMAGINATION is located between the eyes near the pituitary gland.

7. The conscious power of UNDERSTANDING is in the forehead in the frontal lobe of the brain just above the eye.

8. Conscious WILLPOWER is located in the forehead in the center of the anterior lobe of the brain.

9. Conscious force of the ORDER is a major nerve center right behind the navel in the abdominal region, known in antiquity under the name lygen gland.

10. Conscious force of COMBUSTION is at the base of the brain in the occipital part at the junction with the neck where the medulla oblongata.

11. Conscious power REMOVAL FROM the BODY (EXCRETION) is located in the lower back to the organs responsible for the excretion of toxins and waste substances.

12. Conscious force of LIFE is in the reproductive organs.

In addition to the 12 forces of consciousness still have the Mind of Christ, or I am, it is located in the center of the ganglion at the top of the brain at the crown. When the center of the superconscious awakened, from him comes the superconscious mind in all 12 centers of power.

It's time to realize that the disease is acquired not so much in the human body as in his mind, encompassing his physical structure; that the disease is not so much in the nerves and glands, as in the forces of consciousness localized in these nerve centers and glands. You live not so much in your body, how many thoughts and feelings that cover the body like a shell. There arise diseases and ailments!

In fact, health is not something that comes and goes. Health is always with you! Comes and goes our knowledge of him according to our moods and deep feelings, the changes which are constantly exposed to our body. The doctors admitted that they prescribe drugs designed to stimulate natural functions of the body. But drugs are not oriented to a reasonable start, that controls natural functions of the body; because they are not able to grant permanent health, which can only be under the condition that the person involved is a reasonable start.

Of course, medication is necessary to relieve discomfort from the disease at a time when a person learns to properly use the power of consciousness. You have a Divine flow, which carries healing power. As proved by the wife of Fillmore and many people before them and after them, the energy rushes there where your thoughts are. Here is how you can implement a reasonable start in various organs. If you intentionally direct attention to a specific organ of the body and release the flow of energy, it will cause to the action of a reasonable start in this area of the body and at the same time stimulates the flow of energy throughout the body, the natural consequence of which would be to improve your health.

And it's not a new idea, it is an ancient healing method, confirmed for centuries. And the ancient Egyptians, and the brahmanas knew that by concentrating they can stimulate the centers of consciousness in the human body and heal damaged organs. They knew and argued that the impact of the consciousness on the body is almost limitless!

Do not go crazy about the exact location in the body of the forces of consciousness of various kinds. Do not attempt to immediately identify your sores with these forces of consciousness. Better keep taking your medication, undergo chiropractic or psychotherapy to remove the disturbing effects of the ailments, and in the meantime move a little further and begin to realize the mental and emotional causes of these ailments. Localization of the ailments tormenting you will help you to find the power of consciousness, which in a particular case because of improper use them had led to this disease.

Just as ancient philosophers believed that the person on the path of enlightenment is 12 steps, so, I hope, you, learning about the 12 powers of consciousness and how they affect health, will be metaphysically perceive the holistic person, not separate disease. And then you can access those mental forces that currently interest you most, and begin to develop them, to defeat the disease with which they are associated.

How are these forces, or the First secret of healing

All 12 healing properties of consciousness are dealing with forces that operate above and below the level of conscious thought. The first steps they operate on an unconscious level, clean and free of your emotions and body from the thoughts, feelings, memories, accumulated grievances, hatred and fears that stand in the way to recovery.

Undoubtedly, the purification of consciousness is one of the first steps on the path to full healing.First, the power of consciousness can manifest the superconscious level, which is reflected in the inflow of inspiration and determination; and it can be expressed in things that at first glance have nothing to do with your recovery. Subsequently you will understand why, you first need to awaken the unconscious and superconscious levels of consciousness, to make them work the conscious "I" and completed the process of full recovery.

So be patient and do not expect instant and miraculous change. From the known laws of physics that every action applied to a particular point affects all other points in the system. The same with sickness and healing: this process covers not one organ but the whole body. In undertaking its task the conscious and constructive awakening forces of consciousness, you can be sure that your unconscious is responsible for automatic functioning of the whole organism, will respond appropriately in due course.

Just as the healthy body functions by itself, you don't have to listen, try to feel it and even know about how is the healing process, although in some cases it happens. Sometimes it takes some time and you no surprise to realize that your health has recovered. Peace of mind is preceded by the restoration of bodily health. When you feel inner peace, this is the first sign that the healing process goes. You just have to thank fate for what you healed.

The second secret of healingIf you hesitate and are afraid to develop 12 power of consciousness, I dare say that you've already used these forces and matter right or wrong you used them, got positive or negative results. Now go to him intelligently, with confidence, with the sole purpose to benefit your health. This brings us to the second powerful and little-known healing secret in the outgoing century.

We just talked about three levels of consciousness — superconscious, conscious and subconscious, or unconscious, which operate through your 12 mental powers. All three levels of consciousness are also located in the body. When you will learn where are the sources of these healing properties, it will be easier to understand what level of consciousness are guilty of various ailments — conscious or unconscious. You will understand that the release of the energy flow of the superconscious and the direction of his two others will help facilitate the metaphysical causes of diseases. This knowledge removes all the mystery with your illness and allows you to restore your health!

The center of your conscious activities, i.e. comprehension, analysis, weighing, reasoning, is located in the frontal lobe and is responsible for all five senses. The fact that you are aware and consciously speak, affects all centers of conscious forces operating from the frontal lobes to the throat.

  • Conscious WILLPOWER is located in the center of the frontal lobe of the brain.
  • Conscious UNDERSTANDING is the frontal lobe of the brain.
  • Conscious force of FAITH is at the center of the brain.
  • Conscious of the power of IMAGINATION is between the eyes.
  • Conscious force of COMBUSTION is at the base of the brain in his head.
  • Conscious of the force of power is at the root of the tongue in the throat.
Improper handling of the forces of consciousness almost immediately affects the state of this area of your body. For example, the wife severely scolded her husband. Such unreasonable use of the center of consciousness, located in the throat, in two hours will not be slow to affect her health: common cold and sore throat for a couple of weeks to get to her!

Ailments in the areas of the body sensitive to the movements of consciousness can be caused by hostile thoughts and words of another person, if not able to resist the flow of negative emotions. Knowledge of the fact that the forces of consciousness are localized in the field of consciousness, allows you to understand what a headache in the forehead, visual impairment, ear, nose and throat — all these are consequences of your own evil thoughts or evil thoughts and words of others towards you. It also suggests that the immediate reaction in the form of conscious positive thoughts on your side can help you cope with the ailments in these areas of the body.

Note. Although, according to scientific data, all three levels of consciousness — the actual consciousness, subconsciousness and superconsciousness — act throughout the body and, of course, associated with certain parts of the brain we are talking about metaphysical centers of localization of these forces of consciousness present in the various organs of the body.

The area of the unconscious is the heart and the abdominal cavity, where your intense emotions and deep, inner thoughts. Your strong feelings and beliefs pushed into the unconscious and become unconscious entities that have an impact on the centers of consciousness located in the abdominal cavity.

  • The POWER center is located in the lumbar region.
  • The centre is conscious of the power of LOVE is the heart.
  • Centre of the conscious power of JUDGEMENT lies in the epigastric fossa.
  • The centre is conscious of the power of ORDER is the navel.
  • Center conscious of the power of REMOVAL is in the organs that control the release of the body of the waste substances.
The centre is conscious of the power of LIFE is in the reproductive organs.

When you experience pain in the heart and the abdomen is usually the result of unconscious emotions and feelings out of consciousness: chronic resentment, prejudice, jealousy, grief and painful memories stored in those areas of the body where the subconscious; they are responsible for the ailments in these areas. For example, people experiencing pain in the heart, suffering from all sorts of female diseases, disorders of the kidneys, stomach and of the authorities responsible for the natural origin usually have repressed into the unconscious habitual resentment toward their neighbors and various mental injury; all that is necessary to bring to the surface of consciousness before you start healing of the abdomen.

When you begin to develop your conscious force, particularly six centres in this area of the body, they will help you in the process of removing negative emotions from this region. These areas of the body can be affected and aggressive thoughts, and hostile unconscious emotions towards you from other people that you may not know about. In such cases, as already mentioned, the best defense — the resistance of the forces of consciousness and prayer.

The superconscious mind operates from the top of the head. This kind of consciousness is called the Mind of Christ, or I am, or the center of Divine intelligence and Wisdom, since it is directly linked to the world of Life and Wisdom. All intuitive has a direct touch to this area — inspiration, insight, a sudden flash of insight, telepathy, and other psychic and parapsychological phenomena.

The dynamic energy of the superconscious flow from this centre in all the 12 centers of the forces of consciousness and physiological functions. Due to the action of superconsciousness is awakened and reported almost all of the potential form of the energy of consciousness and the human body! When this Divine mind, there are all sorts of wonders. Apparently, he awakens a deep mental and spiritual powers of consciousness which is able if necessary to overcome natural laws and to defeat the incurable disease.

Superconscious level, you can use spiritual exercises, a prayer or a calling that can awaken this area.

Saint Teresa of Avila, famous for his spiritual exploits in Spain of the XVI century, described as the result of prayer spiritual powers awaken, she's at the top of the head.

For the people of the old Testament called on the name YHWH and I am, and the people of the New Testament the name of Jesus Christ. The first two centuries of Christianity, performed the miracles unceasingly repeat the Jesus prayer, misleading calling in the Christ consciousness.

What are the interactions of three levels of consciousness in the healing processFor healing, you can develop the superconscious level, calling upon the Divine mind. Apparently, this was the secret Myrtle Fillmore, by which she was cured from incurable tuberculosis. "Life is just a form of energy, and in the human body, it needs guidance of reason. How we communicate with the mind? Of course, by thinking and speaking".

Now you begin to unleash the dynamic energy of the superconscious levels of consciousness through daily exercises: relax, breathe deeply and repeat:

"I am Divine intelligence. I am. I am. I am. Let the Divine mind is completely valid now through me. I am. I am. I am." Repeating these words, move your attention from head to toe. You can go even further and let this miraculous energy into your life and daily concerns, saying every day: "for me Now, in detail explains what to do at any moment and in any circumstance. From now on, no matter what I do, I do in perfection."

The invocation of the Divine mind awakens the power of the superconsciousness in the top of the head, and then connects it to the center of consciousness in the forehead. The combined energy of both centers of consciousness, the conscious and superconscious levels then begins to operate in the unconscious through its centre in the abdomen. The natural result: the appeal of this life-giving energy.

Daily repeating this exercise, you will notice that they feel much better — lively, energetic, calm and confident in himself — and that Supreme intelligence is obviously valid in your mind, body and Affairs, learning to live every moment of life with advantage and success.

The third secret of healing, the relationship between the right and left sides of the bodyThere is one final secret of healing, which have reached us from time immemorial. It is also useful in restoring health. The ancients believed the right side of the human body male and the left female. In ancient times a man fought with his right hand, and defended the left: in it he held a shield.

The healing symbolism here is this: if you are experiencing bad feelings, jealousy or irritation towards the male, health problems are possible on the right side of the body; and they will continue until, until you can forgive and forget grievances.

Right side of the body symbolizes wisdom. If you are in your behavior did not act wisely, wait for the devastating consequences in the organs of the right side; and so, until you learn how to deal with wisdom.

Further, the right hand is the giver and it means that if you have chronically repeated attacks of diseases on the right side of the body, should something give way. Do you have something in physically, financially, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually that you are not rightfully keep and what to share.

Returning ailments on the left is the female side of the body indicate that you have accumulated resentment at being female: mother, mother-in-law, wife, daughter, sister or neighbor, friend and co-worker at work.

Since the feminine symbolizes, among other things love, then, if you somehow abused your power of love or let anyone abuse your love, let him implicitly and without your will, it can cause diseases of the organs of the left side of the body.

Left side of the body symbolizes also the ability to make gifts wisely and dispose of them. If you refused to take a clear nod offered to you, or feel welcome passed you and you have used them in a dishonest way, the process of healing the ailments of the left side of the body should begin with a review of these problems and open the mind to the idea of acceptance: "I get it now. Receive and wisely use every blessing that God has given me and God has for me now is infinitely much good!»

If the untiring spiritual exercises you have accumulated a broad knowledge of the Truth, but not applied them to his own life or for the benefit of others, this is a useless wealth can lead to diseases of the left side of the body. The truth needs to be spread. The owner of the Truth is obliged to use it!

In order to cope with the ailments of the right or left hand, repeat: "all-Forgiving power of the divine love frees me from the accumulated grievances. I am now free to be healthy and happy." published 

Author: Catherine ponder, the Excerpt from the book "the Practice of spiritual healing. Age-old secrets of healing»



P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

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