The path of accumulation health: Tips great healer Sun Si-Miao
The great Chinese physician Sun Si Miao who lived fifteen hundred years ago, in his classic work on medicine, "Priceless essential recipes» wrote extensively about health accumulation.
He said that the springtime, when the ground is not yet thawed, you need to follow while in the open air to the lower part of the body was dressed warmer than the top. Thus, it is possible to feed the power of heaven and earth to gather strength. This allows you to maintain health and achieve longevity. When Pete force sky and gathering power of the earth, thus annihilate evil and misfortune.
In ancient times it was believed that in the winter is covered within the forces of heaven and earth breathing, and blood in the human body and breath in the hollow cork force storage organs. Man at this time during operation should avoid sweating because sweat and dissipates it loses its celestial force of breath, and it harms the body.
A person must collect and accumulate power, feeding it into the body in accordance with the time. Then he will be able to avoid premature death.
For the first half of the year:
Each special methods for storage and preservation of the body vitality month of the year are used.
In the first month of the year (February in the Gregorian calendar) the most susceptible to kidney disease strength breathing. At this time, there should be less acidic and salty, but it is better to increase the intake of acute.
In the second moon of the year (March) month in the middle of spring force breathing becomes smooth. It is necessary to observe moderation in the use of wine. Thereby maintaining its nature intact.
In the third moon of the year (April) need to eat less sweet and more acute. This increases the power reserve of experiences and strengthens the power of breathing, it is now necessary for the health of the body. We need to be careful and avoid exposure to westerly winds.
In the fourth moon of the year (May) it is necessary to eat more acidic and less bitter. It is necessary to avoid exposure to western and northern winds. It is necessary to frequently perform ablutions and dissolve hair.
In the fifth moon of the year (June) and the need to go to bed and wake up early. water treatment often is necessary to make.
In the sixth moon of the year (July) is necessary to avoid excessive interaction with cold water, hands and feet. It is necessary to comply with abstinence, fasting, to maintain themselves clean.
For the second half of the year:
In the seventh moon of the year (August) need to remain calm and avoid redundant experiences, maintaining an even temper. We need to eat more salty and less acute.
In the eighth moon of the year (September) should refrain from distant trips.
In the ninth moon of the year (October) should be more fast and observe themselves clean.
In the tenth moon of the year (November) should refrain from long-distance travel.
In the eleventh moon of the year (December), you should try to avoid the harmful effects of wind.
In the twelfth moon of the year (January) need to be careful to communicate with frost and snow; It should refrain from intimate interactions and avoid sweating.
These are the great physician recommendations for preserving and maintaining the vitality within a calendar year.
He talked a lot about the need to maintain a balance between motion and rest.
In the education of their healthy little nature only take drugs or eat food in which a large supply of vitality. It is important to combine it with the correct body movements. If you learn to move correctly, and then without drugs and potions will manage to achieve a healthy longevity.
After all, running water does not rot, does not rust and door hinges, because all the time are in motion. Because feed and accumulate health need to correct body movements. However, it can not exceed the normal load, gradually increase your endurance.
The path of accumulation of health - is a permanent desire to make a little effort.
If the effort is excessive, it is harmful. If, unable to solve a question, all the time thinking about it harms their health.
If you do not have enough strength to cope with any challenge, and you're trying to do it harms their health.
Because the second part of the life of nutrition and health - is peace. We must learn to remain in a state where as if asleep, but not awake, if awake, but awake. This skill is the ability to sit, staying in oblivion of all worldly concerns. The body has become like dry wood, and the mind is like the extinguished ashes. Ears nowhere listen, eyes will not look, and the mind of anything not think so.
A person can not help but think, but we must strive to reduce the number of thoughts, getting rid of empty troubles and worries. But we must make a special effort to reach a standstill.
Doctor Sun offers to submit such images to achieve a state of calm mind. It is necessary to cover his eyes, turn his gaze inward and achieve tranquility in mind, saving thoughts, imagining the great way the main force of breathing universe that permeates the entire space of the world.
It is like a purple cloud, cover your umbrella on top, which can be discerned shimmering rainbow of colors. Covering the top your head, it comes to the hairline and gradually seeps through the top of the inside of the body. This is similar to the appearance of the first rays of the sun after the rain cloud or mist, appearing in the mountains.
It passes through the skin of the head, passes through the bone penetrates into the brain, and gradually dropping down, enters into the stomach, diverges in the internal organs, and they imbue this force breathing. That power is like the water that irrigates the earth, and if it penetrates into the abdomen, there is audible gurgling sound, like the sound of bubbling water. However, it is necessary to focus the mind, calm the thought that they are not connected to the external worries and anxieties.
After that will feel like the power of breath enters the field concentration, and from there spread to the area in the middle of the foot. But alone we can not stay too long, because the long sitting motionless harms the flesh, and long lying destroys the respiratory force matter.
In the care of a long life should be aware of the many precepts and prohibitions in order to comply with different rules for the preservation and maintenance of health.
Do not spit away, no need to move quickly and sharply, it is not necessary to strain very ears to hear something, it should not be too much to strain your eyes to see something. No need to sit too long in one place. The stand should be as long until you get tired. You can not sleep and an excessive relaxation.
Dress warm clothes needed before zamёrznesh. And you need to be disclosed until it is hot. You can not bring themselves to state too hungry, but overeating is not worth it. Do not feel too strong thirst, but also do not need to drink excessively much. It is necessary to observe a permanent measure in the meal. It should be moderate and in motion and at rest.
If you are seeking a healthy longevity, you should not eat and drink intemperate, do not need to over-indulge in the pleasures of carnal love. Do not strain your eyes, looking into the distance, do not need too much to look at the moon and the sun, it is not necessary to look at the stars at night.
Do not read a book in low light, it is impossible to tire the eyes peering into the small details. No need to get too carried away playing chess and checkers. Do not be long before the fire and smoke to the eyes of not allocated too many tears. No need to do a lot of acupuncture on the head to keep the blood came out. Do not indulge in gambling races and hunting, do not walk in the wind and the rain, or the wind to chase prey.
Do not strive for more labor, avoid excessive leisure.
Do not strive for a high speed experience. Do not drink too much cold. The wind does not fall under the influence of alcohol. No need to wash too often. Do not rush your will is too far, do not build grandiose plans and too ingenious designs.
In winter, does not warm too much and avoid excessive cooling in summer. Do not lie on the dew under the moon and stars. Do not sleep under the artificial wind, even in extreme heat. Avoid excessive cold, heat, wind and fog.
It is important for the body and spirit were in harmony. Only then can you run out of allotted years of nature.
And the damage of your life bring severe anxiety and severe worries. Harm you bring sadness and excessive grief. Harm you bring incontinence in expressions of joy and anger. Harm you bring too much desire to satisfy their desires. Harm bring too much noisy conversation with uncontrollable laughter.
Harm you bring idle without Spending and tasks. Harm you bring the excessive consumption of wine, which leads to vomiting. Harm you bring when you go to save by eating a lot of food. Harm you bring too brisk walking, which leads to shortness of breath. And different types of damage, slowly destroying the health, and therefore can die early.
Proper behavior is reflected in the fact that it supports a free mind and do not have many desires, to keep the mind at rest and without alarms, trouble the the flesh, but not tiring.
Great doctor believes that the key to healthy longevity is the ability to be treated with indifference to fame and gain, regardless of whether they have you, or not.
It does not make a great effort to achieve satisfaction of their desires. You can not bother myself with anger, irritation and hostility.
To maintain the health and preservation of life need to think less, smaller compass, less desire, to do less action, less talk, less laugh, less sad, less rejoice, less loving, less angry, less angry.
If you think too much, it harms the power of the Spirit. If too much plotting, then dissipated will. If you want too much, it becomes a vague willpower. If you do too many things, then tired body. If a lot of talking, power is wasted breath. If too much laughing, destroys internal organs. If too sad, destroying the heart. If too happy about, then you cease to control thoughts.
If too to something favourest, then a lot of fuss, making silly mistakes. If a lot of angry, there will be peace in all your veins. If too many preferences, there are many misconceptions that do not will manage to restore order. If you a lot of evil, then you will only upset and dry without feeling satisfaction. If you do not pull out the roots of these twelve incontinence, it is impossible to maintain a balance in the supply and protective forces of the body. The power of the blood and the power of the breath will act randomly, destroying the root of long life.
In the body of the five principal organs of respiration generate five forces that are transformed, giving rise to the five senses, the location, anger, sadness, grief, fear.
Because the location and irritation destroy the power of breathing, and cold and heat change, destroys the body. Strong anger destroys the power of the earth in the body, and a strong predisposition affects the power of the sky.
Because when there is no action in terms of anger and location, lost a measure of interaction between cold and heat, and then in the life of a strong root disappears.
And the most important thing for a person is the council never upset and anxious thoughts, avoid strong anger, do not be sad and do not be sad, do not feel intense fear, do not run away and do not pursue, do not be too wordy, do not laugh too much.
You can summarize the above as follows: By showing patience in irritability, preserves the integrity of the land forces, and being able to manage their own inclinations and desires, feeds power sky.
The power you need to follow the rules of eating and drinking.
Since food and drink suckle and nourish the human body in virtue of the blood and the power of breath. The power of the blood thus makes flourishing and strong body and the power of breathing nourishes and strengthens the limb. Because proper food nourishes the roots of a healthy body.
And if you can not eat right, you can not maintain health. The essence of proper nutrition that plant foods should form the basis and the animal only complements it.
Although animal food supplements and bone marrow makes a strong core, it can strengthen bones, but be sure to comply with the measure, and not eat too much animal food.
Also need to ensure that there is not too strong taste, and there was no predominance of one over the other flavors.
If you eat too much sour spleen is destroyed. If you eat too much bitter, that destroyed the lungs. If you eat too much spicy, the liver is destroyed. If you eat too much salty, broken heart. If you eat too many sweets, the kidneys are destroyed.
It is necessary to comply with the measure in time, do not bring themselves to state too hungry, not to overeat later. In order to gain and maintain health, care must be taken in order to eat before feeling very hungry and you need to drink before starting thirsty. It is better to eat often, but a little, than to suffer for a long time, and then overeat as this makes it difficult digestion. It is necessary to maintain such a state, when there is a feeling of satiety hunger and famine there is a feeling of satiety.
As for wine, you do not need to drink too much.
If you had a lot to drink, it is best to try it out yourself vomit. Do not drink and drunkenness, because it will lead to the emergence of many diseases, which will have to live life.
If too often overeat, the body formed impenetrable clusters, and if able to thirsty to drink too much, it leads to the formation of clots of phlegm that violate the rotation of fluids in the body.
That's why the morning is better to start with a fresh porridge, and in the evening to eat less.
Great doctor advises smaller eat raw food, food with a strong smell, appeared in consequence of long-term storage, it is not necessary to drink turbid wine.
If you eat the food too hot, broken bones, and if there is too cold, then collapse the vein.
Hot food should not burn the lips and a cold should not be an embarrassment to the teeth. You can not mix hot and cold at the same time as it is injurious to health.
There should be at rest, and do not talk much during the meal because it can lead to pain in the back and chest.
Before the meal offered his hands to rub the face and stomach and after a meal should be like.
He said that the springtime, when the ground is not yet thawed, you need to follow while in the open air to the lower part of the body was dressed warmer than the top. Thus, it is possible to feed the power of heaven and earth to gather strength. This allows you to maintain health and achieve longevity. When Pete force sky and gathering power of the earth, thus annihilate evil and misfortune.
In ancient times it was believed that in the winter is covered within the forces of heaven and earth breathing, and blood in the human body and breath in the hollow cork force storage organs. Man at this time during operation should avoid sweating because sweat and dissipates it loses its celestial force of breath, and it harms the body.
A person must collect and accumulate power, feeding it into the body in accordance with the time. Then he will be able to avoid premature death.

For the first half of the year:
Each special methods for storage and preservation of the body vitality month of the year are used.
In the first month of the year (February in the Gregorian calendar) the most susceptible to kidney disease strength breathing. At this time, there should be less acidic and salty, but it is better to increase the intake of acute.
In the second moon of the year (March) month in the middle of spring force breathing becomes smooth. It is necessary to observe moderation in the use of wine. Thereby maintaining its nature intact.
In the third moon of the year (April) need to eat less sweet and more acute. This increases the power reserve of experiences and strengthens the power of breathing, it is now necessary for the health of the body. We need to be careful and avoid exposure to westerly winds.
In the fourth moon of the year (May) it is necessary to eat more acidic and less bitter. It is necessary to avoid exposure to western and northern winds. It is necessary to frequently perform ablutions and dissolve hair.
In the fifth moon of the year (June) and the need to go to bed and wake up early. water treatment often is necessary to make.
In the sixth moon of the year (July) is necessary to avoid excessive interaction with cold water, hands and feet. It is necessary to comply with abstinence, fasting, to maintain themselves clean.
For the second half of the year:
In the seventh moon of the year (August) need to remain calm and avoid redundant experiences, maintaining an even temper. We need to eat more salty and less acute.
In the eighth moon of the year (September) should refrain from distant trips.
In the ninth moon of the year (October) should be more fast and observe themselves clean.
In the tenth moon of the year (November) should refrain from long-distance travel.
In the eleventh moon of the year (December), you should try to avoid the harmful effects of wind.
In the twelfth moon of the year (January) need to be careful to communicate with frost and snow; It should refrain from intimate interactions and avoid sweating.
These are the great physician recommendations for preserving and maintaining the vitality within a calendar year.
He talked a lot about the need to maintain a balance between motion and rest.
In the education of their healthy little nature only take drugs or eat food in which a large supply of vitality. It is important to combine it with the correct body movements. If you learn to move correctly, and then without drugs and potions will manage to achieve a healthy longevity.
After all, running water does not rot, does not rust and door hinges, because all the time are in motion. Because feed and accumulate health need to correct body movements. However, it can not exceed the normal load, gradually increase your endurance.
The path of accumulation of health - is a permanent desire to make a little effort.
If the effort is excessive, it is harmful. If, unable to solve a question, all the time thinking about it harms their health.
If you do not have enough strength to cope with any challenge, and you're trying to do it harms their health.
Because the second part of the life of nutrition and health - is peace. We must learn to remain in a state where as if asleep, but not awake, if awake, but awake. This skill is the ability to sit, staying in oblivion of all worldly concerns. The body has become like dry wood, and the mind is like the extinguished ashes. Ears nowhere listen, eyes will not look, and the mind of anything not think so.
A person can not help but think, but we must strive to reduce the number of thoughts, getting rid of empty troubles and worries. But we must make a special effort to reach a standstill.
Doctor Sun offers to submit such images to achieve a state of calm mind. It is necessary to cover his eyes, turn his gaze inward and achieve tranquility in mind, saving thoughts, imagining the great way the main force of breathing universe that permeates the entire space of the world.
It is like a purple cloud, cover your umbrella on top, which can be discerned shimmering rainbow of colors. Covering the top your head, it comes to the hairline and gradually seeps through the top of the inside of the body. This is similar to the appearance of the first rays of the sun after the rain cloud or mist, appearing in the mountains.
It passes through the skin of the head, passes through the bone penetrates into the brain, and gradually dropping down, enters into the stomach, diverges in the internal organs, and they imbue this force breathing. That power is like the water that irrigates the earth, and if it penetrates into the abdomen, there is audible gurgling sound, like the sound of bubbling water. However, it is necessary to focus the mind, calm the thought that they are not connected to the external worries and anxieties.
After that will feel like the power of breath enters the field concentration, and from there spread to the area in the middle of the foot. But alone we can not stay too long, because the long sitting motionless harms the flesh, and long lying destroys the respiratory force matter.
In the care of a long life should be aware of the many precepts and prohibitions in order to comply with different rules for the preservation and maintenance of health.
Do not spit away, no need to move quickly and sharply, it is not necessary to strain very ears to hear something, it should not be too much to strain your eyes to see something. No need to sit too long in one place. The stand should be as long until you get tired. You can not sleep and an excessive relaxation.
Dress warm clothes needed before zamёrznesh. And you need to be disclosed until it is hot. You can not bring themselves to state too hungry, but overeating is not worth it. Do not feel too strong thirst, but also do not need to drink excessively much. It is necessary to observe a permanent measure in the meal. It should be moderate and in motion and at rest.
If you are seeking a healthy longevity, you should not eat and drink intemperate, do not need to over-indulge in the pleasures of carnal love. Do not strain your eyes, looking into the distance, do not need too much to look at the moon and the sun, it is not necessary to look at the stars at night.
Do not read a book in low light, it is impossible to tire the eyes peering into the small details. No need to get too carried away playing chess and checkers. Do not be long before the fire and smoke to the eyes of not allocated too many tears. No need to do a lot of acupuncture on the head to keep the blood came out. Do not indulge in gambling races and hunting, do not walk in the wind and the rain, or the wind to chase prey.
Do not strive for more labor, avoid excessive leisure.
Do not strive for a high speed experience. Do not drink too much cold. The wind does not fall under the influence of alcohol. No need to wash too often. Do not rush your will is too far, do not build grandiose plans and too ingenious designs.
In winter, does not warm too much and avoid excessive cooling in summer. Do not lie on the dew under the moon and stars. Do not sleep under the artificial wind, even in extreme heat. Avoid excessive cold, heat, wind and fog.
It is important for the body and spirit were in harmony. Only then can you run out of allotted years of nature.
And the damage of your life bring severe anxiety and severe worries. Harm you bring sadness and excessive grief. Harm you bring incontinence in expressions of joy and anger. Harm you bring too much desire to satisfy their desires. Harm bring too much noisy conversation with uncontrollable laughter.
Harm you bring idle without Spending and tasks. Harm you bring the excessive consumption of wine, which leads to vomiting. Harm you bring when you go to save by eating a lot of food. Harm you bring too brisk walking, which leads to shortness of breath. And different types of damage, slowly destroying the health, and therefore can die early.
Proper behavior is reflected in the fact that it supports a free mind and do not have many desires, to keep the mind at rest and without alarms, trouble the the flesh, but not tiring.
Great doctor believes that the key to healthy longevity is the ability to be treated with indifference to fame and gain, regardless of whether they have you, or not.
It does not make a great effort to achieve satisfaction of their desires. You can not bother myself with anger, irritation and hostility.
To maintain the health and preservation of life need to think less, smaller compass, less desire, to do less action, less talk, less laugh, less sad, less rejoice, less loving, less angry, less angry.
If you think too much, it harms the power of the Spirit. If too much plotting, then dissipated will. If you want too much, it becomes a vague willpower. If you do too many things, then tired body. If a lot of talking, power is wasted breath. If too much laughing, destroys internal organs. If too sad, destroying the heart. If too happy about, then you cease to control thoughts.
If too to something favourest, then a lot of fuss, making silly mistakes. If a lot of angry, there will be peace in all your veins. If too many preferences, there are many misconceptions that do not will manage to restore order. If you a lot of evil, then you will only upset and dry without feeling satisfaction. If you do not pull out the roots of these twelve incontinence, it is impossible to maintain a balance in the supply and protective forces of the body. The power of the blood and the power of the breath will act randomly, destroying the root of long life.
In the body of the five principal organs of respiration generate five forces that are transformed, giving rise to the five senses, the location, anger, sadness, grief, fear.
Because the location and irritation destroy the power of breathing, and cold and heat change, destroys the body. Strong anger destroys the power of the earth in the body, and a strong predisposition affects the power of the sky.
Because when there is no action in terms of anger and location, lost a measure of interaction between cold and heat, and then in the life of a strong root disappears.
And the most important thing for a person is the council never upset and anxious thoughts, avoid strong anger, do not be sad and do not be sad, do not feel intense fear, do not run away and do not pursue, do not be too wordy, do not laugh too much.
You can summarize the above as follows: By showing patience in irritability, preserves the integrity of the land forces, and being able to manage their own inclinations and desires, feeds power sky.
The power you need to follow the rules of eating and drinking.
Since food and drink suckle and nourish the human body in virtue of the blood and the power of breath. The power of the blood thus makes flourishing and strong body and the power of breathing nourishes and strengthens the limb. Because proper food nourishes the roots of a healthy body.
And if you can not eat right, you can not maintain health. The essence of proper nutrition that plant foods should form the basis and the animal only complements it.
Although animal food supplements and bone marrow makes a strong core, it can strengthen bones, but be sure to comply with the measure, and not eat too much animal food.
Also need to ensure that there is not too strong taste, and there was no predominance of one over the other flavors.
If you eat too much sour spleen is destroyed. If you eat too much bitter, that destroyed the lungs. If you eat too much spicy, the liver is destroyed. If you eat too much salty, broken heart. If you eat too many sweets, the kidneys are destroyed.
It is necessary to comply with the measure in time, do not bring themselves to state too hungry, not to overeat later. In order to gain and maintain health, care must be taken in order to eat before feeling very hungry and you need to drink before starting thirsty. It is better to eat often, but a little, than to suffer for a long time, and then overeat as this makes it difficult digestion. It is necessary to maintain such a state, when there is a feeling of satiety hunger and famine there is a feeling of satiety.
As for wine, you do not need to drink too much.
If you had a lot to drink, it is best to try it out yourself vomit. Do not drink and drunkenness, because it will lead to the emergence of many diseases, which will have to live life.
If too often overeat, the body formed impenetrable clusters, and if able to thirsty to drink too much, it leads to the formation of clots of phlegm that violate the rotation of fluids in the body.
That's why the morning is better to start with a fresh porridge, and in the evening to eat less.
Great doctor advises smaller eat raw food, food with a strong smell, appeared in consequence of long-term storage, it is not necessary to drink turbid wine.
If you eat the food too hot, broken bones, and if there is too cold, then collapse the vein.
Hot food should not burn the lips and a cold should not be an embarrassment to the teeth. You can not mix hot and cold at the same time as it is injurious to health.
There should be at rest, and do not talk much during the meal because it can lead to pain in the back and chest.
Before the meal offered his hands to rub the face and stomach and after a meal should be like.