Why we are lazy and what to do
Dmitry Galantsev psychologist talks about the 5 most common causes of laziness and explains how to cope with it:
1. Lack of motivation
It is most often show signs of laziness. A typical example of this type of laziness is a situation when a person realizes that it is necessary to perform a particular job, but can not bring himself to. There is a reluctance to do something. Or the desire to do something. People literally feel the internal resistance and struggle.
In psychology this phenomenon is sometimes referred to as conflict of independent units of consciousness or intrapersonal conflict. Human personality can be represented as a set of sub-personalities, each of them wants something and for something aspire. If their intentions are opposite, the man really is "torn apart", because each subpersonality will pull it to your side.
What to do:
In the process of working with this type of laziness, efforts should be made in two ways. On the one hand - to increase motivation, and on the other - to eliminate the internal conflict in the sub-personalities level, literally agreeing with them
. The simplest, but very effective exercise, aimed at increasing the motivation is as follows: do you define those activities that engage your laziness. Thereafter, by repeatedly asking the question, "For what do I need to perform this activity?", How you would associate a specific activity with a very desirable goal of a larger scale.
Suppose you are too lazy to learn English. You ask yourself the question: "For what I have to teach him?" - And the answer: "For to be able to read English literature and communicate with native speakers." Again, ask yourself the question: "For what it is necessary to read the English-language literature and communicate with native speakers?" In response to get: "In order to get an MBA degree from Harvard University," ... "Why ...?" ... - "To tenfold increase salaries ... To secure the future of children ... To be happy. " As a result, you have a bunch instead "learn English to learn English," will form the new - "to learn English to be happy." Agree, the second is much more motivated than the first.
With regard to the elimination of the internal conflict - pay attention to the development of modern NLP. The essence of the conflicts in this case will be to identify the intentions of each of the sub-personalities and adjusting the method of its practical implementation in life.
2. Fear
Often the cause of laziness is the fear. And no matter what kind - fear of the unknown or fear, based on previous negative experiences. Sometimes people are not afraid of something negative, but rather, notoriety, fame, success - all that pulls people from their traditional way of life
. A common view is that you just need to overcome the fear, fractures themselves. "Do not be afraid" - told us. "You that weak?" - Trying to motivate us friends. I do not agree and I think that this tactic can be destructive. At climbers have a saying: one who was not afraid, no longer with us. And this is true, because fear has a positive side - it protects us from the stupid, arrogant behavior. That is why you should not take fear as an enemy with whom it is necessary to fight and which must be overcome - at times it is perceived as a friend, which does not allow us to do something, not "having spread straw»
. What to do:
Effective work is to improve the overall self-confidence and the ability to predict the possible difficulties that will appear in the process of an activity, and to think of ways to resolve them. Of course, all potentially possible difficulties impossible to predict, but in the process of thinking you mentally like putting yourself in this activity than correcting a significant level of fear.
In situations where a person has a previous negative experience overall improvement in confidence and prediction scenarios with regard may not be enough.
But do not despair. At the moment, there are therapeutic techniques to effectively work through past negative experiences. Most often, they are based on the idea, in which the past - this is not what happened to us and what we do with what happened to us. On this basis, any event that occurs in a person's life, which was originally completely neutral - positive or negative it makes the man himself. The technique allows to overestimate the event, taking into account past experience and the availability of other points of view.
3. Lack of energy
It is only logical that the lack of energy may be due to fear and lack of motivation, and much more. But more often it is a result of three factors: insufficient amount of sleep, poor eating habits and lack of regular physical activity. The adjustment of these parameters enables dramatically to get rid of this type of laziness.
What to do:
I will focus only on the most important points. The importance of sleep is difficult to overestimate sleep you need at least 7-8 hours. In the formation of the diet it is recommended to adhere to three rules: do not eat fried, fatty and starchy foods, while regularly taking vitamin and mineral supplements. Physical activity must be present in the mandatory life because, on the one hand, it can effectively cope with daily stress, and on the other - significantly increases the overall level of vigor. It does not matter what it will be physical activity: running, Weight Training, Soccer, Yoga. You are free to choose what you like, the main thing - to have regular employment.
The same type includes a situation where laziness - it is simply a defensive reaction against overvoltage. In this case, the solution is very simple - to lie down and rest
. 4. Individual feature
Perhaps the most striking example - a typical strategy for students preparing for exams - the night before the exam, although it would seem far more logical to spread this process over a longer period of time. That is, a person needs to bring the situation to a very high level of mental stress, and when it exceeds a certain "bar", a person begins to be active.
What to do:
Basically, if you are such a feature does not interfere with it, you can do nothing. Another thing - if it starts to hurt you. In this case it is best to act banal planning and accurate execution of the plan. For example, you know that you need to prepare for a presentation and you have to have it 30 days.
At the same time you give yourself a report that if nothing is done, then begin to prepare for the presentation in exactly 29 days. Next, you simply highlight itself, for example, to 30 minutes a day to complete the task. At this time, you forbid yourself doing anything else other than the presentation. It is important to understand that you do not expect that you will visit the inspiration, you do not expect that you will megamotivirovany - you just 30 minutes a day engaged in preparation for the presentation. As a result, with great probability the level of your training in this case will be very different from the usual.
5. Deep psychological causes
In this case we are often talking about psychological trauma and negative scenarios received in childhood. All this was write a lot: for example, Eric Berne in his book "The people who play games" and "Games People Play" Mikhail Reshetnikov in the book "Psychic trauma»
. What to do:
Unfortunately, self-efficient operation with this type of laziness is almost impossible. The only correct way - to find a good therapist or doctor. State reluctance to do anything can be a manifestation of mental (depression, neurosis) or physical (hypertension, endocrine problems) disease. At long apathy and depression, it makes sense to see a doctor, because the vast majority of these diseases can be cured.
1. Lack of motivation
It is most often show signs of laziness. A typical example of this type of laziness is a situation when a person realizes that it is necessary to perform a particular job, but can not bring himself to. There is a reluctance to do something. Or the desire to do something. People literally feel the internal resistance and struggle.
In psychology this phenomenon is sometimes referred to as conflict of independent units of consciousness or intrapersonal conflict. Human personality can be represented as a set of sub-personalities, each of them wants something and for something aspire. If their intentions are opposite, the man really is "torn apart", because each subpersonality will pull it to your side.

What to do:
In the process of working with this type of laziness, efforts should be made in two ways. On the one hand - to increase motivation, and on the other - to eliminate the internal conflict in the sub-personalities level, literally agreeing with them
. The simplest, but very effective exercise, aimed at increasing the motivation is as follows: do you define those activities that engage your laziness. Thereafter, by repeatedly asking the question, "For what do I need to perform this activity?", How you would associate a specific activity with a very desirable goal of a larger scale.
Suppose you are too lazy to learn English. You ask yourself the question: "For what I have to teach him?" - And the answer: "For to be able to read English literature and communicate with native speakers." Again, ask yourself the question: "For what it is necessary to read the English-language literature and communicate with native speakers?" In response to get: "In order to get an MBA degree from Harvard University," ... "Why ...?" ... - "To tenfold increase salaries ... To secure the future of children ... To be happy. " As a result, you have a bunch instead "learn English to learn English," will form the new - "to learn English to be happy." Agree, the second is much more motivated than the first.
With regard to the elimination of the internal conflict - pay attention to the development of modern NLP. The essence of the conflicts in this case will be to identify the intentions of each of the sub-personalities and adjusting the method of its practical implementation in life.
2. Fear
Often the cause of laziness is the fear. And no matter what kind - fear of the unknown or fear, based on previous negative experiences. Sometimes people are not afraid of something negative, but rather, notoriety, fame, success - all that pulls people from their traditional way of life
. A common view is that you just need to overcome the fear, fractures themselves. "Do not be afraid" - told us. "You that weak?" - Trying to motivate us friends. I do not agree and I think that this tactic can be destructive. At climbers have a saying: one who was not afraid, no longer with us. And this is true, because fear has a positive side - it protects us from the stupid, arrogant behavior. That is why you should not take fear as an enemy with whom it is necessary to fight and which must be overcome - at times it is perceived as a friend, which does not allow us to do something, not "having spread straw»
. What to do:
Effective work is to improve the overall self-confidence and the ability to predict the possible difficulties that will appear in the process of an activity, and to think of ways to resolve them. Of course, all potentially possible difficulties impossible to predict, but in the process of thinking you mentally like putting yourself in this activity than correcting a significant level of fear.
In situations where a person has a previous negative experience overall improvement in confidence and prediction scenarios with regard may not be enough.
But do not despair. At the moment, there are therapeutic techniques to effectively work through past negative experiences. Most often, they are based on the idea, in which the past - this is not what happened to us and what we do with what happened to us. On this basis, any event that occurs in a person's life, which was originally completely neutral - positive or negative it makes the man himself. The technique allows to overestimate the event, taking into account past experience and the availability of other points of view.
3. Lack of energy
It is only logical that the lack of energy may be due to fear and lack of motivation, and much more. But more often it is a result of three factors: insufficient amount of sleep, poor eating habits and lack of regular physical activity. The adjustment of these parameters enables dramatically to get rid of this type of laziness.
What to do:
I will focus only on the most important points. The importance of sleep is difficult to overestimate sleep you need at least 7-8 hours. In the formation of the diet it is recommended to adhere to three rules: do not eat fried, fatty and starchy foods, while regularly taking vitamin and mineral supplements. Physical activity must be present in the mandatory life because, on the one hand, it can effectively cope with daily stress, and on the other - significantly increases the overall level of vigor. It does not matter what it will be physical activity: running, Weight Training, Soccer, Yoga. You are free to choose what you like, the main thing - to have regular employment.
The same type includes a situation where laziness - it is simply a defensive reaction against overvoltage. In this case, the solution is very simple - to lie down and rest
. 4. Individual feature
Perhaps the most striking example - a typical strategy for students preparing for exams - the night before the exam, although it would seem far more logical to spread this process over a longer period of time. That is, a person needs to bring the situation to a very high level of mental stress, and when it exceeds a certain "bar", a person begins to be active.
What to do:
Basically, if you are such a feature does not interfere with it, you can do nothing. Another thing - if it starts to hurt you. In this case it is best to act banal planning and accurate execution of the plan. For example, you know that you need to prepare for a presentation and you have to have it 30 days.
At the same time you give yourself a report that if nothing is done, then begin to prepare for the presentation in exactly 29 days. Next, you simply highlight itself, for example, to 30 minutes a day to complete the task. At this time, you forbid yourself doing anything else other than the presentation. It is important to understand that you do not expect that you will visit the inspiration, you do not expect that you will megamotivirovany - you just 30 minutes a day engaged in preparation for the presentation. As a result, with great probability the level of your training in this case will be very different from the usual.
5. Deep psychological causes
In this case we are often talking about psychological trauma and negative scenarios received in childhood. All this was write a lot: for example, Eric Berne in his book "The people who play games" and "Games People Play" Mikhail Reshetnikov in the book "Psychic trauma»
. What to do:
Unfortunately, self-efficient operation with this type of laziness is almost impossible. The only correct way - to find a good therapist or doctor. State reluctance to do anything can be a manifestation of mental (depression, neurosis) or physical (hypertension, endocrine problems) disease. At long apathy and depression, it makes sense to see a doctor, because the vast majority of these diseases can be cured.
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