Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to struggle
Happened to you is that you need to do something, but do not want to. Laziness.
Laziness is sometimes so strong that the person surrenders and obeys it. Laziness all-powerful and omnipresent, they say she was born long before us.
Laziness is often called the greatest human defect, but is it really bad? Let's see.
So, what is laziness.
By definition VI Dalia is: "Aversion to labor, from the case studies; inclination to idleness and parasitism. »
In fact, laziness is such a phenomenon can be considered much wider.
Consider a few basic options manifestation of laziness:
Laziness as a lack of motivation while failing to understand its purpose
There is a category of people that does not have any goals in life, they go with the flow, live only for today.
From a literary point of view, this is a typical Oblomov, a character from the novel by Ivan Goncharov's "Oblomov", included in the trilogy of "Ordinary Story". For those who have not read this epochal works a little talk about the plot. The novel tells the story of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He, along with his servant lives in St. Petersburg, hardly out of the house or even lying down on the couch. It does not work anywhere, do not engage in any activity, and only dreams of a comfortable and quiet life in his native estate Oblomovka. No problem can not move him.
Remember, as in the song "Raspizdyay" group Leningrad "And do not go to work and do not listen to the radio, and I will give bozhenka drink and eat».
Motivation at the subconscious level the person does not, conscious motivation either. Sometimes, in extreme cases, a person can bring himself to do something, but it happens very rarely.
Do you think that this is all some fun and intentional exaggeration?
I have a friend, a typical Oblomov. He grew up in a wealthy family, to live well, in a big way he had been taught, but to make, alas, no. Time passed, the boy grew up, graduated ... and gave it to the parents filed a lawsuit because they have refused to provide him and called him a parasite. After that there were such stories, that even write "Oblomov 2".
He never officially works only earns. At work he was officially do not want to take because it does not fulfill its promises and does not comply with labor discipline. If some fall to the money, he pulls them on the first day, even if the sum of 50 000-100 000. It is very scattered, can easily forget where something large sum of money or valuables.
One day, when he tried to get a good job with a decent salary, we have with him an interesting dialogue took place. He had come to work at 8 am, and it is of course, I came to dinner, and not every day. When I asked why he agreed to such conditions, if it can not come so early for work (he lives in and loves to sleep), he says to me: "I have agreed to pay, and not to work»
. There are opposite examples.
On a very human influences his environment and the society in which he grew up. The man who grew up in a family with low income believed that life norm. there was such a thing as a "working class" in the Soviet Union. Finished 8 classes of secondary school he went to the factory every day to get up on the factory whistles and so from day to day over a lifetime.
Now these stories too weight, including in Moscow. Such a person can be a wife (husband), children, small salary in the state organization, a room in a hostel. People are so accustomed to this kind of life, they do not want to change anything. Not that this does not spoil people as a stable low salary, they are in a comfort zone and do not want to change anything. And what is worse?
What is advised? With Oblomov clear, as they say here, "in the bag and an awl." In the second category more difficult for those people who grew up in poverty, orphan, or "bad neighborhood" often have a strong motivation to make their lives, or at least their children's lives better. And who grew up "in the comfort zone" so complicated.
Tip one:
Laziness as a defense mechanism.
Laziness - it is a very effective mechanism for refusing to perform work that does not bring benefits. As if the body runs continuously in power saving mode, mobilizing the energy where it is needed.
You'll never see a wild boar, which ran all day, and then says, I need to sit down to rest, I'm tired. Today, so many things happened.
Sloth appears when you do not know what to do this or that work, when the goal is not inspiring. When the goal you are trying to reach is important is you, out of laziness is no trace. Are you ready to work for hours without stopping to eat and sleep.
And if you feel that we ought to do, but do not want to get out of bed for this, then review the purpose of the exercise. Is it important to you?
Another aspect of reluctance to do something is when there is no clear understanding of what needs to be done. So sometimes you open taskmenedzher where the mass of overdue tasks, look at it, sigh, and will close. It happened with you? Or trying to do any one task and is constantly distracted. Here, the fact is that the brain does not know what to do and trying to switch to another, more than he understands the problem.
In the first case, stop using taskmenedzherami if they are not reading the logs at least once a day. A huge number of overdue tasks will only disappoint you in any way and will not contribute to productive work.
All people are different, it is impossible for everyone to create a universal method. If you are told that the compilation of the list of cases, the hard timing, technique tomatoes (Pomodoro), and other popular pieces - it's cool and Masthev not believe it! Try it for a month and will understand, it is right for you or not.
If the list is not yours, it is a good way to start is still something to do, this evening to consider and determine which tasks 5-6 tomorrow will bring you the greatest results in the morning and focus on them.
In the second case the objective will decomposition. It is necessary to break the goal to clear you and other implementing steps. For example, to conduct market research to understand the goal? For marketers certainly, but for the novice startups need further clarification, check list of necessary actions.
An interesting example of the therapist leads NV Karyagin
Imagine that a man too lazy to do sports. The more weight he gains, the more difficult to walk and less want to move. What happens if we remove this "fuse" as laziness? He lose weight, it will be nicer, will become more attractive and it will start to show interest in the opposite sex.
Here can be a problem. If he drew attention and began a relationship, you have to build those relationships, explore new roles. And it may happen that the relationship will be short-lived, and we must have the strength and the stability to survive the separation. Many people are so afraid to experience similar situations that do not start a relationship - is much safer and more comfortable condition. And then there with his sports =)
Laziness as a sign of genius.
Lazy Fellow - a good employee agree
? Many, probably, I do not check, but there is a large element of truth.
Richard Koch in his book "Manager 80/20" tells the story of a German Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, a member of the First and Second World Wars. He led blitzkrieg, quickly conquered by France, and then in command of the Wehrmacht Army XI, whose successful action in the Crimea against the Soviet army were crowned with the capture of Sevastopol in June 1942
Manstein shared their officers into four categories, depending on their mind, stupidity, laziness and diligence.
1. The first group
It's lazy and stupid officers. Leave them alone, they do not bring harm.
2. The second group
This smart and hard-working officers. They make wonderful staff officers that are not elude even the smallest details.
3. The third group
Hardworking stupid. These people are dangerous, they are loaded with all the necessary work completely. They should be shot on the spot.
4. The fourth group
Smart loafers. These people deserve the highest positions.
Thus, laziness itself is not an advantage, but it is very useful in combination with high levels of intelligence.
The famous British philosopher and social activist Bertrand Russell said:
"The way to happiness and prosperity lies through reduction of organized work»
How can this be achieved? In fact, we have full-time, it is more than enough. We just squander it on an exciting fight with the "problems" and pointless meetings.
Remember Ezenhaura matrix.
A. Important urgent business.
This last case, when you have to throw everything and start to put out the fire. It is better not to bring the case to such a state. When successfully completes an important and urgent matter, you feel a surge of strength and a lot of different emotions - joy, pride, satisfaction with the work done, but it takes a lot of effort and work for a long time in this mode can not be
. B. Non-urgent and important matters.
Current (planned) work, this category also includes planning affairs, training, development and anything that brings you closer to your goal. If you run a business in this category, then they can go to the square A and should be done in time pressure mode.
C. Urgent and unimportant.
Basically this kind of routine and unscheduled work or you're being asked to do work that is not part of your duties. This work does not lead you to the desired goal. For a long stay in this square is harmful. It is important not to confuse to do in this square with the affairs of the square A (important and urgent).
D. Non-urgent and unimportant.
This is the case, from which it is possible to refuse, because they do not bring the desired impact. It is watching television, idle talk, mindless Internet surfing, social networks (if you are not an expert SMM) provide all kinds of services and doing things not related to your immediate goals.
To be as productive as possible, try to focus on the square B. I, for example, a piece of paper lying on the desk, where this matrix is drawn and I occasionally ask myself: what am I squared
? It is smart and lazy are usually very creative people. Give them free, and they offer a lot of unconventional and original solutions to the problem with a single purpose - to make the task as quickly as possible and with a minimum of effort
. It is lazy and smart people we owe the invention of many innovations.
And if you still need to do and do not want to?
Sometimes it happens that we become lazy clever hostage in his own mind. Without sufficient motivation of the brain begins to strenuously resist out of the control zone, because it threatens his large energy losses during the development of new activities.
Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to fight
The important point, smarter than people, the more skillfully he justifies himself to himself and to others. I happened that I put SMART goal, but then tried to justify himself in front of him and refused to fulfill the purpose just because it does not pass by SMART, and on such exotic criterion as "the organic purpose", its relevance (relevant).
It also happens that we do not carry out the task set by the leadership, because believe that the task is set incorrectly or just stupid.
Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to fight
How to overcome resistance?
1. decomposed goal, break it into simple steps
2. Consider that the implementation of this goal will give you
3. Turn work into the game and come up with yourself rewards for each step
The article would not be complete if I did not tell about the last type of laziness.
Laziness as an external manifestation of fatigue.
Sometimes, no matter how cool the idea was not, there is no desire to do anything.
This does not mean that the goal is not important for us, just sometimes you need a break. I suggest a small excursion into the esoteric, to better deal with the question of why sometimes the energy is leaving us.
Lack of physical activity
Even if you are only intellectual activity, exercise a must, at least charge in the morning. As the saying goes, "no physical exertion begins to fall apart, not only the body but also the case." Reduced muscle tone, the body can not cope with the accumulated toxins, resulting in chronic fatigue syndrome. You do not run faster, as a result there are no forces. No physical or emotional or mental.
Lack of emotional stress
Think soap operas and transfer only look stupid women?
I hasten to disappoint you, this is not always the case. We (men) watch the World Cup, not because we can not live without the ball? In this case, we would have ran through the stadium. We all need emotions, and different.
Sometimes we swear by the lack of negative emotions, the main thing is not to pour the emotions of other people. It is better to watch a movie or read a book, causing a variety of strong emotions, but do not try on them to yourself - it's not your life. I usually look at art house cinemas, author and festival movies, mostly drama. You sit, you experience, but you know that to you it has nothing to do. Then just go about their business and do not remember.
Some people like to watch the news and politics in order to tickle your nerves. However, all is good in moderation, do not fold the stick, or else risk becoming a grouch and a loser.
Lack of intellectual load
Despite the fact that every day we are faced with a huge amount of information, the lack of intellectual load - a scourge of the modern world. Our minds are filled to capacity, it processes a huge amount of data, but it all - idling. Even the slightest difficulty cause severe stress and irritation.
We are easy to read dozens of public or sites on the Internet in search of some fun anecdotes, seals, quotes, advice, you can apply any of the techniques or tips offered on these sites. We need to get used to learn from their experience and not from books. Do not confuse a large number of viewing information from mental activity. It is necessary to use tools such as analysis, synthesis, analogy. Before reading always asked myself: why should I read this information? how can I use it in your life?
Lack of intellectual load reduces the number of neural connections in the brain, which is one of the causes of aging, disease, depression, memory impairment and reduction of will.
Some advise to play chess, crossword puzzles and crossword puzzles. It is certainly useful, but in the first case you develop logic, and in the other memory. Not a single neural connection is not there. New connections occur only with the development of new skills and the decision-trivial tasks. All this is abundantly available to those who are trying to qualitatively change their lives and get out of your comfort zone.
Do not confuse laziness and idleness.
Idleness is not always caused by laziness. Sometimes a person simply has no purpose, he lives aimlessly, not understand the purpose of their existence. It does not do anything and it suits all day long.
So, let's sum up. Laziness is very cool thing, created hundreds of years ago and well functioning mechanism, but it is effective only in combination with a high IQ.
Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to fight
Sometimes the behavior of the person looks like laziness, but is not. An intelligent man in the beginning choose the most reasonable, adequate and effective way to perform, and then proceed to the task, because he knows that 80% of all work can be done in 20% of the allotted time for this. We do not take into account here perfectionists.
Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to fight
Usually people do not associate dedication and lazy, but just the desire to find a better solution that requires minimal effort - the highest form of manifestation of laziness.
Be lazy and enjoy life, but do not forget that there are different laziness. Do not fall for its provocations.
Author: Dmitry Grachev
Laziness is sometimes so strong that the person surrenders and obeys it. Laziness all-powerful and omnipresent, they say she was born long before us.
Laziness is often called the greatest human defect, but is it really bad? Let's see.

So, what is laziness.
By definition VI Dalia is: "Aversion to labor, from the case studies; inclination to idleness and parasitism. »
In fact, laziness is such a phenomenon can be considered much wider.
Consider a few basic options manifestation of laziness:
Laziness as a lack of motivation while failing to understand its purpose
There is a category of people that does not have any goals in life, they go with the flow, live only for today.
From a literary point of view, this is a typical Oblomov, a character from the novel by Ivan Goncharov's "Oblomov", included in the trilogy of "Ordinary Story". For those who have not read this epochal works a little talk about the plot. The novel tells the story of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He, along with his servant lives in St. Petersburg, hardly out of the house or even lying down on the couch. It does not work anywhere, do not engage in any activity, and only dreams of a comfortable and quiet life in his native estate Oblomovka. No problem can not move him.
Remember, as in the song "Raspizdyay" group Leningrad "And do not go to work and do not listen to the radio, and I will give bozhenka drink and eat».
Motivation at the subconscious level the person does not, conscious motivation either. Sometimes, in extreme cases, a person can bring himself to do something, but it happens very rarely.
Do you think that this is all some fun and intentional exaggeration?
I have a friend, a typical Oblomov. He grew up in a wealthy family, to live well, in a big way he had been taught, but to make, alas, no. Time passed, the boy grew up, graduated ... and gave it to the parents filed a lawsuit because they have refused to provide him and called him a parasite. After that there were such stories, that even write "Oblomov 2".
He never officially works only earns. At work he was officially do not want to take because it does not fulfill its promises and does not comply with labor discipline. If some fall to the money, he pulls them on the first day, even if the sum of 50 000-100 000. It is very scattered, can easily forget where something large sum of money or valuables.
One day, when he tried to get a good job with a decent salary, we have with him an interesting dialogue took place. He had come to work at 8 am, and it is of course, I came to dinner, and not every day. When I asked why he agreed to such conditions, if it can not come so early for work (he lives in and loves to sleep), he says to me: "I have agreed to pay, and not to work»
. There are opposite examples.
On a very human influences his environment and the society in which he grew up. The man who grew up in a family with low income believed that life norm. there was such a thing as a "working class" in the Soviet Union. Finished 8 classes of secondary school he went to the factory every day to get up on the factory whistles and so from day to day over a lifetime.
Now these stories too weight, including in Moscow. Such a person can be a wife (husband), children, small salary in the state organization, a room in a hostel. People are so accustomed to this kind of life, they do not want to change anything. Not that this does not spoil people as a stable low salary, they are in a comfort zone and do not want to change anything. And what is worse?
What is advised? With Oblomov clear, as they say here, "in the bag and an awl." In the second category more difficult for those people who grew up in poverty, orphan, or "bad neighborhood" often have a strong motivation to make their lives, or at least their children's lives better. And who grew up "in the comfort zone" so complicated.
Tip one:
Laziness as a defense mechanism.
Laziness - it is a very effective mechanism for refusing to perform work that does not bring benefits. As if the body runs continuously in power saving mode, mobilizing the energy where it is needed.
You'll never see a wild boar, which ran all day, and then says, I need to sit down to rest, I'm tired. Today, so many things happened.
Sloth appears when you do not know what to do this or that work, when the goal is not inspiring. When the goal you are trying to reach is important is you, out of laziness is no trace. Are you ready to work for hours without stopping to eat and sleep.
And if you feel that we ought to do, but do not want to get out of bed for this, then review the purpose of the exercise. Is it important to you?
Another aspect of reluctance to do something is when there is no clear understanding of what needs to be done. So sometimes you open taskmenedzher where the mass of overdue tasks, look at it, sigh, and will close. It happened with you? Or trying to do any one task and is constantly distracted. Here, the fact is that the brain does not know what to do and trying to switch to another, more than he understands the problem.
In the first case, stop using taskmenedzherami if they are not reading the logs at least once a day. A huge number of overdue tasks will only disappoint you in any way and will not contribute to productive work.
All people are different, it is impossible for everyone to create a universal method. If you are told that the compilation of the list of cases, the hard timing, technique tomatoes (Pomodoro), and other popular pieces - it's cool and Masthev not believe it! Try it for a month and will understand, it is right for you or not.
If the list is not yours, it is a good way to start is still something to do, this evening to consider and determine which tasks 5-6 tomorrow will bring you the greatest results in the morning and focus on them.
In the second case the objective will decomposition. It is necessary to break the goal to clear you and other implementing steps. For example, to conduct market research to understand the goal? For marketers certainly, but for the novice startups need further clarification, check list of necessary actions.
An interesting example of the therapist leads NV Karyagin
Imagine that a man too lazy to do sports. The more weight he gains, the more difficult to walk and less want to move. What happens if we remove this "fuse" as laziness? He lose weight, it will be nicer, will become more attractive and it will start to show interest in the opposite sex.
Here can be a problem. If he drew attention and began a relationship, you have to build those relationships, explore new roles. And it may happen that the relationship will be short-lived, and we must have the strength and the stability to survive the separation. Many people are so afraid to experience similar situations that do not start a relationship - is much safer and more comfortable condition. And then there with his sports =)
Laziness as a sign of genius.
Lazy Fellow - a good employee agree
? Many, probably, I do not check, but there is a large element of truth.
Richard Koch in his book "Manager 80/20" tells the story of a German Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, a member of the First and Second World Wars. He led blitzkrieg, quickly conquered by France, and then in command of the Wehrmacht Army XI, whose successful action in the Crimea against the Soviet army were crowned with the capture of Sevastopol in June 1942
Manstein shared their officers into four categories, depending on their mind, stupidity, laziness and diligence.
1. The first group
It's lazy and stupid officers. Leave them alone, they do not bring harm.
2. The second group
This smart and hard-working officers. They make wonderful staff officers that are not elude even the smallest details.
3. The third group
Hardworking stupid. These people are dangerous, they are loaded with all the necessary work completely. They should be shot on the spot.
4. The fourth group
Smart loafers. These people deserve the highest positions.
Thus, laziness itself is not an advantage, but it is very useful in combination with high levels of intelligence.
The famous British philosopher and social activist Bertrand Russell said:
"The way to happiness and prosperity lies through reduction of organized work»
How can this be achieved? In fact, we have full-time, it is more than enough. We just squander it on an exciting fight with the "problems" and pointless meetings.
Remember Ezenhaura matrix.
A. Important urgent business.
This last case, when you have to throw everything and start to put out the fire. It is better not to bring the case to such a state. When successfully completes an important and urgent matter, you feel a surge of strength and a lot of different emotions - joy, pride, satisfaction with the work done, but it takes a lot of effort and work for a long time in this mode can not be
. B. Non-urgent and important matters.
Current (planned) work, this category also includes planning affairs, training, development and anything that brings you closer to your goal. If you run a business in this category, then they can go to the square A and should be done in time pressure mode.
C. Urgent and unimportant.
Basically this kind of routine and unscheduled work or you're being asked to do work that is not part of your duties. This work does not lead you to the desired goal. For a long stay in this square is harmful. It is important not to confuse to do in this square with the affairs of the square A (important and urgent).
D. Non-urgent and unimportant.
This is the case, from which it is possible to refuse, because they do not bring the desired impact. It is watching television, idle talk, mindless Internet surfing, social networks (if you are not an expert SMM) provide all kinds of services and doing things not related to your immediate goals.
To be as productive as possible, try to focus on the square B. I, for example, a piece of paper lying on the desk, where this matrix is drawn and I occasionally ask myself: what am I squared
? It is smart and lazy are usually very creative people. Give them free, and they offer a lot of unconventional and original solutions to the problem with a single purpose - to make the task as quickly as possible and with a minimum of effort
. It is lazy and smart people we owe the invention of many innovations.
And if you still need to do and do not want to?
Sometimes it happens that we become lazy clever hostage in his own mind. Without sufficient motivation of the brain begins to strenuously resist out of the control zone, because it threatens his large energy losses during the development of new activities.
Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to fight
The important point, smarter than people, the more skillfully he justifies himself to himself and to others. I happened that I put SMART goal, but then tried to justify himself in front of him and refused to fulfill the purpose just because it does not pass by SMART, and on such exotic criterion as "the organic purpose", its relevance (relevant).
It also happens that we do not carry out the task set by the leadership, because believe that the task is set incorrectly or just stupid.
Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to fight
How to overcome resistance?
1. decomposed goal, break it into simple steps
2. Consider that the implementation of this goal will give you
3. Turn work into the game and come up with yourself rewards for each step
The article would not be complete if I did not tell about the last type of laziness.
Laziness as an external manifestation of fatigue.
Sometimes, no matter how cool the idea was not, there is no desire to do anything.
This does not mean that the goal is not important for us, just sometimes you need a break. I suggest a small excursion into the esoteric, to better deal with the question of why sometimes the energy is leaving us.
Lack of physical activity
Even if you are only intellectual activity, exercise a must, at least charge in the morning. As the saying goes, "no physical exertion begins to fall apart, not only the body but also the case." Reduced muscle tone, the body can not cope with the accumulated toxins, resulting in chronic fatigue syndrome. You do not run faster, as a result there are no forces. No physical or emotional or mental.
Lack of emotional stress
Think soap operas and transfer only look stupid women?
I hasten to disappoint you, this is not always the case. We (men) watch the World Cup, not because we can not live without the ball? In this case, we would have ran through the stadium. We all need emotions, and different.
Sometimes we swear by the lack of negative emotions, the main thing is not to pour the emotions of other people. It is better to watch a movie or read a book, causing a variety of strong emotions, but do not try on them to yourself - it's not your life. I usually look at art house cinemas, author and festival movies, mostly drama. You sit, you experience, but you know that to you it has nothing to do. Then just go about their business and do not remember.
Some people like to watch the news and politics in order to tickle your nerves. However, all is good in moderation, do not fold the stick, or else risk becoming a grouch and a loser.
Lack of intellectual load
Despite the fact that every day we are faced with a huge amount of information, the lack of intellectual load - a scourge of the modern world. Our minds are filled to capacity, it processes a huge amount of data, but it all - idling. Even the slightest difficulty cause severe stress and irritation.
We are easy to read dozens of public or sites on the Internet in search of some fun anecdotes, seals, quotes, advice, you can apply any of the techniques or tips offered on these sites. We need to get used to learn from their experience and not from books. Do not confuse a large number of viewing information from mental activity. It is necessary to use tools such as analysis, synthesis, analogy. Before reading always asked myself: why should I read this information? how can I use it in your life?
Lack of intellectual load reduces the number of neural connections in the brain, which is one of the causes of aging, disease, depression, memory impairment and reduction of will.
Some advise to play chess, crossword puzzles and crossword puzzles. It is certainly useful, but in the first case you develop logic, and in the other memory. Not a single neural connection is not there. New connections occur only with the development of new skills and the decision-trivial tasks. All this is abundantly available to those who are trying to qualitatively change their lives and get out of your comfort zone.
Do not confuse laziness and idleness.
Idleness is not always caused by laziness. Sometimes a person simply has no purpose, he lives aimlessly, not understand the purpose of their existence. It does not do anything and it suits all day long.
So, let's sum up. Laziness is very cool thing, created hundreds of years ago and well functioning mechanism, but it is effective only in combination with a high IQ.
Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to fight
Sometimes the behavior of the person looks like laziness, but is not. An intelligent man in the beginning choose the most reasonable, adequate and effective way to perform, and then proceed to the task, because he knows that 80% of all work can be done in 20% of the allotted time for this. We do not take into account here perfectionists.
Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 kinds of laziness and whether it is necessary to fight
Usually people do not associate dedication and lazy, but just the desire to find a better solution that requires minimal effort - the highest form of manifestation of laziness.
Be lazy and enjoy life, but do not forget that there are different laziness. Do not fall for its provocations.
Author: Dmitry Grachev
6 natural products, which will result in the order of the hormonal system
Trout baked in cream. Very fast and easy