Simple breathing exercises to relieve back pain

You are concerned about pain in the back and You have done everything possible to get rid of them? Then you should try the method described below. You do not need any medication and products.
Andrew Weil, MD, developed a simple breathing exercises that helps relieve back pain. It can help to reduce pain, but in the long term if you practice regularly, can reduce sensitivity to pain.Step 1
Lie down or sit in a comfortable position and place the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth. Exhale through the mouth, producing a slightly whistling sound.
Step 2
Close the mouth and exhale through the nose. Hold your breath for 5-7 seconds.
Step 3
Exhale through your mouth, again producing a whistling sound. Do exhale for 6-8 seconds.
Step 4
Take a breath and repeat previous step 3 more than three times.
The next time You will disturb the spin, don't run immediately to the medicine Cabinet, try this exercises and see how it is effective.published
Source: takprosto.cc/kak-spravitsya-s-bolyu-v-spine/
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