Leni Riefenstahl Triumph of the Will and mystical fascism (35 photos)
One of the most famous, talented and controversial figures in the art of XX century is Leni Riefenstahl. Her "Triumph of the Will" and "Olympia" recognized as the best propaganda film of the XX century. Its incomparable chronicle of a primitive tribe, "Underwater World". Revolutionary discoveries Leni Riefenstahl took up the next generation of masters of documentary cinema. But she lifelong resisted ostracized, so talented and bright promoted fascism.
Helena Bertha Amalie Riefenstahl was born August 22, 1902 in the home of a wealthy merchant. But it has never been the "golden youth". After graduating from the Berlin School of Arts in ballet dancing with Mary Wigman. At 21, Leni made his first solo program. Her dance numbers were a success in Berlin, Munich, Prague and Zurich. Played in the performances of the legendary theater director Max Reinhardt. It is said that just hearing her voice, the man got up as if spellbound, and stood throughout the performance.
But after a knee injury of his career dancers had to forget. Somehow, standing in the Berlin subway and waiting for the train before the next visit to the doctor, Leni saw a poster of the film "Mountain of Destiny". The film's director, a former geologist Arnold Fanck was the creator of the genre "people in the mountains." Leni immediately sent their photos and funky rave newspaper reviews.
And Funk led her to the set. To start a brand new without further ado thrown in at the snow in front of the camera. So took Leni Rifenshtal.Ona film debut was the first star of the "mountain cinema." Not knowing the fear of heights, climbed the steep peaks without insurance and barefoot, because the law required the genre. More than once it was laying on the script avalanche and then she had to literally swim in the snow. Life has changed dramatically one winter night when Leni Riefenstahl background once picked up a camera to take off by torchlight ski trip. Suddenly in his hand standing next to the boy exploded torch. Aggressive flame touched her face and arm. Not distracting to your burn, nor burnt child Riefenstahl continued to shoot. She felt no pain, and did not hear the screams of frightened colleagues. The tragic event was for her no more than a spectacular episode of a new scene.
Leni Riefenstahl and "mountain movie»
In 1932, she shot her first film "Blue Light". For a leading role in the directorial debut "Blue Light" Leni won the gold medal at the Venice Film Festival (1932). Years later, becoming a stooped old woman, Riefenstahl recalled: "This prophetic movie of my life. I loved and hated, like the heroine of the film. As she lost her crystal treasures, and I lost ideal of the ideal ».
Triumph of the Will & quot;
More - more. Within the walls of his own film studio girl with a burnt hand voluntarily assume its responsibilities screenwriter, director and producer. From now on, her voice was commanding: in its submission were dozens and dozens of men. Now the choice is clear Adolf Hitler, long head picks to create films for the Nazi party.
Leni Riefenstahl was never just an artist. It is on the silver screen not only shows the "new man" and a strong personality, but also took an active part in shaping the ideology of the Third Reich. Through the plastic naked human body and movement through the crowd, swirling in front ognevoroty swastika, she was able to touch the deep archetypes express the essence of Nazi ideology and a sense of racial superiority "blond beast».
One day, she accidentally walked into the Berlin Sports Palace at the time of Hitler's speeches. Electrified atmosphere of political rallies and speeches Hitler struck by Leni Riefenstahl background. Being in a state of shock, the Tribune idol, she wrote an enthusiastic letter. Soon, she was appointed an audience response. In a personal meeting Hitler declared his love for the heroine, played by Leni. After analyzing the course of conversation, a little later, Hitler asked her to make a documentary film about the Nuremberg congress of the Nazi party. Apparently, the party crowd saw him top of the mountain. Or in the past indulged in drawing Hitler felt a kindred spirit in the actress.
Hitler congratulates Leni Riefenstahl with the award for the film "Olympia»
For Leni Riefenstahl Nazis created ideal conditions. Under her arm were three dozen operators with assistants downloaded 30 cameras. For Leni went with a notebook about 80 assistants, recording all its verbal orders. But the most impressive panoramas she took off her camera, hidden between the flagpoles. Leni Riefenstahl so inspired by the atmosphere of the Party Congress in Nuremberg, that she was able to make a breakthrough in the genre of documentary chronicles. For example, set the camera on the pavement and forcing the operator to take a supine position, she turned speakers of low growth in the god-like titans resting shaved necks in thunderclouds.
During the filming of "Olympia»
The premiere of the film "Triumph of the Will" was timed to coincide with the birthday of the Fuehrer April 20, 1936 In 1937, the "Triumph of the Will" was in France a gold medal. First subdued the world presented a full-length movie about Nazis. The first artistic image of Hitler forced to follow the Nazis crowd of tens of thousands of former skeptics. In English-speaking countries and this film is being actively marketed under the name «Triumph of the Will». Funds for "Triumph of the Will" identified unlimited. Riefenstahl team consisted of 120 people: 36 operators, 80 assistants. Camera fixed on tall buildings, raised in airships, the Führer was filmed for the spectacular angles from below, from specially dug wells, with special cranes, with the movement - from cars to prepared for shooting moving rails. At the same time dozens of cameras filmed the crowd, face members of the Hitler Youth, attack, young women soldiers. A further selection: after some phrases Hitler: "My power is given unto me of you, the German people! Now everything is in our hands! Our future belongs to us "- the roar of delight. It selects the most advantageous frames, shapes, ecstatic facial expressions, fixed. From there the clouds and down to earth Hitler. Thousands of welcoming the Fuhrer in ecstasy pull the Nazi salute. A girl gives flowers to the leader. Severe beautiful faces of the soldiers, the rows of boots, "Sieg Heil!". Night. Torches, bonfires, spotlights, silhouettes in helmets, waves skillfully illuminated banners, human tower - standing, marching, lift up their hands, carrying torches, screaming. Speeches, parades, drums, Hitler close-up. Not possessed - no, he believes in himself, and the Germans believe in him. And a line of voice-over commentary. Hitler did not conceal delight: "It has created a film about our time and our destiny. This is a unique and incomparable glorification of the power and beauty of our party! »
Leni Riefenstahl - scene from «Triumph of The Will»
In Paris, Leni Riefenstahl for the film "Triumph of the Will" won the Grand Prix and a gold medal. And at the festival in Venice - the grand prize. Following her film - "Freedom Day - our armed forces» (Tag der Freiheit! - Unsere Wehrmacht!) - Just as talented praised resurgent army. Yes, she was the NSDAP. But his films attracted to the Nazis more people than Joseph Goebbels with all their propaganda ministry.
Olympia (Prologue)
After the premiere of "Triumph of the Will" was shown during the XI Olympic Games in Berlin (1936). And next film "Olympia" was filmed Lina with more pathos and epic scale, in a more grandiose scenery. Hitler was able to convince the International Olympic Committee in 1936 to be held in Germany just two Olympic Games - and the summer and winter (by the way, the "Olympic record" so anyone and could not repeat). Who should capture the historic Berlin Olympics? Doubts have arisen: of course, Leni Riefenstahl. IOC allocates funds. More money she secretly gives the German government. Thirty operators started training on the Baltic Sea. They adapt to every movement of athletes during competition to operate correctly ... Premiere sports film "Olympia" was held at the UFA-Palast April 20, 1938 in the next day the Fuhrer.
Leni Riefenstahl in the army in Poland in September 1939
When the Third Reich collapsed Leni with her mother was in the American zone of occupation. Americans were charged with three counts: first, that she was a member of the Nazi party, and secondly that it participated in the actions of Nazi propaganda in the third - that she used the work of the Roma camp. From 1949 to 1952 investigation lasted. The International Tribunal in Freiburg justified Leni Riefenstahl for lack of evidence, but it recognized "the companion» (Mitlaufer), ie "Sympathetic to Nazism».
While in the 50s, she had a lot of projects, and it was ready to work by many famous actors (Anna Magnani, Jean Cocteau, Jean Marais, Brigitte Bardot et al.), No project has been completed. Lack of work, the chronic shortage of money, life on the edge of poverty ...
Someone would have dropped his hands, Leni also took art photography. One day, sleepless night in 1955, she read from cover to cover "Green Hills of Africa" by Ernest Hemingway, and she was seized by an irresistible desire to be there, in that whatever the cost.
In 1956 Leni one dares to go to Africa (by this time she had already turned 54). She lived for several years in Africa, photographing and researching the life and customs of the Nubian tribes. The result was her photos "Recent Nubians", which is so obvious desire to show the beauty of the human body that critics once again accused her of promoting the "Nazi aesthetics." She retorted: "Yes, I rented a beautiful body. I'm attracted to the aesthetic themes, not negative ».
Immersed in the details of prehistoric life, the singer of the Aryan race has made dozens of talented pictures. World African pictures does not imply the existence of death, old age, illness or physical inferiority. Dark-skinned inhabitants of pristine hinterland of the African continent are shown as equal members of the crew of the spaceship Earth. But it is expected and baiting: Jewish emigrants from Brighton Beach in newspaper features skits beat font. The name of the book they parodied as "no beer" (The last of the NUBA). And still there is no hope for the promulgation of the film "Black cargo", shot her in Kenya and Uganda. This is a documentary selection of facts about the modern slave trade in Africa. Perhaps not mistaken intellectuals who in her new works seen talented obvinenieya against humanity Americanized.
The influential American writer, critic and cultural studies and human rights activist Susan Sontag wrote an article "Magic fascism", is directly connected with the beauty of the beauty of the Nubians Nazi parades. Sontag wrote: "It is unfair to say that the influence of the" Triumph of the Will "was allegedly caused by a brilliant director. Riefenstahl has always been obsessed with the idea of beauty, which is why it is a photo album of the Nubians to rewrite the past - now it only seeker of beauty, and not with the notorious propagandist ».
Riefenstahl was shocked. She folded her hands but did not and still looking beautiful. And it is under water. Together with her husband, the operator (they met when she was 68, he was - 28 and have lived together for 38 years), she develops scuba and deep diving equipment. At 72 years old, hiding his true age, she received a certificate of diver. From 1976 to 2000 - 2000 dives. The film "Underwater World" - a beauty in its purest form. Again, no copyright text. Underwater "soloists" one-act ballet perform a lot of room under carefully selected background music. Riefenstahl released book "Coral Gardens". And once again reminded of her past, and even in the magazine "Stern", "On the work of Riefenstahl wrote many - both good and bad. The truth in my subjective opinion is that it has always been more important than the form of content. Frozen beauty of the crystal for her dead as good as frenetic frenzied dance of fire-worshipers. This force of talent Riefenstahl, and this is its weakness and make it "public whore Nazism».
Presenting his latest work, "Impressions Under the Sea" - installation records of rare fish and plants made in the Indian Ocean, she said: "I would like to remember me as a woman all her life to work very hard».
Leni Riefenstahl died in his sleep of heart failure at the 102 th year of life. People remember it as a great artist, but also the fact that Riefenstahl films educated generations of soldiers of the Wehrmacht; that the music of "Triumph of the Will" were doomed to the gas chambers; that the moral responsibility for the six million Jews killed is including her. Talent, used for evil, reeks stronger, and therefore the responsibility of the great artist facing humanity is particularly great.

Helena Bertha Amalie Riefenstahl was born August 22, 1902 in the home of a wealthy merchant. But it has never been the "golden youth". After graduating from the Berlin School of Arts in ballet dancing with Mary Wigman. At 21, Leni made his first solo program. Her dance numbers were a success in Berlin, Munich, Prague and Zurich. Played in the performances of the legendary theater director Max Reinhardt. It is said that just hearing her voice, the man got up as if spellbound, and stood throughout the performance.

But after a knee injury of his career dancers had to forget. Somehow, standing in the Berlin subway and waiting for the train before the next visit to the doctor, Leni saw a poster of the film "Mountain of Destiny". The film's director, a former geologist Arnold Fanck was the creator of the genre "people in the mountains." Leni immediately sent their photos and funky rave newspaper reviews.
And Funk led her to the set. To start a brand new without further ado thrown in at the snow in front of the camera. So took Leni Rifenshtal.Ona film debut was the first star of the "mountain cinema." Not knowing the fear of heights, climbed the steep peaks without insurance and barefoot, because the law required the genre. More than once it was laying on the script avalanche and then she had to literally swim in the snow. Life has changed dramatically one winter night when Leni Riefenstahl background once picked up a camera to take off by torchlight ski trip. Suddenly in his hand standing next to the boy exploded torch. Aggressive flame touched her face and arm. Not distracting to your burn, nor burnt child Riefenstahl continued to shoot. She felt no pain, and did not hear the screams of frightened colleagues. The tragic event was for her no more than a spectacular episode of a new scene.

Leni Riefenstahl and "mountain movie»

In 1932, she shot her first film "Blue Light". For a leading role in the directorial debut "Blue Light" Leni won the gold medal at the Venice Film Festival (1932). Years later, becoming a stooped old woman, Riefenstahl recalled: "This prophetic movie of my life. I loved and hated, like the heroine of the film. As she lost her crystal treasures, and I lost ideal of the ideal ».

Triumph of the Will & quot;
More - more. Within the walls of his own film studio girl with a burnt hand voluntarily assume its responsibilities screenwriter, director and producer. From now on, her voice was commanding: in its submission were dozens and dozens of men. Now the choice is clear Adolf Hitler, long head picks to create films for the Nazi party.
Leni Riefenstahl was never just an artist. It is on the silver screen not only shows the "new man" and a strong personality, but also took an active part in shaping the ideology of the Third Reich. Through the plastic naked human body and movement through the crowd, swirling in front ognevoroty swastika, she was able to touch the deep archetypes express the essence of Nazi ideology and a sense of racial superiority "blond beast».
One day, she accidentally walked into the Berlin Sports Palace at the time of Hitler's speeches. Electrified atmosphere of political rallies and speeches Hitler struck by Leni Riefenstahl background. Being in a state of shock, the Tribune idol, she wrote an enthusiastic letter. Soon, she was appointed an audience response. In a personal meeting Hitler declared his love for the heroine, played by Leni. After analyzing the course of conversation, a little later, Hitler asked her to make a documentary film about the Nuremberg congress of the Nazi party. Apparently, the party crowd saw him top of the mountain. Or in the past indulged in drawing Hitler felt a kindred spirit in the actress.

Hitler congratulates Leni Riefenstahl with the award for the film "Olympia»
For Leni Riefenstahl Nazis created ideal conditions. Under her arm were three dozen operators with assistants downloaded 30 cameras. For Leni went with a notebook about 80 assistants, recording all its verbal orders. But the most impressive panoramas she took off her camera, hidden between the flagpoles. Leni Riefenstahl so inspired by the atmosphere of the Party Congress in Nuremberg, that she was able to make a breakthrough in the genre of documentary chronicles. For example, set the camera on the pavement and forcing the operator to take a supine position, she turned speakers of low growth in the god-like titans resting shaved necks in thunderclouds.
During the filming of "Olympia»

The premiere of the film "Triumph of the Will" was timed to coincide with the birthday of the Fuehrer April 20, 1936 In 1937, the "Triumph of the Will" was in France a gold medal. First subdued the world presented a full-length movie about Nazis. The first artistic image of Hitler forced to follow the Nazis crowd of tens of thousands of former skeptics. In English-speaking countries and this film is being actively marketed under the name «Triumph of the Will». Funds for "Triumph of the Will" identified unlimited. Riefenstahl team consisted of 120 people: 36 operators, 80 assistants. Camera fixed on tall buildings, raised in airships, the Führer was filmed for the spectacular angles from below, from specially dug wells, with special cranes, with the movement - from cars to prepared for shooting moving rails. At the same time dozens of cameras filmed the crowd, face members of the Hitler Youth, attack, young women soldiers. A further selection: after some phrases Hitler: "My power is given unto me of you, the German people! Now everything is in our hands! Our future belongs to us "- the roar of delight. It selects the most advantageous frames, shapes, ecstatic facial expressions, fixed. From there the clouds and down to earth Hitler. Thousands of welcoming the Fuhrer in ecstasy pull the Nazi salute. A girl gives flowers to the leader. Severe beautiful faces of the soldiers, the rows of boots, "Sieg Heil!". Night. Torches, bonfires, spotlights, silhouettes in helmets, waves skillfully illuminated banners, human tower - standing, marching, lift up their hands, carrying torches, screaming. Speeches, parades, drums, Hitler close-up. Not possessed - no, he believes in himself, and the Germans believe in him. And a line of voice-over commentary. Hitler did not conceal delight: "It has created a film about our time and our destiny. This is a unique and incomparable glorification of the power and beauty of our party! »

Leni Riefenstahl - scene from «Triumph of The Will»
In Paris, Leni Riefenstahl for the film "Triumph of the Will" won the Grand Prix and a gold medal. And at the festival in Venice - the grand prize. Following her film - "Freedom Day - our armed forces» (Tag der Freiheit! - Unsere Wehrmacht!) - Just as talented praised resurgent army. Yes, she was the NSDAP. But his films attracted to the Nazis more people than Joseph Goebbels with all their propaganda ministry.

Olympia (Prologue)
After the premiere of "Triumph of the Will" was shown during the XI Olympic Games in Berlin (1936). And next film "Olympia" was filmed Lina with more pathos and epic scale, in a more grandiose scenery. Hitler was able to convince the International Olympic Committee in 1936 to be held in Germany just two Olympic Games - and the summer and winter (by the way, the "Olympic record" so anyone and could not repeat). Who should capture the historic Berlin Olympics? Doubts have arisen: of course, Leni Riefenstahl. IOC allocates funds. More money she secretly gives the German government. Thirty operators started training on the Baltic Sea. They adapt to every movement of athletes during competition to operate correctly ... Premiere sports film "Olympia" was held at the UFA-Palast April 20, 1938 in the next day the Fuhrer.

Leni Riefenstahl in the army in Poland in September 1939
When the Third Reich collapsed Leni with her mother was in the American zone of occupation. Americans were charged with three counts: first, that she was a member of the Nazi party, and secondly that it participated in the actions of Nazi propaganda in the third - that she used the work of the Roma camp. From 1949 to 1952 investigation lasted. The International Tribunal in Freiburg justified Leni Riefenstahl for lack of evidence, but it recognized "the companion» (Mitlaufer), ie "Sympathetic to Nazism».
While in the 50s, she had a lot of projects, and it was ready to work by many famous actors (Anna Magnani, Jean Cocteau, Jean Marais, Brigitte Bardot et al.), No project has been completed. Lack of work, the chronic shortage of money, life on the edge of poverty ...

Someone would have dropped his hands, Leni also took art photography. One day, sleepless night in 1955, she read from cover to cover "Green Hills of Africa" by Ernest Hemingway, and she was seized by an irresistible desire to be there, in that whatever the cost.

In 1956 Leni one dares to go to Africa (by this time she had already turned 54). She lived for several years in Africa, photographing and researching the life and customs of the Nubian tribes. The result was her photos "Recent Nubians", which is so obvious desire to show the beauty of the human body that critics once again accused her of promoting the "Nazi aesthetics." She retorted: "Yes, I rented a beautiful body. I'm attracted to the aesthetic themes, not negative ».

Immersed in the details of prehistoric life, the singer of the Aryan race has made dozens of talented pictures. World African pictures does not imply the existence of death, old age, illness or physical inferiority. Dark-skinned inhabitants of pristine hinterland of the African continent are shown as equal members of the crew of the spaceship Earth. But it is expected and baiting: Jewish emigrants from Brighton Beach in newspaper features skits beat font. The name of the book they parodied as "no beer" (The last of the NUBA). And still there is no hope for the promulgation of the film "Black cargo", shot her in Kenya and Uganda. This is a documentary selection of facts about the modern slave trade in Africa. Perhaps not mistaken intellectuals who in her new works seen talented obvinenieya against humanity Americanized.

The influential American writer, critic and cultural studies and human rights activist Susan Sontag wrote an article "Magic fascism", is directly connected with the beauty of the beauty of the Nubians Nazi parades. Sontag wrote: "It is unfair to say that the influence of the" Triumph of the Will "was allegedly caused by a brilliant director. Riefenstahl has always been obsessed with the idea of beauty, which is why it is a photo album of the Nubians to rewrite the past - now it only seeker of beauty, and not with the notorious propagandist ».

Riefenstahl was shocked. She folded her hands but did not and still looking beautiful. And it is under water. Together with her husband, the operator (they met when she was 68, he was - 28 and have lived together for 38 years), she develops scuba and deep diving equipment. At 72 years old, hiding his true age, she received a certificate of diver. From 1976 to 2000 - 2000 dives. The film "Underwater World" - a beauty in its purest form. Again, no copyright text. Underwater "soloists" one-act ballet perform a lot of room under carefully selected background music. Riefenstahl released book "Coral Gardens". And once again reminded of her past, and even in the magazine "Stern", "On the work of Riefenstahl wrote many - both good and bad. The truth in my subjective opinion is that it has always been more important than the form of content. Frozen beauty of the crystal for her dead as good as frenetic frenzied dance of fire-worshipers. This force of talent Riefenstahl, and this is its weakness and make it "public whore Nazism».

Presenting his latest work, "Impressions Under the Sea" - installation records of rare fish and plants made in the Indian Ocean, she said: "I would like to remember me as a woman all her life to work very hard».
Leni Riefenstahl died in his sleep of heart failure at the 102 th year of life. People remember it as a great artist, but also the fact that Riefenstahl films educated generations of soldiers of the Wehrmacht; that the music of "Triumph of the Will" were doomed to the gas chambers; that the moral responsibility for the six million Jews killed is including her. Talent, used for evil, reeks stronger, and therefore the responsibility of the great artist facing humanity is particularly great.