As the subconscious mind forms the fate
Long before the birth of psychoanalysis, the great Greek physicians Aesculapius and Hippocrates were aware of the existence of the so-called "inner mind". This was written and Paracelsus. In the twentieth century Sigmund Freud in the human mind have identified several "layers": ego, ID, superego and preconscious, reserving to each certain functions. Freud's model has played very important role in the development of psychotherapy and psychology.
Then began to appear other models: Jungian psychoanalysis, automatic writing, Dr. Mel, the cybernetic Wiener model, behavioural model, Gestalt therapy, transactional analysis, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis.
Nand date, psychotherapists and psychologists have come to believe that the human mind can be divided into two parts:conscious mind and unconscious mind (subconscious). And each of them capable of independent thought. As you know, this division is conditional. Man is an integral being. Personally, I believe that the subconscious mind is the part of the unknown and unknowable until the end human beings that should strive to solve.
For example, at the moment, reading these lines, you see a page and printed on it in capital letter, try to understand the meaning of words and at the same time be able to hear certain sounds, feel the temperature of the ambient air, to experience certain sensations in your hands and other parts of the body. And may notice that has your breath and the sensations in the muscles of the body. What happened?
It turns out that until that moment, until I pointed out to you on all these feelings and sounds, you are not consciously perceived. But your subconscious mind would accept them and much more. It is obvious that the perception of the unconscious mind is much wider and deeper. Because the subconscious mind perceives REALITY itself.
Moreover, our subconscious mind as information and energy system, contains information about any event in any point of the Universe. As each cell is encoded at the genetic level information about the whole organism and every person contains information about the Universe of which he is. The universe, God is a single organism, and each of us performs to its specific functions.
The subconscious mind is like the submerged part of the iceberg, it is much more consciousness and at the same time hidden from us. The subconscious stores all the information about our lives, recorded on "tracks" of five human senses. A memory mechanism, control of all bodily functions via Central nervous system, reflexes and instincts, mechanically, actions and habits, a product of the thoughts and behavior — this is not a complete list of the services provided by us to the subconscious mind. So let's cease to fight it and find in him a faithful ally.
For successful work with the subconscious, you need to know about some features of his "character."
The first (and most important) — CREATING AND MAINTAINING models of the WORLD. It is our subconscious mind using a specific program, creates a unique for every human being model of Reality. And in light of this function, clear and others.
Protective function
Now that your world is created, it is necessary to support, protect. No matter where you are and what you do — the inner mind not for a moment lose vigilance. He is our faithful protector. But often we allow it to become our jailer, and then he does not allow us to go beyond the boundaries they created world. With the best of intentions, taking care of our mind.
Managing vital functions of the body
The subconscious mind via the brain, through the Central and peripheral nervous system oversees everything that is happening in the body. So, in the state of hypnotic trance, a suggestion you can change the temperature, pulse, blood pressure, speed up the healing process.
Many have witnessed stage hypnotists making people in trance to fall off the stage, or pierce the skin without health effects, or perform actions which are impossible in the state of normal awareness.
But hypnosis and self-hypnosis can be used in more useful way. For example, if during surgery the patient is under anesthesia, to make certain way the desired suggestion, the postoperative period passes without complications is greatly reduced.
Another function — the CREATION of a PERSONAL HISTORY (FATE). The subconscious mind deals with our very birth. The subconscious stores all the information about our lives and about the lives of our ancestors. A certain relation to themselves and the world we receive at birth. It is transmitted to us subconsciously from our parents. Then as we Mature, gain experience, and our conscious attitude to the surrounding world is constantly changing, but the subconscious can adhere to the views formed at the beginning of life.
If your child was an event that made a strong impression on you, you should know that some part of your subconscious mind still sees the incident through the eyes of a child and has an impact on your life. It is therefore very important to review personal history and change the subconscious attitude of many events of the past.
Here is an example from my practice. To me on reception came 17-year-old boy. He was afraid to go in trolley buses and buses, in subways and elevators. As soon as he went into the transport, he became not on itself. And he was not aware of the reason for this behaviour. But just because nothing is happening. I taught him to communicate with the subconscious mind, and he asked the first question about whether it was in his life an event which was the reason for the formation of such conduct.
The answer was in the affirmative. Then a series of questions we found out a particular event. It happened when he was eight years old. Parents punished him for some offense and locked for a long time in a dark closet. A few years later, because of some little hooligan offense, he went to the police and spent the night alone in the detention cell.
And since then, his fears because the subconscious has connected these two events and made certain conclusions: closed space may become a threat to his freedom. Realizing the causes, we were able to easily cope with the problem. Interestingly, after the session he had a long and enjoy riding in the bus, while it is simply not enough.
The mechanism of memory is also run by the subconscious. It was there that "removed" and stores the movie of our lives, recorded on "tracks" of five human senses. Using hypnosis or self hypnosis, it's easy to reproduce fragments of this film. Often the roots of a disease or problem must be sought in the events of the past. Because then, in the past, we've driven deep into the emotional pain, trying to forget what it was. Thus we lose conscious control. And this "pain" sitting in the subconscious for years, getting out in certain situations, bringing pain and suffering.
Subconscious mind all the information coming from the outside, perceives literally
For example, a doctor who failed to cure the patient or simply not knowing of other treatment methods, can say: "Sorry, but I think the medicine here is powerless." And the patient may stop treatment, being sure that his disease is incurable. In modern medicine, many diseases classified as "incurable". But you should know that they are incurable those of the known methods, which tries to treat our official medicine. Any disease becomes curable when the person is ready to take responsibility for the problem.
How often have you had to use such phrases as "I'm sick of this...", "don't take it personally...", "I just do not digest" etc. Here is an example from practice.
To me on reception came a middle-aged woman, who complained of profuse salivation and an unpleasant taste in the mouth, following her everywhere. She passed all the tests, the survey took place practically at all specialists, but no pathology was revealed. In desperation, she came to me.
Having learned to communicate with the subconscious mind, the patient told me the story about how six months ago she had a fight with her best friend, enrolling in relation to it extremely unfair, but did not want to admit they were wrong. The story really was not pleasant. And ending it, she uttered this phrase: "This event left me with an extremely bad taste".
Looking at me with surprise, the woman exclaimed: "Doctor! Is this the reason?" She answered his question. I advised her to go to the former friend, to tell everything and ask for forgiveness. After a while this woman came to me and shared his joy. She is once again able to enjoy food and restored good relations with a friend. And expressed a desire to work on other problems.
How often I have to hear from patients following sentence: "Doctor! I have a whole bunch of diseases!" In such cases, I always ask if they like flowers? "And how, doctor. We love flowers!" — they answer. So maybe that's why you gather all your diseases in a large bouquet — because you like them? Because you like to indulge their weakness, self-pity. That's why you like when meeting with friends to discuss their "flower beds" of sores. And then don't be surprised that this 'flower' blooms and every year there are new "flowers".
Independent thinking
The subconscious mind is able to decide what information to teach us, something dropping, something distorted, something generalizing. But he does it in accordance with our program of behavior, in line with our positive intentions.
For example, a three year old girl, carelessly swinging on the rocking chair falls with him. After that, she's afraid to sit not only on chairs but also on chairs too. Children's subconscious does not know the difference between a chair and an armchair. For him, the objects on which sit. It summarizes all the subjects for the seat. In this case, causing the fear of chairs, the subconscious performs a protective function for the child. Later, when the child makes a distinction between rocking chair and chair, his fear of chairs is.
Another example, but from the lives of adults. The woman, once deceived or insulted a close male concludes, summarizing: "All men are bastards" or "No decent man". And now in her personal life there are such men as all thoughts literally attract these men. And even if a man will treat her respectfully and show signs of attention, still the subconscious mind will distort information.
I have an appointment sitting couple. Husband, absolutely convinced that does not deserve other people's attention, complains that his wife does not show him any marks of attention and care. Talk long enough with them, I was convinced that his wife, on the contrary, treated him with care and respect and showed them a certain way.
But because these symptoms interfered with his generalization in relation to their own values, he literally did not hear the words of his wife. When I drew his attention to certain statements of his wife, he said he had not heard that she told him so. When I literally forced him to notice the attentions of his wife, then he distorted them, saying, "She says, because it wants something from me."
"Maybe inside we sit in someone else?" — you will ask. Of course not. The human person is a holistic person, And the division of the consciousness and subconsciousness of probation. This separation is just a way to talk about the unknown side of the human personality. Just each of us is unknown and not knowable region, making us, the people, mysterious creatures. And we should strive to unravel this mystery at any cost. Moreover, it affects our life.
Force to cause good or how dangerous the role of rescuerReset itself
All problems in humans (disease, stress) is a result of conscious desires and subconscious intentions. The fact is that our subconscious mind knows a lot more about ourselves and about our vital intent. Also, remember, the subconscious mind is directly connected with the REALITY or with God. And our inner mind is your contribution to the process of the Universal evolution.
Therefore it is very important to match, the harmony between the conscious and subconscious.published
©Sinelnikov V. V.
Source: solium.ru/forum/showthread.php?p=177419#post177419
Then began to appear other models: Jungian psychoanalysis, automatic writing, Dr. Mel, the cybernetic Wiener model, behavioural model, Gestalt therapy, transactional analysis, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis.
Nand date, psychotherapists and psychologists have come to believe that the human mind can be divided into two parts:conscious mind and unconscious mind (subconscious). And each of them capable of independent thought. As you know, this division is conditional. Man is an integral being. Personally, I believe that the subconscious mind is the part of the unknown and unknowable until the end human beings that should strive to solve.

For example, at the moment, reading these lines, you see a page and printed on it in capital letter, try to understand the meaning of words and at the same time be able to hear certain sounds, feel the temperature of the ambient air, to experience certain sensations in your hands and other parts of the body. And may notice that has your breath and the sensations in the muscles of the body. What happened?
It turns out that until that moment, until I pointed out to you on all these feelings and sounds, you are not consciously perceived. But your subconscious mind would accept them and much more. It is obvious that the perception of the unconscious mind is much wider and deeper. Because the subconscious mind perceives REALITY itself.
Moreover, our subconscious mind as information and energy system, contains information about any event in any point of the Universe. As each cell is encoded at the genetic level information about the whole organism and every person contains information about the Universe of which he is. The universe, God is a single organism, and each of us performs to its specific functions.
The subconscious mind is like the submerged part of the iceberg, it is much more consciousness and at the same time hidden from us. The subconscious stores all the information about our lives, recorded on "tracks" of five human senses. A memory mechanism, control of all bodily functions via Central nervous system, reflexes and instincts, mechanically, actions and habits, a product of the thoughts and behavior — this is not a complete list of the services provided by us to the subconscious mind. So let's cease to fight it and find in him a faithful ally.
For successful work with the subconscious, you need to know about some features of his "character."
The first (and most important) — CREATING AND MAINTAINING models of the WORLD. It is our subconscious mind using a specific program, creates a unique for every human being model of Reality. And in light of this function, clear and others.

Protective function
Now that your world is created, it is necessary to support, protect. No matter where you are and what you do — the inner mind not for a moment lose vigilance. He is our faithful protector. But often we allow it to become our jailer, and then he does not allow us to go beyond the boundaries they created world. With the best of intentions, taking care of our mind.
Managing vital functions of the body
The subconscious mind via the brain, through the Central and peripheral nervous system oversees everything that is happening in the body. So, in the state of hypnotic trance, a suggestion you can change the temperature, pulse, blood pressure, speed up the healing process.
Many have witnessed stage hypnotists making people in trance to fall off the stage, or pierce the skin without health effects, or perform actions which are impossible in the state of normal awareness.
But hypnosis and self-hypnosis can be used in more useful way. For example, if during surgery the patient is under anesthesia, to make certain way the desired suggestion, the postoperative period passes without complications is greatly reduced.
Another function — the CREATION of a PERSONAL HISTORY (FATE). The subconscious mind deals with our very birth. The subconscious stores all the information about our lives and about the lives of our ancestors. A certain relation to themselves and the world we receive at birth. It is transmitted to us subconsciously from our parents. Then as we Mature, gain experience, and our conscious attitude to the surrounding world is constantly changing, but the subconscious can adhere to the views formed at the beginning of life.
If your child was an event that made a strong impression on you, you should know that some part of your subconscious mind still sees the incident through the eyes of a child and has an impact on your life. It is therefore very important to review personal history and change the subconscious attitude of many events of the past.
Here is an example from my practice. To me on reception came 17-year-old boy. He was afraid to go in trolley buses and buses, in subways and elevators. As soon as he went into the transport, he became not on itself. And he was not aware of the reason for this behaviour. But just because nothing is happening. I taught him to communicate with the subconscious mind, and he asked the first question about whether it was in his life an event which was the reason for the formation of such conduct.
The answer was in the affirmative. Then a series of questions we found out a particular event. It happened when he was eight years old. Parents punished him for some offense and locked for a long time in a dark closet. A few years later, because of some little hooligan offense, he went to the police and spent the night alone in the detention cell.
And since then, his fears because the subconscious has connected these two events and made certain conclusions: closed space may become a threat to his freedom. Realizing the causes, we were able to easily cope with the problem. Interestingly, after the session he had a long and enjoy riding in the bus, while it is simply not enough.
The mechanism of memory is also run by the subconscious. It was there that "removed" and stores the movie of our lives, recorded on "tracks" of five human senses. Using hypnosis or self hypnosis, it's easy to reproduce fragments of this film. Often the roots of a disease or problem must be sought in the events of the past. Because then, in the past, we've driven deep into the emotional pain, trying to forget what it was. Thus we lose conscious control. And this "pain" sitting in the subconscious for years, getting out in certain situations, bringing pain and suffering.
Subconscious mind all the information coming from the outside, perceives literally
For example, a doctor who failed to cure the patient or simply not knowing of other treatment methods, can say: "Sorry, but I think the medicine here is powerless." And the patient may stop treatment, being sure that his disease is incurable. In modern medicine, many diseases classified as "incurable". But you should know that they are incurable those of the known methods, which tries to treat our official medicine. Any disease becomes curable when the person is ready to take responsibility for the problem.
How often have you had to use such phrases as "I'm sick of this...", "don't take it personally...", "I just do not digest" etc. Here is an example from practice.
To me on reception came a middle-aged woman, who complained of profuse salivation and an unpleasant taste in the mouth, following her everywhere. She passed all the tests, the survey took place practically at all specialists, but no pathology was revealed. In desperation, she came to me.
Having learned to communicate with the subconscious mind, the patient told me the story about how six months ago she had a fight with her best friend, enrolling in relation to it extremely unfair, but did not want to admit they were wrong. The story really was not pleasant. And ending it, she uttered this phrase: "This event left me with an extremely bad taste".
Looking at me with surprise, the woman exclaimed: "Doctor! Is this the reason?" She answered his question. I advised her to go to the former friend, to tell everything and ask for forgiveness. After a while this woman came to me and shared his joy. She is once again able to enjoy food and restored good relations with a friend. And expressed a desire to work on other problems.
How often I have to hear from patients following sentence: "Doctor! I have a whole bunch of diseases!" In such cases, I always ask if they like flowers? "And how, doctor. We love flowers!" — they answer. So maybe that's why you gather all your diseases in a large bouquet — because you like them? Because you like to indulge their weakness, self-pity. That's why you like when meeting with friends to discuss their "flower beds" of sores. And then don't be surprised that this 'flower' blooms and every year there are new "flowers".
Independent thinking
The subconscious mind is able to decide what information to teach us, something dropping, something distorted, something generalizing. But he does it in accordance with our program of behavior, in line with our positive intentions.
For example, a three year old girl, carelessly swinging on the rocking chair falls with him. After that, she's afraid to sit not only on chairs but also on chairs too. Children's subconscious does not know the difference between a chair and an armchair. For him, the objects on which sit. It summarizes all the subjects for the seat. In this case, causing the fear of chairs, the subconscious performs a protective function for the child. Later, when the child makes a distinction between rocking chair and chair, his fear of chairs is.
Another example, but from the lives of adults. The woman, once deceived or insulted a close male concludes, summarizing: "All men are bastards" or "No decent man". And now in her personal life there are such men as all thoughts literally attract these men. And even if a man will treat her respectfully and show signs of attention, still the subconscious mind will distort information.
I have an appointment sitting couple. Husband, absolutely convinced that does not deserve other people's attention, complains that his wife does not show him any marks of attention and care. Talk long enough with them, I was convinced that his wife, on the contrary, treated him with care and respect and showed them a certain way.
But because these symptoms interfered with his generalization in relation to their own values, he literally did not hear the words of his wife. When I drew his attention to certain statements of his wife, he said he had not heard that she told him so. When I literally forced him to notice the attentions of his wife, then he distorted them, saying, "She says, because it wants something from me."
"Maybe inside we sit in someone else?" — you will ask. Of course not. The human person is a holistic person, And the division of the consciousness and subconsciousness of probation. This separation is just a way to talk about the unknown side of the human personality. Just each of us is unknown and not knowable region, making us, the people, mysterious creatures. And we should strive to unravel this mystery at any cost. Moreover, it affects our life.
Force to cause good or how dangerous the role of rescuerReset itself
All problems in humans (disease, stress) is a result of conscious desires and subconscious intentions. The fact is that our subconscious mind knows a lot more about ourselves and about our vital intent. Also, remember, the subconscious mind is directly connected with the REALITY or with God. And our inner mind is your contribution to the process of the Universal evolution.
Therefore it is very important to match, the harmony between the conscious and subconscious.published
©Sinelnikov V. V.
Source: solium.ru/forum/showthread.php?p=177419#post177419
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